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收集了以WolfgangFRogge博士研究工作为主的文献,对几种常见大气有机污染源进行了讨论,列出了由不同污染源所排放的可辨别有机合物的类别、含量以及用于定量分析和评价的示踪化合物。 相似文献
During the last quarter-century, global demand for energy has increased by more than 60%, and a similar increase is anticipated to occur by 2030 (Raymond, Deming, & Nichols, 2007). In the U.S., oil and gas development is projected to continue across western states within sage-grouse habitat. Greater sage-grouse, recently a candidate species for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), have well documented negative responses to oil and gas disturbance. In this study, we create spatially-explicit oil and gas future development scenarios, baseline and high, and link them to sage-grouse population and habitat maps to quantify future exposure risk within Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) sage-grouse management zones (MZ) I and II. We then analyze recent land use decisions from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along with enacted policy from the State of Wyoming to estimate how these management actions might minimize the exposure risk of sage-grouse to oil and gas development into the future. Our results show that BLM and Wyoming conservation plans could reduce the exposure of sage-grouse to oil and gas development from 15-27% to 11–17% (31–37% reduction) in MZ I and from 15-27% to 5–9% (64–68% reduction) in MZ II. Our estimates of exposure to future oil and gas development, and conservation measures designed to ameliorate those threats, represent the upper and lower extents of potential impacts within scenarios. Our work demonstrates how spatial modeling and GIS visualization can be used by managers to assess likely outcomes of conservation decisions. 相似文献
《Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry》2015,75(1):105-116
Within the fault-bound Fushun Basin of northeastern China, the Eocene Jijuntun Formation hosts extensive deposits of thick lacustrine oil shale. Systematic sampling and geochemical analysis of these deposits has revealed that the parent rocks of the oil shale underwent moderate chemical weathering; and that its mineralogy and trace and rare earth element geochemistry were mainly controlled by parent rock composition, with no synsedimentary changes in the source terrain. Based on source rock and tectonic setting discrimination diagrams, we concluded that the parent rocks of the oil shale were mostly basalts of the Paleogene Laohutai Formation. These basalts originated in a continental back arc environment and contain abundant nutrient elements such as Fe, P, Ni, Cu and Zn, all of which are essential for the growth of aquatic photoautotrophs in lakes. Continuous, high primary productivity in the Jinjuntun lacustrine depocentre, combined with a stable tectonic setting and underfilled sedimentary environment, were key factors in the genesis of its oil shale. 相似文献
Monir H. Sharker 《International journal of geographical information science》2014,28(2):343-362
