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Slip zones of the large landslides in the Three Gorges area are commonly composed of fine-grained soils with substantial amount of coarse-grained particles, particularly gravel-sized particles. In this study, residual strength of the soils from slip zones of these landslides were examined in relation to their index properties based on a survey of 170 landslides. It was found that laboratory-determined residual friction angle using gravel-free fraction of the disturbed soils from the slip zones was closely related to clay content, liquid limit and plasticity index. On the other hand, in-situ residual friction angle of these soils (i.e. including gravel fraction) showed very weak correlations with clay content and Atterberg limits, but was largely dependent on gravel and fines (clays + silts) contents, increasing with gravels and decreasing with fines, and displayed strong linear correlation with the ratio of gravel to fines contents. These observations indicate that among the index properties, clay content and Atterberg limits can be used to estimate residual strength of the soils finer than 2 mm, but they are not appropriate evaluate the residual strength of the soils containing considerable amount of gravel-sized particles. For the latter, particle size distribution (particularly the ratio of gravel to fines contents) appears to be a useful index. Additionally, it was found that there was no identifiable correlation between relative abundance of individual major clay minerals and residual friction angles of both gravel-free fraction of disturbed and in-situ soils, suggesting that influence of clay minerals on residual strength of these soils can not be simply evaluated based on their abundance.  相似文献   
Agricultural residues have gained increasing interest as a source of renewable energy. The development of methods and techniques that allow to inventory residual biomass needs to be explored further. In this study, the residual biomass of olive trees was estimated based on parameters derived from using a Terrestrial Laser Scanning System (TLS). To this end, 32 olive trees in 2 orchards in the municipality of Viver, Central Eastern Spain, were selected and measured using a TLS system. The residual biomass of these trees was pruned and weighed. Several algorithms were applied to the TLS data to compute the main parameters of the trees: total height, crown height, crown diameter and crown volume. Regarding the last parameter, 4 methods were tested: the global convex hull volume, the convex hull by slice volume, the section volume, and the volume measured by voxels. In addition, several statistics were computed from the crown points for each tree. Regression models were calculated to predict residual biomass using 3 sets of potential explicative variables: firstly, the height statistics retrieved from 3D cloud data for each crown tree, secondly, the parameters of the trees derived from TLS data and finally, the combination of both sets of variables. Strong relationships between residual biomass and TLS parameters (crown volume parameters) were found (R2 = 0.86, RMSE = 2.78 kg). The pruning biomass prediction fraction was improved by 6%, in terms of R2, when the variance of the crown-point elevations was selected (R2 = 0.92, RMSE = 2.01 kg). The study offers some important insights into the quantification of residual biomass, which is essential information for the production of biofuel.  相似文献   
我国海相层系经过多期构造运动的叠加,油气地质条件除受\"先天条件\"的影响外,\"后天因素\"的影响更加突出,表现在现今油气成藏虽仍以海相烃源为主,但油气成藏与油气主要生烃高峰多已不匹配; 油气相态多已发生变化,如四川盆地从含油盆地转为含气盆地; 油气富集过程受构造影响而发生了改变,油气藏规模因此发生了变化,表现出油气藏的破坏规模缩小,或随断层的切割,油气发生泄露,向上运聚到浅层形成次生油气藏,导致油气贫化。因此,具有多期成藏、多期改造、相态转化及晚期就位的特点。现今海相层系发现的油气藏实际上已经是经过\"变位、变相\"的残留及次生油气藏。针对这一特性,在海相层系油气勘探中更应注意后期油气藏演化所带来的特殊性,进一步深化整体保存环境对油气藏形成、保持的影响。  相似文献   
