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The worldwide demand for renewable energy is increasing rapidly. Wind energy appears as a good solution to copy with the energy shortage situation. In recent years, offshore wind energy has become an attractive option due to the increasing development of the multitudinous offshore wind turbines. Because of the unstable vibration for the barge-type offshore wind turbine in various maritime conditions, an ameliorative method incorporating a tuned mass damper (TMD) in offshore wind turbine platform is proposed to demonstrate the improvement of the structural dynamic performance in this investigation. The Lagrange's equations are applied to establish a limited degree-of-freedom (DOF) mathematical model for the barge-type offshore wind turbine. The objective function is defined as the suppression rate of the standard deviation for the tower top deflection due to the fact that the tower top deflection is essential to the tower bottom fatigue loads, then frequency tuning method and genetic algorithm (GA) are employed respectively to obtain the globally optimum TMD design parameters using this objective function. Numerical simulations based on FAST have been carried out in typical load cases in order to evaluate the effect of the passive control system. The need to prevent the platform mass increasing obviously has become apparent due to the installation of a heavy TMD in the barge-type platform. In this case, partial ballast is substituted for the equal mass of the tuned mass damper, and then the vibration mitigation is simulated in five typical load cases. The results show that the passive control can improve the dynamic responses of the barge-type wind turbine by placing a TMD in the floating platform. Through replacing partial ballast with a uniform mass of the tuned mass damper, a significant reduction of the dynamic response is also observed in simulation results for the barge-type floating structure.  相似文献   

Oil spill forecast modelling is typically used immediately after a spill to predict oil dispersal and promote mobilisation of more effective response operations. The aim of this work was to map oil dispersal after the grounding of the MV Rena on Astrolabe Reef and to verify the results against observations. Model predictions were broadly consistent with observed distribution of oil contamination. However, some hot spots of oil accumulation, likely due to surf-zone and rip current circulation, were not well represented. Additionally, the model was run with 81 differing wind conditions to show that the events occurring during the grounding represented the typical likely behaviour of an oil spill on Astrolabe Reef. Oil dispersal was highly dependent on prevailing wind patterns; more accurate prediction would require better observations of local wind patterns. However, comparison of predictions with observations indicated that the GNOME model was an effective low-cost approach.  相似文献   
本文以南麂海洋站1983~1990年风、浪的实测资料为依据,建立了南麂海城春、夏、秋、冬季定常波风浪波高与风速的经验关系式。检验结果表明,曲线回归显著,计算值与实测值吻合良好。文中还对偏NNE向和偏SSW向计算波高随风速增大的快慢,同一方向在同一风速作用下计算波高的季节变化及其机理作了初浅的讨论。  相似文献   
四川盆地古近纪沙漠沉积特征及古风向意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于前人研究成果,通过野外地质调查、室内分析测试对四川盆地古近系柳嘉组红层沉积物的性质、结构、原生沉积构造及石英颗粒表面结构进行了系统分析,分析结果进一步证明了本区古沙漠的存在.将其沙漠沉积分为沙丘和丘间两种沉积类型,对丘间又细分为干丘间和湿丘间,针对不同的沉积类型也明确了相应的识别标志.通过对沙丘前积层倾向的测量,重...  相似文献   
An increasing number of palaeo-climatic records have been reported to identify the Holocene climate history in the arid Xinjiang region of northwest China. However, few studies have fully considered the internal linkages within the regional climate system, which may limit our understanding of the forcing mechanisms of Holocene climate change in this region. Here, we systematically consider three major issues of the moisture/precipitation, temperature and near-surface wind relevant to the Holocene climate history of Xinjiang. First, despite there still has debated for the Holocene moisture evolution in this region, more climatic reconstructions from lake sediments, loess, sand-dunes and peats support a long-term regional wetting trend. Second, temperature records from ice cores, peats and stalagmites demonstrate a long-term winter warming trend during the Holocene in middle- to high-latitudes of Asia. Third, recent studies of aeolian sedimentary sequences reveal that the near-surface winds in winter gradually weakened during the Holocene, whereas the winter mid-latitude Westerlies strengthened in the Tienshan Mountains. Based on this evidence, in the arid Xinjiang region we