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Brittle failure is common in the Devonian to Permian rocks in the Northern Hastings Block (NHB) and is manifested by faults of different orientation and kinematic histories, but the timing of fault movement is not well defined. In this study, faults in the NHB were analysed with the map pattern of cross-cutting faults used to estimate the relative time of movement and relationship to other faults. We defined five episodes of faulting or fault reactivation that affected the NHB. The Yarras Fault System on the southwestern side of the NHB and the Parrabel Fault and related faults on the eastern side of the NHB are the two major fault systems responsible for transporting and rotating the NHB in the late Carboniferous. Faults on the eastern, northeastern and northern part of Parrabel Dome started and stopped moving after emplacement of the Hastings Block and before the intrusion of the Werrikimbe Triassic granitoids. We suggested that the movement on the major bounding faults is related to the accommodation of the NHB to the folding and cleavage development in the adjoining Nambucca Block, and is associated with the earliest part of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny. Limited dextral movement on the extensions of the Taylors Arm Fault System caused minor displacements in the northeastern part of the NHB during the Late Triassic. Some small faults cut the Triassic granitoids or Triassic Lorne Basin sediments indicating tectonic activity continued post-Triassic.  相似文献   
The Gorgon Platform is located on the southeastern edge of the Exmouth Plateau in the North Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. A structural analysis using three-dimensional (3D) seismic data has revealed four major sets of extensional faults, namely, (1) the Exmouth Plateau extensional fault system, (2) the basin bounding fault system (Exmouth Plateau–Gorgon Platform Boundary Fault), (3) an intra-rift fault system in the graben between the Exmouth Plateau and the Gorgon Platform and (4) an intra-rift fault system within the graben between the Exmouth Plateau and the Exmouth Sub-basin. Fault throw-length analyses imply that the initial fault segments, which formed the Exmouth Plateau–Gorgon Platform Boundary Fault (EG Boundary Fault), were subsequently connected vertically and laterally by both soft- and hard-linked structures. These major extensional fault systems were controlled by three different extensional events during the Early and Middle Jurassic, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and illustrate the strong role of structural inheritance in determining fault orientation and linkage. The Lower and Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous syn-kinematic sequences are separated by unconformities.  相似文献   
新一代天气雷达技术保障中,发射机高压负载打火导致的综合故障的诊断和定位是比较复杂的,具有故障点多、故障涉及组件多、故障修复时间长等特点,是新一代天气雷达故障维修的难点。依据发射机高压控制和监控信号流程,提出了发射机高压打火组件级故障诊断流程。通过发射机组件级故障诊断流程快速修复发射机高压负载打火综合故障过程,表明发射机高压打火组件级故障诊断流程在雷达维修中具有规范化和适用性维修效果,进一步显示出故障分析诊断流程在新一代天气雷达技术保障中的重要作用。  相似文献   
Bora Uzel 《Geodinamica Acta》2016,28(4):311-327
Linking of normal faults forms at all scales as a relay ramp during growth stages and represents the most efficient way for faults to lengthen during their progressive formation. Here, I study the linking of normal faulting along the active K?rka?aç Fault Zone within the west Anatolian extensional system to reconstruct fault interaction in time and space using both field- and computer-based data. I find that (i) connecting of the relay zone/ramp occurred with two breaching faults of different generations and that (ii) the propagation was facilitated by the presence of pre-existing structures, inherited from the ?zmir-Bal?kesir transfer zone. Hence, the linkage cannot be compared directly to a simple fault growth model. Therefore, I propose a combined scenario of both hangingwall and footwall fault propagation mechanisms that explain the present-day geometry of the composite fault line. The computer-based analyses show that the approximate slip rate is 0.38 mm/year during the Quaternary, and a NE–SW-directed extension is mainly responsible for the recent faulting along the K?rka?aç Fault Zone. The proposed structural scenario also highlights the active fault termination and should be considered in future seismic hazard assessments for the region that includes densely populated settlements.  相似文献   
