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The Upper Miocene Cerro Morado Andesites constitutes a mafic volcanic field (100 km2) composed of andesite to basaltic andesite rocks that crop out 75 km to the east from the current arc, in the northern Puna of Argentina. The volcanic field comprises lavas and scoria cones resulting from three different eruptive phases developed without long interruptions between each other. Lavas and pyroclastic rocks are thought to be sourced from the same vents, located where orogen-parallel north-south faults crosscut transverse structures.The first eruptive phase involved the effusion of extensive andesitic flows, and minor Hawaiian-style fountaining which formed subordinate clastogenic lavas. The second phase represents the eruption of slightly less evolved andesite lavas and pyroclastic deposits, only distributed to the north and central sectors of the volcanic field. The third phase represents the discharge of basaltic andesite magmas which occurred as both pyroclastic eruptions and lava effusion from scattered vents distributed throughout the entire volcanic field. The interpreted facies model for scoria cones fits well with products of typical Strombolian-type activity, with minor fountaining episodes to the final stages of eruptions.Petrographic and chemical features suggest that the andesitic units (SiO2 > 57%) evolved by crystal fractionation. In contrast, characteristics of basaltic andesite rocks are inconsistent with residence in upper-crustal chambers, suggesting that batches of magmas with different origins or evolutive histories arrived at the surface and erupted coevally.Based on the eruptive styles and lack of volcanic quiescence gaps between eruptions, the Cerro Morado Andesites can be classified as a mafic volcanic field constructed from the concurrent activity of several small, probably short-lived, monogenetic centers.  相似文献   
Glacier and permafrost hazards such as glacial‐lake outburst floods and rock–ice avalanches cause significant socio‐economic damages worldwide, and these processes may increase in frequency and magnitude if the atmospheric temperature rises. In the extratropical Andes nearly 200 human deaths were linked to these processes during the twentieth century. We analysed bibliographical sources and satellite images to document the glacier and permafrost dynamics that have caused socio‐economic damages in this region in historic time (including glacial lake outburst floods, ice and rock–ice avalanches and lahars) to unravel their causes and geomorphological impacts. In the extratropical Andes, at least 15 ice‐dammed lakes and 16 moraine‐dammed lakes have failed since the eighteenth century, causing dozens of floods. Some floods rank amongst the largest events ever recorded (5000 × 106 m3 and 229 × 106 m3, respectively). Outburst flood frequency has increased in the last three decades, partially as a consequence of long‐term (decades to centuries) climatic changes, glaciers shrinkage, and lake growth. Short‐term (days to weeks) meteorological conditions (i.e. intense and/or prolonged rainfall and high temperature that increased meltwater production) have also triggered outburst floods and mass movements. Enormous mass failures of glaciers and permafrost (> 10 × 106 m3) have impacted lakes, glaciers, and snow‐covered valleys, initiating chain reactions that have ultimately resulted in lake tsunamis and far‐reaching (> 50 km) flows. The eruption of ice‐covered volcanoes has also caused dozens of damaging lahars with volumes up to 45 × 106 m3. Despite the importance of these events, basic information about their occurrence (e.g. date, causes, and geomorphological impact), which is well established in other mountain ranges, is absent in the extratropical Andes. A better knowledge of the processes involved can help to forecast and mitigate these events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
El río San Juan, situado en la Provincia de San Juan (Argentina) cruza la Precordillera y otras unidades geológicas incluyendo la Depresión de Ullum y la Zona de La Laja, entre las latitudes 31°S y 32°S. El curso del río tiene un cierto caracter antecedente como puede deducirse por sus dos trazas perpendiculares unidas por otra casi paralela a las alineaciones estructurales principales. En la zona de la Precordillera, el valle del río San Juan muestra numerosos abanicos aluviales, situados en las zonas de confluencia entre el río principal y sus tributarios. Las superficies de los abanicos aluviales cuaternarios estan cortadas por una serie de escalones que consideramos como terrazas aluviales generadas por