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压力对有机质演化的影响长期以来争论不断,共有3种不同意见:压力对有机质演化没有影响,压力促进有机质的演化,压力抑制有机质的演化。通过对前人所做实验的实验设备、实验样品及实验结果的分析对比发现:不同实验结果主要是由于不同实验条件引起的,特别是实验系统和加压方式的不同,对实验结果影响最大,所代表的地质意义也不同。综合分析结果表明,当压力的增加表现为沉积有机质受到的有效应力增加时可以促进有机质生烃;当压力的增加表现为孔隙流体压力增加时,有机质生烃过程将受到抑制;另外,这两种情况都可能使干酪根的镜质组反射率降低,易使人得出压力增加抑制有机质演化的结论。进一步对压力影响有机质演化的成因机制进行了分析,发现在有机质演化的不同阶段因异常压力的增压机制不同,压力在有机质演化过程中所表现出来的作用也有差异。  相似文献   
渤海海洋线虫与底栖桡足类数量之比的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在渤海的22个站位,分3个航次采集未受扰动的沉积物样品,进行了小型底栖动物中两个主要类群自由生活海洋线虫和底栖桡足类数量变动和两者数量之比评价沉积物有机污染环境的研究。结果表明:对于同一航次的不同重复,数量变动差异显著或极显著;在同一个站位24h,6次重复取样,两者数量的变异系数较大;在应用该比值进行沉积物有机污染评价时,在同一站位该比值波动较大。  相似文献   
太湖水体光学衰减系数的特征及参数化   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
利用2001-2002年周年太湖全湖不同湖区湖泊光学及表层水样的实测资料,分析了太湖水体表层光学衰减系数与透明度、无机和有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a的相关关系,建立了表层水光学衰减系数与无机、有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a多元线性回归方程。结果表明,光学衰减系数与透明度的关系为:Kdg0.096 1.852/ST;表层水光学衰减系数与无机、有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a多元线性回归方程为:Kd=0.219 0.0768Ciss 0.214Cdet 0.006Cchl;光学衰减系数变化的主要影响因子是无机及有机颗粒物。  相似文献   
当前全球渔业捕捞量已接近顶峰局势,水产养殖发展面临巨大环境压力,水产品绿色养殖能满足消费者对优质蛋白需求的同时,还能有效缓解生态问题,保证食品质量安全。水产品养殖绿色发展已成为世界各国的共识,渔业发达国家在一定程度上已形成较完善的绿色水产养殖体系。文章基于全球水产业发展现状和趋势,通过研究欧盟、美国和日本水产品绿色养殖的相关经验,最后结合中国水产养殖业发展现状,提出在建立严格认证标准的基础上,国内政府应加强对“绿色水产品”消费的正确引导;借鉴别国对渔业可持续发展的政策和管理制度;注重关键科学技术的研发,做到产学结合;保障资金的有效投入等相关政策建议。  相似文献   
文章于2018年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)对我国考洲洋海域海水中的溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(COD)、无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(DIP)4个主要海水水质因子进行了综合调查。结果表明,4个水质因子DIP、DIN、COD、DO的平均浓度由高到低的季节变化分别为:冬季(0.058 mg/L)、春季(0.046 mg/L)、夏季(0.009 mg/L)、秋季(0.006 mg/L);冬季(0.465 mg/L)、春季(0.171 mg/L)、夏季(0.064 mg/L)、秋季(0.040 mg/L);夏季(1.57 mg/L)、冬季(1.26 mg/L)、秋季(1.22 mg/L)、春季(0.89 mg/L);冬季(11.70 mg/L)、夏季(7.41 mg/L)、秋季(7.36 mg/L)、春季(7.18 mg/L)。评价结果显示,春季和冬季主要超标因子为DIP和DIN,夏季超标因子为DIP,秋季水质因子均满足要求。同时,本研究利用单因子标准指数法、富营养化指数法和有机污染评价指数法对考洲洋地区水质状况进行评价并对其进行初步比较和分析,结果表明,3种方法在季节性变化上的评价结果基本一致(由高到低均为:冬季、春季、夏季、秋季),然而,同一季节不同评价方法的超标站位比例不同(单因子指数法:冬季占100%,春季占80%,夏季占10%,秋季则无;富营养化指数法:冬季占90%,春季占70%,夏季和秋季均为无;有机污染指数评价法:冬季和春季均占80%,夏季和秋季均为无),比较分析表明,3种评价方法具有不同的评价作用和适用性。  相似文献   
Methylmercury (MeHg) concentration and production rates were studied in bottom sediments along the mainstem of Chesapeake Bay and on the adjoining continental shelf and slope. Our objectives were to 1) observe spatial and temporal changes in total mercury (HgT) and MeHg concentrations in the mid-Atlantic coastal region, 2) investigate biogeochemical factors that affect MeHg production, and 3) examine the potential of these sediments as sources of MeHg to coastal and open waters. Estuarine, shelf and slope sediments contained on average 0.5 to 1.5% Hg as MeHg (% MeHg), which increased significantly with salinity across our study site, with weak seasonal trends. Methylation rate constants (kmeth), estimated using enriched stable mercury isotope spikes to intact cores, showed a similar, but weaker, salinity trend, but strong seasonality, and was highly correlated with % MeHg. Together, these patterns suggest that some fraction of MeHg is preserved thru seasons, as found by others [Orihel, D.M., Paterson, M.J., Blanchfield, P.J., Bodaly, R.A., Gilmour, C.C., Hintelmann, H., 2008. Temporal changes in the distribution, methylation, and bioaccumulation of newly deposited mercury in an aquatic ecosystem. Environmental Pollution 154, 77] Similar to other ecosystems, methylation was most favored in sediment depth horizons where sulfate was available, but sulfide concentrations were low (between 0.1 and 10 μM). MeHg production was maximal at the sediment surface in the organic sediments of the upper and mid Bay where oxygen penetration was small, but was found at increasingly deeper depths, and across a wider vertical range, as salinity increased, where oxygen penetration was deeper. Vertical trends in MeHg production mirrored the deeper, vertically expanded redox boundary layers in these offshore sediments. The organic content of the sediments had a strong impact on the sediment:water partitioning of Hg, and therefore, on methylation rates. However, the HgT distribution coefficient (KD) normalized to organic matter varied by more than an order of magnitude across the study area, suggesting an important role of organic matter quality in Hg sequestration. We hypothesize that the lower sulfur content organic matter of shelf and slope sediments has a lower