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The New England Orogen (NEO), the youngest of the orogens of the Tasmanides of eastern Australia, is defined by two main cycles of compression–extension. The compression component involves thrust tectonics and advance of the arc towards the continental plate, while extension is characterised by rifting, basin formation, thermal relaxation and retreat of the arc towards the oceanic plate. A compilation of 623 records of U–Pb zircon geochronology rock ages from Geoscience Australia, the geological surveys of Queensland and New South Wales and other published research throughout the orogen, has helped to clarify its complex tectonic history. This contribution focuses on the entire NEO and is aimed at those who are unfamiliar with the details of the orogen and who could benefit from a summary of current knowledge. It aims to fill a gap in recent literature between broad-scale overviews of the orogen incorporated as part of wider research on the Tasmanides and detailed studies usually specific to either the northern or southern parts of the orogen. Within the two main cycles of compression–extension, six accepted and distinct tectonic phases are defined and reviewed. Maps of geological processes active during each phase reveal the centres of activity during each tectonic phase, and the range in U–Pb zircon ages highlights the degree of diachronicity along the length of the NEO. In addition, remnants of the early Permian offshore arc formed during extensive slab rollback, are identified by the available geochronology. Estimates of the beginning of the Hunter-Bowen phase of compression, generally thought to commence around 265?Ma are complicated by the presence of extensional-type magmatism in eastern Queensland that occurred between 270 and 260?Ma.  相似文献   
在对三塘湖盆地中二叠统原油物性、生物标志物特征分析的基础上,开展了油岩生物标志物参数的对比和成藏主控因素的分析。研究认为,中二叠统芦草沟组原油属于自生自储、源内成藏。条湖组原油主要来自芦草沟组烃源岩,属于近源成藏;部分原油(马49井等)来自下二叠统-上石炭统,属于源外成藏。中二叠统的源岩油藏分布主控因素主要体现在源和裂缝两个方面,有效源岩(主要体现在源岩成熟度上)控制了油藏的分布;裂缝(构造裂缝为主)则是控制油藏产能的关键。因此,三塘湖盆地的原油勘探应围绕源和裂缝这两个方面进行,上述认识对油田中二叠统原油的勘探具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   
Identifying the cratonic affinity of Neoproterozoic crust that surrounds the northern margin of the Siberian Craton (SC) is critical for determining its tectonic evolution and placing the Craton in Neoproterozoic supercontinental reconstructions. Integration of new U–Pb–Hf detrital zircon data with regional geological constraints indicates that distinct Neoproterozoic arc-related magmatic belts can be identified within the Taimyr orogen. Sedimentary rocks derived from 970 to 800 Ma arc-related suites reveal abundant Archean and Paleoproterozoic detritus, characteristic of the SC. The 720–600 Ma arc-related zircon population from the younger Cambrian sedimentary rocks is also complemented by an exotic juvenile Mesoproterozoic zircon population and erosional products of older arc-related suites. Nonetheless, numerous evidences imply that both arcs broadly reworked Siberian basement components. We suggest that the early Neoproterozoic (ca. 970–800 Ma) arc system of the Taimyr orogen evolved on the active margin of the SC and probably extended along the periphery of Rodinia into Valhalla orogen of NE Laurentia. We also suggest the late Neoproterozoic (750–550 Ma) arc system could have been part of the Timanian orogen, which linked Siberia and Baltica at the Precambrian/Phanerozoic transition.  相似文献   
通过对宏观地质特征、岩石矿物学特征、岩石化学和地球化学特征、同位素年代学研究,对毛伊勒吐岩体形成时代和构造环境进行了探讨.依据岩石化学分析结果和岩石学特征,认为该岩体为钙碱性岩石.对其中的石英闪长岩进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年代学测定,206Pb/238U表面年龄统计权重平均值为147.97±0.95 Ma,表明毛伊勒吐岩体侵位时代属于晚侏罗世.结合区域地质演化特征分析,该石英闪长岩是在板块碰撞后地壳抬升时期形成的.  相似文献   
华北聚煤盆地南缘淮南煤田晚石炭世-早二叠世太原组含煤岩系普遍沉积铝质泥岩,然而,对于多层铝质泥岩的形成条件及其地球化学特征尚未开展深入研究。在本次研究中,系统采集了淮南煤田张集煤矿补Y1钻孔岩心样品,采用XRF和ICP-OES、ICP-MS分别测试了主量元素和微量元素,对铝质泥岩地球化学特征及其地质成因进行分析。结果表明:不同层位的铝质泥岩来源于同一源区,铝土质泥岩可能受到了更强烈的红土化作用导致其明显偏离SiO2/Al2O3和Fe2O3/Al2O3趋势线;Sr/Ba的结果表明铝质泥岩是在不稳定的海陆交互沉积环境下形成的,V/Cr和V/(V+Ni)的结果表明铝质泥岩是在贫氧到厌氧的沉积环境中形成的;综合主量元素和微量元素的结果,表明了不同层位铝质泥岩的母岩可能是附近古陆的中酸性火成岩,母岩风化产物经迁移至淮南地区沉积成岩。  相似文献   
Upper Permian to Lower Triassic coastal plain successions of the Sydney Basin in eastern Australia have been investigated in outcrop and continuous drillcores. The purpose of the investigation is to provide an assessment of palaeoenvironmental change at high southern palaeolatitudes in a continental margin context for the late Permian (Lopingian), across the end‐Permian Extinction interval, and into the Early Triassic. These basins were affected by explosive volcanic eruptions during the late Permian and, to a much lesser extent, during the Early Triassic, allowing high‐resolution age determination on the numerous tuff horizons. Palaeobotanical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the end‐Permian Extinction occurs at the top of the uppermost coal bed, and the Permo‐Triassic boundary either within an immediately overlying mudrock succession or within a succeeding channel sandstone body, depending on locality due to lateral variation. Late Permian depositional environments were initially (during the Wuchiapingian) shallow marine and deltaic, but coastal plain fluvial environments with extensive coal‐forming