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在内蒙古毛登地区发现碎斑熔岩发育,其具有熔岩和熔结凝灰岩的双重结构。毛登碎斑熔岩岩体呈近圆形穹状,可划分出中心相、过渡相和边缘相,不同相带岩石特征明显。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为139.20Ma±0.73Ma,属早白垩世火山—岩浆活动的产物。岩石富硅、碱,轻稀土元素富集,Eu强烈亏损,富集Rb、Th,亏损Ba、K,与同期流纹岩的地球化学特征相同,研究表明其形成于造山后板内伸展环境。  相似文献   
大兴安岭中段柴河地区碎斑熔岩的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年,在大兴安岭柴河地区开展1:5万区调时发现了碎斑熔岩体.区内发育晚侏罗世满克头鄂博组(J3m)、玛尼吐组(J3mn)及白音高老组(J3b)火山岩,广泛分布在二十四道沟、敖尼尔-四道沟及柴河-固里河3个火山喷发盆地中.所发现的固里河、敖尼尔两个碎斑熔岩体,即是白音高老期火山活动晚期侵出的重要组成部分.固里河碎斑熔岩体呈一北东向延伸的椭圆形穹状岩体,可划分出内部相(似斑状)、过渡相(霏细质)和边缘相(玻质)3个相带,主要由流纹质碎斑熔岩构成;敖尼尔碎斑熔岩主体呈近东西向,平面上呈似蘑菇状,可划分出2~3个相带,其岩石类型基本同固里河碎斑熔岩体.它们的发现,对研究大兴安岭地区火山岩的形成、演化及指导找矿等具有重要意义.  相似文献   
新疆北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩的地质特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
巴音沟蛇绿岩虽受强热构造作用肢解,但仍保存有较完整的蛇纹石化超基性岩、状层辉长岩、基性熔岩(下部块状、上部枕状)和放射虫硅质岩的层序组合。岩石化学、地球化学、放射虫等古生物资料表明,它代表一个中石炭世陆缘海盆迅速扩张形成的洋壳和上地幔的残片。其侵位发生在中石炭世未海盆的封闭期间。  相似文献   
新疆乌鲁木齐东部野生动物园附近的下二叠统下部发育了一套以枕状玄武岩为代表的火山岩系。该玄武岩在公路上发育有两层,上部一层较厚,可达7~8m,下部一层2~3m。岩枕近圆形、肾状、枕状、条带状或蠕虫状等,多呈顶突底凹。岩枕长轴平行排列,长轴基本顺层面分布;有的岩枕中含大量海百合茎、珊瑚及腕足等生物化石。在TAS图中大部分样品位于玄武粗安岩,而在K_2O-SiO_2图上主要落在低K拉斑玄武岩区间。MnOTiO_2-P_2O_5图解显示以岛弧为主,常量元素的特征总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。在Hf/3-Th-Ta图解上也以岛弧为主;在Zr/4-2Nb-Y图解显示以火山弧为主,常量元素的特点总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图表明为同源岩浆产物,具高度相似的演化过程,多种微量元素判别图揭示岛弧-弧后盆地环境;稀土总量明显较低,在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图解上,其稀土分布曲线一致性较好,呈轻稀土富集右倾型,Eu为负异常,揭示了乌东玄武岩岩浆有一定分异。稀土元素配分曲线与弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)具有很好的一致性。U-Pb和谐年龄为283±8Ma,结合地层及古生物资料推测乌东玄武岩喷发的时间为早二叠世早期。乌东枕状玄武岩-灰岩之下有一套(磨拉石)底砾岩,初定为石炭-二叠系的界限。底砾岩之下为下石炭统的中厚层灰岩,具有明显的喀斯特化,为不整合接触,揭示在两者之间发生了造山作用。通过对新疆乌东早二叠世早期的枕状玄武岩的地质特征、地球化学特征、形成环境和时代的研究,表明乌东一带早二叠世主要为一个岛弧和弧后盆地环境,进一步揭示了北天山北缘石炭-二叠世碰撞闭合造山之后又发生了松弛扩张形成了弧后盆地,海水再度大规模入侵。最终的闭合碰撞造山的时间最早可能在晚二叠世。由于乌东枕状玄武岩在喷出地表后受到了生物化石和陆源碎屑的污染,再加上侵入过程中地壳的污染,使其具有非常复杂的地球化学特点和多解性。乌东玄武岩的研究对于了解博格达山、甚至天山中段在晚古生代的构造沉积演化及造山作用具有重要意义,同时对准噶尔盆地、吐哈盆地及三塘湖盆地油气资源的形成与分布具有重要意义。  相似文献   
天池火山东北侧造盾玄武岩可划分出8个流动单元,熔岩流的流动距离主要集中在30~50km,熔岩流宽度以5km左右为主。通过由野外调查获得的天池火山东北侧不同熔岩流单元的地表坡度、熔岩流厚度等,结合温度、密度与黏度等物理参数,按照熔岩流速度公式恢复的头道组和早白山组0.5m厚晶体含量5%的玄武岩熔岩流流速集中在0~1m/s之间。晶体含量为30%、厚度为0.5m的晚白山组和老房子小山组玄武岩熔岩流的流动速度集中在0~0.12m/s之间。厚度增大至2m左右,晶体含量不变的头道组和早白山组的玄武岩熔岩流流动速度可加快至11m/s。天池火山2m厚的碱性熔岩流在12h内达到或接近了它的最远距离,而各组内2m厚拉斑玄武岩熔岩流在20h内接近了最远距离。0.5m厚的熔岩流在10d内接近最大距离。50km是预计的熔岩流长度,在未来制定减灾措施时,可将此长度作为重要依据之一。天池火山熔岩流灾害主要表现为熔岩流动时对房屋建筑、农田、道路、林地、电站的毁坏,火灾及大量的人口伤亡  相似文献   
Sinker Butte is the erosional remnant of a very large basaltic tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age located at the southern edge of the western Snake River Plain. Phreatomagmatic tephras are exposed in complete sections up to 100 m thick in the walls of the Snake River Canyon, creating an unusual opportunity to study the deposits produced by this volcano through its entire sequence of explosive eruptions. The main objectives of the study were to determine the overall evolution of the Sinker Butte volcano while focusing particularly on the tephras produced by its phreatomagmatic eruptions. Toward this end, twenty-three detailed stratigraphic sections ranging from 20 to 100 m thick were examined and measured in canyon walls exposing tephras deposited around 180° of the circumference of