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为研究沉水植被对水流结构的影响,以苦草为对象,利用实验室水槽实验研究了含淹没水生植被水流时均流速、雷诺应力及紊动能的垂向分布特征。受苦草冠层的影响,时均流速在冠顶以上呈对数分布,且随着流量的增加,冠层倾伏高度降低,对数剖面愈加明显;冠层内部,由于冠层阻流面积在垂向分布上的差异,冠层内时均流速出现逆梯度分布,且在床面附近出现局部流速最大值。雷诺应力在冠顶附近达到最大值,并向水面与床底方向逐渐减小;受逆流速梯度的影响,冠层内部雷诺应力出现负值以及局部最大值。雷诺应力产生的剪切紊动使得紊动能在冠顶处最大,并向水面与床底进行垂向传输;受紊动传输距离的限制,冠层底部以叶片后产生的尾流紊动为主,紊动能较小。 相似文献
Roughness elements are various in a mountain area; they include gravel and ground surface vegetation that often result in surface friction drag to resist overland flows. The variation and characteristics of flow resistance strongly impact the overland flow process and watershed floods. In view of the universal existence of natural vegetation, such as Chlorophytum malayense (CM) or Ophiopogon bodinieri (OB), and the sand-gravel bed of the river channel, it is important to understand the role of different types of roughness elements in flow resistance. This study was performed to investigate and compare through flume experiments the behaviors of overland flow resistance by the reaction of multi-scale configuration of different roughness elements. The result showed that the resistance coefficient gradually reduced versus the increase of flow rate in unit width and tended to be a constant when q = 3.0 l/s.m, Fr = 1.0, and Re = 4000 for slopes of 6 to 10 degrees. The gap of the vegetated rough bed and the gravel rough bed is limited to the same as the gap of the two types of vegetation, CM and OB. It was noted that the vegetation contributed to the increase in form resistance negatively and may lead to the mean resistance on decrease. To classify the flow pattern, the laminar flows were described by Darcy-Weisbach's equation. In the study the f-Re equation of vegetated bed was developed with $ f=5000 / R e $. The friction coefficient for laminar flows can be regarded as the critical value for identifying the transformation point of the flow pattern. 相似文献
阶梯-深潭系统的水力特性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
阶梯-深潭系统是山区河流中常见的河床形态,具有稳定河床和消能减灾的作用,其水力特性较为复杂。在温峡水库下游温峡河修建典型的阶梯-深潭系统开展野外实验以研究阶梯-深潭系统的水力特性。利用先进的高频声学多普勒流速仪测量阶梯-深潭系统阶梯上游、阶梯上、深潭中和沿深泓线的水力特性。实验在10 L/s、50 L/s、100 L/s、150 L/s、290 L/s 和 420 L/s 6种流量工况下进行。实验结果表明:阶梯-深潭系统流场尤其是深潭流场具有很强的三维性,阶梯上与深潭中水力特性相差很大。阶梯上沿流向的时均流速远大于横向和垂向的时均流速,三向紊动强度处在一个量级且较小。深潭中的时均流速比阶梯上小,但紊动强度远大于阶梯,紊动强度随流量变大增大。实验工况下,阶梯上的相对紊动强度在0.1左右,深潭中则最大超过8.0。随着水流从阶梯上跌入深潭,机械能大量转化为紊动能消耗。实验流量范围内,雷诺应力随流量小幅增大,深潭中的雷诺应力约为阶梯上的50倍。阶梯-深潭系统消能率在实验工况下为64%~91%。 相似文献
大量波流相互作用的实验表明,当波浪顺流传播时,平均水面附近的流速减小,而当波浪逆流传播时,平均水面附近的流速增加.为了从理论上解释这种现象,从垂向二维Navier-Stokes方程出发,推导出波浪、潮流共同作用下的水流控制方程;采用微幅波理论简化控制方程,并引入Grant-Madsen波流边界层模型,得到波流共同作用下的紊动切应力及流速垂线分布表达式.通过和实验结果及数值结果的对比,结果预测值和实测值较为吻合,表明公式能反映波高变化及涡粘系数共同对流速垂线分布的影响,且简单实用.利用该公式分析了波浪顺流、逆流流速变化的原因. 相似文献
对挡潮闸枢纽中矩形中孔、底孔鱼道中紊流结构进行了较为系统的试验研究,并做了放鱼试验。选择了一种鱼类偏爱流速所对应的流量作为典型流量,考虑了不同的孔口位置(中孔和底孔),用声学多普勒测速仪(ADV)量测了测点的三维瞬时流速及流向,分析了矩形孔口鱼道的三维时均流速分布特征、断面最大流速沿程变化规律、流速矢量场、紊动强度分布及雷诺应力分布。此外,还通过放鱼试验,利用在鱼体植入T形标签和高速摄影机观察了过鱼对象对中孔、底孔的反应情况,分析了过鱼对象与矩形孔口鱼道紊流结构的关系。试验结果表明:水流经中孔形成三维紊动自由射流,经底孔形成三维壁面射流,中孔纵向流速呈高斯分布,而底孔纵向流速则近似为高斯分布,流速由孔口向两侧逐渐减小;中孔和底孔横向流速在位于孔口范围内的纵剖面上沿程减小,孔口之外则变化较小;中孔和底孔垂向流速分布特征表现为在铅垂方向上均存在旋涡;在中孔水平面和纵剖面上,纵向最大流速均沿程衰减;中孔和底孔情形孔口处紊动强度和雷诺应力比非孔口处大得多,而非孔口处不同水深平面上紊动强度和雷诺应力变化趋于平缓;过鱼对象喜爱在紊动强度分布的峰值区和雷诺应力较大变幅区溯游。 相似文献
Turbulent and Macro-turbulent Structures Developed in the Benthic Boundary Layer Downstream of Topographic Features 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. N. Le Couturier N. T. Grochowski A. Heathershaw E. Oikonomou M. B. Collins 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2000,50(6):817
The characteristics and effects of large-scale flow structures developed in the benthic boundary layer downstream from large topographic features were analysed throughout a tidal cycle. The observed signature of the macro-turbulent features consisted of streamwise modules of low horizontal velocity and high suspended sediment concentration (SSC), alternating with modules of high horizontal velocity and low SSC. These modules extended 10 to 20 m streamwise and exceeded 1 m vertically, and are believed to be related to flow separation effects over large bedforms upstream of the deployment site. The macroscale flow modules intensified the ‘ burst-like ’ turbulent events and favoured sediment transport. ‘ Ejection-like ’ events were magnified during modules of decreasing horizontal velocity and increasing turbidity, whereas ‘ sweep-like ’ events were magnified during modules of increasing horizontal velocity and decreasing SSC. The enhanced turbidity of the macroscale modules may be the result of enhanced upward diffusion of sediment by ejection events, whereas the low-turbidity modules may be induced by increased downward transport of suspended sediment by sweep events. These hypotheses were supported by cross-spectral analysis performed on velocity and suspended sediment concentration time-series recorded at the site. An enhanced (negative) contribution of outward and inward interaction events to the Reynolds stress, compared to those reported in uniform BBLs, resulted in ‘ abnormally ’ low stress values. 相似文献
