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The variability of bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) in Long Island Sound, New York, is examined using water quality monitoring data collected by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection from 1995 to 2004. Self-organizing map analysis indicates that hypoxia always occurs in the Narrows during summer and less frequently in the Western and the Central Basins. The primary factor controlling the bottom DO, changes spatially and temporally. For non-summer seasons, the levels of bottom DO are strongly associated with water temperature, which means DO availability is primarily driven by solubility. During summer, stratification intensifies under weak wind conditions and bottom DO starts to decrease and deviate from the saturation level except for stations in the Eastern Basin. For the westernmost and shallow (<15 m) stations, bottom DO is correlated with the density stratification (represented by difference between surface and bottom density). In contrast, at deep stations (>20 m), the relationship between oxygen depletion and stratification is not significant. For stations located west of the Central Basin, bottom DO continues to decrease during summer until it reaches its minimum when bottom temperature is around 19–20 °C. In most cases the recovery to saturation levels at the beginning of fall is fast, but not necessarily associated with increased wind mixing. Therefore, we propose that the DO recovery may be a manifestation of either the reduced microbial activity combined with the depletion of organic matter or horizontal exchange. Hypoxic volume is weakly correlated to the summer wind speed, spring total nitrogen, spring chlorophyll a, and maximum river discharge. When all variables are combined in a multiple regression, the coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.92. Surprisingly, the weakest variable is the total nitrogen, because when it is excluded the coefficient r2 only drops to 0.84. Spring bloom seems to be an important source of organic carbon pool and biological uptake of oxygen plays a more crucial role in the seasonal evolution of bottom DO than previously thought. Our results indicate that the reassessment phase of the Long Island Sound Total Maximum Daily Load policy on nitrogen loading will most likely fail, because it ignores the contributions of the spring organic carbon pool and river discharge. Also, it is questionable whether the goal of 58.5% anthropogenic nitrogen load reduction is enough.  相似文献   
根据岩性、产状和地貌等特征,对海南岛西北部莲花山周缘海岸出露的前全新世海相地层5个典型剖面进行区内对比,以恢复该套地层的产出序列,并推测海相地层的分布范围。结合海相地层的沉积时代和莲花山周缘海岸的地貌特征,探讨了该海岸带的地貌演化过程:中更新世以前,有河流自东南向西北经德义岭、莲花山入海,海相地层沉积区属于滨岸环境,是该海岸带当时受海水进退作用的主要区域,接受着波浪从北面、河流从南面带来的沉积物;中更新世至今,受雷琼地区火山活动的影响,河流被隆起的火山锥阻挡而截流或改道,海相地层沉积区则被抬升成为陆地,并在全新世海岸侵蚀作用下,形成了现今宽广的海蚀平台,海岸后退平均速率约为10 cm/a。  相似文献   
卫星高度计实现了对全球性或区域性的海洋参量的实时监测,TOPEX卫星高度计提供了迄今为止时间序列最长、数据质量最高的全球海面风速和有效波高的同步观测资料。利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料,分析了有效波高4m以上的巨浪在台湾岛周边海域的时空分布特征,结果表明台湾岛周边海域巨浪的分布具有明显的季节特征。每年平均有效波高最大值大多数出现在夏季,春季是1a中有效波高最小的季节,而秋季和冬季是巨浪出现频率最高的季节。波高大于6m的巨浪大都出现在台湾岛东部及东北部海域,在南部海域出现较少。  相似文献   
采用三维潮流温盐数学模型对六横岛附近海域的水动力环境及盐度场分布进行数值模拟,并以实测资料进行验证,所建立模型可以较好地反映该海域潮流动力特征及盐度场的分布情况。利用验证后的三维数学模型,对海水淡化工程浓盐水排放后盐度场分布进行计算,将排放后的盐度分布与工程前进行对比分析,并推算盐升面积及垂向盐度增量。结果表明,海水淡化工程排放的浓盐水对六横岛海域盐度分布的影响主要集中在排水口附近的底层,影响区域呈带状分布,最大盐度增量为1.2左右,且排水口附近海域出现盐度垂向分层。  相似文献   
邢光福  陶奎元 《岩石学报》1997,13(4):473-487
对乔治王岛11个火山岩和2个侵入岩样品做了Sr-Nd-Pb同位素分析,其中(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70326~0.70392,εNd=3.02~6.72,206Pb/204Pb=17.776~18.515,207Pb/204Pb=15..506~15.571,208Pb/204Pb=37.868~38.308。根据以上同位素组成及其相互关系并结合岩石学和微量元素特征及火山岩中熔融包裹体成分,得出以下结论:(1)研究的乔治王岛岩浆岩起源于亏损地幔(DMM)和地幔流体交代成因的富集地幔EMI混合形成的源区;(2)该源区具有广义Dupal异常,它正是由于EMI组份加入即通过流体交代作用而产生的;(3)流体主要是俯冲深海沉积物脱碳酸盐作用而释放出的富CO2流体。  相似文献   
The Rhodiani ophiolites are represented by two tectonically superimposed ophiolitic units: the “lower” Ultramafic unit and the “upper” Volcanic unit, both bearing calcareous sedimentary covers. The Ultramafic unit consists of mantle harzburgites with dunite pods and chromitite ores, and represents the typical mantle section of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The Volcanic unit is represented by a sheeted dyke complex overlain by a pillow and massive lava sequence, both including basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites. Chemically, the Volcanic unit displays low-Ti affinity typical of island arc tholeiite (IAT) ophiolitic series from SSZ settings, having, as most distinctive chemical features, low Ti/V ratios (< 20) and depletion in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements.The rare earth element and incompatible element composition of the more primitive basaltic andesites from the Rhodiani ophiolites can be successfully reproduced with about 15% non-modal fractional melting of depleted lherzolites, which are very common in the Hellenide ophiolites. The calculated residua correspond to the depleted harzburgites found in the Rhodiani and Othrys ophiolites. Both field and chemical evidence suggest that the whole sequence of the Rhodiani Volcanic unit (from basalt to dacite) originated by low-pressure fractional crystallization under partially open-system conditions. The modelling of mantle source, melt generation, and mantle residua carried out in this paper provides new constraints for the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Mirdita–Pindos oceanic basin.  相似文献   
