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以2014年11月22日四川康定发生6.3级地震后开展应急流动观测为例,描述了在应急流动观测组网中,如何应对震区高原环境,完成4个流动台选址架台、快速组网、运维保障;并通过对流动台址地动噪声功率谱密度分析计算,获得的台基达Ⅱ或Ⅲ级环境地动噪声水平,余震微小震检测能力与定位精度得到极大改善。流动台网运行期间,提高了震区监测台站覆盖面,记录到了大量余震微小震,加密台站对震区定位精度提升了量级,震源深度、震级更加准确。结果表明:一旦大震发生后,及时组织开展应急流动观测是必要的,而完成好一次大震后快速有效的应急流动监测,必须综合考虑震区地域环境、人员配备、预案选择、通信条件、设备可靠诸多因素与运维保障,采用固定与流动台联合组网方式,应急流动发挥效益最佳。  相似文献   
Antenna changes at GNSS reference stations frequently produce discontinuities in the coordinate time series. These apparent position shifts are mainly caused by changes of carrier-phase multipath effects and different errors in the antenna phase center corrections. A monitoring method was developed and successfully tested, which requires additional GNSS observations from a local, temporary reference station. Changes of carrier-phase measurement errors due to the antenna change are determined and stored in L1 and L2 phase maps. These phase maps provide corrections to be applied either to the observation data obtained before the antenna change or to the observation data obtained after the antenna change. The observation corrections are able to remove coordinate discontinuities independent of the selected coordinate estimation algorithm.
Lambert WanningerEmail:
广东省"十五"项目测震台站台址勘选结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用地震台址勘选过程中产出的地脉动背景噪声数字记录,计算勘选出的各台站背景噪声地脉动速度均方根值(RMS)、噪声功率谱密度等数据.成果在于得出各地震台站的背景噪声水平和等级分类,为将来计算各地震台站的场地响应及震级修正值等测震学研究提供基础资料,是对"广东省数字地震观测网络"项目测震台站勘选工作的总结与评价.  相似文献   
基于ITRF2000地球参考架的三维VLBI站速度矢量和NNR-NUVEL-1A地球板块运动模型,采用观测的VLBI基线长变化率作为约束,估计和讨论了全球6个并置VLBI站的局部或区域性地壳的相对形变,并与国际地球参考架ITRFs解和VLBI全球解glb2003以及VTRF2003的结果进行了比较.结果表明日本Kashima与Kashim34VLBI站之间,美国GREENBANK的NRAO20与NRAO85-3站之间可能存在每年约近4毫米的相对垂直形变;WESTFORD与HAYSTACK二站间每年近2毫米的垂直形变率差基本可得到肯定,KOKEE和KAUAI二站的垂直形变率约有每年1至3毫米的差.利用如下方法能较可靠地检测出并置VLBI站间的局部或区域性的地壳垂直形变,改进ITRF解的可能不足.  相似文献   
Chris Rizos 《GPS Solutions》2007,11(3):151-158
The justification for the establishment of CORS networks was initially in support of geodesy and other geoscientific applications at the global and regional level. However, increasingly GPS CORS network operators have sought ways of making their network infrastructure the basis of a profitable business. This has arisen with the introduction of real-time centimeter-level accuracy services, carrier phase-based modes of operation generally referred to as GPS-RTK (real-time kinematic). One approach is to try to recruit a core group of users who are prepared to pay for the GPS-RTK services. But this is only feasible if the number of users, and the fees that are charged, are sufficient to generate a reasonable return-on-investment (ROI). This ROI (or at the very least “cost-recovery”) is important for many network operators in order that they may provide for the maintenance and upgrade of the CORS infrastructure. On the other hand, there are those who advocate that there is no need to recoup CORS investment, that the installed GPS receivers should be seen as public infrastructure in a similar manner to roads, bridges, etc. This paper discusses some new business and operational models for GPS-RTK services. These include models for the establishment and operation of CORS infrastructure, service provision, business cases, and options for value-added services beyond the standard GPS-RTK service. One concept is based on a “client–server” model. Currently GPS-RTK service providers have no control over the quality of the results computed by users. This makes it difficult for them to justify charging for their services. What if instead of broadcasting RTK corrections and placing the onus of obtaining a final solution on the user and his equipment, the user’s coordinates are determined by the service provider? Putting the computational effort on the server side will justify more easily the charging of users for a value-added product: an accurate and quality assured coordinate in the local reference frame. This paper describes the client–server concept as well as possible business models that may underpin such a service model. These models include some derived from mobile telephony and service/hospitality businesses. Furthermore, with the projected proliferation of independent, competitive GPS-RTK services, the concept of a GPS data or service “broker” is worth exploring.  相似文献   
