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The New York Bight is a sector of the Middle Atlantic continental shelf. The Bight consists of a part of the Atlantic Ocean offshore of the New York and New Jersey metropolitan area. This area includes the most populated coastal setting in North America. The Atlantic shelf and its estuaries are used for waste disposal, dredging, commercial fishing, and recreation; activities that contribute to the contamination of associated bottom sediments. Existing data for toxicants are still inadequate. Improvements in sediment and water quality will require a more detailed knowledge and understanding of sediments and water in the Bight. Eleven coring stations were established in New York Bight. Decreases in pH and Eh both above and below the water/sediment interface are attributed to the activity of anaerobic bacteria. Sulfate reduction is one of the important processes in lowering pH. Low Eh values of up to −443 can be related to sulfate-reducing bacteria. The highest negative Eh generally occurs with the highest organic carbon concentration. Core samples yielded up to 4.00% organic carbon compared to 0.8 to 1.2% in sediments of the natural nearshore environment. Twenty-seven different aliphatic hydrocarbons, fourteen PAHs, five cyclic hydrocarbons, and eight dicarboxylic acids were identified in the Bight pore waters. Sediment located deeper in the Hudson Shelf Valley has a greater abundance of aliphatic hydrocarbons as adsorbed pollution on clay and silt. The presence of dicarboxylic acids leached from plastic came from anthropogenic activities (mostly sewage). PAHs have two sources: coal ash (observed in sediments) and petroleum (part of the sewage, run-offs, and oil spills). The rest of the hydrocarbons have a petroleum or biogenic origin. The high amount of organic carbon may be the result of sewage sludge or originated from natural sources. The main sources of contaminants are dumpsites, emergency releases after heavy rainstorms from sewage-treatment plants, tanker washing, storage transfer spills, run-off, and air-borne pollution. The relatively high accumulation of organic matter causes oxygen depletion, which creates anaerobic conditions. The presence of hydrogen sulfide makes the environment toxic for most of the biota. Detected hydrocarbons, especially PAHs easily enter the food chain and may cause cancer and mutagenic reactions of biota and humans. Organic petrology of six organic-rich sediments from New York Harbor illustrates a diverse population of anthropogenic and natural organic components. Three core samples (V-2, AC-4, and HV-3) contain coarse-textured organic matter. A slim majority of those components are anthropogenic. They are derived mainly from coal combustion by-products. The other two core samples (AC-6 and T-1) contain mainly very fine-grained organic matter. A majority of them are amorphous organic matter (AOM) that is derived from bacterial degradation of modern organic matter. Radionuclide dating (137Cs, K-40, Pb-210) shows post-1950 components for the shallowest intervals in the cores (<30 cm). The post-1950 sediment, distributed in the tops of core, is recycled material from the dumpsites. The underlying sediment has isotopic signatures that suggest dates before active dumping.  相似文献   
A model is described for hindcasting or forecasting waves in finite‐depth waters. The model is particularly applicable to coastal sites where the water is depth‐limited. The wave energy density spectrum is modelled in the frequency‐directional domain. For each spectral component a ray is defined along which wave energy propagates to reach the site. For sites exposed to the open ocean a background spectral wave model is required to provide input to the ray endpoints. Further growth and dissipation is then effected along the rays according to the local wind and water depth. The model was used to hindcast wave spectra over a period of 9 months for a site in the Canterbury Bight, New Zealand. The results were compared with measurements from a Waveridcr buoy at the site. The model succeeds in explaining about 40% of the variance in measured significant wave heights. However, the present application is handicapped by errors inherent in the background spectral model and in specifying the local wind.  相似文献   
The distribution and characteristics of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Baltic – North Sea transition zone were studied. The aim was to assess the validity of predicting CDOM absorption in the region on the basis of water mass mixing alone and demonstrate the utility of CDOM as an indicator of water mass mixing in coastal seas. A three-end-member mixing model representing the three major allochthonous CDOM sources was sufficient to describe the patterns in CDOM absorption distribution observed. The three-end-member water masses were the: Baltic outflow, German Bight and the central North Sea. Previously, it was thought that water from the German Bight transported northwards in the Jutland coastal current only sporadically influenced mixing between the Baltic and North Sea. The results from this study show that water from the German Bight is detectable at salinities down to 12 in the Kattegat and Belt Sea. On average, 23% of the CDOM in bottom waters of the Kattegat, Great Belt, Belt Sea, Arkona Sea and the Sound originated from the German Bight. Using this conservative mixing model approach, local CDOM inputs were detectable but found to be limited, representing only 0.25% of CDOM in the surface waters of the Kattegat and Belt Sea. The conservative mixing of CDOM makes it possible to predict its distribution and characteristics and offers a powerful tool for tracing water mass mixing in the region. The results also emphasize the need to include the Jutland Coastal current in hydrodynamic models for the region.  相似文献   