binding capacity for Hg resulting in higher MeHg production, relative to sediments in the estuary. Substantially higher MeHg concentrations in pore water relative to the water column indicate all sites are sources of MeHg to the water column throughout the seasons studied. Calculated diffusional fluxes for MeHg averaged  1 pmol m− 2 day− 1. It is likely that the total MeHg flux in sediments of the lower Bay and continental margin are significantly higher than their estimated diffusive fluxes due to enhanced MeHg mobilization by biological and/or physical processes. Our flux estimates across the full salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay and its adjacent slope and shelf strongly suggest that the flux from coastal sediments is of the same order as other sources and contributes substantially to the coastal MeHg budget.  相似文献   
Molecular organic biomarkers together with trace element composition were investigated in sediments east of Barrow Canyon in the western Arctic Ocean to determine sources and recycling of organic carbon in a continuum from the shelf to the basin. Algal biomarkers (polyunsaturated and short-chain saturated fatty acids, 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, dinosterol) highlight the substantial contribution of organic matter from water column and sea-ice primary productivity in shelf environments, while redox markers such as acid volatile sulfide (AVS), Mn, and Re indicate intense metabolism of this material leading to sediment anoxia. Shelf sediments also receive considerable inputs from terrestrial organic carbon, with biomarker composition suggesting the presence of multiple pools of terrestrial organic matter segregated by age/lability or hydrodynamic sorting. Sedimentary metabolism was not as intense in slope sediments as on the shelf; however, sufficient labile organic matter is present to create suboxic and anoxic conditions, at least intermittently, as organic matter is focused towards the slope. Basin sediments also showed evidence for episodic delivery of labile organic carbon inputs despite the strong physical controls of water depth and sea-ice cover. Principal components analysis of the lipid biomarker data was used to estimate fractions of preserved recalcitrant (of terrestrial origin) and labile (of marine origin) organic matter in the sediments, with ranges of 12–79%, 14–45%, and 37–66% found for the shelf, slope, and basin cores, respectively. On average, the relative preserved terrestrial organic matter in basin sediments was 56%, suggesting exchange of organic carbon between nearshore and basin environments in the western Arctic.  相似文献   
The MedFlux project was devised to determine and model relationships between organic matter and mineral ballasts of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. Specifically we investigated the ballast ratio hypothesis, tested various commonly used sampling and modeling techniques, and developed new technologies that would allow better characterization of particle biogeochemistry. Here we describe the rationale for the project, the biogeochemical provenance of the DYFAMED site, the international support structure, and highlights from the papers published here. Additional MedFlux papers can be accessed at the MedFlux web site (http://msrc.sunysb.edu/MedFlux/).  相似文献   
本文对团头鲂 2项血液学指标 (红细胞数 RBC和血红蛋白量 Hb)的正常值进行了研究 ,同时检测了加氯水体中有机浓集物对这 2项指标的影响。结果表明 ,团头鲂血液中 RBC和 Hb的正常值受生长和水温等因素影响 ;在相同的试验条件下 ,加氯水体中的有机浓集物对团头鲂血液 RBC和 Hb有抑制作用 ,抑制率分别为 4 .3 %~ 2 6.0 %和 5.0 %~ 2 2 .5% ,表明此类物质对鱼类正常的生长代谢有一定的危害。  相似文献   
The influence of organic matter on splash detachment was investigated using soils with grass and peat treatments. The relationship between organic matter and aggregate stability to water disruption was positive for soils with grass treatment while it was negative for those with peat treatment. Organic matter from both treatments, however, reduced splash detachment by rainfall. Soils with grass did this by increasing aggregate stability while peat acted as a mulch on the soil surface. This implies that though organic matter always reduces splash detachment, different processes may be involved, depending on the form of the organic material. Because of the different processes involved, both negative and positive relationships between splash detachment and aggregate stability as reported in literature were obtained for the soils with grass and peat respectively.  相似文献   
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