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Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) plays important roles in various cellular processes. A cytosolic GAPDH encoding gene (gpd) of Gracilaria/Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis was cloned and characterized. Deduced amino acid sequence of the enzyme of G. lemaneiformis had high homology with those of seven red algae. The 5'-untranslated regions of the GAPDHs encoding genes of these red algae varied greatly. GAPDHs of these red algae shared the highly conserved glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase active site ASCTTNCL. However, such active site of Cyanidium caldarium was different from those of the other six algae at the last two residues (CL to LF), thus the spatial structure of its GAPDH active center may be different from those of the other six. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that GAPDH of G. lemaneiformis might have undergone an evolution similar to those of Porphyra yezoensis, Chondrus crispus, and Gracilaria verrucosa. C. caldarium had a closer evolutionary relationship with Cyanidioschyzon merolae than with Cyanidium sp. Virtual Northern blot analysis revealed that gpd of G. lemaneiformis expressed constitutively, which suggested that it might be house-keeping and could be adapted as an inner control in gene expression analysis of G. lemaneiformis.  相似文献   
1Introduction Theglobalclimatechangehasbeenoneoftheprob lemschallengingtheworldinrecentyears.TheweatherandclimateonEarthhasbeeninvariationontimescalesfromseasonaltomillennialorevenlonger.ResearchesonvariationsofweatherandclimateintheNorthernHemispherehave…  相似文献   
大别山北缘位于大别造山带与华北陆块会聚地带,其深部精细结构还存在一些争议问题.根据近年来在研究区域内采集的地球物理数据,通过OMEGA、OASIS和FUGRO-LCT等多个重磁电震软件处理,获得了深部信息丰富的多种地球物理属性图像.本文从中选取了2条平行的电法和地震剖面,辅以高精度重磁数据,揭示了大别山北缘深部地质结构总体呈现华北陆块南向俯冲、北淮阳构造带向北逆冲的特征,并可清楚地识别大别山北缘造山带、肥南山前坳陷带和肥北斜坡带.其特征分别如下:①大别山北缘造山带,地震反射杂乱,电性高阻大于2000Ωm,以磨子潭-晓天断裂为界分为北大别杂岩带和北淮阳构造带,主要由大别群、卢镇关杂岩和佛子岭群组成,沿舒城-信阳断裂逆冲于中、下侏罗统之上,浅部发育北倾的金寨-龙门冲滑覆断裂.②肥南山前坳陷带,上部为中、新生界,呈现中低阻特征,地震反射界面清楚,断面波明显;下部为华北型前中生界沉积岩(上部可能残存古生界),电性特征为低阻(5~50 Ωm),地震反射较连续,内部反射弱.以六安断裂为界分为舒城凹陷和肥中断裂带,其北侧边界为肥中断裂.③肥北斜坡带,上部主要为侏罗系,呈现中低阻、水平层状地震反射特征;下部主要为霍邱群,电性为高阻,地震反射杂乱;中间为华北型前中生界沉积岩,向北逐渐减薄、直至缺失.上述认识将为华北陆块南向俯冲、南北板块碰撞缝合线和油气资源勘查等研究提供深部地质约束.  相似文献   
北武夷生米坑铅锌矿床地质地球化学特征与成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生米坑铅锌矿床位于北武夷中生代火山岩带的黄岗山火山盆地内, 已知铅锌矿体呈脉状产于侏罗系上统鹅湖岭组流纹质熔结凝灰岩的断裂内, 或呈细脉——浸染状分布于钾质粗面斑岩内, 发育钾长石化、绿泥石化、硅化等蚀变。地球化学特征显示矿区火山——侵入岩属于贫钠富钾的S型花岗岩, 其w(SiO2)值为62.42%~78.02%、w(K2O +Na2O)值为7.66%~9.13%、w(K2O)/w(Na2O)比值为1.18~2.62、里特曼指数δ为1.67~3.78;矿区岩石LREE/HREE比值平均为10.94×10-6, 属于轻稀土富集型; Eu普遍亏损, 特别是熔结凝灰岩、黑云母花岗岩δEu<0.31, 表明经历了显著的斜长石的分离结晶作用; 自早至晚主阶段岩浆活动稀土总量逐渐降低。从∑REE总量值、δEu值、地球化学参数及标准稀土元素配分模式图上看, 生米坑铅锌矿化蚀变岩与钾质粗面斑岩具有密切的成因联系。钾质粗面斑岩锆石(SHRIMP)年龄138.3±1.4 Ma, 表明矿床形成于燕山期白垩纪早期, 矿床成因类型属次火山热液型铅锌矿床。   相似文献   
新疆北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩的地质特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
巴音沟蛇绿岩虽受强热构造作用肢解,但仍保存有较完整的蛇纹石化超基性岩、状层辉长岩、基性熔岩(下部块状、上部枕状)和放射虫硅质岩的层序组合。岩石化学、地球化学、放射虫等古生物资料表明,它代表一个中石炭世陆缘海盆迅速扩张形成的洋壳和上地幔的残片。其侵位发生在中石炭世未海盆的封闭期间。  相似文献   
基于1982~2006年的AVHRR GIMMS NDVI数据,使用一元线性回归和分段线性回归等方法,通过对中国北方地区植被变化及其与气候因子的关系研究,揭示该地区近25年来在不同时段的植被变化趋势及对气候变化的响应规律,从而为该地区的生态环境变化研究提供理论依据。研究结果表明:1)中国北方地区秋季植被在25年时间内整体呈上升趋势。秋季NDVI在秋季温度断点之前以上升趋势为主,秋季NDVI在秋季温度断点之后仍以上升趋势为主,但上升趋势有所放缓。2)通过分段线性回归方法和相关分析研究得出中国北方地区秋季温度是秋季NDVI变化的主要驱动力。在秋季温度断点之后,秋季温度仍呈上升趋势而降水呈显著减少的面积增多,从而在温度和降水双重影响下的干旱胁迫导致植被下降;当秋季温度下降而秋季降水增多时干旱发生概率变小,从而使秋季NDVI呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