The results of radiolarian analysis confirm the Campanian-Maastrichtian age of the Malokuril’skaya Formation in the Shikotan Island. The Campanian-Maastrichtian age of the formation is implied simultaneously by radiolarians and inoceramids. The studied Campanian and Campanian-Maastrichtian radiolarian assemblages include abundant specimens representing genus Prunobrachium, characteristic of which was bipolar distribution in cold-water to temperate basins. The new occurrence site of prunobrachids is established at the latitude of 43°N, the Far East of Russia.  相似文献   
This paper presents an example of application of the double solid reactant method (DSRM) of Accornero and Marini (Environmental Geology, 2007a), an effective way for modeling the fate of several dissolved trace elements during water–rock interaction. The EQ3/6 software package was used for simulating the irreversible water–rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the groundwaters of the Porto Plain shallow aquifer, starting from a degassed diluted crateric steam condensate. Reaction path modeling was performed in reaction progress mode and under closed-system conditions. The simulations assumed: (1) bulk dissolution (i.e., without any constraint on the kinetics of dissolution/precipitation reactions) of a single solid phase, a leucite-latitic glass, and (2) precipitation of amorphous silica, barite, alunite, jarosite, anhydrite, kaolinite, a solid mixture of smectites, fluorite, a solid mixture of hydroxides, illite-K, a solid mixture of saponites, a solid mixture of trigonal carbonates and a solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates. Analytical concentrations of major chemical elements and several trace elements (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr and Ba) in groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. In addition to these simulations, similar runs for a rhyolite, a latite and a trachyte permitted to calculate major oxide contents for the authigenic paragenesis which are comparable, to a first approximation, with the corresponding data measured for local altered rocks belonging to the silicic, advanced argillic and intermediate argillic alteration facies. The important role played by both the solid mixture of trigonal carbonates as sequestrator of Mn, Zn, Cu and Ni and the solid mixture of orthorhombic carbonates as scavenger of Sr and Ba is emphasized.
Luigi Marini (Corresponding author)Email:
Potash in a salt mushroom at Hormoz Island, Hormoz Strait, Iran   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing volumes of potash are currently being discovered in a cluster of diapirs of Hormoz (formerly Hormuz) salt near Bandar Abbas, Iran. Most of the potash beds studied so far occur in complex recumbent folds in a salt mountain that would be difficult to exploit safely. However, Holocene marine erosion removed any salt mountains from a sub-group of near-shore Zagros diapirs and exposed their deeper structural levels. Even though these diapirs are still active, their potash deposits are likely more tractable to safe exploitation than in a salt mountain — as we make clear here for Hormoz Island.Geochemical surveys on Hormoz Island reveal two separate potash anomalies that are valuable pseudo-stratigraphic markers. Integrating field measurements of the attitudes of bedding with lineaments on air photos suggests that Hormoz Island consists of a mature bell- or plume-shaped mushroom diapir with potash beds wound around a toroidal axis of rotation near current exposure levels.2D numerical models simulate the salt mushroom on Hormoz Island and its internal circulation. They also suggest that the diapir has a wide overhand above a narrow stem in this gas-rich region. We use the mushroom diapir model to outline a regional exploration strategy that has the potential of influencing the world potash market thereafter.  相似文献   
在辽南瓦房店市长兴岛镇二龙山、长岭子等地的寒武纪—奥陶纪冶里组上部首次发现Saukia,Calvinella等属种的化石,确定了Saukia—Calvinella组合带,为晚寒武世凤山阶最顶部的化石带。此外在该带之上采到了微体化石Ulahconusbeimadaoensis,该化石属种为奥陶纪早期的标准分子。据此重新厘定了辽南地区寒武系与奥陶系的界线。  相似文献   
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