This study investigates the biogeochemical processes that control the benthic fluxes of dissolved nitrogen (N) species in Boknis Eck – a 28 m deep site in the Eckernförde Bay (southwestern Baltic Sea). Bottom water oxygen concentrations (O2−BW) fluctuate greatly over the year at Boknis Eck, being well-oxygenated in winter and experiencing severe bottom water hypoxia and even anoxia in late summer. The present communication addresses the winter situation (February 2010). Fluxes of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) were simulated using a benthic model that accounted for transport and biogeochemical reactions and constrained with ex situ flux measurements and sediment geochemical analysis. The sediments were a net sink for NO3 (−0.35 mmol m−2 d−1 of NO3), of which 75% was ascribed to dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium (DNRA) by sulfide oxidizing bacteria, and 25% to NO3 reduction to NO2 by denitrifying microorganisms. NH4+ fluxes were high (1.74 mmol m−2 d−1 of NH4+), mainly due to the degradation of organic nitrogen, and directed out of the sediment. NO2 fluxes were negligible. The sediments in Boknis Eck are, therefore, a net source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NO3 + NO2 + NH4+) during winter. This is in large part due to bioirrigation, which accounts for 76% of the benthic efflux of NH4+, thus reducing the capacity for nitrification of NH4+. The combined rate of fixed N loss by denitrification and anammox was estimated at 0.08 mmol m−2 d−1 of N2, which is at the lower end of previously reported values. A systematic sensitivity analysis revealed that denitrification and anammox respond strongly and positively to the concentration of NO3 in the bottom water (NO3BW). Higher O2−BW decreases DNRA and denitrification but stimulates both anammox and the contribution of anammox to total N2 production (%Ramx). A complete mechanistic explanation of these findings is provided. Our analysis indicates that nitrification is the geochemical driving force behind the observed correlation between %Ramx and water depth in the seminal study of Dalsgaard et al. (2005). Despite remaining uncertainties, the results provide a general mechanistic framework for interpreting the existing knowledge of N-turnover processes and fluxes in continental margin sediments, as well as predicting the types of environment where these reactions are expected to occur prominently.  相似文献   
The Ouémé River estuary is located on the seasonally humid tropical coast of Benin, west Africa. A striking feature of this microtidal estuary is the presence of a large sand barrier bounding a 120 km2 circular central basin, Lake Nokoué, that is being infilled by heterogeneous fluvial deposits supplied by a relatively large catchment (50 000 km2). Borehole cores from the lower estuary show basal Pleistocene lowstand alluvial sediments overlain by Holocene transgressive–highstand lagoonal mud and by transgressive to probably early highstand tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta sand deposited in association with non‐preserved transgressive sand barriers. The change in estuary‐mouth sedimentation from a transgressive barrier‐inlet system to a regressive highstand barrier reflects regional modifications in marine sand supply and in the cross‐barrier tidal flux associated with barrier‐inlet systems. As barrier formation west of the Ouémé River led to an increasingly rectilinear shoreline, the longshore drift cell matured, ensuring voluminous eastward transport of sand from the Volta Delta in Ghana, the major purveyor of sand, to the Ouémé embayment, 200 km east. Concomitantly, the number of tidal inlets, and the tidal flux associated with a hitherto interlinked lagoonal system on this coast, diminished. Complete sealing of Lake Nokoué has produced a large, permanently closed estuary, where tidal intrusion is assured through the interconnected coastal lagoon via an inlet located 60 km east. Since 1885, tides have entered the estuary directly through an artificial outlet cut across the sand barrier. Although precluding the seaward loss of fluvial sediments, permanent estuary‐mouth closure has especially deprived the highstand estuary of marine sand, a potentially important component in estuarine infill on wave‐dominated coasts. In spite of a significant fluvial sediment supply, estuarine infill has been moderate, because of the size of the central basin. Estuarine closure has resulted in two co‐existing highstand sediment suites, with limited admixture, the marine‐derived, estuary‐mouth barrier and upland‐derived back‐barrier sediments. This situation differs from that of mature barrier estuaries characterized by active fluvial‐marine sediment mixing and facies interfingering.  相似文献   
Observations of surface velocity data from August 2002 to February 2004 were collected by a series of four long-range high-frequency (HF) radars along the coast of New Jersey. The shelf observations of the central Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) were compared to historical observations of surface flow characteristics in the area. The time-averaged spatial mean velocity of 4 cm/s in the down-shelf along-shelf direction and 3 cm/s in the offshore across-shelf direction compared very well to historical surface measurements in the study region. However, as the spatial resolution of the data set revealed, this simple measure masked significant spatial variations in the overall and seasonal mean flow structures. Three regions – the south bank of the Hudson Shelf Valley, the southern New Jersey inner shelf (LEO-15) region, and the region offshore of the Delaware Bay mouth (southwest corner) – had mean flows that favor offshore transport of surface water. In terms of temporal variability, maps of the principle axes showed that the across-shelf (minor) axis contribution was not insignificant in the surface layer ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 of along-shelf (major) axis and that there were seasonal differences in orientation and ellipticity. Analysis of the spatial changes in the temporal and spatial correlation scales over the shelf showed that shelf position, in addition to site separation, contributed to the differences in these properties. Furthermore, observations over the Hudson Shelf Valley region suggested that this was a region of transition in which the orientation of along- and across-shelf components begin to change.  相似文献   
