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基于大连长兴岛的一套完整的晚更新世黄土剖面(贺家圈剖面),应用端元分析模型,对所采集的21个沉积样品的粒度数据进行分析。结论认为:从贺家圈剖面沉积物粒级组分中可以分离出3个代表不同沉积动力以及改造作用的沉积端元组分。并结合地球化学元素的对比分析,初步认为:端元1可能代表了剖面原始的粒度沉积组分,主峰为近源沉积,次峰为远源沉积;端元2可能代表了沉积物在沉积之后受到的淋溶作用和残积作用;端元3可能代表的是沉积物沉积之后受到的化学风化作用。  相似文献   
Earth fissures have developed at Wadi Al-Yutamah, western Saudi Arabia. The fissues are associated with land subsidence which is considered to be due to both rapid draw down of the ground-water level and hydrocompaction of the wadi soil after flooding. This phenomenon is relatively recent in the area.The wadi soil was investigated and classified in the field, and disturbed and undisturbed samples were collected for laboratory testing and analysis. The engineering properties of the wadi soils were determined, including in situ field density, specific gravity, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, shrinkage limit, and consolidation characteristics such as total settlement and coefficient of subsidence (collapse).Four types of silty soil of different colours were identified, in addition to yellowish-brown sand (representing the dunes) which accumulated on the surface of the study area. The silty soils include yellowish-brown silty sand, yellowish-gray silt, pale brown silt and yellowish-brown clayey silt. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the clay is mainly kaolinite and illite with minor smectite. The dominant soil type in the study area is silt of low plasticity, high void ratio and low density which decreased with depth. This soil was classified as loess-like materials.The studied soils are of a collapsing type, and settlement is greatly increased by excessive wetting under constant pressure. The calculated coefficients of subsidence (collapse) of the soils at different depths generally increased with decreasing soil density and ranged between 3·1% and 10·8%. The wadi soils are considered to pose a moderate problem when wetted.  相似文献   
黄土孢粉分析的新途径——筛滤分析法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄土-古土壤序列在全球古气候、古环境研究中占有不可替代的重要地位,而其中的孢粉是黄土高原生态环境演化过程中保存的直接生物学证据,它对建立黄土高原降水或湿度状况的时空变化特征,认识季风变迁的过程、规律以及未来发展趋势等具有重要的意义。随着黄土研究工作的不断深入,作为直接生物学证据的孢粉研究相对薄弱。其中最困扰的因素是从黄土中提取孢粉极其困难,分析技术上始终未能找到一个突破口,因此需要一种分析效果好、快捷、成本低的分析方法以获得大量高精度的孢粉数据。筛滤分析法正是为了适应黄土研究的需要而设计的一种新型的黄土孢粉分析方法。筛滤分析法利用真空状态下的气压差使样品在水中完全悬浮跳动,样品得到充分的冲洗并促使孢粉与其它无机质与有机质分离。相对真空的状态减少了微细颗粒对极为细小的网眼的阻塞,重力作用促使水及各类颗粒不断冲击筛网,使粒径小于10μm的物质较容易被过滤到聚水容器中,而孢粉与较少的大颗粒物质则被隔离在筛网之上,这使我们很容易用重液浮选出干净、清晰的孢粉底样。筛滤分析法与常规的黄土孢粉分析相比,具有以下特点:①大大降低了分析样品的重量及药品的消耗,一般仅需样品30 g左右,是常规分析法用量的1/6~1/8。②整个分析流程短, 12个样品一个流程仅需3~4 d。③筛滤分析法使孢粉几乎全部被隔离在筛网上而丢失极少,提高了黄土孢粉研究精度。④筛滤分析法几乎不破坏孢粉的结构,孢粉底样干净、清晰。使用筛滤分析法共分析耀县全新世黄土剖面69块孢粉样品,均发现数量不等的孢粉。孢粉底样干净、杂质少,结构清楚。共统计孢粉14978粒,分属27个科属,这些科属包括了黄土高原主要的孢粉类型。从孢粉结果可以初步确定,在全新世时期,位于黄土高原南缘的耀县地区,草本植物占全部孢粉总量的93.6%,而乔木植物仅占孢粉总量的4.7%。在整个剖面中没有出现乔木植物含量超过30%,可以认为在黄土高原的全新世时期是以草原植被为主,并无森林生长。  相似文献   
In order to study the effects of different land vegetative covers on soil quality attributes, a loess hill slope was selected in eastern Golestan Province, Ghapan watershed, Iran. Four profiles in four land uses, including Quercus natural forest; Pinus artificial forest; Cupressus artificial forest and a cultivated land, were studied. Results showed that MWD was significantly different in the studied land uses, and it varied between 1.6 mm in Quercus natural forest and o.31 mm in cultivated land use. The lowest CEC, microbial respiration rate and organic carbon were 28.4 cmol·kg^1, 177 μgCO2·g^-1·day^-1 and 1.32 % found in cultivated land use, respectively. The organic matter was considerably higher content in the forest areas than that of cultivated land use. The studies on soil profile development revealed that the natural forest soils were highly developed. The soils of the Quercus natural forest were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs with a well developed argillie horizon unlike the cultivated soils which showed the minimum development and classified as Typic Xerorthents. The soils of the artificial forests had both mollic epipedons and were