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论社会共同价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会共同价值观是社会共同体之所以能存在和发展的凝聚力、它指导社会共同体及其成员的前进方向、它还规范和约束社会共同体成员的思想和行动以形成社会共同体的合力。社会共同价值观是在一定历史时期的特定社会共同体中各社会阶层的社会成员普遍认同并持有的价值观。社会共同价值观具有普遍性、结构性、稳定性等特征 ,具有凝聚功能、导向功能和规约功能。社会共同价值观具有理论体系的形式、文化形式、社会心理的形式等存在形式  相似文献   
A software system for normalization of a Hamiltonian function is described. A few examples of its applications are given. It is written in PASCAL and runs on an IBM XT/AT with 640 KB memory.  相似文献   
郑州市都市农业发展的有利条件及产业模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了都市农业的起源和在我国的发展概况,指出了发展都市农业的意义、作用和郑州市发展都市农业的有利条件,进一步探讨了郑州市发展都市农业应采取的产业模式,即:设施农业、生态农业、加工农业、创汇农业、绿化农业和观光休闲农业等.认为郑州市发展都市农业意义重大,时机已基本成熟,必须转变观念,正确选择产业模式,加强理论研究和多学科联合攻关,稳步推进郑州市都市农业的发展.  相似文献   
We study the non-linear stability of the equilibria corresponding to the motion of a particle orbiting around a finite straight segment. The potential is a logarithmic function and may be considered as an approximation to the one generated by elongated celestial bodies. By means of the Arnold's theorem for non-definite quadratic forms we determine the orbital stability of the equilibria, for all values of the parameter k of the problem, resonant cases included.  相似文献   
Fractionation of phosphorus in the sediments of a tropical estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fractionation of phosphorus in the sediments of the Cochin estuary situated along the southwest coast of India was studied by applying sequential chemical extraction. The different forms of phosphorus were estimated seasonally (premonsoon, monsoon, and postmonsoon) under eight different schemes. The major forms of phosphorus analyzed were exchangeable P, anion exchangeable P, carbonate-bound P, labile and resistant organic P, Fe and Al P, calcium-bound P, and hydrolyzable surplus P. Quantitatively, the above fractions in isolation or in combination vary in content due to chemoestuarine variability and seasonal fluctuations. Changes in speciation have been noted in association with salinity variations in the waterway, especially following enhanced river runoff during the monsoon. The chemical forms of the sediment-bound phosphorus in the northern parts of this estuary have been shown to be modified by nonpoint sources. Sediment P fractionation defines the role of chemical speciation of phosphates (as nutrients) and is indicative of the processes controlling the pathways of P into the coastal waters. The changes in the exchangeable P, together with marked regional variations in calcium-bound P, exemplify the complex estuarine variability of phosphorus. Enhanced amounts of exchangeable P mark its appearence in high saline waters, signifying the presence of biologically available nutrient phosphorus. The calcium-bound P and hydrolyzable surplus P show significant relation with sediment organic carbon and Fe whereas other forms do not exhibit any marked covariation. The Ca and Na NTA extraction scheme is very specific in its selectivity.  相似文献   
The preferred depth of settlement and settlement period of two species of mussel spat were monitored at Yncyca Bay (NZMS1 S15 220460) and Wet Inlet (NZMS1 S16 265432) in the Marlborough Sounds on collectors suspended in 0–4 m of water between 20 October 1975 and 4 April 1976. Peak settlement of Mytilus edulis aoteanus was between 20 October 1975 and 4 January 1976, and decreased with increasing depth. Peak settlement of Perna canaliculus was between 16 February 1976 and 12 April 1976, and showed no preferred depth of settlement.

Capture of wild stocks of Mytilus edulis aoteanus and Perna canaliculus spat for use in aquaculture has become more reliable through accurate forecasting of peak settlement periods, and knowledge of preferred depth of settlement of the two species.