大别与苏鲁造山带之间的郯庐断裂带张八岭隆起段,构成了华北与扬子板块之间的断裂边界。该边界带的深部结构状态长期以来存在着不同的认识。本文利用张八岭隆起带沿线出露的晚中生代岩浆岩中继承锆石U-Pb年代学信息,结合地球物理资料及Nd、Pb、Hf同位素资料,分析了其深部的岩浆源区属性及结构状态。张八岭隆起带北段晚中生代岩浆岩继承锆石年龄以1.9~2.7Ga为主,最大峰值年龄为2.5Ga;南段继承锆石年龄以2.2~2.6Ga为主,峰值年龄也为2.5Ga;郯庐断裂带庐江段则以含大量新元古代锆石为特征,在0.7Ga形成显著的分布峰值,并有早元古和少量太古代年龄信息。分析结果表明,张八岭隆起带北段的晚中生代岩浆岩源区为华北下地壳,南段的源区兼有华北和扬子陆壳的信息,而更南部庐江段则以扬子地壳源区为特征。电法剖面揭示,郯庐断裂主边界在张八岭隆起带下向南东倾斜,从而深部存在华北地壳;而南部庐江段转变为向北西陡倾,从而深部皆为扬子地壳。郯庐断裂深部产状特征支持其印支期应为斜向汇聚边界。而其中三叠纪继承锆石的缺失指示隆起带上变质岩应为原地岩石,而非来自大别造山带。  相似文献   
The Xianshuihe fault zone is a seismo-genetic fault zone of left-lateral slip in Southwest China. Since 1725, a total of 59 Ms ≥ 5.0 earthquakes have occurred along this fault zone, including 18 Ms 6.0–6.9 and eight Ms ≥ 7.0 earthquakes. The seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone is a large and realistic threat to the western Sichuan economic corridor. Based on previous studies, we carried out field geological survey and remote sensing interpretation in the fault zone. In addition, geophysical surveys, trenching and age-dating were conducted in the key parts to better understand the geometry, spatial distribution and activity of the fault zone. We infer to divide the fault zone into two parts: the northwest part and the southeast part, with total eight segments. Their Late Quaternary slip rates vary in a range of 11.5 mm/a –(3±1) mm/a. The seismic activities of the Xianshuihe fault zone are frequent and strong, periodical, and reoccurred. Combining the spatial and temporal distribution of the historical earthquakes, the seismic hazard of the Xianshuihe fault zone has been predicted by using the relationship between magnitude and frequency of earthquakes caused by different fault segments. The prediction results show that the segment between Daofu and Qianning has a possibility of Ms ≥ 7.0 earthquakes, while the segment between Shimian and Luding is likely to have earthquakes of about Ms 7.0. It is suggested to establish a GPS or In SAR-based real-time monitoring network of surface displacement to cover the Xianshuihe fault zone, and an early warning system of earthquakes and post seismic geohazards to cover the major residential areas.  相似文献   
晚白垩世晚期—新生代发育的高邮凹陷,是苏北盆地南部典型富含油气的半地堑式断陷盆地,自南向北分为南断阶、深凹带与北斜坡。该凹陷复杂断裂构造系统与相应的沉积格局受印支期NEE向逆冲基底断层系与晚侏罗世伊泽纳崎板块高速斜向俯冲形成的NNE向左行平移基底断层系影响,同时受古近纪期间区域近SN向拉张应力状态控制。北斜坡东部花瓦构造带主体EW向正断层与NNE向隐蔽性断层发育了限制型、连接型、复合型3类隐蔽性断块圈闭模式,同时在平面上形成多种组合样式。通过研究花瓦区隐蔽性断块圈闭实例与有限差分法数值模拟,分析总结出高邮凹陷NNE向隐蔽性断层的成因机制与构造特征,并推断了5条隐蔽性断层发育带。  相似文献   
综合研究伊通盆地鹿乡断陷双二段储层的岩性、含油性和含油饱和度,确定了适用于本区的含油饱和度计算方法,并与实际含油性进行了对比,分析了沉积和构造对含油性的影响。研究区双二段含油储层的岩性以粉砂岩、细砂岩和砂砾岩为主,含油级别为荧光级以上。根据阿尔奇公式计算出的含油饱和度大部分与实际的含油性相符合,并将含油饱和度70%、50%和38%值作为本区气层、油层、油水层和水层的区分标准。本区储层的含油性受到沉积和构造两方面的控制,沉积作用主要控制储层的岩石结构和物性,构造控制油气的聚集,即在构造高部位,实际含油饱和度比计算结果要高,而在构造低部位,实际含油饱和度比计算结果要低。  相似文献   
通过对卫星重力数据的精细处理,发现欧亚大陆东缘存在一个规则分布的重力异常组合,这个异常组合与中国大陆上的已知断裂严格对应。SinoProbe探测计划实施的反射地震探测出这些断裂下方存在Moho破裂,幔源物质上涌,剩余重力异常,莫霍面破裂,高密度的幔源物质上涌和深断裂之间存在密切联系。依照这个联系规律,对已有断裂的延伸补充,显示出欧亚大陆东缘存在一个巨型深断裂系统,主断裂带南起中国广州向北延伸直至鄂霍次克海,绵延逾3000 km。沿主断裂带东侧近似等间距的平行分布着9条北东向断裂,北东向断裂向东入海至大陆边缘。采用数值方法模拟了断裂系统的形成过程,在菲律宾板块和太平洋板块近NW方向构造力的作用下,欧亚大陆东缘产生NNE向走滑断层,其东侧生成彼此平行,间距大体相等的派生断层。断层形成过程中,Moho破裂,大量地幔物质上涌,形成中国东部中生代以来的巨量火山岩浆活动,控制了内生金属矿床的分布。这个断裂系统近代还在活动,导致了郯城8.5级大地震和长白山的火山喷发。  相似文献   
汶川地震断裂带多次地震活动新证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
虹口乡八角庙出露完整的映秀—北川断裂带剖面断层岩,高分辨率磁化率测试揭示出多个具有高磁化率特征的断层岩带。系统的岩石磁学分析证明一层褐色断层岩相对围岩具有最大的磁化率值,存在新生成的磁铁矿和拥有相似的天然剩磁(NRM)和非磁滞剩磁(ARM)强度衰减过程。高磁化率特征是含铁顺磁性矿物受到断层滑移过程产生摩擦生热作用生成磁铁矿所致。同时断层岩还获得了热剩磁,记录了地震活动磁学信息。结合汶川地震科学钻探项目1号孔(WFSD-1)磁化率和岩石磁学研究结果,说明映秀—北川断裂带包含多层具有高磁化率特征的断层岩,暗示了多次强震的发生。具有高磁化率特征的断层岩可以作为判定地震活动的标志之一。  相似文献   
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