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Sediment aggregates (“sedimentary pellets”) within the sedimentary record of Lake A (83°00′ N, 75°30′ W), Ellesmere Island, Canada, are used to construct a 1000 year proxy record of ice-cover extent and dynamics on this perennially ice-covered, High Arctic lake. These pellets are interpreted to form during fall or early winter when littoral sediment adheres to ice forming around the lake’s periphery or during summer through the development of anchor ice. The sediment likely collects in ice interstices and is concentrated in the upper ice layers through summer surface ice melt and winter basal ice growth. The pellets remain frozen in the ice until a summer or series of summers with reduced ice cover allows for their deposition across the lake basin. Sedimentary pellet frequency within multiple sediment cores is used to develop a chronology of ice-cover fluctuations. This proxy ice-cover record is largely corroborated by a record of unusual sedimentation in Lake A involving iron-rich, dark-orange to red laminae overlying more diffuse laminae with a lighter hue. This sediment sequence is hypothesized to represent years with reduced ice cover through increased chemocline ventilation and iron deposition. During the past millennium, the most notable period of inferred reduced ice cover is ca. 1891 AD to present. Another period of ice cover mobility is suggested ca. 1582–1774 AD, while persistent ice cover is inferred during the 1800s and prior to 1582 AD. The proxy ice-cover record corresponds well with most regional melt-season proxy temperature and paleoecological records, especially during the 1800s and 1900s.
Jessica D. TomkinsEmail:
通过对云南玉龙雪山丽江冷杉年轮晚材纤维素氧同位素 (δ18O) 的分析,建立了1902-2004时段年分辨率的树轮δ18O序列。将所得序列与相邻的丽江市气象站记录的气候资料对比,分析了树轮δ18O对气候要素的响应。结果表明,丽江冷杉年轮晚材中的δ18O与其生长季气候因子密切相关。主要与季风期 (8-10月) 的降水和相对湿度、6-10月总云量、5-6月平均温度显著相关,尤其和总云量相关性最高 (r = -0.45,P = 0.01)。同时,树轮δ18O年际变化与南亚季风指数、东亚夏季风指数呈反相关关系,并与1-5月南方涛动指数负相关显著,在一定程度上反映了大尺度的大气环流影响。  相似文献   
基于混合像元分类的城市地表覆盖时空演变格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于可能性理论和中心点聚类方法的原理,提出可能性C中心点(PCRMDD)聚类方法.运用该法对上海市中心城区Landsat ETM+遥感影像进行混合像元分类,并自动获取地物端元盖度分布图及影像端元光谱,解混精度的检验结果表明该方法能在噪声环境下获得精度较高的分类结果和端元光谱信息.根据各时期研究区域的地表覆盖分类结果,应用GIS空间分析功能,进一步探讨在城市化过程中上海中心城区土地利用时空演变格局,揭示城市用地空间扩展模式.  相似文献   
分层信息提取法在县域土地 利用/覆被遥感中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高精度地获取县(或县级市)域土地利用/覆被的定性、定量信息对于维护生态环境和保障我国农村经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。针对2003年冬季所获得的江苏省新沂市的TM图像特点,选择分层信息提取法提取土地利用/覆被信息。首先对图像进行基于最大似然法的监督分类,观察分类结果,提取误分、错分比例最小的未利用地类型,然后采用光谱分析法提取出水体范围、监督分类和目视解译相结合法提取出城镇建设用地和农村居民点、归一化植被指数提取出林地,最后提取出耕地。信息提取结果与同期土地利用图相比较,整个新沂市域范围内土地利用/覆被类型分类的面积精度达到96.17%,空间精度达到88.38%,表明这种方法提取遥感图像土地利用/覆被信息是可行的。  相似文献   
Interannual and decadal variations of winter snow cover over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) are analyzed by using monthly mean snow depth data set of 60 stations over QXP for the period of 1958 through 1992. It is found that the winter snow cover over QXP bears a pronounced quasi-biennial oscillation, and it underwent an obvious decadal transition from a poor snow cover period to a rich snow cover period in the late 1970’s during the last 40 years.It is shown that the summer rainfall in the eastern China is closely associated with the winter snow cover over QXP not only in the interannual variation but also in the decadal variation. A clear relationship exists in the quasi-biennial oscillation between the summer rainfall in the northern part of North China and the southern China and the winter snow cover over QXP. Furthermore, the summer rainfall in the four climate divisions of Qinling-Daba Mountains, the Yangtze-Huaihe River Plain, the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River showed a remarkable transition from drought period to rainy period in the end of 1970’s, in good correspondence with the decadal transition of the winter snow cover over QXP.  相似文献   
The validation of land use/land cover (LULC) maps is usually performed using a reference database consisting of a sample of points or regions to which the ‘real’ class is assigned. This assignment is usually performed by specialists using photointerpretation (PI) of high-resolution imagery and/or field visits, which are time consuming and expensive processes. The aim of this article is to assess if the data available in the collaborative project OpenStreetMap (OSM) may be used as a source of data to assist the creation of these reference databases, reducing the time spent and costs associated with their generation. For this aim, two case studies were used, where the validation of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Urban Atlas (UA) was performed. The used methodology requires the harmonization of the data available in OSM with the UA nomenclature, and the subsequent creation of a LULC map from the OSM data. This map was then compared to UA to assess the similarity of the regions mapped in both. To test the usefulness of OSM data to assess the accuracy of UA, a sample of points was created