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《旧约》是一部具有鲜明传记特征的文化文本,《新约》在继承《旧约》中耶和华一神教信仰的同时,也继承了《旧约》的传记性特征,在以人系事、人物塑造和历史感等方面表现出相应的传记性。因此,《新约》也是一部具有鲜明传记特征的文化文本。  相似文献   

For a given increment of deformation, stretching lineations can be defined either by old grains or by new grains.

Progressive strain accumulated in a matrix causes reorientation of old grains. The velocity field acting within a grain depends on the degree of non-coaxiality of the progressive strain in the matrix, and on the competence contrast between grain and matrix (e.g. Lister & Williams, 1983). Deformed populations of old grains do not systematically track the principal directions of finite stretch; this depends on the mechanical behavior of the grains. On the other hand, these populations may be good markers of finite strain magnitude, provided that the initial distribution is known.

In contrast, the statistical shape orientation distribution of population of new grains cannot be related in a simple way to the finite strain magnitude, but their preferred orientation is considered to be the best indicator of the principal directions of finite stretch.

An example is considered from the schistes lustrés near Kenestrelle (Val Chisone, Western Alps), where the observed mineral lineation is attributed to a late E-W stretching event in the alpine orogenic history.  相似文献   
The "Old Red Sand" is widely distributed along the coast of Fujian Province, China. Most studies have been carried out from aspects of the origin, age and laterization of the "Old Red Sand", but this paper focused on reconstructing the history of the Asian Winter Monsoon change. On the basis of granulometric analysis of high-resolution samples, we have obtained environmental sensitive grain size component (ESGSC) from the Qingfeng (QF) profile by using the grain size-standard deviation method, which proves that the selected ESGSC is an important climate proxy. The mean grain size of this ESGSC could be used to reconstruct the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) intensity. As such, the history of the EAWM change since 44.0 ka reconstructed here reveals three main phases based on chronology dates of previous researches: (1) 44.0-25.5 ka B.P., the EAWM is relatively weak but increases gradually with fluctuations; (2) 25.5-15.5 ka B.P., relatively strong with high frequency fluctuations; (3) 15.5-7.1 ka B.P., with a weaker winter monsoon, but during 11-10 ka B.P. is remarkably enhanced. The EAWM recorded by mean grain size of the two neighboring sections have a better repeatability, so the millennial scales oscillation should be a reliable signal of the EAWM intensity. The climate recorded by ESGSC of the QF "Old Red Sand" compared to δ 18 O of Hulu Cave stalagmites and Greenland GISP2 ice cores shows a good consistency, especially in detail, the YD event and four Heinrich events are all recorded, but the signal of D-O cycles was relatively weak.  相似文献   
地图集的地图可视化设计与单幅地图不同,需要以地图集的总体设计思想为依据,在地图设计与表达时反映指标体系的科学完整性,体现地图集的总体协调性。本文以《中华人民共和国人口与环境变迁地图集》为例,详细介绍了以多指标、长时间序列为特征的人口与环境变迁地图的可视化设计与表达方法,包括:系列地图、结构及其数量变化、构成比例变化、数量变化及其对比关系、累积数量变化、多指标数量累积及其对比、相对某一时间基点变化、单指标多年统计特征的变化、单指标两个时期数据的对比等。该方法以对相关指标现状的表达为基础,重点强调制图对象变迁特征,表达指标体系之间的联系和区别。相关地图可视化设计方法可广泛应用于其他类似专题地图的设计过程中。  相似文献   