episodios repetitivos de agradación y degradación. El sector estudiado incluye una zona con una importante actividad sísmica reciente(La Laja), otra sin una importante actividad sísmica reciente (Precordillera), y una zona subsidente (Ullum) donde se formó un gran lago natural hace unos 6500 años. El antiguo río San Juan fue capturado por el valle de la Quebrada de Ullum mediante una incisión del orden de 25 m, que implicó una nueva adecuación del gradiente del río mediante los efectos de la erosión remontante. El gradiente del río San Juan muestra algunas irregularidades que, aunque no se presenten relacionadas directamente con las estructuras principales, estan relacionadas con la propia dinámica fluvial que acentúa la diferenciación litológica. La anchura del valle del río principal, la geometria y el gradiente de cada tributario, junto a las litologias del basamento y a las dimensiones de cada area fuente local, son los factores principales que controlan los procesos de la generación de las terrazas aluviales. En la zona de La Laja, donde la terraza mas alta soporta un nivel de travertino, la datación de los depósitos travertínicos proporciona datos como para suponer una tasa de incisión del orden de 0,9–1 mm/año, asociada a la actuación periódica de la falla de La Laja.
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Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
Characterization of Quaternary faults by electric resistivity tomography in the Andean Precordillera of Western Argentina
Sabrina Y. Fazzitoa, , , Augusto E. Rapalinia, , José M. Cortésb, and Carla M. Terrizzanob,
aConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto de Geofísica Daniel Valencio (INGEODAV), Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, ArgentinabConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Laboratorio de Neotectónica (LANEO), Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina  相似文献   
Age and tectonostratigraphic significance of the Upper Carboniferous series in the basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera: Geodynamic implications     
P. Busquets  F. Colombo  N. Heredia  N. Sole de Porta  L.R. Rodriguez Fernandez  J. Alvarez Marron   《Tectonophysics》2005,399(1-4):181
The age and tectonosedimentary environment of the Palaeozoic sediments on the Frontal Cordillera is not well known and earlier studies have been unable to satisfactorily explain the geological history of the basement of the Andes.In the vicinity of the old Castaño Viejo mine crop out various levels of partially metamorphosed microbialite limestones, which alternate with thin marly–lutitic interstrata. These levels contain abundant palynomorph remains, which allow the series to be dated as Silurian–Devonian. These data, together with the presence of warm climate fossils, lend support to the hypothesis of a major allochtony of the Chilenia Terrane (of which the Frontal Cordillera formed part), relative to the Cuyania Terrane (which included the Precordillera), prior to their amalgamation.Upper Carboniferous palynomorphs found during this study occur in association with resedimented palynomorphs and chitinozoa, of possible Devonian age. This demonstrates the equivalence of both fossiliferous series and their location within the upper part of the Upper Carboniferous Agua Negra Fm. The Silurian–Devonian elements, deformed during a phase prior to the Gondwanic orogeny, were eroded and transported to the foreland basin during the Upper Carboniferous.The palynomorph associations found in all samples correspond to the Ancistrospora palynological zone and to the Raistrickia densaConvolutispora muriornata Biozone, which are indicative of Upper Carboniferous times. Characteristic forms such as Ancistrospora verrucosa and C. muriornata, both indicative of an Upper Carboniferous age, were found in samples from the Castaño Viejo area.Earlier interpretations of the Frontal Cordillera attributing the sedimentation to a palaeo-latitude at some distance from Gondwana, were based on the presence of Silurian–Devonian hot water stromatolithic limestones. Our results suggest that Cuyania and Chilenia were not necessarily separated by a great distance before their amalgamation. This in turn means that a large ocean was not necessarily consumed in the process.  相似文献   
Infiltration on mountain slopes: a comparison of three environments     
Carol P. Harden  P. Delmas Scruggs 《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):5