Preferred depth of settlement of spat may affect the shore zonation of mussels.  相似文献   
Chemical forms of phosphorus in the sediments of the Daya Bay, the Zhujiang River estuary, and the Xiamen Bay are measured with extraction solutions of MgCl2, NaOH, and HCl. Their availabilities to Chlorella sp. and Isochrysis galbana are estimated by using sediments as the sole source of P in the bioassays. The results show that the contents of total phosphorus (TP) in these sediments are 449.3, 650.1 and 643.9 mg/kg, respectively. The contents of non-apatite inorganic P (NAIP) extracted with MgCl2 and NaOH from 3 sediments are 168.8, 146.6 and 118.1 mg/kg,respectively, and account for 18.3%~32.6% of TP. The phosphorus extracted with HCI solution is greater than that extracted with NaOH solution and the lowest extracted P is MgCl2-extractable P. The greatest relative growth rates of Chlorella sp. and Isochrysis galbana cultured with sediments are in the range of 4.3%~26.9%. The increasing biomasses of these algae correspond to NAIP and AAPP (the estimated algal-available particulate P). AAPP accounts for 42.4%~78.2% of NAIP, 21.1%~27.1% of total inorganic P, and 11.8%~20.3% of TP, respectively.  相似文献   
Due to the high number of variables involved in mine profitability studies, it is often very difficult to establish connections among them in order to provide a blend of market saleable quality products. In this sense, analytical chemistry together with chemometry are essential and indispensable disciplines to tackle these studies. The aim of this work was to demonstrate the utility of these disciplines to carry out optimization studies of iron mines. For this purpose, one of the most important iron mines of the Iberian Peninsula was chosen, sited in the mountain range of Sierra Menera, near the location of Ojos Negros (Teruel, Spain). Geological, mineralogical and chemical composition of 148 samples was analyzed, corresponding to different depths of three drill holes (named TE1, TE2 and TE3). In particular, aspects concerning to chemical composition are very important, since the mean contents of certain elements, such as phosphorus, sodium and potassium, should be restricted to the established limits to prevent that companies can drive back the raw material if they do not fulfil the necessary requirements. On the other hand, the large number of analysed samples drove us to use a statistical processing of the data. Among other aspects, it provides a way to find possible connections among a high number of variables and classify samples into compositional groups sharing similar composition, in order to limit the mineralised area and to obtain enough information about the amount of those chemical elements associated to iron ores. Data obtained from all these analytical techniques were in good agreement and provide a methodology that can be of wide interest applied to different geological studies.  相似文献   
采用化学组分分析、物相分析、粒度筛析、X射线面扫描分析、矿物分离分析并结合数理统计分析等综合分析技术对微细粒浸染型金矿进行工艺矿物学研究,较为快速、准确地查明该金精矿金的赋存状态.几种分析方法互为补充,结果吻合.  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing. Terrain Analysis and Remote Sensing . JOHN R. G. TOWNSHEND , ed. Environmental Data Use in Computer-assisted Data Handling Systems: The Results of a Survey of Applications in the Pacific Northwest States . KENNETH E. GORDON . Applied Land Use: A Spatial Approach . JOHN F. LOUNSBURY , LAWRENCE M. SOMMERS , AND EDWARD A. FERNALD , eds. The Second Battle of New Orleans: A History of the Vieux Carre Riverfront-Expressway Controversy . RICHARD O. BAUMBACH , JR. AND WILLIAM E. BORAH . Cultural Environmental Archaeology . MYRA SHACKLEY . The Immoral landscape: Female Prostitution in Western Societies . RICHARD SYMANSKI . life Among the Poor in Cairo . UNNI WIKAN , translated by Ann Henning. Women, Work and Property in Northwest India . URSULA SHARMA . The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies . BARBARA ROGERS Economic Optimization in Locational and Transport Analysis . A. G. WILSON , J. D. COELHO , S. M. MACGILL , H. C. W. L. WILLIAMS . New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone, Development Bank, and RFC . GEORGE STERNLIEB AND DAVID LISTOKIN , eds. Regional Wage Inflation . R. L. MARTIN , ed. Finding A Place For Energy-Siting Coal Conversion Facilities . FRANK J. CALZONETTI WITH MARK S. ECKERT . Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Environmentalism. Second Edition . T. O'RIORDAN . Countryside Conservation . BRYN GREEN . Medical Spatial Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community . A. D. CLIFF , P. HAGGETT , J. K. ORD , AND G. R. VERSEY . Philosophy and Geographic Thought Order and Skepticism: Human Geography and the Dialectic of Science . RICHARD SZYMANSKI AND JOHN A. AGNEW . Measurement of Subjective Phenomena . D. F. JOHNSTON , ed. Conceptions of Space in Social Thought: A Geographic Perspective . ROBERT DAVID SACK . The Association of American Geographers: The First Seventy-five Years: 1904-1979 . PRESTON E. JAMES AND GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . The Life and Thought of Isaiah Bowman . GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . Physical River Basin Planning: Theory and Practice . SURANJIT K. SAHA AND CHRISTOPHER J. BARROW , eds. Soils and landforms: An Integration of Ceomorphology and Pedology . A. I. GERRARD Climatic Change and Society. Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide . WILLIAM W. KELLOGG AND ROBERT SCHWARE . Political Political Redistrictings and Geographic Theory . RICHARD L. MORRILL . Population Studies in Spanish American Population History: Dell Plain Latin American Studies NO. 8 . DAVID J. ROBINSON , ed. Population Redistribution in the Midwest . CURTIS C. ROSEMAN , ANDREW J. SOFRANKO , AND JAMES D. WILLIAMS , eds. Geographical Perspectives on the Elderly . A. M. WARNES , ed. Regional Perspective On the American South . MERLE BLACK AND JOHN SHELTON REED , eds. The Prairies and Plains: Prospects for the 80s . JOHN R. ROGGE , ed. Rural Rural Settlement in an Urban World . MICHAEL BUNCE . Social Accident at Three Mile Island: The Human Dimensions . DAVID L. SILLS , C. P. WOLF , AND VIVIEN B. SHELANSKI , eds. The American Small Town: Twentieth-Century Place Images . JOHN JAKLE . Urban A House of My Own . SUSAN LOBO . The City: Patterns and Processes in the Urban Ecosystem . CHRISTOPHER H. EXLINE , GARY L. PETERS , AND ROBERT P. LARKIN . Movement in Cities . P. W. DANIELS AND A. M. WARNES . Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society . MICHAEL DEAR AND ALLEN J. SCOT , eds.  相似文献   
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