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Murchison Bay is a shallow embayment in the north-western part of Lake Victoria, strongly influenced by urban pollution from the Ugandan capital Kampala. Two stations, representing the semi-enclosed innermost part of the bay and the wider outer part of the bay, were sampled in the period from April 2003 to March 2004, in order to assess the phytoplankton community and the nutrient status in the bay. Murchison Bay was highly eutrophic with average concentrations (n=25) of total phosphorous >90 μg L−1 and total nitrogen >1100 μg L−1 in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community was dominated by a variety of cyanobacterial species and diatoms. Cyanobacteria were dominant in the whole bay, whereas diatoms were more abundant in the outer part of the bay. Moreover, the proportion of N-fixing species like Anabaena sp. was higher in the outer part of the bay, whereas species like Microcystis sp. were more abundant in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community, especially in the outer part of the bay, may be influenced by light limitation. Low NO3-N concentrations in the bay may also indicate a possible N-limitation, thus favouring growth of N-fixing cyanobacteria. The open bay is, however, a complex system, and additional environmental factors and loss processes most likely affect the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   
对班公湖铜矿带2个具有代表性的斑岩铜矿床--多不杂铜矿床和尕尔穷铜矿床进行了详细的岩石地球化学和Pb、Sr、Nd同位素特征研究表明,与冈底斯铜矿带相比,该铜矿带含矿斑岩大离子不相容元素的富集程度相对减弱,而高场强元素和重稀土元素的亏损程度明显减轻,轻、重稀土元素的分馏程度减弱,且具有Eu的弱正异常,岩石在氧化性上更强一些;从Pb、Sr、Nd同位素特征来看,班公湖铜矿带含矿斑岩更富含放射性成因铅,~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd比值明显降低,其源区更接近印度洋沉积物区域,表明该铜矿带含矿斑岩的岩浆源区更浅,有更多的地壳物质加入;班公湖铜矿带含矿斑岩形成的构造环境属于活动大陆边缘区域,而冈底斯铜矿带明显偏离了活动大陆边缘区域,表明班公湖斑岩铜矿带形成于碰撞后地壳隆升阶段,而冈底斯铜矿带则形成于碰撞后地壳伸展阶段.  相似文献   
大型敞流坳陷湖盆浅水三角洲与湖盆中心砂体的形成与分布   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
大型敞流坳陷湖盆浅水三角洲及湖盆中心砂体已成为中国陆相盆地岩性油气藏最重要的勘探目标。通过对现代典型湖盆浅水三角洲的深入分析,结合我国中、新生代大型坳陷湖盆浅水三角洲及湖盆中心砂体的地质研究,取得以下主要进展与认识:①在分析浅水三角洲形成地质背景的基础上,按照供源体系、湖水深度及三角洲前缘倾斜坡度将湖盆三角洲分为9种成因结构类型;②建立了毯式浅水曲流河三角洲的沉积模式,指出末端分流河道及末端决口扇是浅水曲流河三角洲的典型微相类型;③分析了浅水三角洲砂体大面积分布的形成条件,指出敞流湖盆是湖盆中心浅水三角洲砂体发育的重要条件,敞流通道对湖盆中心砂体分布有重要控制作用;④湖盆中心发育河流、三角洲、湖流及密度底流砂体等牵引流成因砂体,也发育洪水浊积扇及滑塌浊积扇等重力流成因砂体;⑤大型浅水三角洲体系三级层序界面对岩性(成岩)圈闭的发育有重要控制作用,三角洲平原带层序界面上覆叠置砂体富集岩性油气藏,勘探潜力大。本文研究成果希对坳陷湖盆沉积学研究及岩性油气藏勘探能有推动作用。  相似文献   
Lake Baikal is facing several environmental stressors, including climate change and nearshore eutrophication. To assess recent ecological changes in Lake Baikal and provide a baseline for future comparisons, we sampled spring plankton communities from the pelagic zone of the lake in 2016 and compared these data with unpublished and published historical information going back to 1990. In 2016, one pelagic long-term monitoring station was sampled in early spring (March) during ice cover and 21 long-term monitoring stations located throughout the lake were sampled in late spring (May-June). We measured water chemistry parameters at most stations and the abundance, taxonomic composition and biomass of bacteria, ciliates and phytoplankton at several locations in different areas of the lake. Biotic parameters from 2016 were compared with historical data, showing significant changes in the spring pelagic microbial community since the 1990s. We show increased quantities of small species, mixotrophic ciliates, and the appearance (or increasing number) of small coloured and colourless flagellates. We also show substantially decreased densities of formerly dominant heavily silicified diatoms such as Aulacoseira spp. Since 2007, Synedra acus subsp. radians, a smaller and weakly silicified diatom, has dominated the spring plankton of the lake. These results suggest that Lake Baikal’s pelagic plankton community may be changing, with climate likely playing a dominant role in these changes.  相似文献   
