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南黄海中部沉积岩芯的微体古生物组合特征及古环境演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析测定南黄海中部两个沉积物柱状样中的有孔虫、介形虫和“C年代,对其微体古生物组合特征、沉积环境和地层年代进行了初步的探讨。有孔虫组合表明研究海域为近岸一浅海环境,其含量从下到上由缺失到出现近岸、浅海有孔虫,反映了沉积环境由陆相到滨岸相、浅海相环境的变迁;孢粉组合反映的古气候也同样经历了针、阔叶混交林一草原,到阔叶林或以阔叶树为主的针、落叶混交林的变化,反映出气候由冷干到暖干的特点。研究结果表明,所研究的柱状样沉积物下部形成于晚更新世晚期,上部属于全新世。  相似文献   
Young massive stars in the central parsec of our Galaxy are best explained by star formation within at least one, and possibly two, massive self-gravitating gaseous discs. With help of numerical simulations, we here consider whether the observed population of young stars could have originated from a large angle collision of two massive gaseous clouds at   R ≃ 1 pc  from Sgr A*. In all the simulations performed, the post-collision gas flow forms an inner, nearly circular gaseous disc and one or two eccentric outer filaments, consistent with the observations. Furthermore, the radial stellar mass distribution is always very steep,  Σ*∝ R −2  , again consistent with the observations. All of our simulations produce discs that are warped by between 30° and 60°, in accordance with the most recent observations. The three-dimensional velocity structure of the stellar distribution is sensitive to initial conditions (e.g. the impact parameter of the clouds) and gas cooling details. For example, the runs in which the inner disc is fed intermittently with material possessing fluctuating angular momentum result in multiple stellar discs with different orbital orientations, contradicting the observed data. In all the cases the amount of gas accreted by our inner boundary condition is large, enough to allow Sgr A* to radiate near its Eddington limit over ∼105 yr. This suggests that a refined model would have physically larger clouds (or a cloud and a disc such as the circumnuclear disc) colliding at a distance of a few parsecs rather than 1 pc as in our simulations.  相似文献   
1979—2014年广东省经济重心演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放之后广东省经济社会迅猛发展,但省内各区域之间经济发展失衡问题较为突出。运用经济重心分析模型,计算改革开放后广东省各年的经济重心坐标及其移动方向和移动距离,并从改革开放政策差异、相对经济发展速度、固定资产投资差异、产业重心演变4个方面探讨经济重心的驱动因子。研究结果表明,改革开放以来广东省经济重心整体往东南方向迁移,但存在一定的曲折和波动。从其年际演变轨迹看,近10年已经趋向缓和,说明广东区域经济发展格局趋于稳定。建议未来以珠三角地区发展带动东西北三地发展,加大对东西北三地产业升级支持及固定资产投资,整合东西北三地的优势资源,塑造新的经济增长极。  相似文献   
在简要分析了汶川地震中钢筋混凝土框架结构的震害后,通过芳纶布(AFRP)加固钢筋混凝土框架节点的抗震性能试验,研究了不同加固方式对混凝土梁柱节点抗震性能的影响。研究结果表明:采用AFRP加固后的梁柱节点,极限承载力和抗震性能得到了显著改善,破坏形式由脆性破坏变为延性破坏。  相似文献   
文中对区域地震信息网络系统的“九五”目标和现实之间的矛盾进行了分析。为了有效地利用资金,结合地震系统现状及发展趋势,提出了从易到难的分步实现方案,并介绍了辽宁省地震局的初步实验结果。  相似文献   
镇远-贵阳断裂带活动历史及其对黔中隆起演化的制约   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对镇远-贵阳断裂带两侧沉积地层、岩浆建造、宏观构造、微观构造及流体包裹体测温的研究表明,该断裂带在早古生代以前就已存在,在中奥陶世的都匀运动期间表现为南南东向的正滑,在志留纪末泥盆纪初的广西运动期间表现为右行的剪切和局部的拉张;中晚二叠世的东吴运动使断裂带再次拉张,并伴有钾镁煌斑岩[锆石U-Pb法年龄(261.3±8)Ma]侵入;断裂带还经历了侏罗纪-早白垩世早燕山期右行压剪、晚白垩世-渐新世的晚燕山期强烈挤压、左行剪切和中新世至今喜山期的挤压等多期复合的演化历程。断裂带在古生代的多期活动直接控制了黔中隆起南缘的演化。  相似文献   
Oil-pollution monitoring at sea through beach bird surveying would undoubtedly benefit from a further standardisation of methods, enhancing the efficiency of data collection. In order to come up with useful recommendations, we evaluated various approaches of beached bird collection at the Belgian coast during seven winters (1993-1999). Data received in a passive way by one major rehabilitation centre were compared to the results of targeted beach surveys carried out at different scales by trained ornithologists: 'weekly' surveys - with a mean interval of 9 days - restricted to a fixed 16.7 km beach stretch, 'monthly' surveys over the entire coastline (62.1 km) and an annual 'international' survey in Belgium over the same distance at the end of February. Data collected through Belgian rehabilitation centres concern injured, living birds collected in a non-systematical way. Oil rates derived from these centres appear to be strongly biased to oiled auks and inshore bird species, and are hence of little use in assessing the extent of oil pollution at sea. The major asset of rehabilitation centres in terms of data collection seems to be their continuous warning function for events of mass mortality. Weekly surveys on a representative and large enough section rendered reliable data on oil rates, estimates of total number of bird victims, representation of various taxonomic groups and species-richness and were most sensitive in detecting events quickly (wrecks, oil-slicks, severe winter mortality, etc.). Monthly surveys gave comparable results, although they overlooked some important beaching events and demonstrated slightly higher oil rates, probably due to the higher chance to miss short-lasting wrecks of auks. Since the monthly surveys in Belgium were carried out by a network of volunteers and were spread over a larger beach section, they should be considered as best performing. Single 'international beached bird surveys' in February gave reliable data on total victim number (once the mean ratio between numbers in various months is known) and oil rate (provided a sufficiently large sample can be collected), but failed in tracking events. It is a particularly attractive approach because of its long tradition, resulting in invaluable long-term databases, and the uniformity in which these surveys are organised on a large scale. The minimal distance for a monthly survey amounts to 25-30 km (40-50% of Belgian coastline) up to 40 km (65%) in order to attain sound figures for oil rate and species-richness, respectively. These distances are primarily determined by the number of bird corpses that may be collected and are hence a function of beaching intensity and corpse detection rate.  相似文献   
We present a catalogue of 17 filamentary X-ray features located within a  68 × 34  arcmin2  view centred on the Galactic Centre region from images taken by Chandra . These features are described by their morphological and spectral properties. Many of the X-ray features have non-thermal spectra that are well fitted by an absorbed power law. Of the 17 features, we find six that have not been previously detected, four of which are outside the immediate  20 × 20  arcmin2  area centred on the Galactic Centre. Seven of the 17 identified filaments have morphological and spectral properties expected for pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) with X-ray luminosities of  5 × 1032  to 1034 erg s−1 in the 2.0–10.0 keV band and photon indices in the range of  Γ= 1.1  to 1.9. In one feature, we suggest the strong neutral Fe Kα emission line to be a possible indicator for past activity of Sgr A*. For G359.942−0.03, a particular filament of interest, we propose the model of a ram pressure confined stellar wind bubble from a massive star to account for the morphology, spectral shape and 6.7 keV He-like Fe emission detected. We also present a piecewise spectral analysis on two features of interest, G0.13−0.11 and G359.89−0.08, to further examine their physical interpretations. This analysis favours the PWN scenario for these features.  相似文献   
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