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As demand for energy is growing and resources become scarcer, energy increasingly becomes the site of heated controversies. In Latour’s terms, energy turns from a “matter of fact” into a “matter of concern”. In these energy controversies, environmental movements frequently play a central role, highlighting what is at stake in these developments. While these movements have often been studied, these studies rarely focus on the interaction between controversies, environmental movements, and place-making. In this article, we not only argue that energy is frequently turned from matter of fact into a matter of concern, but that this argument also extends to the notion of place. As such, energy controversies turn villages, cities, or regions themselves into “places of concern”. The article delves deeper into the production of places of concern through two case studies of energy controversies around power plants: a proposed coal plant in Bo Nok, Thailand, and HidroAysen, a hydropower project in Chilean Patagonia. We specifically focus on the issues that were opened up for debate in both countries, and on the role of environmental movements in the production of these places. Our examples are based on fieldwork and interviews in these two areas, as well as media and document analysis. While the two cases are from two different countries, we nonetheless find surprising parallels between them. These insights are instrumental to link theoretical debates on controversies and place-making. Moreover, they provide empirical insights into the transformative and lasting effects of energy controversies on people and places.  相似文献   
何德华 《海洋学研究》1991,9(2):119-123
本文综述了1989年4月至1990年1月秦山核电站邻近水域生态调查结果,认为,该水域具暖温带强潮河口区生态特征。水体虽含丰富营养盐和充足溶解氧,由于同时存在着各种不利于生物繁殖生长的环境因子,表现为生物资源贫瘠、种类组成简单,测区所代表的强潮河口湾顶区属低生产力水域。  相似文献   
Airports, mobility and the calculative architecture of affective control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peter Adey 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):438-451
Drawing on work surrounding the theorisation of concepts such as mobility, affect and emotion, the paper argues that their control is now being intertwined in places like airports which are employing a number of techniques that engineer affects. Airport affect is enacted, in one way, by planning and designing the situational affective context one inhabits - throwing up structures of ethological possibility that shape capacities for the corporeal body to move and be moved. It is shown that the engineering of airport affect is premised upon a wider discursive framework of calculation and indeterminacy, and that selective techniques summon a number of different modalities of control. The paper concludes with a series of implications for the understanding of power, and the study of mobility, emotion and affect.  相似文献   
本文根据最新修正的国际地磁参考场模型,研究了1945-1995地磁场中心偶极矩变化,地磁总场及其分量X、Y、Z的空间功率谱,地磁场长期变化谱的经向漂移和纬向漂移的功率谱和西向漂移速度。研究中发现最近50年偶极矩仍在继续衰减,空间功率谱的变化也呈减小趋势。在经向谱的漂移中观察到1970年出现最小值,而在纬向漂移变化中1970年出现最大值,西向漂移速度的变化也在1970年出现最大值,这种现象正是1970年发生的地磁长期变化的突变,称作地磁"Jerk"。  相似文献   