通过对鱼苗时期鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物、饵料及鱼粪等样品总有机碳(TOC)含量、总氮(TN)含量、碳氮比(C/N)、δ^13 C及δ^15 N的测定,分析探讨了鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物有机质来源,量化了网箱养殖废物对养殖区沉积物有机质的贡献.结果表明,网箱养殖区沉积物的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-27.67‰~-25.65‰和5.19‰~7.27‰,饵料的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-24.73‰和10.28‰,鱼粪的δ^13 C和δ^15 N值分别为-26.30‰和15.54‰.网箱养殖区沉积物有机质来源主要有残饵、浮游生物及其他来源,其贡献率分别为48.3%±11.4%、25.6%±11.3%及26.0%±5.8%,而鱼粪的贡献几乎可以忽略不计.在水动力平流引起的扩散及沉积物的再悬浮的影响下,网箱养殖源有机质的扩散距离达1500 m.在鱼苗时期,鱼类网箱养殖的残饵是鄱阳湖网箱养殖区沉积物有机质的主要来源.  相似文献   
全新世镜泊湖粒度特征记录的该地区古降水变化历史   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
在湖泊沉积与环境演变研究中,粒度参数通常用来反映湖泊水动力条件的变化,进而反映湖面波动状况以及湖区环境有效湿度的变化.镜泊湖JPH-1钻孔沉积物粒度分析表明:全新世以来镜泊湖沉积物粒度的变化呈现明显的粗细交替变化的规律性.结合14C测年,镜泊湖沉积物粒度特征有效地指示了历史时期镜泊湖水动力变化的情况.进而揭示了该地区古降水的变化历史.9300-8540cal aBP,是一个降水较少的偏干旱时期;8540-6350 cal aBP,降水颇丰的湿润时期; 6350-3120cal aBF,气候波动频繁,前期(6350-4800 cal aBP)由湿润向干旱过渡,后期(4800-3120cal aBP左右)又由于早转向湿润,31 20-1 580 cal aBP,降水较多,气候湿润;1 580 cal aBP至今,降水变化波动剧烈,这阶段粒度特征的变化除了与降水的自然变化有关外,还与人类活动的剧烈影响有关系.湖区周围人类活动破坏了原始植被,大量地表裸露,降水冲刷地表作用明显增大,陆源物质被携带人湖,粗颗粒含量显著增多.  相似文献   

Lake ?uvintas, located in southern Lithuania in the Dovin? River basin, is one of the largest lakes and oldest nature reserves in the country. However, changes in the hydrology of the Dovin? River basin, caused by large-scale land reclamation and water management works carried out in the 20th century, have resulted in a significant decrease in the biodiversity of the lake and surrounding wetlands. In order to halt the ongoing deterioration of the lake and wetlands, solutions have to be found at the basin level. Using the SIMGRO model, various measures were therefore analysed to evaluate their impact on the water management in the Dovin? River basin. The results show that it is impossible to fully restore the water dynamics and flow pattern in the Dovin? River to their original state. However, a good measure for improving the hydrological conditions is to block drainage ditches and remove bushes and trees from the wetlands.  相似文献   
刘强  王伟  肖薇  荆思佳  张弥  胡勇博  张圳  谢燕红 《湖泊科学》2019,31(4):1144-1156
作为冷季主要的天气事件,冷空气过境会改变湖泊上方的气团性质,对湖泊的水热通量产生影响,进而影响湖泊的生物物理和化学过程.以亚热带大型浅水湖泊——太湖为研究对象,基于2012-2017年5个冷季(11月-翌年3月)的太湖中尺度通量网观测数据,量化不同强度冷空气(寒潮、强冷空气和较强冷空气)对太湖水热通量的影响.结果表明:在5个冷季中,寒潮、强冷空气和较强冷空气发生的总次数分别为4、11和33次,累积持续天数分别为14、31和78天.冷空气过境显著增强太湖的水热通量,3种冷空气过境使太湖的感热通量分别增至无冷空气时的10.3、6.0和4.3倍,潜热通量分别增至无冷空气时的4.0、2.1和2.7倍.虽然冷空气影响天数仅占冷季天数的16.4%,但对整个冷季的潜热和感热通量贡献分别为34.9%和51.7%,以较强冷空气贡献最大.冷空气影响时,水-气界面的温度梯度是太湖感热通量的主控因子,而潜热通量的主控因子为风速.与深水湖泊相比,太湖等浅水湖泊对冷空气过境的响应更快,寒潮过境时尤为明显.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖湿地生态功能重要性分区   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在分析鄱阳湖湿地自然环境特征和湿地生态系统服务功能特征基础上,利用GIs技术,对鄱阳湖湿地范围进行界定,湿地面积为3886km2.基于湿地生态环境保护和社会经济发展总体要求,按照生态功能区划原理,对湿地进行生态功能重要性分区研究.根据湿地生态功能重要性评价结果将湿地分为极重要区、高度重要区、重要区、一般重要区四个区域,...  相似文献   
氮、磷浓度是制约湖泊营养状态和生产力水平的重要环境因子,而氮磷化学计量比是湖泊生态系统的主要指标,因此,判识氮磷比变化趋势及其驱动力对湖泊生态恢复具有重要意义.研究基于19882018年连续观测数据,分析了滇池氮磷浓度和氮磷摩尔比(简称氮磷比)的时空分布演变特征;采用多元线性回归模型分别对滇池草海和外海氮磷比驱动效应进行定量解析,筛选出影响湖体氮磷比变化的潜在驱动因子.结果表明:①19882018年滇池氮磷比呈现显著的线性上升趋势,其中草海和外海氮磷比分别上升1.3和0.7 a^-1.②草海和外海分别在2008年和2004年发生了氮磷比上升突变,突变前上升归因于总氮浓度快速增加,突变后则是由于总磷浓度下降较快.③滇池的氮磷浓度变化主要是受流域氮磷输入负荷、跨流域调水、流域氮磷削减、风速和水位的综合影响,但受控因子在不同区域可能存在差异.④气温是滇池氮磷比变化的主要驱动因子,流域人为氮磷输入差异是滇池氮磷比变化的次要驱动因子.  相似文献   
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