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区域气候模式侧边界的处理对东亚夏季风降水模拟的影响   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
在区域气候模式模拟中,侧边界的作用是引入大尺度强迫场。如何处理好侧边界,即大尺度强迫场和区域气候模式本身之间的关系问题,对于区域气候模式模拟和预报东亚夏季风降水具有重要意义。本文利用美国纽约州立大学Albany分校的区域气候模式(SUNYA-ReCM),设计了两种不同的侧边界处理方法,来探讨侧边界对东亚夏季风降水模拟的影响。驱动区域模式的大尺度强迫场来自欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)及热带海洋大气研究计划(TOGA)的分析资料场。试验结果表明:(1)当模式的区域较大时,采用较小的侧边界缓冲区会在缓冲区与模式内部的交界处产生不连续;扩大缓冲区并且考虑不同尺度强迫在垂直方向上的不同作用,可以避免这一缺陷。(2)更重要的是采用后一种方案,即减少了区域气候模式在模拟大尺度环流场方面所起的作用,使得模式更多地依赖侧边界来得到更真实的、对东亚夏季风降水起重大影响的一些气流,如副高、西南季风和南海季风,对东亚夏季风降水无论是在大小上还是在雨带位置的演变上都能进行更好的模拟。  相似文献   
The reaction muscovite+cordierite→biotite+Al2SiO5 +quartz+H2O is of considerable importance in the low pressure metamorphism of pelitic rocks: (1) its operation is implied in the widespread assemblage Ms + Crd +And± Sil + Bt + Qtz, a common mineral assemblage in contact aureoles and low pressure regional terranes; (2) it is potentially an important equilibrium for pressure estimation in low pressure assemblages lacking garnet; and (3) it has been used to distinguish between clockwise and anticlockwise P–T paths in low pressure metamorphic settings. Experiments and thermodynamic databases provide conflicting constraints on the slope and position of the reaction, with most thermodynamic databases predicting a positive slope for the reaction. Evidence from mineral assemblages and microtextures from a large number of natural prograde sequences, in particular contact aureoles, is most consistent with a negative slope (andalusite and/or sillimanite occurs upgrade of, and may show evidence for replacement of, cordierite). Mineral compositional trends as a function of grade are variable but taken as a whole are more consistent with a negative slope than a positive slope. Thermodynamic modelling of reaction 1 and associated equilibria results in a low pressure metapelitic petrogenetic grid in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH) which satisfies most of the natural and experimental constraints. Contouring of the Fe–Mg divariant interval represented by reaction 1 allows for pressure estimation in garnet‐absent andalusite+cordierite‐bearing schists and hornfelses. The revised topology of reaction 1 allows for improved analysis of P–T paths from mineral assemblage sequences and microtextures in the same rocks.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction With the industrial development of lithium battery,nuclear and aerospace industry,the demands of metal lithium and its compounds are increasing significantly.Lithium is called as the energy of the metal in the new century(Zhang et al.2001).The total reserve of lithium resources around the world7  相似文献   
We formulate an algorithm for the calculation of stable phase relations of a system with constrained bulk composition as a function of its environmental variables. The basis of this algorithm is the approximate representation of the free energy composition surfaces of solution phases by inscribed polyhedra. This representation leads to discretization of high variance phase fields into a continuous mesh of smaller polygonal fields within which the composition and physical properties of the phases are uniquely determined. The resulting phase diagram sections are useful for understanding the phase relations of complex metamorphic systems and for applications in which it is necessary to establish the variations in rock properties such as density, seismic velocities and volatile‐content through a metamorphic cycle. The algorithm has been implemented within a computer program that is general with respect to both the choice of variables and the number of components and phases possible in a system, and is independent of the structure of the equations of state used to describe the phases of the system.  相似文献   