Personalized routing counts on traveler’s preferences which are usually based on different criteria, such as shortest, fastest, least traffic, or less expensive (e.g., less fuel cost, toll free). However, people are increasingly becoming concerned about the adverse health effects of exposure to air pollution in chosen routes. Exposures to elevated air pollution concentrations particularly endanger children, pregnant women, elderly people, and people with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Choosing routes with least air pollution exposure (APE) is seen as one approach to minimize the level of pollution exposed, which is a major public health issue. Routing algorithms use weights on segments of road networks to find optimum routes. While existing weights are commonly distance and time, among a few others, there is currently no weight based on APE to compute least APE routes. In this paper, we present a weight function that computes weight based on APE. Two different approaches, geostatistical and non-geostatistical, were used to compute APE weight. Each approach was evaluated, and the results indicate that the APE weight is suitable for computing least APE routes. 相似文献
长株潭城市群污染空间识别与污染分布研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用Arc-GIS空间分析软件对各类型污染进行空间识别和分布模拟,探究长株潭城市群污染空间分布特征。结果显示:① 该区大气环境污染以扬尘和煤烟型为主,主要污染物为可吸入颗粒物和二氧化硫,重点污染区域在长沙、株洲、湘潭三市主城区,呈点状分布;② 该区水域整体水质基本达标,水体环境污染以氨氮和各类重金属为主,且有明显的季节变化规律;③ 土壤污染覆盖范围较广,以株洲市的石峰区为代表,以镉污染最为严重,主要原因为重化工业排污累积。总之,株洲污染最严重,湘潭和长沙次之。污染空间的形成与长株潭城市群的地形地势及三类污染元素之间的转化有较大关联。 相似文献
赵勇胜 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》1992,(2)
弥散理论是污染质在含水层中运移模型的基本理论.但在实际应用中存在着不少问题和争议.本文对污染质在含水层中运移的弥散作用进行了分析探讨.并应用MOC水质模型对弥散参数的作用进行了分析,证明了在一般情况下,污染质在含水层中的运移主要受对流作用控制,弥散参数的变化对水质模型结果的影响相对较小.在特定的水文地质条件下,弥散作用对污染质的运移是重要的. 相似文献
辽宁省阜新地区地下水水质特征及污染防治措施 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
地下水水质特征和污染程度直接反映地下水环境质量的好坏。由于受工业“三废”、地表水体以及矿山固体废弃物排放等因素的影响,阜新地区地下水水质受到严重的污染,部分地下水化学指标已超出国家饮用水标准。文章综合分析该地区水文地质概况及水质特征,其中包括自然环境下地下水化学特征和人为环境下地下水化学特征,初步探讨了影响地下水污染的主要因素,并提出地下水污染的防治措施和对策,对该地区地下水资源合理开发、保护和可持续利用具有重要意义。 相似文献
近年来随着全球贸易和海洋经济的快速发展,船舶碰撞等突发事故数量也与日俱增,是造成海洋环境污染的重要来源,但是单一情景的船舶事故海面溢油漂移扩散模拟受限于特定海洋环境要素的影响,只能表明当前设定溢油泄漏时未来72 h事故海面溢油的漂移扩散特征,对特定的溢油事故应急处置具有重要指导意义,但由于情景条件的特殊单一无法真实体现溢油事故的环境影响危害后果及风险。为了更全面地了解溢油事故可能产生的环境影响,参照《水上溢油环境风险评估技术导则》(JT/T 1143-2017) 风险评价要求,采用基于拉格朗日理论的随机情景“油粒子”漂移预测模拟统计方法,对溢油事故开展3年内共计300个随机时刻72 h时长的漂移扩散模拟计算,结合GIS网格化分析技术计算船舶碰撞溢油对周围海洋环境的污染概率、敏感资源污染可能发生概率和最快到达时间等危害风险指数。典型案例应用分析表明,通过不少于300次的随机溢油情景创建模拟和地理空间叠加统计分析,能够更加全面客观地体现溢油事故漂移扩散的不确定性,通过多次随机情景的集合预测和地理空间叠加统计分析更加合理地表征溢油可能的影响范围及污染概率等,与传统的典型不利情景预测分析相比,能够更加准确地评估海洋环境及敏感资源区受到污染的概率、可能范围、污染时间等关键重要信息,对区域海洋环境保护和应急资源配置、能力建设具有重要的指导意义,同时也为船舶溢油事故污染防治提供更科学有效的技术支持。 相似文献
随着我国煤炭资源的枯竭,大量矿山关闭,遗留了广大的地下采空区场地。不少化工企业向废弃矿井内倾倒化学废液等导致了矿区地下水污染事故,威胁地下水水源地的水源安全。针对此类复杂场地条件下污染事故的应急处置案例和经验都非常少,本文以北方某废弃矿区地下水污染注浆帷幕应急处置为例,通过对矿区地质条件的分析、地下空间结构和地下水流场的刻画,构建三维地质模型,以模型为基础设计帷幕注浆工程并实施,研究复杂场地条件下开展帷幕注浆应急处置的重要内容和决定因素,并利用场地地下水样品监测结果,分析研究帷幕内外污染物浓度分布特征及差异,找出地下水运移规律,评价注浆帷幕效果。研究表明:在事故井周边100 m范围实施的帷幕注浆工程,对污染物运移的封堵效果显著,帷幕注浆内外污染物含量差距明显。一期检测结果显示帷幕注浆范围内地下水中二氯甲烷浓度最高1390 μg/L,帷幕范围外最高浓度仅为8. 07 μg/L;二期检测结果为污染物检出浓度大于5 μg/L的区域全部位于帷幕范围内,帷幕范围外均未检出。同时污染物的分布特征指示着地下水沿巷道运移成为最主要的形式,对地下空间结构的精准刻画是决定帷幕注浆工程成效的重要因素。 相似文献
选取山东省某石化企业为研究对象,运用GMS构建地下水流和溶质运移模型,模拟石化企业典型污染物在正常渗漏和采取防渗阻隔2种情况下的污染分布。结果表明:正常渗漏情况下,污染羽在水平方向上顺水流方向扩散,扩散范围随时间增大而扩大,在模拟时间9 500 d时,最大迁移距离为26.15 m。污染羽在垂向上受土层渗透性影响迁移缓慢,在模拟时间9 500 d时,底部黏土层浓度最大为0.074 mg/L。在污染源下游采取防渗墙阻隔后,污染羽横向迁移明显受限,在模拟时间9 500 d时,最大迁移距离为23.65 m。相比于正常渗漏,污染羽纵向迁移增强,设置阻隔墙后底部黏土层浓度明显增大,在第9 500 d时浓度达到最大,为0.152 mg/L。 相似文献