For certain initial and boundary conditions the Boussinesq equation, a nonlinear partial differential equation describing the flow of water in unconfined aquifers, can be reduced to a boundary value problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Using Song et al.'s (2007) [7] approach, we show that for zero head initial condition and power-law flux boundary condition at the inlet boundary, the solution in the form of power series can be obtained with Barenblatt's (1990) [2] rescaling procedure applied to the power series solution obtained in Song et al. (2007) [7] for the power-law head boundary condition. Polynomial approximations can then be obtained by taking terms from the power series. Although for a small number of terms the newly obtained approximations may be worse than polynomial approximations obtained by other techniques, any desired accuracy can be achieved by taking more terms from the power series.  相似文献   
通过在宁夏鸳鸯湖电厂建立气温、风向、风速60 m梯度及地面观测站,与邻近的灵武市气象站展开为期一年的同步观测,获得实地观测资料。利用两地同步气象观测资料进行对比分析,揭示出电厂所在地气候特点。同时结合灵武市气象站1971~2000年观测资料,采用相关性分析方法,订正得到电厂地面历年气象要素特征值。结果表明,电厂风向和风速特征明显有别于邻近的灵武市气象站。分析结果主要用于该地火电厂空冷系统的安装与安全运行。  相似文献   
对大地震前的扰动现象的研究有助于认识地震孕育的动力学过程,震前重力扰动已成为关注的热点之一. 对大地震前的扰动现象的研究有助于认识地震孕育的动力学过程,震前重力扰动已成为关注的热点之一. 为检验日本Mw9.0级地震是否存在震前扰动现象,本研究利用全球超导重力仪记录到的地震前后7天内20组秒采样数据进行分析. 经潮汐、大气改正等处理去除仪器的漂移及残余潮汐效应,得到非潮汐重力变化曲线.结果表明大部分振幅大于30×10-8 m·s-2的曲线反映了全球Mw≥6级地震引起的高频波动信号,其中11组数据在3月9日Mw7.3级前震之前出现了扰动现象.震前扰动可分解为三个频段,其中,低于0.1 Hz和高于0.18 Hz的分量分别反映了地震波动信号及非构造信息,中间频段(0.118~0.18 Hz)信号能够较大程度地压制地震波动信号、并同时保留异常扰动信息.它的振幅在3月7日10时之前基本保持约1×10-8 m·s-2,之后开始逐渐增大,到3月9日7.3级前震前后达到最大,此后振荡衰减,振幅保持约(5~10)×10-8 m·s-2,直至主震发生.中间频段信号的变化特征与主震前的应力迁移过程以及实验记录到的地震成核过程有许多相似之处;不过,震前重力异常是否与主震前的应力加速积累有关,仍待进一步研究.  相似文献   
As climate change policies and governance initiatives struggle to produce the transformational social changes required, the search for stand out case studies continues. Many have pointed to the period between 2005 and 2008 in the United Kingdom as a promising example of national level innovation. With strong cross-party consensus and a first-of-its-kind legislation the UK established itself as a climate policy leader. However, early warning signs suggest that this institutionalised position is far from secure. Through a novel application of discursive institutionalism this article presents a detailed analysis of the role of ideas in unravelling this ambition under the Conservative-Liberal coalition administration (2010–2015). Discursive interactions among policymakers and other political actors were dominated by ideas about governmental responsibility and economic austerity, establishing an atmosphere of climate policy scepticism and restraint. By situating this conspicuous and influential process of bricolage within its institutional context the importance of how policymakers think and communicate about climate change is made apparent. The power of ideas to influence policy is further demonstrated through their cognitive and normative persuasiveness, by imposing over and excluding alternatives and in their institutional positioning. It can be concluded that despite innovative legislation, institution building and strategic coordination of different types of governance actors the ideational foundations of ambitious climate change politics in the UK have been undermined.  相似文献   
近岸海域水母暴发可导致滨海火/核电厂取水口堵塞,对电厂安全运行造成潜在威胁。寻找水母源地及其迁移路径是水母治理的基础。本文基于拉格朗日质点追踪方法(LTRANS)建立反向追踪模型,并结合水母生态学特性对2015年6—9月聚集在红沿河电厂海域的大型水母进行溯源,获得水母源地及迁移路径,可以为螅状体栖息地寻找和水母拦截打捞提供依据,对近岸海域水母灾害防治具有重要指导意义。溯源结果表明:(1)红沿河电厂及其邻近海域的水母可能来自多个不同源区,辽东湾西部、北部及电厂南北两侧等海域的水母均有可能迁移至电厂附近;(2)受水温和环流影响,6—9月期间到达电厂附近的水母主要源区及迁移路径不同,早期出现在电厂海域的水母很可能是局地产生的,而7—9月持续的高风险水母灾害则主要取决于渤海不同源区水母的物理聚集;(3)根据水母的主要迁移路径,建议在电厂取水口约15km的海域设置一条封闭监测断面,对水母进行实时监测;在距离取水口约30km的外侧海域设置一条调查断面,于7月初至8月中旬,每5天进行一次定点拖网调查。此外,在距离电厂取水口15—20km的西南方向上,对水母进行拦截打捞可大大降低水母入侵风险。  相似文献   
文章将周期结构原理与导纳方法结合起来,分析了带复合结构单元的有阻尼的有限周期系统的波传播和振动特性,得到了有限周期结构自振频率的一般表达式。  相似文献   
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