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The grain size distribution (GSD) of sediment in comparison with the original soil GSD is discussed under different slopes (5, 15 and 25%) and rainfall intensities (30, 60 and 90 mm h–1 with respective duration of 30, 15 and 10 min) but identical runoff (15 mm). The sediment quantification was carried out by raindrop-induced flow transport (RIFT) or/and transport by flow (FT) using a rainfall simulator and a 6 × 1 m2 erosion plot and a silt loam. The results show a high degree of enrichment for size classes of 2–4 and 4–8 μm and a high degree of depletion for size classes of >63 μm under different slopes and rainfall intensities. In addition, the results show that the experimental enrichment ratio (ER) for particle size <16 μm under different slopes and rainfall intensities was greater than 1, while the ER for particle size >32 μm was less than 1.  相似文献   
Current chemical dispersant effectiveness tests for product selection are commonly performed with bench-scale testing apparatus. However, for the assessment of oil dispersant effectiveness under real sea state conditions, test protocols are required to have hydrodynamic conditions closer to the natural environment, including transport and dilution effects. To achieve this goal, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed and constructed a wave tank system to study chemical dispersant effectiveness under controlled mixing energy conditions (regular non-breaking, spilling breaking, and plunging breaking waves). Quantification of oil dispersant effectiveness was based on observed changes in dispersed oil concentrations and oil-droplet size distribution. The study results quantitatively demonstrated that total dispersed oil concentration and breakup kinetics of oil droplets in the water column were strongly dependent on the presence of chemical dispersants and the influence of breaking waves. These data on the effectiveness of dispersants as a function of sea state will have significant implications in the drafting of future operational guidelines for dispersant use at sea.  相似文献   
川江中坝遗址5000年来洪水事件研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
川江中坝遗址自然地层与文化层测年、粒度分析及其与长江沿岸现代洪积物粒度分析对比研究表明,中坝遗址自然沉积层为多期洪水泛滥成因.文化层中大量破碎陶罐、瓦片以及窑址的发现,结合实地调查表明当时遗址区主要以制盐为主.一定数量未燃尽的段木的发现,表明人们为制盐或烧制陶器而砍伐树木,导致水土流失与生态恶化,水土流失导致河床淤积,储水量减少,从而加重洪灾程度、加剧河床演变.频繁的洪水泛滥使研究区河床发生较大变化,使遗址从河岸孤立出去,成为河中心的一个孤岛.  相似文献   
利用2007年8月在雷州半岛观测雷暴获得的雨滴谱和地闪资料,重点分析了8月6日遂溪、湛江一次雷暴云降水个例的雨滴谱特征,对闪电特征与降水的相关性进行了统计分析。结果表明,遂溪站的雨滴谱谱型多为双峰或多峰型,而湛江站的雨滴谱谱型多呈单峰型分布;平均雨滴谱符合Gamma分布;雨强I10mm/h时发生地闪的频率较高,且发生地闪频率随着距测站的距离减少而增加;随着雨强的增大发生正地闪的概率明显增加;降水过程中的闪电频率和距离校准后闪电电流强度的相关性表明,地闪发生的距离越近,频率越高对应雨滴谱谱宽越宽和降水强度越大。  相似文献   