the volcano.Three main rock units are recognized in canyon walls at Sinker Butte: a lower sequence composed of numerous thin basaltic lava flows, an intermediate sequence of phreatomagmatic tephras, and a capping sequence of welded basaltic spatter and more lava flows. We subdivide the phreatomagmatic deposits into two main parts, a series of reworked, mostly subaqueously deposited tephras and a more voluminous sequence of overlying subaerial surge and fall deposits. Most of the reworked deposits are gray in color and exhibit features such as channel scour and fill, planar-stratification, high and low angle cross-stratification, trough cross-stratification, and Bouma-turbidite sequences consistent with their being deposited in shallow standing water or in braided streams. The overlying subaerial deposits are commonly brown or orange in color due to palagonitization. They display a wide variety of bedding types and sedimentary structures consistent with deposition by base surges, wet to dry pyroclastic fall events, and water saturated debris flows.Proximal sections through the subaerial tephras exhibit large regressive cross-strata, planar bedding, and bomb sags suggesting deposition by wet base surges and tephra fallout. Medial and distal deposits consist of a thick sequence of well-bedded tephras; however, the cross-stratified base-surge deposits are thinner and interbedded within the fallout deposits. The average wavelength and amplitude of the cross strata continue to decrease with distance from the vent. These bedded surge and fall deposits grade upward into dominantly fall deposits containing 75–95% juvenile vesiculated clasts and localized layers of welded spatter, indicating a greatly reduced water-melt ratio. Overlying these “dryer” deposits are massive tuff breccias that were probably deposited as water saturated debris flows (lahars). The first appearance of rounded river gravels in these massive tuff breccias indicates downward coring of the diatreme and entrainment of country rock from lower in the stratigraphic section. The “wetter” nature of these deposits suggests a renewed source of external water. The massive deposits grade upward into wet fallout tephras and the phreatomagmatic sequence ends with a dry scoria fall deposit overlain by welded spatter and lava flows.Field observations and two new 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating dates suggest the succession of lavas and tephra deposits exposed in this part of the Snake River canyon may all have been erupted from a closely related complex of vents at Sinker Butte. We propose that initial eruptions of lava flows built a small shield edifice that dammed or disrupted the flow of the ancestral Snake River. The shift from effusive to explosive eruptions occurred when the surface water or rising ground water gained access to the vent. As the river cut a new channel around the lava dam, water levels dropped and the volcano returned to an effusive style of eruption.  相似文献   
