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Projections of potential submerged area due to sea level rise are helpful for improving understanding of the influence of ongoing global warming on coastal areas. The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition method is used to adaptively decompose the sea level time series in order to extract the secular trend component. Then the linear relationship between the global mean sea level(GMSL) change and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta(PRD)sea level change is calculated: an increase of 1.0 m in the GMSL corresponds to a 1.3 m(uncertainty interval from1.25 to 1.46 m) increase in the PRD. Based on this relationship and the GMSL rise projected by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 under three greenhouse gas emission scenarios(representative concentration pathways, or RCPs, from low to high emission scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), the PRD sea level is calculated and projected for the period 2006–2100. By around the year 2050, the PRD sea level will rise 0.29(0.21 to 0.40) m under RCP2.6, 0.31(0.22 to 0.42) m under RCP4.5, and 0.34(0.25 to 0.46) m under RCP8.5, respectively.By 2100, it will rise 0.59(0.36 to 0.88) m, 0.71(0.47 to 1.02) m, and 1.0(0.68 to 1.41) m, respectively. In addition,considering the extreme value of relative sea level due to land subsidence(i.e., 0.20 m) and that obtained from intermonthly variability(i.e., 0.33 m), the PRD sea level will rise 1.94 m by the year 2100 under the RCP8.5scenario with the upper uncertainty level(i.e., 1.41 m). Accordingly, the potential submerged area is 8.57×103 km2 for the PRD, about 1.3 times its present area.  相似文献   
舒王欣泽  孙军 《海洋通报》2020,39(5):581-593
iPath 是一个用于细胞路径可视化和代谢途径分析的免费网页应用程序。iPath 中的路径是通过交互式浏览器查看的,它提供各种代谢途径的直接导航,使人们能够方便地访问相关的化合物和酶。本文简要介绍了最新的 iPath3.0 版本 (http://pathways.embl.de) (基于 4 个 KEGG 的全局地图,158 个传统的 KEGG 路径图,192 个 KEGG 模板,以及其他代谢元素,组成了一个相互连接、手工绘制的代谢网络),并举例说明其在生物海洋学研究中的应用,以期引起国内学者对此工具的重视,促进其在生物海洋学研究中的应用。  相似文献   
赵亮  刘健  刘斌  严蜜  宁亮  靳春寒 《第四纪研究》2019,39(3):731-741
利用通用气候系统模式(Community Climate System Model,简称CCSM)全新世和21世纪气候模拟试验数据,对比分析了全新世暖期鼎盛期和RCP4.5(Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5,简称RCP4.5)未来变暖情景下东亚地区夏季地表气温和降水的空间分布特征,并探讨了两个暖期夏季气候变化的成因机制。结果表明:1)全新世东亚地区最暖的夏季出现在9 ka B.P.前后,这与地球轨道参数有关;2)RCP4.5温室气体排放情景下21世纪整个东亚地区的夏季平均地表气温均呈上升趋势,而在全新世暖期鼎盛期东亚地区的夏季地表气温呈现同心圆状分布;3)全新世暖期鼎盛期和未来变暖情景下东亚地区夏季降水的空间分布有明显差异,前者东亚地区的夏季降水呈现"南负北正"的偶极子分布形态,而后者呈三极子形势;前者东亚夏季降水的变化幅度明显强于后者;4)全新世暖期鼎盛期副高偏强,中国东部偏南气流较强;而在RCP4.5未来变暖情景下副高偏弱。  相似文献   
利用化学提取法对中国东海具有不同陆源物质的内陆架(0701)和外陆架(0508)泥质沉积物柱样进行的多种形态固相铁含量及其剖面分布研究结果表明,Fe形态及其分布对有机质、Fe和S早期成岩作用具有明显的制约意义.0508和0701两站点柱状沉积物总活性Fe平均含量分别为12.14 mg/g和10.03 mg/g,其中,氧...  相似文献   
刘晓娟  黎夏  梁迅  石洪  欧金沛 《热带地理》2019,39(3):397-409
基于代表性浓度路径情景(Representative Concentration Pathways, RCPs),耦合FLUS-InVEST(Future Land Use Simulation-Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs, FLUS-InVEST)模型,以土地利用视角模拟了中国2100年的陆地生态系统碳储量,探讨其空间分异。结果表明:1)历史土地利用变化作用下,中国生态系统碳储量减少中心由华北地区转向东北地区,增加中心由西北地区转向西南地区;碳储量的减少由林地生态系统转向草地生态系统。2)未来RCPs情景下,中国林地生态系统碳储量都将持续增加,草地生态系统碳储量持续减少。RCP 6.0情景下,中国林地面积将增加9.43%左右,草地面积减少5.42%,全国林地碳储量较2010年增加2 332.64 Tg,而草地碳储量将损失1 719.03 Tg。在RCP 8.5情景下,全国林地面积增加5.15%,草地面积将减少5.10%,林地碳储量较2010年将增加1 754.59 Tg,草地碳储量将损失2 468.80 Tg。3)RCP 6.0情景对未来碳汇贡献度较RCP 8.5情景大。在RCP 6.0情景下,植被地上碳储量和表层土壤碳储量分别净增加127.12和83.67 Tg。但在RCP 8.5情景下,植被地上碳储量和表层土壤碳储量分别净减少24.67和32.41 Tg。4)不同RCPs情景下,碳储量增长均集中在横断山-秦岭-太行山-大兴安岭和雪峰山-太行山-大兴安岭两带;减少区域主要分布于云贵高原、四川盆地和京津冀地区。  相似文献   
东营凹陷油- 源特征与含油气系统划分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油源对比是含油气系统划分的基础。针对东营凹陷沙三中、沙三下和沙四上三套有效烃源岩在地球化学特征上的差异,探讨了东营凹陷内三套烃源岩与已知原油之间的空间对应关系及其成因。以油源对比为依据,将东营凹陷划分为沙三中—沙三中亚段(!)、沙三下—沙二、沙三段(!)和沙四上—沙四、沙二段(!)3个含油气系统。分析结果表明,3个含油气系统中已发现的油气藏在空间上具有明显的环状分布特征,其成因模式受控于输导要素组成、油源断层分布位置、烃源岩内砂体的发育规模以及断-砂空间组合等;其中,油源断层和砂体的空间组合关系对东营凹陷不同成因油气藏的形成与分布起主控作用。  相似文献   
The sorption of arsenate on modified-natural zeolites was investigated at varying chemical pretreatment. Zeolites were used extensively for water softening, however, a few arsenic studies have been conducted with zeolites. Arsenic pollution of the environment has received renewed attention due to toxicological evidence of its potential health hazards to humans. The ability of modified natural zeolites (stilbite and laumontite) to remove inorganic anion was investigated. The zeolites used in this work are stilbite-laumontite from Zeolitic Zone of the Corda Formation. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the relationships of the arsenate in the modified natural zeolites. Laboratory experiments were conducted examining the effect of the sorption of cationic surfactants and coagulant on stilbite-laumontite mixtures and on the subsequent sorption of arsenate by modified zeolites. Removal of arsenate using hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA)-modified zeolites was satisfactory whereas ethylhexadecyldimethylammonium (EHDDMA) and ALUM-modified zeolites were not removed with the same efficiency.  相似文献   