Freeze-thaw cycles are closely related to the slope instability in high-altitude mountain regions. In this study, cohesive coarse-grained soils were collected from a high-altitude slope in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to study the effect of cyclic freeze-thaw on their uniaxial mechanical properties. The soil specimens were remolded with three dry densities and three moisture contents. Then, after performing a series of freeze-thaw tests in a closed system without water supply, the soil specimens were subjected to a uniaxial compression test. The results showed that the stress-strain curves of the tested soils mainly performed as strain-softening. The softening feature intensified with the increasing dry density but weakened with an increase in freeze-thaw cycles and moisture content. The uniaxial compressive strength, resilient modulus, residual strength and softening modulus decreased considerably with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles. After more than nine freeze-thaw cycles, these four parameters tended to be stable. These parameters increased with the increase of dry density and decreased with the increasing moisture content, except for the residual strength which did not exhibit any clear variation with an increase in moisture content. The residual strength, however, generally increased with an increase in dry density. The soil structural damage caused by frozen water expansion during the freeze-thaw is the major cause for the changes in mechanical behaviors of cohesive coarse-grained soils. With results in this study, the deterioration effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the mechanical properties of soils should be considered during the slope stability analysis in high-altitude mountain regions.  相似文献   
花岗岩风化壳从未风化岩到残积土,影响渗透性大小的空隙由裂隙过渡为孔隙,自强风化层到残积土,渗透性由大变小; 对于风化残积物承压型地下水而言,它没有传统意义的隔水层,一般强风化层水头高度最大,沿竖向渗流,随渗透性减小,水头损失增加。应用达西定律,估算水头损失。  相似文献   
The spatial distribution and seasonal variation of the tide-induced Lagrangian Residual Circulations (LRC hereafter), wind-driven LRC, and the coupling dynamic characteristics were simulated using ECOM, given the Hellerman and Rosenstein global monthly-mean wind stresses. The results showed that the tide-induced LRC of the harmonic constituent m2 bears an identical pattern in four seasons in the Bohai Sea: the surface one is weak with random directions; however, there exist a southeast current from the Bohai Strait to the Laizhou bay, and a weakly anticlockwise gyre in the south of the Bohai Strait for the bottom layer LRC. The magnitude of bottom layer tide-induced LRC is larger than the surface one, and moreover, it contributes significantly to the whole LRC in the Bohai Sea. Unlike the identical structure of the tide-induced LRC, the wind driven LRC varies seasonally under the prevailing monsoon. It forms a distinct gyre under the summer and winter monsoons in July and January respectively, but it seems weak and non-directional in April and September.  相似文献   
光释光(OSL)年代学模型是基于数理统计学的一类概率密度模型,它根据特定的假设条件对样品等效剂量(De)分布进行数学解释,由此估计具有不同沉积历史或者能够代表样品实际埋藏年龄的De组分。年龄模型参数估计常通过极大似然估计(MLE)算法实现,本文尝试了切片采样算法在年龄模型参数优化中的应用。切片采样属于一种马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗采样(MCMC)算法,能根据测量数据与模型的联合似然函数进行随机采样,由此获得参数的采样分布。本文编写了实现年龄模型切片采样算法的应用程序,并使用模拟及实测De数据验证了该算法估计的可靠性。相对于MLE算法,MCMC算法具有对参数初值依赖性低、误差估计更准确的特点,切片采样算法提供了实现释光年龄模型参数估计的一种新方法。  相似文献   
天然热释光测量方法是近几年发展起来的寻找隐伏铀矿体的方法。同时也是一种新的地质研究手段。经多种类型铀矿床的试验结果表明,该方法能有效地发现埋深几十米至二百多米深的盲矿体。此外,还可划分复式岩体不同侵入期和确定其侵入时代;区分产铀岩体与非产铀岩体;划分硅化带中各期石英岩的先后活动序次,进而确定与矿化有关的断裂带及各种热液铀矿脉的成矿时代。  相似文献   
采集康平、沈北、东梁、辽阳、阜新、浑江、舒兰、海拉尔、珲春、凉水、七台河共11处煤矿样品,设置了燃烧试验,使煤在近密闭燃烧炉中燃烧,杜绝飞灰造成的物质损失,然后测定煤及其对应灰分的238U、232Th、226Ra、40K活度.分析得出:在理论燃烧状态下,假设燃烧无飞灰产生,煤灰的238U、232Th、226Ra、40K天然放射性核素富集因子f与煤灰分比Ad的乘积为1.根据煤燃烧后核素的迁移富集规律和影响辐射水平的核素权重,提出了应用于煤的比活度、吸收剂量率、年吸收剂量、内辐射指数等放射性环境评价参考值.经11处煤矿验证,评价结果可以反映煤灰的辐射水平,辐射水平排序与实际测量结果基本一致.  相似文献   
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