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新疆西准噶尔北部广泛发育中酸性侵入岩,其形成时代为晚石炭世—早二叠世,岩石类型为辉石闪长岩、石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩。阔依塔斯杂岩体的形成年龄为(297±2)Ma,Si O2为52.40%~67.53%;高Al2O3,14.92%~17.85%;里特曼指数(δ)小于3.3,介于1.47~1.98;富钠贫钾,K2O/Na2O为0.15~0.49;铁高而镁低,Fe OT/Mg O为1.01~1.69。其稀土配分模式右倾,轻重稀土分馏明显,具有微弱铕正异常。地球化学和年代学特征表明:岩体形成于后碰撞演化的晚期阶段,这一时间早于东准噶尔后碰撞的时间(二叠纪末)。该杂岩体主体可能为幔源岩浆底侵镁铁质下地壳,导致发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variations in Alpine glaciations is essential for reconstructing the regional and global timing of ice ages. This study investigates glacial deposits at the mouth of the Muksu catchment in the northern Pamir using 10Be surface-exposure age dating. We sampled boulders from the furthest downstream recessional moraine (20 samples) and five lateral moraines (41 samples) near the former terminus of the Fedchenko Glacier, the longest (∼72 km) present-day Alpine glacier of the Pamir. After the identification of outliers, the boulder population of the recessional moraine yielded a mean exposure age of 17.5 ± 1.9 ka. The maximum exposure age of the lateral moraines, collected ∼5 km up-valley of the recessional moraine, is 18.2 ± 1.7 ka. The boulder ages reflect glacial deposition during the Last Glacial Maximum (Marine Isotope Stage 2) in the region; they are in accordance with published glacial deposition ages in the western Tian Shan.  相似文献   
本文使用新疆区域数字地震台站记录的宽频带长周期数字波形资料,在时间域反演了2008年10月5日新疆乌恰6.8级地震的强余震及其周围先后发生的52次中等强度地震的矩张量解,结合Harvard大学在该区域的地震矩张量结果,研究了帕米尔东北缘的应力场分区特征.研究结果显示,位于印度板块向欧亚板块推挤的前缘及向北凸出的弧型构造的最北缘的卡兹克阿尔特弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带,以逆冲推覆活动为主,并有部分走滑类型的地震,基本不存在正断层类型的地震;该弧型构造近东西走向的顶部(文中的西区)与其北西走向的东侧(文中的东区)的局部应力场最大主压应力方向不同,分别为NW、NNE方向,显示出在承受印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲作用的同时,东区也更多的受到了塔里木块体顺时针旋转作用的影响.位于帕米尔陆内俯冲和变形作用强烈、碰撞造成深源地震带东段的南区,地震以走滑错动为主, 逆断、正断层都有,显示出相对复杂的应力状态.位于帕米尔高原内部的西区和南区的应力场最大主压应力方向一致,由北向南,由最大主压应力轴接近水平,过渡为最大主张应力轴接近水平,一定程度揭示了板块俯冲的状态.结合南区和西区的地震深度差异及机制解中断层面的倾角,推测在中帕米尔的东部,由北向南的板块俯冲至150~170km深度,俯冲角度为60°左右.  相似文献   
The study deals spatial mapping of earthquake hazard parameters like annual and 100-years mode along with their 90% probability of not being exceeded (NBE) in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and adjoining regions. For this purpose, we applied a straightforward and most robust method known as Gumbel’s third asymptotic distribution of extreme values (GIII). A homogeneous and complete earthquake catalogue during the period 1900–2010 with magnitude MW  4.0 is utilized to estimate these earthquake hazard parameters. An equal grid point mesh, of 1° longitude X 1° latitude, is chosen to produce detailed earthquake hazard maps. This performance allows analysis of the localized seismicity