propose an early to middle Holocene relatively cold and dry interval, with strong near-surface winds; and a warmer, wetter interval with weaker near-surface winds in the middle to late Holocene during winter. Additionally, we develop a conceptual model to explain the pattern of Holocene climate changes in this region. From the early to the late Holocene, the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and winter insolation, and the shrinking of high-latitude continental ice-sheets, resulted in increasing winter temperatures in middle to high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Subsequently, the increased winter temperature strengthened the winter mid-latitude Westerlies and weakened the Siberian high-pressure system, which caused an increase in winter precipitation and a decrease in near-surface wind strength. This scenario is strongly supported by evidence from geological records, climate simulation results, and modern reanalysis data. Our hypothesis highlights the important contribution of winter temperature in driving the Holocene climatic evolution of the arid Xinjiang region, and it implies that the socio-economic development and water resources security of this region will face serious challenges presented by the increasing winter temperature in the future.  相似文献   
热害矿井巷道温度场分布规律研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为解决深部开采带来的热害问题,基于地质学和热力学理论,建立了热害矿井巷道温度场的数学模型,研究了巷道内部温度场随埋深和通风热速的变化规律。计算结果表明,巷道温度场对埋深的敏感度要高于风速、温度随埋深的增加而呈阶段性递增。控制入口温度是解决矿井热害的关键。以上结论为矿井热害的综合治理提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
以解决挑流消能工在泄洪期间为提高消能率而加重下游雾化问题为目标,探究不同体型挑坎的下游雾化特性。通过水力学模型试验,对典型的非对称舌型坎、标准舌型坎、扭面贴坎和连续坎的下游水舌风分布、下游溅水雨强和不同液滴体积分布以及挑流水舌水力特性与冲刷特性进行了研究。研究表明:①各种工况下,非对称舌型坎、标准舌型坎、扭面贴坎的下游水舌风风速均大于连续坎。②对于非对称舌型坎,其溢洪道轴线左侧溅水强度大于右侧,其雨强左右两侧峰值差值最大为5.625 g/(m2·min);对于扭面贴坎,其溢洪道轴线右侧溅水强度更大,其雨强左右两侧峰值差值最大为45.125 g/(m2·min)。③随着距离水舌入水点长度增大,大粒径水滴数量和体积占比均剧烈下降;连续坎和舌型坎的挑宽均随着角度的增加而增加;冲坑深度随着角度的减小而增大。④在挑坎合适边墙侧设置扭面贴角能改善下游雾化危害,同时适当增加挑角可以减弱下游冲刷破坏。  相似文献   
Monthly mean anomaly fields of various parameters like sea surface temperature, air temperature, wind stress, effective radiation at the surface, heat gain over the ocean and the total heat loss between a good and bad monsoon composite and the evaporation rates over the Arabian Sea and southern hemisphere have been studied over the tropical Indian Ocean. The mean rates of evaporation on a seasonal scale over the Arabian Sea during a good and bad monsoon composites were equal (about 2·48 × 1010 tons/day). The evaporation rates over the southern hemisphere were greater during all the months. The mean evaporation rates over the southern hemisphere on a seasonal scale for the good and bad monsoon composites were 4·4 × 1010 and 4·6 × 1010 tons/day respectively. The maximum evaporation rates over the southern hemisphere were observed in August. The anomalies of wind stress, effective radiation at the surface and the heat gain over the ocean also exhibit large variations in August, as compared to other monsoon months.  相似文献   
超声波测风仪设计中几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较Gill仪器的Winsonic 2D测风仪和螺旋浆式风速风向计05103L的实测效果,分析了超声波测风仪测风的特点.进而分析了几种超声波测风的检测机理、系统组成和设计的注意事项;同时探讨了如何解决超声波测风仪目前使用中存在的一些问题(如:全天候使用、环境影响补偿等).最后讨论了超声波的传输特性和大气中的杂质对风速、风向测量的影响.  相似文献   
A tangential wind profile for simulating strong tropical cyclones with MM5   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new tangential wind profile for simulating strong tropical cyclones is put forward and planted into the NCARAFWA tropical cyclone bogussing scheme in MM5. The scheme for the new profile can make full use of the information from routine typhoon reports, including not only the maximum wind, but also the additional information of the wind speeds of 25.7 and 15.4 ms^-1 and their corresponding radii, which are usually provided for strong cyclones. Thus, the new profile can be used to describe the outer structure of cyclones more accurately than by using the earlier scheme of MM5 in which only the maximum wind speed is considered. Numerical experimental forecasts of two strong tropical cyclones are performed to examine the new profile. Results show that by using the new profile the prediction of both cyclones‘ intensity can be obviously improved, but the effects on the track prediction of the two cyclones are different. It seems that the new profile might be more suitable for strong cyclones with shifted tracks. However, the conclusion is drawn from only two typhoon cases, so more cases are needed to evaluate the new profile.  相似文献   
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