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空间位置服务平台的构架设计与服务接口实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹  彭黎辉 《地球科学》2006,31(5):733-738
通过空间位置服务平台对位置服务领域中众多复杂的空间信息数据进行有效地整合和资源共享, 可以为用户提供综合性的位置应用和服务.利用基于空间信息网格(spatial information grid, SIG) 的分布式思想对空间位置服务平台的架构进行了模型设计和技术实现, 完成了地图数据和定位查询的分布式存储和检索.平台服务接口满足开放位置服务(openlocation service, OpenLS) 规范, 利用XML进行信息编码, 通过HTTP进行数据传输, 介绍了相应的接口内容和调用示例.针对定位信息的更新和传递提出了一种新的基于Push的主动通知机制, 提供与各种定位接口的数据转换和消息处理能力, 高效地实现了位置应用和服务平台之间的消息传递.最后结合MAPGIS平台和CDMA手机定位技术进行了原型系统的实现, 验证了平台理论模型和服务接口的可用性.   相似文献   
The semi-Lagrangian advection scheme is implemented on a new quasi-uniform overset (Yin-Yang) grid on the sphere. The Yin-Yang grid is a newly developed grid system in spherical geometry with two perpendicularly-oriented latitude-longitude grid components (called Yin and Yang respectively) that overlapp each other, and this effectively avoids the coordinate singularity and the grid convergence near the poles. In this overset grid, the way of transferring data between the Yin and Yang components is the key to maintaining the accuracy and robustness in numerical solutions. A numerical interpolation for boundary data exchange, which maintains the accuracy of the original advection scheme and is computationally efficient, is given in this paper. A standard test of the solid-body advection proposed by Williamson is carried out on the Yin-Yang grid. Numerical results show that the quasi-uniform Yin-Yang grid can get around the problems near the poles, and the numerical accuracy in the original semi-Lagrangian scheme is effectively maintained in the Yin-Yang grid.  相似文献   
城市网格化管理采用数字化网格管理的模式,本文阐述了上海市城市网格化管理的技术实现过程。  相似文献   
针对传统遥感影像目标检测方法效率不高,并且无有效手段对检测信息进行管理利用的问题,提出了在B/S构架下基于深度学习的目标检测及定位方法。通过集成深度学习框架、WebGIS以及数据库,实现了集遥感影像目标检测、展示及管理于一体的目标检测定位系统,满足多用户基于前端浏览器的并发目标检测需求。利用网格划分策略,实现了基于前端的大区域范围的目标快速检测。基于某机场飞机目标及某城市区域运动场目标检测结果表明:本文设计的目标检测定位系统能够在前端实现目标快速检测定位,具有较高检测精度,并可有效管理检测信息,为深度学习循环再利用提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
针对出租车运营过程缺少路径优化指导造成运营能力分布不均、空载率高的问题,本文以成都市安装有GPS设备的出租车所采集的轨迹数据为研究对象,以提高出租车效益为目标,采用了一种基于网格的出租车载客热点聚类算法,通过对出租车GPS轨迹数据进行处理和聚类分析,充分挖掘出租车载客热点区域,从而为出租车的运营者和管理者提供信息决策服务。  相似文献   
主要研究了基于MapObject的规则格网DEM的显示以及其应用。提出了一种将国家标准交换格式的DEM模型数据转换为Shape格式的空间数据的方法,并且用VB.NET语言结合MapObject可视化组件实现了对佛山地形的数字地形分析。该方法不需要大型的专业地理信息软件作支持,直接从底层开发,灵活性高,成本低,比较适合面向特定用户小型地理信息系统,为地理信息系统软件开发人员提供一种新思路。  相似文献   
非结构化网格下近岸波生流数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
唐军  魏美芳 《海洋学报》2010,32(6):41-46
波浪破碎产生的近岸流是近岸海域关键的水动力因素之一。基于近岸波浪的椭圆型缓坡方程和二维近岸波生流方程,建立了非结构化网格下近岸波浪破碎形成的近岸流数值模型。数值模型中,在空间上采用有限体积法进行数值离散,在时间上采用欧拉向前格式数值离散。数值计算结果表明,该数值模型可以有效地模拟近岸波浪破碎产生的近岸流。  相似文献   
An unstructured-grid procedure for SWAN is presented. It is a vertex-based, fully implicit, finite difference method which can accommodate unstructured meshes with a high variability in geographic resolution suitable for representing complicated bottom topography in shallow areas and irregular shoreline. The numerical solution is found by means of a point-to-point multi-directional Gauss–Seidel iteration method requiring a number of sweeps through the grid. The approach is stable for any time step while permitting local mesh refinements in areas of interest. A number of applications are shown to verify the correctness and numerical accuracy of the unstructured version of SWAN.  相似文献   
Results are presented from a series of settling column experiments investigating temporal variations in the flocculation characteristics of purely cohesive (kaolin clay) sediment suspensions and cohesive (kaolin) and non-cohesive (fine sand) sediment fraction mixtures. Experimental runs were conducted under controlled hydrodynamic conditions generated by a rigid array of in-phase oscillating grids. The results indicated that rapid initial floc aggregation occurred under low turbulent shear rates, with peak maximal and root-mean-square (r.m.s.) floc sizes (∼ 400 μm and ∼ 200 μm, respectively) attained after relatively short time periods, before reducing with time. By contrast, lower aggregation rates and smaller floc sizes were observed under higher shear conditions, with flocs retaining suspended in the settling column for longer time scales due to the increased turbulence. The mud input concentration displayed some correlation with maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes at higher shear rates but no correlation was apparent at low shear rates. This observed floc behaviour may be attributed to the differences in concentration gradients at high and low shear rates that affect both floc settling rate and time required for flocs to attain equilibrium size. The addition of the fine sand fraction to the kaolin clay suspension reduced both the initial floc formation (i.e. aggregation) rate and the maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes attained throughout the experiments. The reduction in maximal floc sizes appeared to be enhanced by an increase in the ratio of fine sand to kaolin clay content within the mixture.  相似文献   
研究并实现中国区域北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟格网改正算法,针对北斗单系统实时建立电离层延迟格网的不足,提出联合BDS/GPS的北斗广域差分实时电离层延迟改正方法。比较BDS、GPS以及BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网,并利用北斗单频单点伪距定位进行精度验证。结果表明,在有效格网点覆盖充足的地区,BDS与GPS实时电离层延迟格网定位效果相当;而联合BDS/GPS观测的实时电离层延迟格网极大提高了偏远地区的单频定位精度与可定位历元数,也使原本单系统格网覆盖充足的地区定位效果得到进一步增强和稳定。  相似文献   
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