The Naval Research Laboratory created a wave forecasting system in support of the Nearshore Canyon Experiment (NCEX) field program. The outer nest of this prediction system encompassed the Southern California Bight. This forecasting system is described in this paper, with analysis of results via comparison to the extensive buoy network in the region. There are a number of potential errors, two of which are poor resolution of islands in the Bight—which have a strong impact on nearshore wave climate—and the use of the stationary assumption for computations. These two problems have straightforward solutions, but the solutions are computationally expensive, so an operational user must carefully consider their cost. The authors study the impact of these two types of error (relative to other errors, such as error in boundary forcing) using several hindcasts performed after the completion of NCEX. It is found that, with buoy observations as ground truth, the stationary assumption leads to a modest increase in root-mean-square error; this is due to relatively poor prediction of the timing of swell arrivals and local sea growth/decay. The model results are found to be sensitive to the resolution of islands; however, coarse resolution does not incur an appreciable penalty in terms of error statistics computed via comparison to buoy observations, suggesting that other errors dominate. Inaccuracy in representation of the local atmospheric forcing likely has a significant impact on wave model error. Perhaps most importantly, the accuracy of directional distribution of wave energy at the open ocean boundaries appears to be a critical limitation on the accuracy of the model-data comparisons inside the Bight.  相似文献   
A coupled discontinuous–continuous Galerkin (DG–CG) shallow water model is compared to a continuous Galerkin generalized wave-continuity equation (GWCE) based model for the coastal ocean, whereby local mass imbalance typical of GWCE-based solutions is eliminated using the coupled DG–CG approach. Two mass imbalance indicators for the GWCE-based model are presented and analyzed. The indicators motivate discussion on the suitability of using a GWCE-based model versus the locally conservative coupled DG–CG model. Both realistic and idealized test problems for tide, wind, and wave-driven circulation form the basis of the study. For the problems studied, coupled DG–CG solutions retain the robustness of well-documented solutions from GWCE-based models and also capture the dynamics driven by small-scale, highly advective processes which are problematic for GWCE-based models. Issues associated with the coupled DG–CG model are explored, including increased cost due to increased degrees of freedom, the necessary application of slope limiters, as well as the actual coupling process.  相似文献   
During December 1966, observations were made on the hunting and feeding habits of an individual Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli Lesson) at a fishing hole in the ice above a depth of 300 m of water, near McMurdo Station. The seal appeared regularly every day, usually within 10 minutes of 1800 hours, and started feeding, sometimes for as long as 8 hours. The prey fish, once caught, was killed and eaten underwater, with the seal frequently surfacing to breathe. The fish caught varied in weight between 15 and 65 1b, and were all the same species, identified as Dissostichus mawsoni Norman.

The average daily weight of the seal's catch was estimated to be about 150 lb.  相似文献   
Spatial gradients in biomass and community composition have important consequences for ecosystem structure and function. In this study, small-scale inshore-offshore (1-10 km) and vertical (1-50 m) patterns of microphytoplankton biomass and community composition are described, and the environmental controls of microphytoplankton biomass are evaluated in a coastal ecosystem of the Southern California Bight (SCB). During a two-year period, persistent inshore-offshore gradients in phytoplankton biomass and occasional inshore-offshore gradients in community composition, coincident with regional precipitation, were found, although the strength of the gradients varied between sampling periods. The chlorophyll a maximum was generally present between 15 and 45 m, the cell abundance maximum occurred in surface waters, and there was little evidence of vertical gradients in community composition. Variability in chlorophyll a concentrations was linked to variability in environmental parameters only after some rain and upwelling events. This study demonstrates that inshore-offshore patterns in phytoplankton biomass previously documented at large spatial scales (100-700 km) in the SCB can also persist at smaller scales (1-10 km), although the mechanisms for the gradients are likely to be different at the different spatial scales. The results provide a baseline data set that can be used to focus monitoring and management efforts in the SCB. In particular, this work shows that a limited number of sampling stations are sufficient for phytoplankton monitoring in Santa Monica Bay.  相似文献   
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