Correction of non-ideal effect due to a magnetic fluctuating tensor is derived from the ideal MHD equations. The inclusion of a magnetic turbulent field leads to modifications of the hydrostatic equilibrium equation and thermodynamical variables such as the temperature T, the adiabatic exponent γ, the adiabatic temperature gradient △↓ad and the temperature gradient △↓. In particular, the modifications in the adiabatic and radiative temperature gradients will result in a change in the Schwarzchild criterion, hence in the location of the base of the convective zone. Incorporating the modifications, we construct a modified thermodynamical equilibrium structure of the Sun.  相似文献   
We compare a variety of nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation algorithms, including optimization, magneto-frictional, and Grad – Rubin-like codes, applied to a solar-like reference model. The model used to test the algorithms includes realistic photospheric Lorentz forces and a complex field including a weakly twisted, right helical flux bundle. The codes were applied to both forced “photospheric” and more force-free “chromospheric” vector magnetic field boundary data derived from the model. When applied to the chromospheric boundary data, the codes are able to recover the presence of the flux bundle and the field’s free energy, though some details of the field connectivity are lost. When the codes are applied to the forced photospheric boundary data, the reference model field is not well recovered, indicating that the combination of Lorentz forces and small spatial scale structure at the photosphere severely impact the extrapolation of the field. Preprocessing of the forced photospheric boundary does improve the extrapolations considerably for the layers above the chromosphere, but the extrapolations are sensitive to the details of the numerical codes and neither the field connectivity nor the free magnetic energy in the full volume are well recovered. The magnetic virial theorem gives a rapid measure of the total magnetic energy without extrapolation though, like the NLFFF codes, it is sensitive to the Lorentz forces in the coronal volume. Both the magnetic virial theorem and the Wiegelmann extrapolation, when applied to the preprocessed photospheric boundary, give a magnetic energy which is nearly equivalent to the value derived from the chromospheric boundary, but both underestimate the free energy above the photosphere by at least a factor of two. We discuss the interpretation of the preprocessed field in this context. When applying the NLFFF codes to solar data, the problems associated with Lorentz forces present in the low solar atmosphere must be recognized: the various codes will not necessarily converge to the correct, or even the same, solution. On 07/07/2007, the NLFFF team was saddened by the news that Tom Metcalf had died as the result of an accident. We remain grateful for having had the opportunity to benefit from his unwavering dedication to the problems encountered in attempting to understand the Sun’s magnetic field; Tom had completed this paper several months before his death, leading the team through the many steps described above.  相似文献   
兖州矿区立井井筒非采动破裂的非线性预测与判别方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
厚冲积层立井井筒非采动破裂工程地质灾害是人类工程与自然环境相互作用的结果,该灾害的发生给煤矿造成巨大的经济损失,本文采用神经网络及模糊神经网络的方法对立井井筒破裂进行了预测与判别,预测与判别的结果表明,采用神经网络与模糊神经网络方法能够很好适用于立井井筒破裂的预测与判别,准确性高,能够满足实际应用的需要。  相似文献   
本文用微分方程定性理论方法分析了地形对有限振幅Rossby波的稳定性影响。结果表明:地形北坡有利于波动出现不稳定,南坡使波动稳定;西坡使导式波动不稳定但使曳式波动稳定,东坡使导式波动稳定但使曳式波动不稳定。  相似文献   
本文把数量化理论Ⅲ与Q-型非线性映射在机地结合在一起,定义了一种新的数学模型-QN-模型。详细地介绍了该模型的基本原理和计算步骤,给出了模型在覆盖区资源靶区以预测中应用的实例。  相似文献   
钾长石分解反应热力学与过程评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综述了添加各种助剂分解钾长石的研究进展。对不同体系中钾长石分解反应的G ibbs自由能和能耗计算,综合考虑一次性资源、能源消耗量和烧结过程的环境相容性、产品方案等因素,结果表明:只有以石灰石、碳酸钠为配料的工艺路线具有实际工业应用价值;而唯有以碳酸钠为配料时,钾长石原料烧结过程才具有一次性资源消耗量最少、能耗最低、温室气体CO2排放量最小、且可生产高附加值产品、实现完全清洁生产等优点。因此,选择以碳酸钠为配料分解钾长石的技术路线,具有良好的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   
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