parameters and representation of their regional variations as contour maps. The estimated result of annual mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the values of MW 6.0 in the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan and northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings in the examined region. The 100-years mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the value of MW 8.0 in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya with Caucasus mountain belt, the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan, northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings, the Kangra–Himanchal Pradesh and Kashmir of India. The estimated high values of earthquake hazard parameters are mostly correlated with the main tectonic regimes of the examined region. The spatial variations of earthquake hazard parameters reveal that the examined region exhibits more complexity and has high crustal heterogeneity. The spatial maps provide a brief atlas of the earthquake hazard in the region.  相似文献   
蔡志慧  许志琴  曹汇  梁凤华 《地质学报》2016,90(11):2999-3010
公格尔西滑脱剪切带位于东北帕米尔公格尔片麻岩穹窿西缘。通过我们详细的野外观测、显微构造观察、石英电子背散射衍射(EBSD)测试以及锆石U-Pb测年,对公格尔西滑脱剪切带的几何学、运动学特征及其形成演化时限进行了研究。公格尔西滑脱剪切带糜棱岩中大量的石榴子石、矽线石和蓝晶石等表明其为高级变质产物。S/C组构、旋转碎斑及不对称褶皱等变形现象说明剪切带上盘向W或SW低角度剪切的运动特征。高级变质糜棱岩和浅色岩脉记录约20 Ma的206 U-238Pb锆石年龄,说明公格尔西滑脱剪切带初始形成于早中新世。结合前人研究成果,我们认为公格尔西滑脱剪切带曾是狭长的帕米尔中下地壳滑脱带的最北段。由于新生代印度亚洲大陆碰撞以后印度板块仍持续向N俯冲推进,帕米尔地壳由S向N开始增厚,进变质作用最初发生于南帕米尔,约20 Ma时到达北帕米尔。东北帕米尔中下地壳物质开始折返于中新世中期。而直到6~4 Ma,东北帕米尔公格尔地区开始快速隆起,此时公格尔新生代高级变质岩才快速折返。  相似文献   
刘健  史杰  姚鑫  李钦  常志勇 《中国地质》2018,45(4):681-692
帕米尔东北缘位于青藏高原西北部,是新构造运动最强烈的地区之一。受控于公格尔拉张断裂作用的塔什库尔干盆地,活动构造强烈,高的大地热流值和丰富的地下水,使其具备地热资源形成的地质构造和水文条件。基于塔什库尔干盆地北部的曲曼地区地质构造、湖相地层年代学调查研究,该地区发育晚更新世的NNE向f_1和f_2正断层以及第四纪沉积物之下存在隐伏的近EW向的断层f_3。这3条断层是塔什库尔干断裂在不同构造演化时期形成的次级断层。结合EH-4电磁成像和钻孔及抽水试验等资料表明NNE向f_1和f_2正断层是地热系统的导水通道,而近EW向f_3断层为导热通道。该地区地热模式是大地热流为热源-地下水深循环逐渐加热-构造控水和控热。  相似文献   
帕米尔东北缘地壳结构的P波接收函数研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用位于新疆帕米尔东北缘地带12个固定数字地震台和天山动力学Ⅱ期10个流动宽频带数字地震台记录的高质量远震波形数据,应用接收函数H-κ叠加方法研究了帕米尔东北缘的地壳厚度-泊松比特征和部分台站下方的壳内界面深度.研究发现:(1) 帕米尔东北缘的Moho面起伏变化剧烈,其总体分布呈现东薄西厚、南厚北薄的特征,由塔里木盆地向天山延伸,地壳厚度约从45 km加深到55 km,从塔里木盆地向西昆仑山延伸,地壳厚度约从45 km加深到69 km;(2)沿着天山动力学Ⅱ期剖面,位于塔里木盆地北缘台站的壳内间断面的深度约为13~16 km,向北进入天山南麓加深到20 km左右,继续向北进入南天山山区壳内间断面不明显,可能暗示塔里木盆地基底向北俯冲,俯冲距离可能到达南天山的山前;(3)研究区地壳泊松比变化复杂(约从0.20到0.31),显示地壳物质组成的复杂性和显著的不均匀构造;(4)整个研究区的地壳厚度和泊松比之间没有明显的相关性,但天山动力学Ⅱ期剖面的结果表明,从塔里木盆地北缘到西南天山,地壳厚度和泊松比之间存在反相关关系,意味着天山地壳的增厚可能主要是通过以长英质岩石为主要组成成分的上地壳叠置而成;(5) 研究区全部地震台地壳厚度与海拔高程的线性回归方程表明地壳厚度与海拔的相关性相对较弱(相关系数为0.66),天山动力学Ⅱ期10个台站的地壳厚度与海拔具有很好的相关性(相关系数为0.85),可能表明沿该剖面地壳整体上处于相对均衡的状态.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(1):67-76
