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井筒式地下连续墙水平承载能力模型试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
井筒式地下连续墙利用构造接头把地下连续墙段连接成一个平面为封闭形状挡土结构,其刚度大,承载力高。由于基础内部含有大面积的土芯,存在墙内土芯、墙体以及外部土体的相互作用。采用水平单向单循环维持荷载法,通过3个不同截面尺寸的单孔闭合墙水平静载试验,研究闭合地下连续墙基础的水平承载特性。基于墙身内力及位移测试结果,研究了井筒式地下连续墙基础在水平荷载作用下的承载机理,分析了水平荷载-位移特性、墙身位移、墙身弯矩、剪力、转角随深度的分布规律。试验结果表明,闭合墙基础呈整体倾斜破坏特性,墙身弯矩随墙深呈非线性变化,墙身剪力在加载处最大,在墙身弯矩极大值处墙身剪力为0,0点以下,墙身剪力随深度呈“大肚形”变化,并且闭合墙的承载力随着闭合墙边长的增大,深度的提高而提高。 相似文献
介绍了检验复合地基承裁力及桩身完整性的主要方法静裁荷试验、低应变反射波法,并对检测应满足的前提条件进行了认识和探讨。 相似文献
By using the upper bound finite‐elements limit analysis, with an inclusion of single and two horizontal layers of reinforcements, the ultimate bearing capacity has been computed for a rigid strip footing placed over (i) fully granular, (ii) cohesive‐frictional, and (iii) fully cohesive soils. It is assumed that (i) the reinforcements are structurally strong so that no axial tension failure can occur, (ii) the reinforcement sheets have negligible resistance to bending, and (iii) the shear failure can take place between the reinforcement and soil mass. It is expected that the different approximations on which the analysis has been based would generally remain applicable for reinforcements in the form of geogrid sheets. A method has been proposed to incorporate the effect of the reinforcement in the analysis. The efficiency factors, ηc and ηγ, to be multiplied with Nc and Nγ , for finding the bearing capacity of reinforced foundations, have been established. The results have been obtained (i) for different values of ? in case of fully granular and cohesive‐frictional soils, and (ii) for different rates at which the cohesion increases with depth for a fully cohesive soil. The optimum positions of the reinforcements' layers have also been determined. The effect of the reinforcements' length on the results has also been analyzed. As compared to cohesive soils, the granular soils, especially with higher values of ?, cause a much greater increase in the bearing capacity. The results compare reasonably well with the available theoretical and experimental data from literature. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
刚-柔性桩复合地基中桩荷载传递规律试验研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为了解刚-柔性桩复合地基中刚性桩和柔性桩的荷载传递规律,在温州地区选择了2幢采用刚-柔性桩复合地基的建筑物进行原位试验。试验前在钻孔灌注桩桩身埋设了钢筋应力计,在水泥搅拌桩桩身埋设了振弦式应变计,在建筑物施工过程中同步检测传感器的变化情况。试验结果表明,不同部位及不同类型桩荷载传递规律不同,中部刚性桩摩阻力相对于边部刚性桩重心下降,刚性桩荷载传递长度大于柔性桩。无褥垫层刚-柔性桩复合地基中部刚性桩在层数低时会出现负摩阻力,有褥垫层刚-柔性桩复合地基中在施工期间始终存在负摩阻力。中部桩端承力要高于边部桩端承力。 相似文献
扁平大跨度公路隧道松动荷载计算方法探讨 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
确定松动荷载的方法多为规范法和理论公式法,这些方法都建立在对以往隧道松动荷载统计和分析的基础上。双洞八车道扁平大跨度公路隧道是近几年发展起来的一种隧道形式。由于其跨度增加、扁平率降低,现有松动荷载的算方法是否适用于双洞八车道公路隧道,已成为隧道建设者面对的重要问题之一。以广州龙头山双洞八车道公路隧道为研究背景,概括和总结了各种松动荷载的计算方法;应用这些方法计算龙头山隧道的松动压力,分析和对比计算结果,并通过数值计算和实测围岩压力对各种方法的合理性进行了分析;根据各种方法的产生背景和内容,分析其各自的适用性;根据研究结果,对扁平大跨度公路隧道进行了适应性分析和讨论。 相似文献
柔性基础下群桩复合地基荷载传递规律及计算 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
复合地基沉降及荷载传递规律的研究是复合地基理论中一项非常重要的研究内容,然而对群桩复合地基的沉降及荷载传递规律的研究,在理论上很不成熟。在采用文[1]推荐的竖向变形模式及文[2]推荐的径向变形模式的基础上,利用弹性理论及桩-土位移协调条件建立了桩及桩周土的控制微分方程,并由此推导出了柔性基础下群桩复合地基加固区内桩及桩周土压缩量计算的解析式,同时得出了桩、桩周土中竖向应力及桩侧剪应力计算的解析式。通过算例将该方法所得结果与有限元结果进行了对比,同时也与模型实验结果进行了比较。算例及模型实验结果均表明:该方法对分析柔性基础下群桩复合地基的荷载传递规律及加固区的变形具有足够的精度,且该法计算工作量小,便于工程应用。 相似文献
The influence of ecological technology measures on the annual sediment loads of rivers complies with the principles of statistics. In this paper, the annual sediment load of the Wuding River is taken as the dependent variable and the rainfall, rainstorms during the flood period of the Wuding River and areas of ecological technology measures are taken as the independent variables to analyze the influence of ecological technology measures on the annual sediment load of the Wuding River during the years 1956 to 2007. This research uses a stepwise regression method. The result shows that 1) the non-linear regression equation composed of three independent variables including 7-8 monthly rainfalls along the Wuding River, areas of ecological technology measures and maximum daily rainfall along the Wuding River has been calculated and set up; the correlation coefficient is R2=0.857 and the significance level is α=0.001. 2) R2=0.717 is adjusted and the regression equation reveals a change of annual sediment load exceeding 71.7% over 52 years; 3) The standardized regression coefficient for ecological technology measure area has the maximum absolute value of the three independent variables shows maximum influence on the change of annual sediment load; and 4) Because of implementing the ecological technology measures, until to year of 2007, when the 7-8 monthly rainfall and maximum daily rainfall are the maximum values in the research section, the annual sediment load is calculated as 149million ton, which is 36% of the maximum value in the history. 相似文献