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2000年以来,西部地区的交通、水利水电等基础设施建设取得了令世人瞩目的成就。依托大规模基础设施建设工程,作者及同事们经过十余年的努力,在大型复杂滑坡与高边坡病害防治方面,以及工程冻土、黄土和隧道地质问题等进行了系统的科学研究和工程实践,本文简要介绍近年来所取得的主要成果和新发展,以期今后在研究类似问题中借鉴。  相似文献   
青藏高原未来50a地表气温可能增高2.2~2.6℃,以高温、高含冰量冻土为特色的多年冻土区将延续退化的趋势,因此青藏铁路多年冻土区路基工程建设和维护必须采用冷却路基的原则,变传统消极被动保温为积极主动降温以维护路基热稳定性。为降低或消除工程建设及气候变暖造成的路基下多年冻土融化,目前青藏铁路实施的调控对流、调控传导和调控辐射的工程措施,基本上达到了保持或促进路基下伏多年冻土的效果。数值模拟结果表明路基工程建设和补强措施基本可以应对气候转暖的不良影响,但部分措施还需要进一步优化或组合。  相似文献   
SBAS-InSAR技术监测青藏高原季节性冻土形变   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
冻土的冻结和融化的反复交替会造成地质环境与结构的破坏,从而导致房屋和道路等地面工程建筑物的地基破裂或者塌陷,还会引起山体滑坡、洪水暴发以及冰川移动等.因此,监测冻土形变对确保冻土区工程建筑的稳定性和安全性,同时保证冻土区社会经济可持续发展具有重要的意义.目前,在冻土监测方面并没有能大面积监测冻土形变时间演化情况的有效方法,本文提出将InSAR技术中的小基线集方法(SBAS-InSAR)应用于监测冻土来获取其形变时间序列中.考虑到冻土形变呈现明显的季节性特征,本文提出利用周期形变模型来代替传统SBAS方法中的线性形变模型,从而更好地分离出高程残差和大气误差.利用ENVISAT卫星获取的21景ASAR影像图作为实验数据,采用改进的SBAS技术成功获取了青藏高原从羊八井站至当雄站铁路段冻土区的地表形变时间序列图,揭示了该冻土区从2007年到2010年的季节性形变演化情况.通过与研究地区温度变化的联合分析,发现所得到的地表形变结果与冻土的物理变化规律非常吻合,证明了SBAS-InSAR技术在冻土形变监测中具有良好的发展应用前景.  相似文献   
In the Zugspitze area (Bavarian Alps, Germany), permafrost conditions are present in limestone bedrock and in regolith. Distribution is strongly dependent on topography in the east–west oriented mountain crest with steep north- and south-facing slopes. Numerous structures mainly for tourist purposes (cable car and recreation buildings, ski-lift masts, rack-railway tunnel, tunnel with supply facilities) are situated in the area, and several of them are placed on ground with permafrost. Results from a temperature measurement programme and distribution modelling show that for some of these constructions, the effects of permafrost degradation have to be considered in terms of stability of the foundations.The permafrost limit is close to the summit crest, and therefore, stability evaluations for the constructions in this area have to bear in mind the possible warming or even melting of ice within the bedrock crevasses caused by climate warming. Stability of the foundations as well as stability of rock walls in this area will probably be affected by a shifting of the permafrost limit. Constructions in the Zugspitzplatt area are already affected by the melting ground ice, and stabilizing measures have to be evaluated for several foundations where subsidence is likely to occur.Besides the local results, the study provides for the first time data on permafrost distribution in the northern Alpine margin based on standard methods of BTS measurements and numerical modelling.  相似文献   
热喀斯特湖的出现和发育是多年冻土变暖的指示器,研究热喀斯特湖发育及其热效应是应对青藏高原气候变化和人类活动诱发冻土灾害的基础工作.基于SPOT-5卫星影像资料,在ArcGIS平台下解译遥感影像,获取了青藏公路沿线楚玛尔河至风火山段热喀斯特湖的数量和分布特征,这些热喀斯特湖以楚玛尔河高平原和北麓河盆地为主要分布区,且80%发育于高含冰量多年冻土区.热喀斯特湖通过竖向和侧向2种传热方式影响多年冻土,竖向传热会造成其下部多年冻土融穿,侧向传热会造成湖岸多年冻土增温,扩大热影响范围.通过北麓河地区一典型热喀斯特湖的数值计算,湖全年都在向湖岸放热.当热喀斯特湖离路基较近,将会对公路产生潜在或者直接的危害,其侧向热侵蚀往往会导致冻土路基温度升高,诱发路基病害.  相似文献   
探地雷达:浅表地球物理科学技术中的重要工具   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
探地雷达(GPR)是浅表地球物理科学技术中的一项重要手段.其重要性体现在它的应用广泛性和有效性.在工程检测、环境保护、文物考古、灾害救援、反恐安检、资源勘探、水文水利等科学技术领域中探地雷达都在发挥着其他手段无法取代的重要作用.关于探地雷达发展历史、基本系统及原理、信号处理与成像等方面的综述性文章已经很多.本文将重点评述作为浅表地球物理观测技术重要手段的探地雷达在几个基础地学与工程技术领域中的应用.这些方面包括沙漠中高大沙丘的内部结构与形成机理, 永久冻土的现状探测与演化预测, 民用基础设施(公路、桥梁、大坝、堤防)内部或地基内空洞及软弱带的检测, 以及地震灾害现场生命探测与救援.本文还将用一定篇幅评述探地雷达技术的变异形式(如钻孔雷达、探月雷达).评述将结合观测实例, 尤其是在中国大陆的实例.最后将就探地雷达技术现存的问题及发展方向提出个人见解.需要强调的是, 尽管本文以探地雷达的科研应用为主题, 浅表地球物理科技成果在各个领域的成功应用绝对不可能倚赖任何单一手段或方法.所有成功的实例都证明一定要强调某一方法为主, 其他手段为辅, 多手段、多方法的有效配合, 才有可能最大程度的减小探测结果的非唯一性, 提高准确度和精确度.  相似文献   
