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Carbonate precipitates recovered from 2,000 m water depth at the Dolgovskoy Mound (Shatsky Ridge, north eastern Black Sea) were studied using mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker analyses. The carbonates differ in shape from simple pavements to cavernous structures with thick microbial mats attached to their lower side and within cavities. Low δ13C values measured on carbonates (−41 to −32‰ V-PDB) and extracted lipid biomarkers indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) played a crucial role in precipitating these carbonates. The internal structure of the carbonates is dominated by finely laminated coccolith ooze and homogeneous clay layers, both cemented by micritic high-magnesium calcite (HMC), and pure, botryoidal, yellowish low-magnesium calcite (LMC) grown in direct contact to microbial mats. δ18O measurements suggest that the authigenic HMC precipitated in equilibrium with the Black Sea bottom water while the yellowish LMC rims have been growing in slightly 18O-depleted interstitial water. Although precipitated under significantly different environmental conditions, especially with respect to methane availability, all analysed carbonate samples show lipid patterns that are typical for ANME-1 dominated AOM consortia, in the case of the HMC samples with significant contributions of allochthonous components of marine and terrestrial origin, reflecting the hemipelagic nature of the primary sediment.  相似文献   
中建南盆地新生代层序地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中建南盆地是在晚白垩世末南海中南部的一次张性构造运动──礼乐运动作用下开始形成的。盆地的发育经历了中、晚始新世之间的西卫运动造成区域抬升,使中建南盆地的下伏地层遭受变形、隆升和剥蚀;晚渐新世─中中新世的南海中央海盆扩张──南海运动;中中新世末期的万安运动和中新世末期南海整体沉降作用。共划分了6个层序组,8个层序,即A层序组(含A层序)、B层序组(含B层序)、C层序组(含C1层序和C2层序)、D层序组(含D层序)、E层序组(含E1层序和E2层序)和F层序组(含F层序)。  相似文献   
1IntroductionWiththerapiddevelopmentofhumansociety ,industrializationhasbeenspeededup .Asaresult,metalminingandmetallurgy ,coalandgasolinecombustionandchemicalsproductionhavegivenoffalotofPb containingindustrialpollutantswhichhavedonegreatharmtotheecolog…  相似文献   
We develop a series of simple numerical models to explain the anomalous subsidence and deposition phenomena on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea, in particular in the Baiyun Sag. The results suggest that a short-period high rate deposition of around 17 Ma is related to a rapid subsidence event, which may be due to episodic emplacement of a dense intrusion. Necking and gravity models indicate that in the basement of the Baiyun Sag, there is a dense zone that is 100–200 kg/m3 more dense than the surrounding country rock. Considering its high magnetic intensity and regional igneous activity, the dense zone is thought to be related to a phase of basalt intrusion that may have taken place around 17 Ma. Thermal and subsidence models indicate that a hot denser intrusion can cause significant subsidence immediately after the intrusion. The subsidence rate then slows down with cooling, thus becoming consistent with the observed subsidence curves at around 17 Ma. The results also indicate that the lithospheric strength under the Baiyun Sag is negligible, and that the high-velocity layer in the lowermost crust may be not an original part of the pre-rift crust. Instead, it is thought to be underplated intrusion emplaced at around 30 Ma when the continental margin broke up.  相似文献   
海南岛中低纬冷暖系统相互作用下的非台暴雨分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1993年~2002年共10年的天气资料分析发现,在海南,中纬度的冷空气与低纬度在南海上活动的低压之间的相互作用,是秋季产生非台暴雨的非常重要的环流形势;同时发现,低空急流的存在与暴雨的产生有密切联系。并且对2000年10月13日~15日的暴雨过程利用T106物理量场诊断分析,说明暴雨形成的原因。  相似文献   
滨州沿海蒸发量与海盐产量的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海盐生产主要依靠自然蒸发,蒸发量预报对海盐生产有重要的指导作用。通过对1993—2007年滨州沿海蒸发量和海盐产量的分析,海盐产量的时间分布特征与净蒸发量基本一致,净蒸发量是影响海盐生产的决定性因素。分析蒸发量与气象要素之间的关系,分月建立了逐步回归方程,经检验可作为蒸发量的一种客观预报方法。  相似文献   