classified as Typic Calcixerolls with moderate profile development. Micromorphological studies revealed that argillic horizons had speckled and partly crystallitic b-fabric in the natural forest indicating the high landscape stability. In contrast, the crystallitic b-fabric of other land uses shows the absence of enough leaching of carbonate and the subsequent migration of clay particles indicating the unstable conditions and high soil erosion. Intense erosion of the surface horizons of cultivated land use has resulted in the outcropping of the subsurface carbonate rich horizons preventing soil development.  相似文献   
针对当前黄土地区公路自然区划宏观程度高、实际难应用等问题,研究新的区划方案、寻找理想的区划指标意义重大。以分形理论为基础,分析了甘肃黄土粒度分布的分形结构特征。结果显示,黄土具有良好的统计自相似性,其分维值介于2.15~2.705之间;黄土的粒度分维值可定量表征黄土的物理、力学和水理性质及差异,即黄土的粒度分维值越大,其干密度、比表面积、粘聚力、内摩擦角越大,微、小孔隙含量越高,但其平均孔径、孔隙比、湿陷系数和渗透系数越小,其工程地质性质愈稳定;在空间上,黄土粒度分维值存在显著的区域性变化规律,反映了甘肃黄土地区二级公路自然区划的5个二级区的差异。认为黄土粒度分维值可作为公路自然区划的主要指标之一,参与三级区的划分,为公路工程的设计、施工提供科学依据。  相似文献   
受多路径等未模型化误差影响,全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)监测序列中出现的一些异常波动现象会对精准预警产生干扰,甚至造成漏警、误警等严重后果。针对滑坡灾害体的状态特征信息在GNSS解算过程中未被充分利用的问题,分析了GNSS灾害监测中的状态空间模型,提出了一种顾及灾害体状态特征的实时滤波算法,通过滑动窗口大小的自适应调整,对监测点历史历元解算结果进行状态方程建模,并在当前历元参数估计时进行卡尔曼滤波的状态更新,得到更加可信的实时解算序列。黄土滑坡实验表明,与常规结果相比,该算法的浮点解+固定解精度分别在东、北、天方向提升了97.6%、87.5%、89.6%;单固定解精度分别提升了50.0%、14.3%、18.8%;模糊度固定率由97.1%提升至99.9%。该算法在提高解算结果精度的同时,也提升了模糊度的固定率,有效降低了异常序列波动对灾害监测与预警的影响。  相似文献   
基于可靠度理论的黄土高边坡优化设计   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
对黄土高边坡进行可靠性分析,应用数学原理和优化原理,建立了黄土高边坡的优化模型,对铜黄一级公路黄土高边坡进行分析验证。结果表明,该方法计算的结果与实际较接近.应用中易操作。  相似文献   
无定河流域不同地貌区水沙过程对比   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
王随继 《地理研究》2007,26(3):508-517
为了查明人为影响程度较低时期无定河流域内不同地貌区的水沙过程及其变化规律,选取1970年以前一段时期该流域内风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的有关水文站的水文泥沙实测数据进行对比分析。结果表明,风沙区河流的流量变率较黄土丘陵沟壑区的小;风沙区河流的含沙量远小于黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的含沙量。黄土丘陵沟壑区河流具有极高的输沙率,而风沙区河流的输沙率微不足道。风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的产流模数基本相近,但产沙模数非常悬殊,前者的产沙模数很小,为118.58~725.38t /km2 · a,而后者的达到1879.36~25112.15t /km2 · a。显然,无定河流域黄土丘陵沟壑区的河流是侵蚀产沙的主要来源区,因而是水土保持工作的重点区域。  相似文献   
青海湖南岸全新世黄土地球化学特征及气候环境意义   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
位于青藏高原东北部的青海湖是我国最大的内陆湖泊,通过湖相沉积进行湖区全新世环境演变研究已取得诸多成果。作者选择青海湖南岸黑马河有绝对年代控制的全新世黄土剖面,利用CaCO2、CaO、MgO和Sr元素组分以及氧、碳同位素等较为可靠的地球化学指标,尝试进行了湖区全新世黄土的分层,探讨了黄土堆积过程中的气候环境演变。结果表明,青海湖南岸的黄土按成土作用强度的不同可分为两层:上部为成土化较弱的黄土层;下部为成土化较高的古土壤层,其仍可进一步分为两个亚层。全新世湖区气候环境的波动在地球化学分布特征中有较强表现。  相似文献   
The S1 pedocomplex, correlated to Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 of the ocean cores, has been traced west of the Loess Plateau on to the extreme northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau in China. Detailed micromorphological analysis of closely spaced thinsections from the pedocomplex at this site provides the basis for reconstruction of the sequence of pedosedimentary processes and associated palaeoenvironmental changes occurring during this time interval. The six pedosedimentary stages identified are interpreted in terms of temporal variations in depositional rates, size of particles transported and availability of moisture for pedogenic alteration, as determined by changing balances in dominance of winter and summer monsoonal forces. Two main ‘soil-forming intervals’ are identified: the more extensive of the two in terms of resultant pedological features reflects pedogenic alteration at a relatively ‘stable’ land surface under a semi-arid climate during the later part of pedosedimentary stage 2. The other main period corresponds to pedosedimentary stages 4 and 5, when leaching and bioturbation processes were active at aggrading surfaces, leading to development of an accretionary unit without clear differentiation of horizons. Pedosedimentary stages 1, 3 and 6 were characterised mainly by rapid rates of coarse loess accumulation, with synsedimentary modification restricted to surface slaking and crust formation, and minor localised redistribution of calcite.  相似文献   
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