深度贫困的怒江傈僳族怒族自治州摆脱窘境的出路,在于开发丰富的水电资源,综合利用奇特壮丽的山水景观、得天独厚的自然生态、神秘奇特的民族文化、多种宗教和谐并存而又丰厚的历史文化综合旅游资源,以发展特种旅游,建成"天下神谷,乐活怒江"旅游目的地系统,将其推向世界。同时利用地缘优势,使片马口岸升格为国家一级口岸,联合缅甸科学有效开发、升值缅北多种优势资源,将其转化为经济优势,达到睦邻、友邻、惠邻、共赢目标。使怒江州彻底摆脱贫困,人民小康,人地和谐,让能歌善舞、敢于"上刀山,下火海"、奇风异俗共聚的兄弟民族成为新产业的主人,把怒江大峡谷建成为国人乃至世界探奇者乐游的新兴旅游目的地。  相似文献   
本文在福建东部海坛岛青峰老红砂剖面年代学框架基础上,通过2.5 cm等间距高密度采样进行粒度分析,采用粒级-标准偏差方法提取敏感粒度组分,并证明敏感粒度组分平均粒径可作为东亚季风的强弱变化的替代指标,据此建立了约44.0 ka以来青峰剖面老红砂记录的冬季风演变序列。结果显示,约44.0 ka以来东亚冬季风经历了3个演变阶段:①44.0~25.5 ka BP东亚冬季风较弱, 呈现在波动中逐步增强趋势;②25.5~15.5 ka BP为东亚冬季风最强盛期,并呈现高频波动特点,东亚冬季风在21.8 ka BP前后达到鼎盛期;③15.5~7.1ka BP为冬季风减弱期,但在11~10 ka BP前后,冬季风突然显著增强。相邻剖面平均粒径记录的冬季风演变阶段也具有较好的重复性。对比发现,青峰剖面老红砂敏感粒度组分的气候记录与长江下游葫芦洞石笋δ18O和格陵兰GISP2冰芯δ18O记录之间有较好的吻合,尤其对新仙女木事件和4次H事件三者都有记录,但青峰剖面对D-O旋回记录信号不明显。  相似文献   
如何快速准确地建立老红砂剖面年代学标尺或区域年代学框架,是在实践中有待解决的问题。而标准生长曲线法(SGC)在减少样品测试时间、提高测年仪器的测试效率方面具有独特的优势,因此在内陆黄土及沙漠沉积年代测定中得到了广泛应用。在福建和海南海岸带老红砂分布区采集了4个剖面的测年样品共计20个,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR)及SGC法进行定年研究。结果表明: (1)福建和海南海岸带老红砂样品释光(OSL)信号均以快组分为主,在信号积分通道前0.64 s 快组分的信号占据总体信号的80%以上,适合使用SAR及SGC方法测年;其快、中组分光电离截面分别为: 福建老红砂2.62×10-17 cm2和3.24×10-18 cm2,海南老红砂2.66×10-17 cm2和3.51×10-18 cm2; 2个区域样品的IRSL(红外激发释光信号)/OSL信号比值表明,较老样品的红外释光信号明显高于较年轻的样品,这可能是受到长石包裹体的影响,但其比值均小于10%,符合SAR与SGC测试要求。 (2)SGC法在华南海岸地区老红砂OSL年代学研究中具有较好的适用性,不同样品之间的剂量生长曲线存在着相似的增长模式,可以建立标准生长曲线; 但福建与海南老红砂样品之间的标准生长曲线具有较大的差异,因此在较大区域范围内运用标准生曲线法应当谨慎小心。  相似文献   
An approximate method is described for determining the maximum consolidating pressure in a hard, heavily overconsolidated fissured clay. From this, the overburden thickness producing the observed degree of consolidation has been calculated. The normal method of calculating preconsolidation pressure using an oedometer was not possible. The ratio c/p' is used in conjunction with the undrained shear strength. Values of c/p' are determined using empirical relationships with Atterberg Limit values. The results allow an overburden thickness to be calculated by assuming a value for unit weight.  相似文献   
1556年华县地震"震亡83万人"质疑   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以《读史方舆纪要》和新发现的《全陕政要略》所载在册人口资料作为1556年华县地震前的人口基数,依据史书记载或作者推定的州县人口死亡比例,计算出地震烈度为Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ、Ⅺ度各州县的地震死亡人数,其总和约53万,比《明世宗实录》所记“八十三万有奇”少约30万。通过对该条史料用词的分析,认为《明世宗实录》所记应是灾区地震前后在册人口数的减少数。其中,除直接震亡者外,还应包括因地震而导致的伤、残、病、饿、冻死者,震后次年因瘟疫而死者,以及下落不明者(含全家逃亡在外未归者)等3类人口。  相似文献   
This work aims to provide a dynamic assessment of flood risk and community resilience by explicitly accounting for variable human behaviour, e.g. risk-taking and awareness-raising attitudes. We consider two different types of socio-hydrological systems: green systems, whereby societies deal with risk only via non-structural measures, and technological systems, whereby risk is dealt with also by structural measures, such as levees. A stylized model of human–flood interactions is first compared to real-world data collected at two test sites (People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the city of Rome, Italy) and then used to explore plausible trajectories of flood risk. The results show that flood risk in technological systems tends to be significantly lower than in green systems. However, technological systems may undergo catastrophic events, which lead to much higher losses. Furthermore, green systems prove to be more resilient than technological ones, which makes them more capable of withstanding environmental and social changes.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   
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