通过采用一种较好地考虑了海气通量交换对下垫面特征非线性依赖的通量计算方案,利用较成熟的逐日通量距平耦合方案实现了次网格尺度海冰非均匀条件下一个全球大气环流模式和一个全球海洋环流模式在高纬地区的耦合,并完成了一个50年的长期积分。模拟结果表明,通量计算方案中水道的作用是合理的,耦合模式能较好地模拟出北半球高纬海冰的主要地理分布特征,但夏季北冰洋内部靠近欧亚大陆部分边缘海区海冰密集度偏大。  相似文献   
利用2006年南极威德尔海冬季科学考察期间由机载激光高度计测得的海冰上表面形态数据,以拖曳分割理论为基础研究了冰脊形拖曳力及其对冰-气总拖曳力的贡献以及中性条件下对应10 m高度处风速的冰-气拖曳系数Cdn(10)。结果显示,在密集冰区,冰脊形拖曳力及其对总拖曳力的贡献随冰脊强度(脊高/脊距)的增大呈递增趋势,而随粗糙长度的增大而减小,对应于威德尔海冬季典型冰脊强度和粗糙长度,占总拖曳力的35%,说明了冰脊形拖曳力在冰-气界面动量交换中的重要作用。Cdn(10)随冰脊强度的增大而增大,但冰脊强度较小时,Cdn(10)随粗糙长度增大而增大;而对较大的冰脊强度,Cdn(10)则随粗糙长度增大而减小。  相似文献   
在沉积相综合分析基础之上,通过地震相分析的手段明确了东海陆架盆地南部中生界的沉积特征;结合古地理背景分析,建立了该区侏罗纪和白垩纪的沉积模式。侏罗纪时雁荡低凸起和瓯江凹陷均未形成,闽江凹陷和基隆凹陷连为一体,物源来自浙闽隆起区,发育滨浅海沉积体系,火山作用较为强烈。白垩纪晚期-古新世,随着太平洋板块俯冲角度的加大,浙闽隆起区发生裂陷,雁荡低凸起形成。西部的瓯江凹陷沉积了一套陆相的冲积扇-河流-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系;由于此间台北低凸起尚未起到分割作用,东部的闽江凹陷与基隆凹陷仍然连为一体,物源来自浙闽隆起带和台北水下火山岩带,发育滨浅海沉积体系,火山作用影响强烈。  相似文献   
As sea level is projected to rise throughout the twenty-first century due to climate change, there is a need to ensure that sea level rise (SLR) models accurately and defensibly represent future flood inundation levels to allow for effective coastal zone management. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are integral to SLR modelling, but are subject to error, including in their vertical resolution. Error in DEMs leads to uncertainty in the output of SLR inundation models, which if not considered, may result in poor coastal management decisions. However, DEM error is not usually described in detail by DEM suppliers; commonly only the RMSE is reported. This research explores the impact of stated vertical error in delineating zones of inundation in two locations along the Devon, United Kingdom, coastline (Exe and Otter Estuaries). We explore the consequences of needing to make assumptions about the distribution of error in the absence of detailed error data using a 1 m, publically available composite DEM with a maximum RMSE of 0.15 m, typical of recent LiDAR-derived DEMs. We compare uncertainty using two methods (i) the NOAA inundation uncertainty mapping method which assumes a normal distribution of error and (ii) a hydrologically correct bathtub method where the DEM is uniformly perturbed between the upper and lower bounds of a 95% linear error in 500 Monte Carlo Simulations (HBM+MCS). The NOAA method produced a broader zone of uncertainty (an increase of 134.9% on the HBM+MCS method), which is particularly evident in the flatter topography of the upper estuaries. The HBM+MCS method generates a narrower band of uncertainty for these flatter areas, but very similar extents where shorelines are steeper. The differences in inundation extents produced by the methods relate to a number of underpinning assumptions, and particularly, how the stated RMSE is interpreted and used to represent error in a practical sense. Unlike the NOAA method, the HBM+MCS model is computationally intensive, depending on the areas under consideration and the number of iterations. We therefore used the HBM+ MCS method to derive a regression relationship between elevation and inundation probability for the Exe Estuary. We then apply this to the adjacent Otter Estuary and show that it can defensibly reproduce zones of inundation uncertainty, avoiding the computationally intensive step of the HBM+MCS. The equation-derived zone of uncertainty was 112.1% larger than the HBM+MCS method, compared to the NOAA method which produced an uncertain area 423.9% larger. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages and requires value judgements to be made. Their use underscores the need for transparency in assumptions and communications of outputs. We urge DEM publishers to move beyond provision of a generalised RMSE and provide more detailed estimates of spatial error and complete metadata, including locations of ground control points and associated land cover.  相似文献   
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