Brittle failure is common in the Devonian to Permian rocks in the Northern Hastings Block (NHB) and is manifested by faults of different orientation and kinematic histories, but the timing of fault movement is not well defined. In this study, faults in the NHB were analysed with the map pattern of cross-cutting faults used to estimate the relative time of movement and relationship to other faults. We defined five episodes of faulting or fault reactivation that affected the NHB. The Yarras Fault System on the southwestern side of the NHB and the Parrabel Fault and related faults on the eastern side of the NHB are the two major fault systems responsible for transporting and rotating the NHB in the late Carboniferous. Faults on the eastern, northeastern and northern part of Parrabel Dome started and stopped moving after emplacement of the Hastings Block and before the intrusion of the Werrikimbe Triassic granitoids. We suggested that the movement on the major bounding faults is related to the accommodation of the NHB to the folding and cleavage development in the adjoining Nambucca Block, and is associated with the earliest part of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny. Limited dextral movement on the extensions of the Taylors Arm Fault System caused minor displacements in the northeastern part of the NHB during the Late Triassic. Some small faults cut the Triassic granitoids or Triassic Lorne Basin sediments indicating tectonic activity continued post-Triassic.  相似文献   
丰乐铝土矿床位于黔北务正道铝土矿成矿带的南东端,是近年在铝土矿勘查的空白区新探明的中型矿床。勘查发现矿床中含矿岩系顶部拥有不含或偶含炭质岩系的地质特征,与务正道地区其它铝土矿床存在差异性。微量元素Cr/Ni判别显示了含矿岩系的多物源性,V/Zr及Sr/B揭示该区具有海相―陆相或过渡相―海相的沉积特征。结合前人研究成果综合分析认为,该区沉积环境为受海侵影响的近滨海湖泊―沼泽相环境。  相似文献   
The beginning of the XXI century was marked a new rising of the international tectonic cartography as a result of analysis and synthesis of a huge volume of geological information obtained for the territory of Asia especially during the last 30 years. The previous tectonic maps for Asia were created in the 1960 s--1970 s of the last century. Since that time,the national geological surveys have compiled tectonic maps exclusively in the limits of their own state boundaries. The international cooperation of five countries since 2002( Russia,China,Mongolia,Kazakhstan and Republic of Korea) gave a unique possibility to join the data into a united cartographic form as Atlas of Geological Maps( since 2002-Atlas of Geological Maps of Central Asia and since 2007-Atlas of Geological Maps of Northern-Central-Eastern Asia). Both atlases include four maps: geological,tectonic,metallogenic,and energy resources. Tectonic Map of Northern-Central-Eastern Asia and Adjacent Areas at scale 1 ∶ 2 500 000 was the key map for further compilation of the metallogenic and energy resources( coal,oil and gas) maps. By this reason,special attention was given to showing the structure and composition of the Mesozoic sedimentary basins in Northern-Central- Eastern Asia as the most perspective structures for oil-and-gas and coal prospect.  相似文献   
大兴安岭北部塔河县十八站—呼玛县韩家园地区发育早古生代中酸性侵入岩。文章选取二长闪长岩和二长花岗岩开展岩石年代学与地球化学研究。二长闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为512.4±3.5 Ma,为早—中寒武世岩浆作用的产物。岩石地球化学分析表明,中酸性侵入岩归属于准铝质—弱过铝质(A/CNK=0.77~1.04)钙碱性—高钾钙碱性系列。岩石稀土总量∑REE=69.51×10~(-6)~275.83×10~(-6),轻重稀土分异明显(La/Yb)_N=9.11~26.64。在稀土元素配分图上,显示为LREE富集、HREE相对平缓的右倾型,Eu异常不显著(δEu=0.90~1.35)。微量元素组成具明显富集大离子亲石元素Ba、Sr,显著亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti的特征。结合区域资料和本文研究,初步分析认为早古生代侵入体形成于活动大陆边缘或岛弧环境,为前古亚洲洋闭合背景下萨拉伊尔造山作用的产物。  相似文献   
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