Chemical weathering of basalts in the Putorana Plateau, Central Siberia, has been studied by combining chemical and mineralogical analysis of solids (rocks, soils, river sediments and suspended matter) and fluid solution chemistry in order to quantify CO2 consumption and to assess the major factors controlling basic rock weathering under permafrost-dominated taiga climate. The chemical status of  40 major and trace elements (TE) in pristine boreal rivers and interstitial solutions of permafrost soils has been investigated using in-field ultrafiltration procedure. This revealed strong relationships between concentration of TE and that of major inorganic components of colloids, i.e., Fe or Al. Decomposing plant litter and permafrost thawing are considered important sources of most major and trace elements in Arctic rivers during summertime.  相似文献   
As part of an effort to identify suitable targets for a planned long-term field test, we investigate by means of numerical simulation the gas production potential from unit D, a stratigraphically bounded (Class 3) permafrost-associated hydrate occurrence penetrated in the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well on North Slope, Alaska. This shallow, low-pressure deposit has high porosities (? = 0.4), high intrinsic permeabilities (k = 10−12 m2) and high hydrate saturations (SH = 0.65). It has a low temperature (T = 2.3-2.6 °C) because of its proximity to the overlying permafrost. The simulation results indicate that vertical wells operating at a constant bottomhole pressure would produce at very low rates for a very long period. Horizontal wells increase gas production by almost two orders of magnitude, but production remains low. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the initial deposit temperature is by the far the most important factor determining production performance (and the most effective criterion for target selection) because it controls the sensible heat available to fuel dissociation. Thus, a 1 °C increase in temperature is sufficient to increase the production rate by a factor of almost 8. Production also increases with a decreasing hydrate saturation (because of a larger effective permeability for a given k), and is favored (to a lesser extent) by anisotropy.  相似文献   
This paper studies the relationship between net primary productivity (NPP) and annual average air temperature (GT) at 0cm above ground in permafrost regions by using revised Chikugo NPP model,cubic spline interpolating functions,and non-linear regression methods.The source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers were selected as the research areas.Results illustrate that:(1) There is significant non-linear relationship between NPP and GT in various typical years;(2) The maximum value of NPP is 6.17,5.87,7....  相似文献   
通过分析太阳辐射强度和旱桥桥面影子轨迹随时间的变化规律,建立时间、太阳辐射强度、太阳位置和影子轨迹关系的数学模型,并利用该模型对旱桥桥面遮阳效应进行研究。提出直射率概念表示周边冻土获得的太阳直接辐射能量的比例。研究发现旱桥的高度、走向、桥面宽度等因素对桥下及周边范围冻土的太阳直射率影响很大。随着旱桥高度的增加,桥面遮阳影响范围增大,遮阳中心直射率增大;随着旱桥宽度的增加,桥下及周边冻土的直射率降低;东西走向的旱桥桥下及周边冻土表面直射率非对称性最为明显。旱桥桥面的遮阳可以有效减少桥下及周边冻土的太阳辐射热量,同时也会引起桩基周边冻土表面非均匀太阳辐射受热,这种太阳辐射的非均匀性不可忽视,在旱桥长期稳定性分析中应予以考虑。  相似文献   
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