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根据胶州湾海湾大桥现场试桩结果,对海流作用下桩基局部冲刷进行了研究。通过对桩柱附近实测海流以及试桩前后桩柱周边海底沉积物粒度变化联合分析,发现桩柱竖立后,桩柱根部优势流迎流面发生局部冲刷,侧面和背流面发生局部淤积。桩柱附近海底沉积物粗化,且根部优势流迎流面海底沉积物粗化最为明显。说明桩柱竖立后,细颗粒物质迁移,使桩柱附近海底发生冲淤变化。  相似文献   
从储层特征出发,分析了南翼山浅层Ⅰ+Ⅱ油层组储层产生伤害的原因,指出由于岩性和物性的复杂性,导致储层容易被损害。敏感性分析表明,储层主要的伤害类型是水敏、盐敏和酸敏伤害,其次是速敏伤害。在勘探开发中应把防止水敏、盐敏和酸敏伤害作为优先考虑的问题。  相似文献   
针对经典Kalman滤波无法直接处理有色噪声的问题,采用多项式长除法将有色观测噪声模型展开成无穷级数,截断取其有限项获得有色噪声的先验信息;然后利用粒子滤波能够处理非高斯噪声的特点对有色观测噪声进行处理。通过一个GPS定位算例,将此新方法与观测扩增方法进行了分析和比较。结果证明,利用该方法能有效地控制有色观测噪声的影响。  相似文献   
利用粒子群优化算法(PSO)较强的鲁棒性和全局搜索能力等优点,将PSO算法与BP神经网络相结合,优化了BP神经网络分类时的初始权值和阈值。基于珠江河口三角洲的侧扫声呐图像数据,提取了海底声呐图像中砂、礁石、泥3类典型底质的6种主要特征向量,利用PSO-BP方法对海底底质进行分类识别。实验表明,3类底质分类精度均大于90%,高于BP神经网络70%左右的分类精度,表明PSO-BP方法可有效应用于海底底质的分类识别。  相似文献   
本模式将抛泥扩散淤积分三步进行:(1)流场采用平面二维欧拉场;(2)用有限个质点代表"污水团",采用拉格郎日法计算质点漂移;(3)用恰当的泥沙公式模拟每个质点泥沙落淤。以此三种模式的组合描述抛泥扩散淤积状况。本模式可以给出"污水团"扩散漂移过程,模拟泥沙淤积范围和淤积厚度。通过对长江口北槽拟选倾倒区抛泥淤积模拟计算,结果与示踪沙现场试验状况基本吻合,说明本方法对抛泥淤积计算是一种值得深入研究的可行方法。  相似文献   
叶翔  李炎  黄邦钦  胡毅  陈坚 《海洋学报》2008,30(2):102-110
利用2004年夏季台湾海峡南部海域的现场激光粒度仪剖面测量数据,运用海洋食物链的粒径谱理论,分析了悬浮颗粒物的Sheldon谱图和正态化谱图的剖面分布精细结构。横跨台湾海峡沿岸及浅滩外斜上升流的A和B两断面Sheldon粒径谱类型相近,正态化谱图的斜率r的范围从-0.79到-0.65,在明显高于寡营养海域的水平上波动。斜率r的高值带或高变幅带,在上升流系高叶绿素带及叶绿素最大层的周边或前端的呈斑状分布。海洋食物链的粒径谱分析结果支持关于台湾海峡南部上升流生态系高生产力、短食物链和高营养转换效率的宏观认识,并深化对营养转换效率分布精细结构的了解。现场激光粒度仪可发展为探索海洋食物链时空分布精细结构的常备传感器。  相似文献   
A model of turbidity maximum maintenance in the Irish Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional model has been developed in order to improve understanding of the processes which interact to maintain the sediment concentrations at an isolated turbidity maximum in the Irish Sea throughout the year. The model comprises two interchangeable populations of particles with different diameters, one of fine cohesive material, the other made up of flocs. Both populations are slow settling, and subject to horizontal diffusion, resuspension, settling, aggregation and disaggregation.The equations used to describe the processes of aggregation and the break-up of flocs in response to sediment concentration and turbulent shear have been developed by the tuning of the model to observations. Due to high turbulent shear at the turbidity maximum, the particles are predominantly fine, while the sediment in the surrounding water is made up of larger flocs. Diffusion of small particles out of the turbidity maximum balanced by the diffusion of aggregated material towards it provides a mechanism for its maintenance. The modelled sediment concentrations at the turbidity maximum can be reproduced year-on-year, with no loss due to diffusive processes. This is achievable with a limited, exhaustible source of material which is not replenished once resuspended.Through comparison with satellite imagery the correlation of the modelled sediment concentrations with observations is investigated, both spatially and temporally. The seasonal cycle is reproduced well by the model with winter and summer concentrations matching those observed. Spatially the model also performs well in both turbid regions and those where the surface sediment load is low.  相似文献   
Fish larvae and hydrographic data collected in the Gulf of California (GC) in December 2002 are used to describe larval fish assemblages (LFAs) and to explore their relationships with environmental variables (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence maximum, ?? and superficial chlorophyll a). The Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index defined three LFAs, distributed in areas with distinctly different environmental conditions. The affinity of most of the species with the environmental characteristics of their areas of distribution could be interpreted as an indication that spawning occurred inside those areas. Particle tracking in current fields from a 3D numerical model and connectivity matrices are used to assess larval retention in the LFA areas. The technique is well suited for seas like the GC that have well-defined circulation patterns. On time scales around 30 days, retention (from 56% to 73% of the particles) occurred (1) for the North LFA in the Upper GC, (2) for the Channel-Center LFA in the anticyclone over the Northern GC and in Ballenas Channel, and (3) for the South LFA in the eddy over San Pedro Mártir basin and in the shallow zone off the peninsula. Therefore, the Lagrangian analysis revealed that the observed LFAs have a permanency long enough to allow fish larvae to remain in a favorable environment until they develop motility. The main particle export path (less than 26% of the particles) was from the North to the South LFA, following the anticyclonic main flow and coinciding with the gradient in species number and larval abundance.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThevariousphysicalandchemicalreactionsthatoccurbetweenthesuspendedparticles,sediments,etc.andheavymetalsinanaturalaquaticsystemplayextremelyimportantpartsincontrollingthedistributionpattern,migrationandtransformationofheavymetalsthere.Since…  相似文献   
两种激光粒度仪测量湖泊沉积物粒度结果的对比   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湖泊沉积物粒度参数是湖泊沉积与环境演变研究中常用的环境指标,近年来激光粒度仪的发展和广泛使用更是促进了粒度指标的应用并在很大程度上提高了精度和效率.然而不同的激光粒度仪对于同一样品的测量会得到不同的结果,本文利用两种常见的激光粒度仪测量了西藏纳木错的两支岩芯,并对结果进行了对比分析.从仪器的重现性来看,Mastersizer2000型激光粒度仪要优于LS13320型激光粒度仪,而LS13320型激光粒度仪在对含量较少的细颗粒和粗颗粒的检测效果上优于Mastersizer2000型激光粒度仪;两种仪器得到的粒度参数d(0.1)和d(0.5)无论在变化趋势还是绝对数值上都较为相似,而d(0.9)的差异则较大.对比研究结果为利用湖泊沉积物粒度参数提取古环境信息研究提供了基础依据.  相似文献   
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