and two reference databases generated, one assigning the data extracted automatically from OSM to the points where these data were available, and PI for the remaining points, and the other using only PI. The accuracy assessment of UA for the two case studies was then made building confusion matrixes and computing accuracy indicators. The results showed that for the two study areas, only low percentages of points had to be photo interpreted in the first reference database (respectively, 12% and 2% for the two study areas), decreasing the work load considerably. The results obtained with both reference databases are comparable for level 1 classes. For level 2 classes, worse results were obtained for some classes, showing that the OSM data used are not enough to create reliable reference data.  相似文献   
In order to monitor the pattern, distribution, and trend of land use/cover change (LUCC) and its impacts on soil erosion, it is highly appropriate to adopt Remote Sensing (RS) data and Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze, assess, simulate, and predict the spatial and temporal evolution dynamics. In this paper, multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ remotely sensed data are used to generate land cover maps by image classification, and the Cellular Automata Markov (CA_Markov) model is employed to simulate the evolution and trend of landscape pattern change. Furthermore, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is used to evaluate the situation of soil erosion in the case study mining area. The trend of soil erosion is analyzed according to total/average amount of soil erosion, and the rainfall (R), cover management (C), and support practice (P) factors in RUSLE relevant to soil erosion are determined. The change trends of soil erosion and the relationship between land cover types and soil erosion amount are analyzed. The results demonstrate that the CA_Markov model is suitable to simulate and predict LUCC trends with good efficiency and accuracy, and RUSLE can calculate the total soil erosion effectively. In the study area, there was minimal erosion grade and this is expected to continue to decline in the next few years, according to our prediction results.  相似文献   
全球土地覆被时空变化与中国贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广东 《地理学报》2022,77(2):353-368
20世纪下半叶以来全球土地覆被发生了剧烈变化,人类活动对土地覆被变化的影响成为“人类世”最为显著的特征之一。科学评估全球土地覆被变化的时空过程和新态势,分析中国在其中扮演的角色和地位并提出优化路径,成为中国在可持续发展领域应对全球百年未有之大变局的核心任务之一。本文基于多源土地覆盖数据,运用地理空间分析方法定量刻画了全球土地覆被变化的时空演化过程,从景观尺度分析了地类间的转化关系以及全球“变绿”和森林覆盖度的变化趋势,揭示了中国对全球土地覆被时空变化的贡献。结果表明,1992—2015年全球土地覆被经历了显著变化,全球土地覆被变化度在南美洲中部、撒哈拉以南的非洲、中亚、东南亚和东亚等地形成显著的热点区。中国森林覆盖率从1990年的12.98%增至2020年的23.34%,湿地面积增长1908 km2,为维护全球生态安全贡献了力量,同时在城市用地增长、草地和其他用地减少等方面也有一定的限制作用。与全球其他国家不同,中国城市扩张占用耕地面积居全球第一位,高达7.3万km2。1999—2019年全球叶面积指数存在全球性的显著提高趋势。中国以仅占全球6.6%的植被面积,贡献了全球20%左右的叶面积增加量,引领了全球“变绿”过程。1990—2020年全球森林覆盖度变化呈现出空间集聚性。中国森林面积增长62.84万km2居全球前列,其中西南林区和秦巴山区是林地增长的主要区域,长三角、粤港澳大湾区和内蒙古东部部分地区是森林覆盖度降低的主要区域。中国未来应进一步提升经济社会发展与生态保护的均衡协调度,持续推进美丽中国建设,为全球生态安全和可持续发展贡献更大力量和更多经验。  相似文献   
岷江上游半干旱河谷土地利用/土地覆盖研究   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29  
樊宏  张建平 《中国沙漠》2002,22(3):273-278
岷江上游半干旱河谷土地利用/土地覆盖结构受山地系统特征影响,以林地为主,土地利用类型分布呈垂直带性。人口增长、人民生活水平的提高以及经济政策的激发,导致耕地面积扩大,流域森林面积下降,可采资源消耗贻尽。森林面积减少、耕地面积增长是引起干旱河谷干旱面积范围扩大的重要因素。岷江上游半干旱河谷土地利用优化应以长江流域的持续发展为着眼点,突出大流域生态屏障功能;建立生态补偿机制,完善相关政策法规,以保证生态重建和土地利用结构调整工作的长期稳定性;提高土地利用方式的科技含量;在科学规划的指导下,先易后难,逐步实现生态建设与半干旱河谷的治理。  相似文献   
In this study, the high-accuracy multisource integrated Chinese land cover (MICLCover) dataset was used in version 4 of the Community Land Model (CLM4) to assess how the new land cover information affected land surface simulation over China. Compared to the default land cover dataset in CLM4, the MICL data indicated lower values for bare soil (14.6% reduction), nee- dleleaf tree (3.6%), and broadleaf tree (1.9%); higher values for shrub cover (1.8% increase), grassland (9.9%), cropland (5.0%), glaciers (0.5%), lakes (1.6%), and wetland (1.1%); and unchanged for urban areas. Two comparative CLM4 simulations were conducted for the 33-yr period from 1972 to 2004, one using the MICL dataset and the other using the default dataset. The results revealed that the MICL data produced a 0.3% lower mean annual surface albedo over China than the original data. The largest contributor to the reduced value was semiarid regions (2.1% reduction). The MICL-data albedo value agreed more closely with observations (MODIS broad- band black-sky albedo products) over arid and semiarid regions than for the original data to some extent. The simulated average sensible heat flux over China increased by only 0.1 W m 2 owing to the reduced values in arid and semiarid regions, as opposed to increases in humid and semihumid regions, while an increased latent heat flux of I W m-2 was reflected in almost identical changes over the whole region. In addition, the mean annual runoff simulated by CLM4 using MICL data decreased by 6.8 mm yr-1, primarily due to large simulated decreases in humid regions.  相似文献   
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