A computational framework for hydrodynamic shape optimization of complex ship hull form is proposed and applied to improve the calm water performance of the KRISO Container Ship (KCS). The framework relies on three key features: a novel shape morphing method based on a combination of subdivision surfaces and free form deformations, a robust three dimensional viscous computational fluid dynamic solver based on the openFOAM open-source libraries and a Gaussian process-response surface method (GP-RSM) based on ordinary Kriging model which has been created to speed-up the evaluation of the quantity of interest (QoI) of the design process.The accuracy of the hydrodynamic solver is proven by comparing the obtained results against available experimental measurements. A preliminary sensitivity analysis on the mesh size has been carried out aiming at reducing the computational burden required by the CFD predictions. Three GP-RSMs have been trained relying on increasing number of hull designs. Each surrogate model has been cross-validated by both leave-one-out and k-fold techniques. The behaviours of these multi-dimensional surfaces have been analyzed in details by sampling the investigated design space with 107 points according to a Full-Factorial algorithm, highlighting the regions of maximum deviation with respect to the resistance of the reference hull. The three optimum designs provided by the corresponding GP-RSM models have been verified by using high-fidelity CFD simulations with a refined mesh configuration. Calm water resistance, wave patterns and pressure distributions over the selected hull surfaces have been discussed in the light of the generated shape variations. 相似文献
Turbulent mixing of water masses of different temperatures and salinities is an important process for both coastal and large-scale ocean circulation. It is, however, difficult to capture computationally. One of the reasons is that mixing in the ocean occurs at a wide range of complexity, with the Reynolds number reaching , or even higher.In this study, we continue to investigate whether large eddy simulation (LES) can be a reliable computational tool for stratified mixing in turbulent oceanic flows. LES is attractive because it can be times faster than a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of stratified mixing in turbulent flows. Before using the LES methodology to compute mixing in realistic oceanic flows, however, a careful assessment of the LES sensitivity with respect to Re needs to be performed first. The main objectives of this study are: (i) to investigate the performance of different LES models at high Re, such as those encountered in oceanic flows; and (ii) to study how mixing varies as a function of Re. To this end, as a benchmark we use the lock-exchange problem, which is described by unambigous and simple initial and boundary conditions. The background potential energy, which accurately quantifies irreversible mixing in an enclosed system, is used as the main criterion in a posteriori testing of LES.This study has two main achievements. The first is that we investigate the accuracy of six combinations of two different classes of LES models, namely eddy-viscosity and approximate deconvolution types, for 3×103Re3×104, for which DNS data is computed. We find that all LES models almost always provide significantly more accurate results than cases without LES models. Nevertheless, no single LES model that is persistently superior to others over this Re range could be identified. Then, an ensemble of the four best performing LES models is selected in order to estimate mixing taking place in this system at Re=105 and 106, for which DNS is presently not feasible. Thus the second achievement of this study is to quantify mixing taking place in this system over an Re range that changes by three orders of magnitude. We find that the background potential energy increases by about 67% when Re is increased from Re=103 to Re=106, within the computation period, with the most significant increase taking place from Re=3×103 to Re=105. 相似文献
在入流马赫数MA为0.1-0.4范围内,选取不同的入流,逐一考察在可压缩导电介质中磁场重联的类型随磁雷诺数Rm的变化.大量的数值结果表明:在不同入流驱动下,磁雷诺数(Rm)均有临界值存在,如果等离子体系统逐渐趋于稳定的单X线重联;若间歇性的次级撕裂产生了重复出现的磁结构,而且Ma越大产生间歇性次级撕裂的临界值越高,与MA之间基本上符合线性关系.此外还发现,当多重X线重联间歇性地出现时,有关物理量发生准周期性地振荡. 相似文献
Subhasish DEY 《国际泥沙研究》2003,18(3)
The Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are important parameters in fluvial hydraulics. Steady-nonuniform flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds having upward seepage through loose beds is theoretically analyzed to estimate the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress. Equations of the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed, assuming a modified logarithmic velocity distribution law due to upward seepage, and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional flow in open channels. 相似文献