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 Colloids are known to transport contaminants over long distances in natural media. Despite this potentially harmful effect, very few studies have been undertaken in subsurface aquifers. This paper presents the first results of a study of natural colloids and particles in a karstic aquifer. The site was chosen for its coverage by clay layers and peat which deliver various and numerous particle types in water. The methodological part describes three methods used for size determination and sample fractionation of surface water and spring water. These methods have been adapted for the treatment of multiple samples due to the rapid discharge variation typical of karstic aquifers. The analysis of many particle size distributions (PSD) shows that they can be described by a Pareto law. The variation of the slope of the PSD at the spring is mainly dependent on discharge. This behavior is interpreted as a washing of the karstic drains during the first phase of high flow events. Fractionation of the samples allowed application of various characterization techniques to particle size classes. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that most of the mineral particles originated from Quaternary deposits and limestones. However the use of scanning electron micrsocopy with energy-dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) detailed the composition of individual particles and revealed particles not found by XRD. These techniques also showed the high complexity of the natural particles and the important place of coprecipitation in their formation. Consequences on the fluxes of particulate matter and its potential role as a carrier of contaminants are discussed. Received: 28 October 1996 · Accepted: 7 July 1997  相似文献   
将烟台套子湾2021年与2005—2006年夹河口东西两侧海滩砂的粒度特征进行对比分析,揭示了近16年来套子湾海滩沉积物粒度特征变化对全球海平面上升—夹河入海水沙减少等过程的具体响应。研究表明,现代套子湾海滩砂样品以中砂、细砂为主,分选极好或好,标准偏差介于0.23~0.4,夹河口东侧的海滩砂平均粒径(Mz:1.39~1.64Φ)比西侧海滩砂平均粒径(Mz:1.47~1.91Φ)粗,主要组分中的粗砂和中砂含量比西侧高,表明现代夹河口东侧区域水动力较夹河口西侧强,该区海滩砂受到海洋动力的长期改造分选较好。近16年夹河口两侧海滩砂粒度明显粗化,表现在海滩砂平均粒径变粗、主要组分粒度变粗约0.5Φ、概率累积曲线的粗细截点变粗0.5~1Φ及滚动、跃移、悬移组分含量明显变化。夹河入海物质减少,海平面快速上升,导致海洋动力增强是研究区海滩砂粒度粗化、海滩侵蚀的主要原因,该研究结果可以为套子湾海滩防护提供科学指导。  相似文献   
基于格点统计插值分析系统(Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation analysis system,简称GSI),利用粒子滤波(Particle Filter,简称PF)方法对卫星红外辐射率资料进行了云覆盖、云高等三维云图产品的反演研究。选取了具有高时空分辨率的静止卫星GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites)-Imager辐射率资料进行了云反演试验,初步评估了PF云反演方法的可行性及其与多元极小残差(Multivariate and Minimum Residual,简称MMR)云反演方法的异同。结果表明:两种方法反演得到的云覆盖和云顶气压与NASA基于CO2切片法反演得到的GOES云产品一致性较高。PF和MMR方法反演产品的优点是云图信息是三维分布的,相对于NASA提供的GOES云产品能提供更全方位立体的云信息。MMR方法需要利用一维变分逐步拟合观测来反演三维云图产品;PF方法采用不同模式垂直层的云覆盖比例作为不同粒子来近似后验概率分布,计算效率大大提高。进一步提出了一种新的基于“扰动粒子”的粒子滤波云反演方法,结果表明:在滤波过程中采用足够多的粒子样本(样本数量约为250)可以改进后验概率密度函数的估计,有效地避免了粒子发散问题,改善了云反演的结果。  相似文献   
高拱坝伸缩横缝间布设阻尼器对坝体地震反应影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对设置伸缩横缝的小湾高拱坝结构,应用子结构理论,分别就正常高水位与常遇低水位两种水位工况,考虑坝体伸缩横缝在地震交变荷载作用下反复开合引起的缝面间滑移、接触等效应的影响,坝体-库水的相互作用而产生的动水压力的影响,对坝体的抗震性能进行了地震反应分析。对伸缩缝间设置阻尼器这新的设计思想进行了可行性的研究,论证推导了阻尼器的计算模型,探讨了阻尼器对坝体抗震性能的影响。  相似文献   
Aerosol size distributions were measured with Micro Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) cascade impactors at the rural Angiola and urban Fresno Supersites in California's San Joaquin Valley during the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study (CRPAQS) winter campaign from December 15, 2000 to February 3, 2001. PM2.5 filter samples were collected concurrently at both sites with Sequential Filter Samplers (SFS). MOUDI nitrate (NO3) concentrations reached 66 μg/m3 on January 6, 2001 during the 1000–1600 PST (GMT-8) period. Pair-wise comparisons between PM2.5 MOUDI and SFS concentrations revealed high correlations at the Angiola site (r > 0.93) but more variability (r < 0.85) at the Fresno site for NO3, sulfate (SO4=), and ammonium (NH4+). Correlations were higher at Fresno (r > 0.87) than at Angiola (r < 0.7) for organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and total carbon (TC). NO3 and SO4= size distributions in Fresno were multi-modal and wider than the uni-modal distributions observed at Angiola. Geometric mean diameters (GMD) were smaller for OC and EC than for NO3 and SO4= at both sites. OC and EC were more concentrated on the lowest MOUDI stage (0.056 µm) at Angiola than at Fresno. The NO3 GMD increased from 0.97 to 1.02 µm as the NO3 concentration at Angiola increased from 43 to 66 µg m− 3 during a PM2.5 episode from January 4–7, 2001. There was a direct relationship between GMD and NO3 and SO4= concentrations at Angiola but no such relationships for OC or EC. This demonstrates that secondary aerosol formation increases both concentration and particle size for the rural California environment.  相似文献   
敦煌春季沙尘天气过程中某些参量和影响因子的变化特征   总被引:13,自引:12,他引:13  
利用中日合作风送沙尘的形成、输送机制及其对气候与环境影响(ADEC)的研究项目敦煌站的观测资料,分析了2001年和2002年春季沙尘天气过程中两个沙尘参量———沙尘浓度指数(DCI)和粒子数浓度(N(d))的变化以及摩擦速度(u )和风速(u)与地面风蚀起沙的关系。结果表明:可用DCI=0.2作为扬沙、浮尘等一般沙尘天气的临界值,DCI=0.4作为沙尘暴天气的临界值;沙地和农田上起沙的临界摩擦速度分别约为0.5m·s-1和0.3m·s-1,临界风速分别约为7m·s-1和3m·s-1。农田和沙地起沙临界摩擦速度的差异,导致绿洲站沙尘天气发生的频数比沙漠站大;与地面起沙量有关的总沙尘粒子数浓度N(d>0.5μm)近似与u2 成比例。  相似文献   
Coastal nucleation events and behavior of cluster ions were characterized through the measurements of air ion mobility distributions at the Mace Head research station on the west coast of Ireland in 2006. We measured concentrations of cluster ions and charged aerosol particles in the size range of 0.34–40 nm. These measurements allow us to characterize freshly nucleated charged particles with diameters smaller than 3 nm. The analysis shows that bursts of intermediate ions (1.6–7 nm) are a frequent phenomenon in the marine coastal environment. Intermediate ion concentrations were generally close to zero, but during some nucleation episodes the concentrations increased to several hundreds per cm3. Nucleation events occurred during most of the measurement days. We classified all days into one of seven classes according to the occurrence and type of new particle formation. Nucleation events were observed during 207 days in 2006, most prominently in the spring and summer months. Rain-induced events, in turn, were observed during 132 days. Particle formation and growth events mostly coincided with the presence of low tide. Also small cluster ions (0.34–1.6 nm) were characterized. Average concentrations of small ions were 440 cm− 3 for the negative ions and 423 cm− 3 for the positive ions. Average mean mobilities of small ions were 1.86 cm2V− 1s− 1 and 1.49 cm2V− 1s− 1 for the negative and positive polarities, respectively. Concentrations of small ions were observed to be strongly dependent on the variations of meteorological parameters including wind speed and direction.  相似文献   

基于北京秋冬季重霾污染时期细颗粒物化学组分和气态前体物的小时观测数据,通过ISORROPIA II模型模拟颗粒物酸度,并利用敏感性分析方法研究颗粒物酸度的驱动因子。结果表明:2017~2019年秋冬季,北京3次重霾污染事件颗粒物pH的平均值分别为4.52±0.52、5.19±0.28和5.03±0.79;从清洁阶段到中度污染阶段和从中度污染阶段到重度污染阶段,颗粒物pH平均值分别下降0.72~1.07和0.3~1.03,即随着污染的加重,颗粒物pH呈现下降趋势;颗粒物pH对化学组分变化的响应不同,主要受TNHx[总铵(气态氨+颗粒态铵盐)]和SO42−影响,受环境温度和湿度变化的影响有限;颗粒物pH对TNHx的敏感性依次高于SO42−高于NO3,且高的TNHx水平会降低颗粒物pH对SO42−(TNHx>47 μg/m3)和NO3(TNHx>30~40 μg/m3)的敏感性;北京重霾污染时期,大气处于富氨状态,抬升颗粒物pH至4以上;在重霾污染事件中,颗粒物pH及变化的幅度与总铵水平和颗粒物pH对SO42−、NO3的敏感性有关,这为厘清二次气溶胶生成机制提供有效参考。

姜华根 《测绘工程》2000,9(1):62-67
提出了一种用很轻很细的线,以很小的拉力组成的轻倒垂系统,配合垂线摆动阻尼器,可以达到较高的垂准精度,用这种垂准系统建立的高度较大的垂准基线可以用于超以建筑物施工和变形监测。  相似文献   
3维坐标的转换精度与坐标转换参数的解算精度密切相关,在不同区域的坐标转换参数不完全相同,为了提高测量的精度,就必须求出适合本地区的坐标转换参数,以提高坐标转换的精度。本文直接从坐标转换的非线性方程出发,根据最优化问题的极值条件,研究采用基于微粒群优化(PSO)和拉凡格氏(LM)组合算法求解3维坐标转换参数。结果表明,该方法具有简单性、高效性和普适性,适合测量中3维坐标的转换解算。  相似文献   
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