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Llullaillaco is one of a chain of Quaternary stratovolcanoes that defines the present Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ), and marks the border between Chile and Argentina/Bolivia. The current edifice is constructed from a series of thick dacitic lava flows, forming the second tallest active volcano in the world (6739 m). K–Ar and new biotite laser 40Ar/39Ar step-heating dates indicate that the volcano was constructed during the Pleistocene (≤1.5 Ma), with a youngest date of 0.048±0.012 Ma being recorded for a fresh dacite flow that descends the southern flank. Additional 40Ar/39Ar measurements for andesitic and dacitic lava flows from the surrounding volcanic terrain yield dates of between 11.94±0.13 Ma and 5.48±0.07 Ma, corresponding to an extended period of Miocene volcanism which defines much of the landscape in this region. Major- and trace-element compositions of lavas from Llullaillaco are typical of Miocene–Pleistocene volcanic rocks from the western margin of the CVZ, and are related to relatively shallow-dipping subduction of the Nazca plate beneath northern Chile and Argentina.Oversteepening of the edifice by stacking of thick, viscous, dacitic lava flows resulted in collapse of its southeastern flank to form a large volcanic debris avalanche. Biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating of lava blocks from the avalanche deposit indicate that collapse occurred at or after 0.15 Ma, and may have been triggered by extrusion of a dacitic flow similar to the one dated at 0.048±0.012 Ma. The avalanche deposits are exceptionally well preserved due to the arid climate, and prominent levées, longitudinal ridges, and megablocks up to 20-m diameter are observed.The avalanche descended 2.8 km vertically, and bifurcated around an older volcano, Cerro Rosado, before debouching onto the salt flats of Salina de Llullaillaco. The north and south limbs of the avalanche traveled 25 and 23 km, respectively, and together cover an area of approximately 165 km2. Estimates of deposit volume are hampered by a lack of thickness information except at the edges, but it is likely to be between 1 and 2 km3. Equivalent coefficients of friction of 0.11 and 0.12, and excess travel distances of 20.5 and 18.5 km, are calculated for the north and south limbs, respectively. The avalanche ascended 400 m where it broke against the western flank of Cerro Rosado, and a minimum flow velocity of 90 m s−1 can be calculated at this point; lower velocities of 45 m s−1 are calculated where distal toes ascend 200 m slopes.It is suggested that the remaining precipitous edifice has a high probability for further avalanche collapse in the event of renewed volcanism.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a movable‐boundary, distorted, Froude‐scaled hydraulic model based on Abiaca Creek, a sand‐bedded channel in northern Mississippi. The model was used to examine the geomorphic and hydraulic impact of simplified large woody debris (LWD) elements. The theory of physical scale models is discussed and the method used to construct the LWD test channel is developed. The channel model had bed and banks moulded from 0·8 mm sand, and flow conditions were just below the threshold of motion so that any sediment transport and channel adjustment were the result of the debris element. Dimensions and positions of LWD elements were determined using a debris jam classification model. Elements were attached to a dynamometer to measure element drag forces, and channel adjustment was determined through detailed topographic surveys. The fluid drag force on the elements decreased asymptotically over time as the channel boundary eroded