Oldoinyo Lengai in the Northern Tanzania rift is the only active nephelinite–carbonatite stratovolcano. We report the discovery of thermonatrite, aphthitalite, halite and sylvite fumarole deposits on recent natrocarbonatite lava flows erupted in the summit crater during the wet season. These salt deposits occur as delicate, concave fringes or tubes that line the cooling cracks in the lava flows and consist of intergrowths of euhedral crystals. The presence of a dark altered zone, depleted in halides and alkalies, adjacent to cooling cracks and observations of steam fumaroles emanating from the fractures suggest that the salts are formed by sublimation from saturated vapours generated by the extrusion of lavas over meteoric water. The crystallisation sequence recorded in the salts suggests that mixing between meteoric steam and magmatic CO2 and H2S occurs at high temperatures resulting in the sublimation of carbonates and sulphates. At lower temperatures the vapours are dominated by meteoric steam and sublimate halides. The high solubility of the fumarole salts within meteoric water and their formation only during the wet season implies that these are ephemeral deposits that are unlikely to be preserved in the geological record.  相似文献   
 The Badlands rhyolite, on the Owyhee Plateau of southwestern Idaho, can be demonstrated to be a large lava flow on the basis of its geometry of large and small flow lobes, its well-exposed near-vent features, and its response to pre-existing topography. However, samples of the dense upper vitrophyre of the unit reveal a range of annealed fragmental textures, including material which closely resembles the compressed, welded glass shards which are characteristic of ignimbrites. Formation of these tuff-like textures involved processes probably common to emplacement of most silicic lava flow units. Decompression upon extrusion causes inflation of pumice at the surface of the lava flow; some of this pumice is subsequently comminuted, producing loose bubble-wall shards, bits of pumice, chips of dense glass, and fragments of phenocrysts. This debris sifts down around loose blocks and into open fractures deeper in the flow, where it can be reheated, compressed, and annealed to varying degrees. The end result is a dense vitrophyre layer (beneath the true upper, non-welded carapace breccia) which can be extremely texturally heterogeneous, with areas of flow-foliated lava occurring very near lava which in many aspects looks like welded ignimbrite, complete with flattened pumices. Identical textures in other silicic units have been cited by previous workers as evidence that those units erupted as pyroclastic flows which then underwent sufficient rheomorphism to create a flow-foliated rock which otherwise appears to be lava. The textures described herein indicate that lava flows can come to mimic rheomorphic ignimbrites, at least at scales ranging from thin sections to outcrops. Voluminous silicic units with scattered fragmental textures, but with otherwise lava-like features, are probably true effusive lava flows. Received: January 30, 1995 / Accepted: January 22, 1996  相似文献   
江西相山碎斑熔岩成因和钾长石亚显微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相山碎斑熔岩含铁铝榴石(1340g/T)、红柱石等岩浆结晶副矿物,具S型火山岩地球化学和Nd、Sr、O同位素组成的特征。据光学测定和X光粉晶衍射测定,斑晶钾长石主要是高正长石或低透长石,有序参数δ′=-0.32—-0.01。在透射电镜下,出溶的细钠长石页片由共格拐点分解形成,成分波长约50—100nm;出溶的宽钠长石页片由无应力离溶作用形成,页片宽50—200nm。结果表明,碎斑熔岩是在火山环境下形成,而不是在深成环境下形成。  相似文献   
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