通过对莱州湾南岸Lz908孔下部47m沉积物的粒度分析,揭示了该地区沉积物的粒度特征:平均粒径介于3.2Φ~7.4Φ,大部分为黏土质粉砂,少部分为砂质粉砂,亦含有少量粉砂质砂;分选系数介于1.1~2.5,分选较差;偏度绝大多数介于0.7~2.4,表现为正偏和极正偏;峰度介于1.9~3.4,表现为平坦和正态。通过粒级组成、粒度象特征、粒度结构散点图等的综合分析,表明:钻孔下部沉积物与上部沉积物相比,指示了相对低能稳定的水动力环境;莱州湾南岸地区在早-中更新统处于浅湖相与深湖相交替存在的沉积环境。因此,本文认为对渤海莱州湾南岸地区沉积物粒度特征的研究可以有效的判断沉积环境,提取古环境信息,是沉积环境的重要替代指标。  相似文献   
磁场重联中离子轨道的混合模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在使用2.5维混合模拟方法研究了Petschek模型稳态驱动磁场 重联演化的基础上, 本文考察了计算域内各典型区域中粒子分布函数的变化,描绘了重联区不同位置几种类型的 非Maxwell分布函数. 结果表明,磁场重联会将重联区少部分粒子加速到很高的能量,不同 加速程度的粒子将形成球壳状的速度分布. 粒子的轨道特征表明,在重联区中出流的粒子, 有一部分被磁镜捕获,其回旋半径大于重联区宽度,并构成整个流体速度的低速部分. 另外 ,在X中性点附近进入重联区的粒子沿磁力线向出流区以三种形式漂移,分别为:沿磁力线 逃逸、捕获在磁镜中随流体运动、横越磁力线漂移,其比例分别约为70%,20%和10%。  相似文献   
Size of a debris flow deposition: model experiment approach   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The prediction of the dangerous extent of a debris flow deposition is of vital importance, but difficult to achieve. Precise prediction of the depositional boundary of a debris flow event is impossible, but the size of a debris flow deposition could provide some estimates of the area, length, width, and thickness of a debris flow deposition. Based on in situ depositional experiments performed on a debris flow creek just after debris flows, a rule of thumb expressed by a group of equations containing the multiple-variate nonlinear functions is proposed in this paper. The interrelationships between the size and the causation also are discussed, and some empirical formulae to calculate the causative parameters for different regions are presented. Received: 24 April 1995 · Accepted: 21 June 1995  相似文献   
鄱阳湖沉积物粒度特征及其对形成演变过程的示踪意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对鄱阳湖大汉湖ZK04钻孔沉积物的粒度分析,揭示了该地区沉积物粒度特征.结果表明,从湖滨到湖心沉积物粒度呈由砾石→粗砂→细砂→粉砂→黏土等逐渐变细的正旋回,其沉积时代可分为6个阶段:第1阶段(601~530 cm),M、KG、SD、SK都为曲线中最高峰,频率为4峰型,该阶段气候暖湿,彭蠡泽形成;第2阶段(530~3...  相似文献   
以徐州市贾汪矿区1983年、1993年、2003年和2013年4期Landsat影像为数据源,综合景观格局指数粒度效应和信息损失评价法,确定了贾汪矿区景观格局指数的最佳分析粒度为60 m。在该粒度下,基于景观水平和斑块水平对区域景观格局演化进行分析。结果表明,在景观水平上,2003年以前,区域景观格局在煤炭资源的开采、城市化等的驱动下,景观格局呈破碎化、异质化和连通性降低的趋势;2003年以后,由于矿区土地复垦项目的实施、城乡统筹发展和区域连片发展,使区域景观格局呈连续化、均衡化和连通性增大的趋势。在景观类型尺度上,耕地、建设用地和水域随时间的变化最为活跃,1983~2003年间,耕地、水域受煤炭资源开采等活动的影响,斑块趋于破碎化,连通性降低,而建设用地在城市化发展的驱动下,变得更为复杂;2003~2013年间,耕地、水域和建设用地呈现高连通性、斑块规则化的趋势。  相似文献   
为了探讨连续降水过程中水汽输送的变化,应用NCEP/NCAR资料、HYSPLIT后向轨迹模拟及降水稳定同位素资料对北京22场连续降水的水汽输送差异进行了研究。结果表明:连续降水的水汽输送可分为西向水汽输送、远洋水汽输送、近海水汽输送、远源大陆水汽输送和局地大陆水汽输送5种类型,并以近海水汽输送和西向水汽输送为主(降水量占比60.8%)。不同水汽输送类型下降水δ18O的差异主要受水汽源区同位素富集程度及水汽输送途中降水过程的影响,降水氘盈余的变化反映出二次蒸发的影响及水汽源区大气相对湿度的差异。14场连续降水的水汽输送类型发生了变化,且降水δ18O值的变化能够较好地指示水汽输送类型的变化。该结果说明降水同位素特征能够为识别水汽输送类型提供有效信息。  相似文献   
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