around the elements due to locally increased boundary shear stress. Total time for geomorphic adjustment computed for the prototype channel at the Q2 discharge (discharge occurring once every two years on average) was as short as 45 hours. The size, depth and position of scour holes, bank erosion and bars created by flow acceleration past the elements were found to be related to element length and position within the channel cross‐section. Morphologies created by each debris element in the model channel were comparable with similar jams observed in the prototype channel. Published in 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Assessment of Debris-Flow Hazards of Alluvial Fans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Okunishi  Kazuo  Suwa  Hiroshi 《Natural Hazards》2001,23(2-3):259-269
A strategy is presented for the assessment ofdebris-flow hazards on alluvial fans on the basis ofa case study carried out on the southern foot of astratovolcano named Mt. Yatsugatake. Transformation ofcommercial forests into a golf course was planned ata corner of the Kikkakezawa fan. The case studyinvolves an assessment of hazards due to debris flowsof different magnitudes and their recurrenceintervals. The environmental conditions for therecurrence of these debris flows are discussed as wellas the extent of the areas affected by them. In orderto generalize the case study, concepts of hazardpotential, hazard and risk for debris flows onalluvial fans are established. Accordingly, the hazardpotential is the possible hazards at any location onan alluvial fan in an indefinitely long time period,which can be assessed on the basis of hydrological andother geoscientific investigations. Hazards associatedwith a particular land use can be evaluated on thebasis of the hazard potential considering the locationand the time period associated with the land use. Riskcan be further assessed considering the life styles inthis land and the social conditions.  相似文献   
柔性断层错动产物的微观研究方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柔性断层错动产物一般尚未固结,难以对其进行定向取样,固化和磨制薄片,笔者经过长期努力提出解决这个问题的方法并将其应用于郯—庐断裂带赤山段晚更新世以来活动性的研究中。笔者按总结出的方法定向采取断层泥,对其固化并磨制定向薄片,在镜下仔细观测,发现众多变形现象和由其反映的运动学和动力学方面的重要信息。属脆性变形的有:长英质矿物颗粒被错移并形成棋盘格式构造,脆—塑或塑性变形发生在粘土和云母类的矿物中,尤其是“帚”状扭折和先扭后错现象在云母中非常普遍。恢复薄片的自然产状后,宏微观构造具统一性。据变形产物赋存的地质时代,它们应是断裂晚更新世以来活动的微观证据。文中笔者除系统介绍了柔性断层产物的采样、固结、磨片和应用此种技术的实例外,还探讨了显微构造分析在活断层研究中应有的地位和作用。  相似文献   
泥石流监测预警站利用的是泥石流预警报系统,以便对泥石流进行监测后,作出泥石流预警报。泥石流预警报系统由三个子系统组成,这就是:1.暴雨类泥石流预报子系统;2.泥石流地声报警子系统;3.泥石流规模报警子系统。三个子系统分别用在泥石流监测预警站所属的雨量、地声、泥位三类泥石流监测点上。泥石流预警报系统由中国科学院东川泥石流观测研究站在蒋家沟研制而成,1985年底通过鉴定,获1986年度中国科学院科学技术进步三等奖。  相似文献   
泥石流固体颗粒级配倒置,影响流速垂线分布、流态与冲击力,是一个十分重要的问题。本文根据力学及流变学对泥石流固体颗粒级配倒置进行了解释,对于泥石流运动机理的认识是有裨益的。  相似文献   
云南省苍山十八溪发育十分典型的水石流,流动时表面为高含沙洪水,底部为粗相沙砾和巨石,固液两相离析为非均质两相流。流体具有很大的动能和冲击力,对富绕的苍洱平坝区造成危害。为了治灾除害,保护生态环境,本文对防治目的、治理目标、防治方针与方法,以及实施顺序、程序、方案、技术措施等问题作了阐述。  相似文献   
云南保山金鸡剖面丁家寨组及其古水温问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保山金鸡剖面丁家寨组下部含砾层的双层结构特征与不同的地质作用有关:下部砾岩层为滨海相砾岩;上部角砾状灰岩由碎屑流产生。所产遗迹化石指示滨海相环境。根据保山地区丁家寨组的颗粒成分、胶结物及地球化学特征,对丁家寨组冷温水成因的观点提出了质疑  相似文献   
基于GIS的滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划关键问题研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
随着GIS技术的引入,滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划的效率和准确性得以大大提高。依据工程地质类比原则,在灾害学理论指导下,结合专家打分、层次分析、人工神经网络、信息量、Logistic回归、统计量等模型方法,以MAPGIS软件为平台,利用C++语言开发了滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划评价分析系统;并重点探讨了GIS支持下的滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划过程中的因子分析、模型选取、模型复合、单元划分、系统集成、结果评价等关键问题,建立了一整套基于GIS的滑坡、泥石流灾害评价方法体系。应用该系统对长江三峡库区和辽宁省鞍山市分别开展了滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划研究,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
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