mires became progressively established during the early late Permian, reflected in numerous preserved coal seams. The fluvial style of coastal plain channel deposits varies geographically. However, apart from the loss of peat‐forming mires, no significant long‐term change in depositional style (grain size, sediment‐body architecture, or sediment dispersal direction) was noted across the end‐Permian Extinction (pinpointed by turnover of the palaeoflora). There is no evidence for immediate aridification across the boundary despite a loss of coal from these successions. Rather, the end‐Permian Extinction marks the base of a long‐term, progressive trend towards better‐drained alluvial conditions into the Early Triassic. Indeed, the floral turnover was immediately followed by a flooding event in basinal depocentres, following which fluvial systems similar to those active prior to the end‐Permian Extinction were re‐established. The age of the floral extinction is constrained to 252.54 ± 0.08 to 252.10 ± 0.06 Ma by a suite of new Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry U‐Pb ages on zircon grains. Another new age indicates that the return to fluvial sedimentation similar to that before the end‐Permian Extinction occurred in the basal Triassic (prior to 251.51 ± 0.14 Ma). The character of the surface separating coal‐bearing pre‐end‐Permian Extinction from coal‐barren post‐end‐Permian Extinction strata varies across the basins. In basin‐central locations, the contact varies from disconformable, where a fluvial channel body has cut down to the level of the top coal, to conformable where the top coal is overlain by mudrocks and interbedded sandstone–siltstone facies. In basin‐marginal locations, however, the contact is a pronounced erosional disconformity with coarse‐grained alluvial facies overlying older Permian rocks. There is no evidence that the contact is everywhere a disconformity or unconformity.  相似文献   
滇东北含铜矿床峨眉山玄武岩组地层学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇东北与玄武岩有关的铜矿床是我国近年来矿床学研究和资源勘查的热点之一。通过对该地区进行的资源勘查和科学专项研究,发现含矿岩系主要由上二叠统峨眉山玄武岩组(P3e)上部(第三岩性段顶部和第四岩性段)和宣威组(P3x)底部地层组成,在这套地层中识别出5个矿化层,对5个矿化层的岩性组成、矿化特征和成矿前景进行全面总结,为该区域进一步开展找矿勘查和评价提供了方向和依据。  相似文献   
对塔里木盆地西北缘二叠系礁灰岩的岩石、岩相、沉积演化和油气地质特征的分析表明,生物礁主要发育于中二叠统栖霞阶昆克拉契组和巴立克立克组,以亮晶藻粘结灰岩为主,具有堤礁的特点。二叠系礁灰岩较大的厚度表明,当时礁体生长速率与礁基沉降(或水体加深)的速率匹配较好,具有进积型沉积的特点,这与当时塔里木地块内部的退积型沉积特点是不一致的。礁灰岩的原生孔隙较小,可以作为中等烃源岩,在哈拉峻盆地的东南侧和乌什凹陷北缘的覆盖区之下可能构成与礁灰岩相关的油气远景区。  相似文献   
This study provides new structural data that show that the Adaminaby Group is part of the Narooma accretionary complex and has been overprinted by HT/LP metamorphism associated with Middle Devonian Moruya Suite intrusions. The grade of metamorphism based on Kübler Indices is the same in the Wagonga and Adaminaby Groups at Batemans Bay inferring that these rocks were involved in the same accretionary event. White micas in slates of the Adaminaby Group record apparent K–Ar ages of 384.6 ± 7.9 Ma and 395.8 ± 8.1 Ma. These ages are believed to represent the age of Middle to Upper Devonian Buckenbowra Granodiorite. Kübler Index values indicate lower epizonal (greenschist facies) metamorphic conditions and are not influenced by heating in metamorphic aureoles of the plutons. All b cell lattice parameter values are characteristic of intermediate pressure facies conditions although they are lower in the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite than in the country rock, defining two areas with dissimilar baric conditions. East of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values outside the contact aureole (x = 9.033 Å; n = 8) indicate P = 4 kb, and assuming a temperature of 300°C, infer a depth of burial of approximately 15 km for these rocks with a geothermal gradient of 20°C/km. In the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values (x = 9.021 Å; n = 41) indicate P = 3.1 kb inferring exhumation of the Adaminaby Group rocks to a depth of approximately 11 km prior to intrusion. A geothermal gradient of 36°C/km operated in the aureole during intrusion. An extensional back-arc environment prevailed in the Adaminaby Group during the Middle to Upper Devonian.  相似文献   
Reef frameworks and building models of the Early-Middle Permian in the eastern Kunlun Mountains have been verified through studies of reef-building communities, palaeoecology and carbonate facies. The eastern Kunlun reefs are built mainly by 6 reef-building communities, which include 11 major categories of frame-building organisms and 6 categories of reef-associated organisms. Eight types of reef-frames have been distinguished and eleven kinds of rocks identified to belong to 6 reef facies. Three sorts of reefs classified by previous researchers, namely mudmounds, knoll reefs and walled reefs, are well developed in the study area. Such reef-facies association and reef distribution show that there are 4 models of reef growth and development, i.e. the tidal-bank knoll-reef model, the plateau-margin wall-reef model, the composite wall-reef model and the deep-water mudmound model. The reefs are mainly constructed by calcareous sponge and calcareous algae, which are similar to all Permian reefs in other area  相似文献   
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