Water is well established as a major driver of the geomorphic change that eventually reduces mountains to lower relief landscapes. Nonetheless, within the altitudinal limits of continuous vegetation in humid climates, water is also an essential factor in slope stability. In this paper, we present results from field experiments to determine infiltration rates at forested sites in the Andes Mountains (Ecuador), the southern Appalachian Mountains (USA), and the Luquillo Mountains (Puerto Rico). Using a portable rainfall simulator–infiltrometer (all three areas), and a single ring infiltrometer (Andes), we determined infiltration rates, even on steep slopes. Based on these results, we examine the spatial variability of infiltration, the relationship of rainfall runoff and infiltration to landscape position, the influence of vegetation on infiltration rates on slopes, and the implications of this research for better understanding erosional processes and landscape change.Infiltration rates ranged from 6 to 206 mm/h on lower slopes of the Andes, 16 to 117 mm/h in the southern Appalachians, and 0 to 106 mm/h in the Luquillo Mountains. These rates exceed those of most natural rain events, confirming that surface runoff is rare in montane forests with deep soil/regolith mantles. On well-drained forested slopes and ridges, apparent steady-state infiltration may be controlled by the near-surface downslope movement of infiltrated water rather than by characteristics of the full vertical soil profile. With only two exceptions, the local variability of infiltration rates at the scale of 10° m overpowered other expected spatial relationships between infiltration, vegetation type, slope position, and soil factors. One exception was the significant difference between infiltration rates on alluvial versus upland soils in the Andean study area. The other exception was the significant difference between infiltration rates in topographic coves compared to other slope positions in the tabonuco forest of one watershed in the Luquillo Mountains. Our research provides additional evidence of the ability of forests and forest soils to preserve geomorphic features from denudation by surface erosion, documents the importance of subsurface flow in mountain forests, and supports the need for caution in extrapolating infiltration rates.  相似文献   
Tectonic rotations in the Late Palaeozoic continental margin of southern South America determined and dated by palaeomagnetism     
Augusto E. Rapalini  Juan F. Vilas 《Geophysical Journal International》1991,107(2):333-351
Contribution of non-pollen palynomorphs to the paleolimnological study of a high-altitude Andean lake (Laguna Verde Alta,Venezuela)     
Valentí Rull  José A. López-Sáez  Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2008,40(1):399-411
This paper evaluates the potential usefulness of non-pollen palynomorphs or NPPs (microfossils other than pollen and spores present in palynological preparations) contained in lake sediments in the paleolimnological reconstruction of high altitude environments (>4,000 m) from the Venezuelan Andes. A synthetic, quantitative approach is employed, instead of the classical analytical and mostly qualitative approach commonly used so far for NPPs. The main sources of variation are the PediastrumBotryococcus alternation and the relationship between these two algae and animal remains such as Acari legs, postabdomina of Cladocera, mandibles of other invertebrates, and an unknown type called LVA-1. Other significant microfossils are remains of Rivularia-type and turbellarian oocytes, including Gyratrix. The sequence initiates around 15,000 calibrated years before present (cal BP) with the deglaciation of the lake catchment, high water levels and still cold climates. A phase of lower lake levels was recorded between about 12,000 and 6,000 cal BP. Temperatures increased by around 9,000 and 7,000 cal BP, and then decreased until 6,000 cal BP. Since that time, both lake levels and temperature increased again and stabilized at about 4,000 cal BP, when they reach modern-like values. These results show a good agreement with previous studies based on pollen, diatom and oxygen isotope analyses, and provide additional paleoecological information, as for example the possibility of a previously unrecorded Younger Dryas signal. The inclusion of quantitative NPP analysis in routine paleolimnological studies using synthetic methods is thus recommended. Possible future improvements are suggested, mainly those related with the development and use of NPP modern analogs.  相似文献   
Pluie ou neige? Dispositif de mesures pluviographiques dans les Andes de Bolivie et interprétation des enregistrements/Rainfall or snowfall? Device for measuring the precipitation phase in the Bolivian Andes and analysis of the records     