The attenuation factor QP at the top of the inner core is evaluated by using the amplitude spectral ratio of PKPdf and PKPbc phases observed at African stations (BGCA mostly), from strong deep earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean area. The maximum depth of penetration of the PKPdf phase into the inner core (IC) is roughly 377 km, and the sampled region of IC is centered beneath the Southern Indian Ocean. The derived mean value of QP is 249 ± 31 (95% confidence level) in the frequency range 0.2–2 Hz, where no frequency dependence of attenuation has been reliably observed. By using Student’s t-test, we show that the value is statistically significantly different (with a probability greater than 95%) from other mean values of Q derived by using the same method, for both the western (180 °W to 40 °E) and eastern (40 °E to 180 °E) hemispheres of the IC. The decrease of Q with the radius of the turning point (denoted by rTP), according to QP = 840 − 0.62 rTP, has a moderate statistical support (the R-squared value is 38%). A slightly increase of Q as a function of the angle of the PKPdf path within the inner core with respect to the Earth’s spin axis is observed, in agreement with various investigations performed in the time domain. However, the value of the anisotropy, if any, is suggested to be around 3%.  相似文献   
董瑶  孟晓晨 《地理科学进展》2014,33(12):1684-1691
随着高铁网络建设全面展开,高铁这一新兴交通方式已在旅客运输中占据重要地位,极大地影响了人们对出行交通方式的选择.为研究高铁车站影响范围与结构,本文选取京广沿线14个高铁站为研究对象,引入“客流腹地”与“商务客流腹地”的概念,分别从总客流和商务客流的角度研究高铁站腹地的范围与结构,并结合相关理论深入探讨其影响因素.研究结果表明:京广沿线高铁站客流腹地的平均腹地半径约为151 km,大于其商务客流腹地(139 km);高铁站客流腹地范围大小与高铁站服务能力、乘客外部出行距离呈正相关,与乘客内部交通出行成本呈负相关;而高铁站商务客流腹地范围大小与高铁站服务能力、商务乘客外部出行距离呈正相关,与商务乘客内部交通出行成本呈负相关.高铁站客流腹地与商务客流腹地均具有明显的“核心—外围”结构,其中客流腹地的“核心—外围”结构与人口分布结构呈正相关,与乘客内部出行时间结构呈负相关,而商务客流腹地的“核心—外围”结构则与城市GDP结构呈正相关,与商务乘客内部出行时间结构呈负相关.  相似文献   
在地震反应分析中常采用总应力分析法,但总应力法没有考虑孔隙水压力的变化规律和液化随时间的发展过程。基于二维有效应力动力分析方法,结合Biot动力固结理论,采用自行开发的有效应力动力分析程序对某核电站导流堤地基进行液化分析,给出在地震作用下砂土层的液化范围,并计算出永久变形。所得结论可以给类似工程提供理论指导。  相似文献   
International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a new regulation to request permanent means of access (PMA) for a regular inspection of ship structure. Horizontal platforms for an inspector to walk on should be provided at specified locations. The platform is attached perpendicular to longitudinal bulkheads or side shell like a common longitudinal stiffener. Since the platform is much wider than ordinary stiffeners, a mid-flat-bar is welded in the middle of the platform. The wide platform (i.e. the tall web plate) makes PMA structure prone to lateral torsional buckling prior to overall flexural Euler buckling subjected to axial compression. This study employs the Rayleigh-Ritz method to treat the elastic lateral-torsional buckling of the PMA structure. The deformation of the cross-section can be expressed using six independant parameters. Compared to the previous research for an ordinary stiffened plate (Hughes and Ma, 1996a), two additional parameters are employed to model the deformation of the mid flat bar. This study also proposes a new strain distribution of lateral bending introducing two respective neutral axes for the flange and the mid-flat-bar. Two mathematical models are developed for two cases; one without associated plating, and the other with both the plating and its rotational restraint. In the former, the coupling between the lateral torsional buckling (“tripping”) and the Euler buckling is investigated. In the latter, a plate rotational spring constant is suggested based on extended deformed shape of the plating. For each model, the validity of the proposed method is verified by a comparison with a number of linear buckling analyses carried out using the NASTRAN finite-element program.  相似文献   
Fish populations in estuaries are often monitored with traditional sampling gears such as trawls. Trawling is relatively expensive and may be hindered by environmental conditions such as tides and substrates. Power station cooling-water intake screens have been effectively used as estuarine fish sampling devices for many years, but very few quantitative comparisons of intake fish-catch characteristics with samples from other collection methods have been made. Fish collected at the cooling-water intake of a large power station in the lower Forth estuary, UK, were more similar in assemblage composition to fish caught by nearby pelagic trawling than to fish caught by Agassiz (demersal) trawling, mostly because the intake and pelagic-trawl catches were largely composed of clupeids (Sprattus sprattus and Clupea harengus). The intake catch was typified by pelagic, demersal, and benthic species, however, and was less variable than the catches made by the two trawls. Monthly trends in relative abundance correlated reasonably well between the intake and trawl samples. Fish collected at the intake tended to be significantly smaller than those collected by trawling, which was probably attributable to the intake's smaller mesh size. The study highlighted the utility of a cooling-water intake as an efficient, low-cost fish sampling device, which should be considered as an alternative to trawling as the cost of the latter increases into the future.  相似文献   
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