The Pamir Plateau comprises a series of crustal fragments that successively accreted to the Eurasian margin preceded the India-Asia collision, is an ideal place to study the Mesozoic tectonics. The authors investigate the southern Tashkorgan area, northeastern Pamir Plateau, where Mesozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks are exposed. New structural and biotite 40Ar-39Ar age data are presented. Two stages of intense deformation in the metamorphic rocks are identified, which are unconformably covered by the Early Cretaceous sediment. Two high-grade metamorphic rocks yielding 128.4 ± 0.8 Ma and 144.5 ± 0.9 Ma 40Ar-39Ar ages indicate that the samples experienced an Early Cretaceous cooling event. Combined with previous studies, it is proposed that the Early Cretaceous tectonic records in the southern Tashkorgan region are associated with Andean-style orogenesis. They are the results of the flat/low-angle subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
This study identified soft–sediment deformation structures(SSDS) of seismic origin from lacustrine sediments in the late Quaternary paleo–dammed lake at Tashkorgan, northeastern Pamir. The observed deformation structures include sand dykes, liquefied diapir and convolute structures, gravity induced SSDS, and thixotropic pillar and tabular structures. We conducted a preliminary study on the morphology, formation and trigger mechanisms of pillar and tabular structures formed by liquefaction of underlying coarse sand and thixotropy of the upper silty clay. The regional tectonic setting and distribution of lacustrine strata indicate that the most probable trigger for the SSDS in lacustrine sediments was seismic activity, with an approximate earthquake magnitude of M6.0; the potential seismogenic fault is the southern part of the Kongur normal fault extensional system. AMS 14 C dating results indicate that the SSDS were formed by seismic events occurring between 26050±100 yr BP and 22710±80 yr BP, implying intense fault activity in this region during the late Pleistocene. This study provides new evidence for understanding tectonic activity and regional geodynamics in western China.  相似文献   
中亚天山—帕米尔地区成矿地质背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚天山—帕米尔地区地处亚欧大陆腹地,跨古亚洲、特提斯两大全球性构造域,是哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔、卡拉库姆—塔里木、中伊朗—冈底斯、印度四大古板块的结合部位,地质构造复杂,矿产资源丰富。自中新太古代(或古元古代)以来分为5大演化阶段:1太古宙—古元古代演化阶段,本区古陆可能是组成Pangea-Ⅳ泛大陆的一部分;2长城纪—青白口纪泛大陆裂解事件导致了西昆仑地区第一次大规模的成矿作用,新元古代超大陆汇聚形成阶段,中天山地区广泛沉积了一套文德系含炭质岩系,形成金的矿源层,为后期大规模金的成矿作用提供了物质基础;3新元古代超大陆裂解及古亚洲洋—原特提斯洋演化阶段,岩浆活动强烈深部壳幔物质交换频繁,尤其是晚泥盆世—早中二叠世碰撞后伸展期,是区内最重要的成矿期;4研究区工作程度低(部分地区为空白区),特提斯洋演化阶段矿床发现较少,但找矿潜力巨大;5欧亚大陆形成后的后造山阶段,伴随着造山带强烈的挤压、褶皱、抬升、走滑、推覆等构造活动,岩浆作用十分发育,形成了一系列与韧性剪切构造有关的金矿化,以及与中酸性岩浆热液活动有关的铁、铜、多金属、锂铍(铌钽)、钨、锡、钼等矿产。  相似文献   
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