The Albanian fold-and-thrust belt and the Peri-Adriatic Depression are well documented by means of seismic reflection profiles, GPS reference points, potential data, wells and outcrops. The continuous Oligocene to Plio-Quaternary sedimentary records help to constrain both the burial history of Mesozoic carbonate reservoirs, the timing of their deformation, and the coupled fluid flow and diagenetic scenarios.Since the mid-90s, the Albanian foothills were used as a natural laboratory to develop a new integrated methodology and work flow for the study of sub-thrust reservoir evolution, and to validate on real case studies the use of basin modelling tools as well as the application of new analytical methods for the study petroleum systems in tectonically complex areas.The integration of the interactions between petrographic and microtectonic studies, kinematic, thermal and fluid flow basin modelling, is described in detail. The fracturing of the reservoir intervals has a pre-folding origin in the Albanides and relates to the regional flexuring in the foreland. The first recorded cement has a meteoric origin, implying downward migration and the development of an earlier forebulge in the Ionian Basin. This fluid, which precipitates at a maximum depth of 1.5 km, is highly enriched in strontium, attesting for important fluid–rock interaction with the Triassic evaporites, located in diapirs. From this stage, the horizontal tectonic compression increases and the majority of the fluid migrated under high pressure, characterised by brecciated and crack-seal vein. The tectonic burial increased due to the overthrusting, that is pointed out by the increase of the precipitation temperature of the cements. Afterwards, up- or downward migration of SO42−, Ba2+ and Mg2+-rich fluids, which migrated probably along the décollement level, allows a precipitation in thermal disequilibrium. This period corresponds to the onset of the thrusting in the Ionian Zone. The last stage characterised the uplift of the Berati belt, developing a selective karstification due likely to the circulation of meteoric fluid.The main results of the fluid flow modelling show that the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene carbonate reservoirs in the Ionian zone have been charged from the Tortonian onward, and that meteoric fluid migration should have intensely biodegraded the hydrocarbon in place. Concerning the migration paths, it has been demonstrated that the thrusts act principally as flow barriers in Albania, mainly due the occurrence of evaporites (non-permeable), except in the foreland, where they do not occur.  相似文献   
The Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer ranks among the most overdrafted aquifers in the United States due to intensive irrigation. Concern over declining water levels has increased focus on understanding the sources of recharge. Numerous oxbow lakes overlie the aquifer that are often considered hydraulically disconnected from the groundwater system due to fine-grained bottom sediments. In the current study, groundwater levels in and around a 445-ha oxbow lake-wetland in Mississippi were monitored for a 2-year period that included an unusually long low-water condition in the lake (>17 months), followed by a high-water event lasting over 4 months before returning to earlier low-water levels. The high-water pulse (>4 m rise) provided a unique opportunity to track the impact in the underlying alluvial aquifer. During low-water conditions, groundwater flowed westward beneath the lake. Following the lake rise, groundwater beneath and near the perimeter responded as quickly as the same day, with more delayed responses moving away from the lake. Within 2 months, a groundwater mound formed near the centre of the oxbow (>3 m increase), with a reversal in the local hydraulic gradient towards the east. Flow returned to a westward gradient when the lake level dropped back below 0.3 m. Analysis of precipitation and nearby river stage could not account for the observed behavior. Recharge to the aquifer is attributed to rising water levels spreading over point bar deposits and into the surrounding forested wetlands where preferential flow pathways are likely to exist due to buried and decomposing tree remains. An earlier study in the wetland demonstrated an increasing redox potential in isolated zones, consistent with the existence of preferential flow pathways through the bottom sediments (Lahiri & Davidson, 2020). Retaining high-water levels in oxbow lakes could be a relatively low-cost water management practice for enhancing aquifer recharge.  相似文献   
曾梅  宋国良 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):203-208
吕家庄构造上火成岩十分发育,给地震资料处理和解释带来很大的不确定性。经采用针对性的处理技术进行重新处理,基本消除了火成岩影响。在此基础上,经重新解释,对该构造的形成、内部火成岩的分布以及油气远景进行探讨。  相似文献   
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