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Behavior of Pile Groups under Lateral Load   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on investigation and model tests, and in combination with the research work on group effect for pile groups under lateral loads relating to the code of fixed offshore platforms, a series of studies have been performed on the behavior and failure mechanism of laterally loaded pile groups, critical pile spacing inducing group effect, lateral bearing capacity of pile groups and its main influence factors, the stress-strain relationship for single piles and pile groups and so on. Some new laws about non-uniformity of load distribution in the longitudinal direction of pile groups and load-deflection (p - y) curves for pile groups have been discovered, and an empirical formula is presented in order to remedy the defect of current calculating methods at home and abroad. These results can be used for reference in the design of pile foundation under lateral loads.  相似文献   
水资源的供需关系已演变为限制经济社会不断发展的一个关键障碍,所以对水资源承载力展开探究,以支撑经济和社会的不断发展,将会具有现实意义和至关重要的影响,本文从水资源负载指数和承载指数模型出发,根据当前乐山市水资源情况现状,对当地水资源承载力进行分析。  相似文献   
载荷试验确定基床系数修正方法的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Winkler地基模型是目前工程界应用最广的一种地基模型,但对其关键参数——基床系数k的确定,许多文献的表述并不一致。该文在大量试验资料的基础上,通过对该问题的深入研究,阐明了通过载荷试验确定基床系数修正方法的有关概念。对于砂性土地基,载荷板试验得出的基准基床系数仅需要进行基础大小修正,而对于粘性土地基,则需要进行基础大小和基础形状两项修正。  相似文献   
River discharge and nutrient measurements are subject to aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. In this study, we present a novel method for estimating these uncertainties in colocated discharge and phosphorus (P) measurements. The “voting point”‐based method constrains the derived stage‐discharge rating curve both on the fit to available gaugings and to the catchment water balance. This helps reduce the uncertainty beyond the range of available gaugings and during out of bank situations. In the example presented here, for the top 5% of flows, uncertainties are shown to be 139% using a traditional power law fit, compared with 40% when using our updated “voting point” method. Furthermore, the method is extended to in situ and lab analysed nutrient concentration data pairings, with lower uncertainties (81%) shown for high concentrations (top 5%) than when a traditional regression is applied (102%). Overall, for both discharge and nutrient data, the method presented goes some way to accounting for epistemic uncertainties associated with nonstationary physical characteristics of the monitoring site.  相似文献   
刘智 《探矿工程》2014,41(10):72-74
车载修井机井架静强度分析中,通常略去绷绳和风载的影响,这与井架的实际工况不符。以ABAQUS软件为工具,对某车载修井机井架进行了有限元分析。在不同的静钩载及风载作用下,得出了井架所能承受的最大静钩载以及确定了井架薄弱点所处的位置。并通过计算合理地缩短了绷绳的斜拉范围。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The retreat of Nigardsbreen, an outlet glacier from the ice-cap Jostedalsbreen in south-central Norway, from its largest extent during the Little Ice Age, uncovered a proglacial lake during 1936–1967. This lake, Nigardsvatn, has been studied since 1968 in order to obtain data on solid material carried by the meltwater stream from the glacier, both in suspension and as bottom load. Between 70 and 85% of the suspended sediment has been deposited on the lake bottom, forming annual varves. The coarse material has been deposited in a delta, the formation of which started in 1968. Its growth, and hence the volume of total annual bottom load, has been surveyed annually for the past 36 years. In 1969 the entire bottom load was collected by building a fence-like net across the river. Material >3 cm was caught by this net, and formed approximately half the amount of suspended sediment transport during the same three-week period. Annual average deposition on the delta was 11800×103 kg for the period 1968–2003. This is almost the same amount as carried in suspension from the glacier on an annual mean basis for the 36-year period. If conditions remain constant, the lake will be completely filled in about 500 years. The glacier erosion is calculated to be 0.3 mm/a.  相似文献   
和志强 《探矿工程》2009,36(8):60-63
在狭窄场地上进行大吨位单桩竖向静载试验时,需要解决的问题是在试验设备受场地限制无法增加的情况下如何提供足够大的反力荷载。根据此次试验场地地层中基岩埋藏丰富且深度较浅的情况,通过采用预应力锚索,进行加载反力装置设计,最终采用十字形加载反力装置,有效地解决了反力荷载不足的问题,从而为类似的试验提供了一种思路和选择。同时,通过对试验中出现的一些问题诸如锚固力、自由段变形等进行深入地分析和研究,提出了有关改进和完善反力装置现方案的建议。  相似文献   
京石客运专线石家庄明挖隧道工程与既有京广铁路线近距离并行长达5 km,为了摸清列车动载对桩锚支护结构的影响,以及不同锚固形式对动载的响应特点,特在该隧道设立压力分散型锚索试验段,与现场普遍采用的拉力集中型锚索锚固段相对照,进行长期应力、应变量测。在此基础上,对实测数据进行了系统的整理和分析,对比了压力分散型锚索与拉力集中型锚索在应对动载方面的不同特性。研究表明,压力分散型锚索的抗振性能是拉力集中型锚索的5倍,而且具有应力调整时间短、长期抗振性能稳定,预应力损失幅度小、比例低的优点。  相似文献   
为了研究爆炸条件下不同垫板形式锚杆对洞室加固效果的影响,现场试验中选择了平板和碗形两种不同的垫板形式。通过抗爆试验,对锚固洞室宏观破坏形态、洞壁位移特征、拱顶位移与比例距离之间的关系以及爆心两侧拱顶各点位移进行了对比,分析了两种垫板形式在爆炸条件下对洞室加固效果的影响。试验结果表明:在爆炸条件下,碗形垫板可以充分发挥锚杆抗拉能力高的特点,拱部围岩经碗形垫板加固后,整体刚度能够得到较大提高,对岩体的加固效果较好。  相似文献   
软土地基中PHC管桩水平受荷性状的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
王钰  林军  陈锦剑  王建华 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):39-42
桩在水平荷载作用下的受力性状是一个复杂的桩土相互作用过程。针对软土地集中预应力管桩受水平荷载的问题,结合工程实例,通过水平静载试验,实测得到了水平荷载作用下PHC(超长预应力)桩与土共同作用时的工作性状,分析了PHC桩受水平力作用时的内力、变形和临界承载力以及地基土的水平抗力比例系数。试验结果可为今后同类地区水平受荷桩的设计与研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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