Abstract The knowledge of the precipitation phase, solid or liquid, is important in high mountains, in order to use models of water and energy balances. During an experiment led in the Bolivian Andes, a complete weather station was installed at an altitude close to 4800 m, including two raingauge recorders, the first one with added antifreeze and oil, based on weight measurement, and the other one with tipping buckets. This device allowed a realistic partition of the liquid and solid phases in this region of tropical mountains, where the observed snow pack at the ground level is strongly influenced by the extremely high solar radiation and where the snow cover is ephemeral. The automation of the ?raingauges? method, compared with several other classical methods, shows satisfactory results.  相似文献   
Flexural isostasy in the Bolivian Andes: Chaco foreland basin development     
Claudia B. Prezzi  Cornelius E. Uba  Hans-Jürgen Gtze 《Tectonophysics》2009,474(3-4):526-543
The Chaco foreland basin was initiated during the late Oligocene as a result of thrusting in the Eastern Cordillera in response to Nazca–South America plate convergence. Foreland basins are the result of the flexural isostatic response of an elastic plate to orogenic and/or thrust sheet loading. We carried out flexural modelling along a W–E profile (21.4°S) to investigate Chaco foreland basin development using new information on ages of foreland basin strata, elastic and sedimentary thicknesses and structural histories. It was possible to reproduce present-day elevation, gravity anomaly, Moho depth, elastic thicknesses, foreland sedimentary thicknesses and the basin geometry. Our model predicted the basin geometry and sedimentary thicknesses for different evolutionary stages. Measured thicknesses and previously proposed depozones were compared with our predictions. Our results shed more light on the Chaco foreland basin evolution and suggest that an apparent decrease in elastic thickness beneath the Eastern Cordillera and the Interandean Zone could have occurred between 14 and 6 Ma.  相似文献   
Vegetation and topographic controls on sediment deposition and storage on gully beds in a degraded mountain area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Armando Molina  Gerard Govers  Felipe Cisneros  Veerle Vanacker 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2009,34(6):755-767
Active gully systems developed on highly weathered or loose parent material are an important source of runoff and sediment production in degraded areas. However, a decrease of land pressure may lead to a return of a partial vegetation cover, whereby gully beds are preferred recolonization spots. Although the current knowledge on the role of vegetation on reducing sediment production on slopes is well developed, few studies exist on the significance of restoring sediment transport pathways on the total sediment budget of degraded mountainous catchments. This study in the Ecuadorian Andes evaluates the potential of vegetation to stabilize active gully systems by trapping and retaining eroded sediment in the gully bed, and analyses the significance of vegetation restoration in the gully bed in reducing sediment export from degraded catchments. Field measurements on 138 gully segments located in 13 ephemeral steep gullies with different ground vegetation cover indicate that gully bed vegetation is the most important factor in promoting short‐term (1–15 years) sediment deposition and gully stabilization. In well‐vegetated gully systems ( ≥ 30% of ground vegetation cover), 0.035 m3 m–1 of sediment is deposited yearly in the gully bed. Almost 50 per cent of the observed variance in sediment deposition volumes can be explained by the mean ground vegetation cover of the gully bed. The presence of vegetation in gully beds gives rise to the formation of vegetated buffer zones, which enhance short‐term sediment trapping even in active gully systems in mountainous environments. Vegetation buffer zones are shown to modify the connectivity of sediment fluxes, as they reduce the transport efficiency of gully systems. First calculations on data on sediment deposition patterns in our study area show that gully bed deposition in response to gully bed revegetation can represent more than 25 per cent of the volume of sediment generated within the catchment. Our findings indicate that relatively small changes in landscape connectivity have the potential to create strong (positive) feedback loops between erosion and vegetation dynamics. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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