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北黄海盆地是我国近海海域尚未取得油气勘探突破的盆地之一.在海洋环境中应用海底油气藏的烃渗漏现象寻找油气有利区具有良好应用前景,为了给该区的含油气远景评价及下一步油气勘探缩小靶区提供地球物理依据,本文利用磁法这一经济、有效的油气渗漏异常地球物理判别手段,开展了识别海底烃渗漏引发磁异常的方法研究.给出一种根据“有导师”的模式识别技术,在充分利用磁异常多种数值特征及纹理特征的基础上,提取烃渗漏蚀变带磁异常的方法.通过已知约束信息(如见油井位等)的点、线、面三种基元及其邻近数据网格点组成基类,将其提取的模式或特征向量作为待识别异常匹配或学习的模板,利用加权欧氏距离函数计算待识别异常特征向量与模板向量之间的相似性,进行模式匹配,从而识别出与模板相似程度较高的异常.应用此方法圈定了北黄海盆地的烃渗漏“磁亮点”分布,从“磁亮点”异常区与中生代地层的分布以及地球化学异常(低层大气烃类检测和海底微生物异常)的对应情况来看,表明该识别方法是识别烃渗漏弱磁异常的一种有效手段.对研究区构造特征、磁异常及地球化学异常特征的综合分析表明,位于北黄海研究区东部和北部的“磁亮点”异常区可能是北黄海盆地较好的含油气远景区.  相似文献   
沈小七  王俊 《地震》2014,34(2):98-104
本文对安徽及邻区地震序列和地震地质构造进行了分析研究。 结果表明, 安徽及邻区具有较明显的地震类型分区特征, 地震序列以主余型为主, 孤立型次之。 考虑地震活动性与活动构造、 震源机制解等因素, 可以将安徽及邻区划分为15个具有不同特点的分区, 为地震应急工作中震后早期趋势判定提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Some Bianchi type IX viscous fluid cosmological models are investigated. To get a solution, a supplementary condition between metric potentials is used. The viscosity coefficient of bulk viscous fluid is assumed to be a power function of mass density, whereas the coefficient of shear viscosity is considered as proportional to scale of expansion in the model. The cosmological constant Λ is found to be positive and is a decreasing function of time, which is supported by results from recent supernovae observations. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   
农作物遥感估产已经是广泛应用的技术 ,但由于西南地区复杂的地貌类型以及遥感信息源等因素的限制 ,农作物估产方面的研究起步较晚 ,因而研究山区的农作物遥感估产对西南地区有重要的理论价值和现实意义。安宁河谷为一南北走向的山间盆地 ,是四川省第二大粮食生产基地。本文运用遥感 (RemoteSensing)、地理信息系统 (GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)———简称 3S ,采取全数字式判读方式提取冬小麦的播种面积 ,进行野外点、线采样 ,并利用数理统计方法 ,建立了该地区的冬小麦估产模型  相似文献   
The formation mechanism and influencing factors identification of soil erosion are the core and frontier issues of current research. However, studies on the multi-factor synthesis are still relatively lacked. In this study, the simulation of soil erosion and its quantitative attribution analysis have been conducted in different geomorphological types in a typical karst basin based on the RUSLE model and the geodetector method. The influencing factors, such as land use type, slope, rainfall, elevation, lithology and vegetation cover, have been taken into consideration. Results show that the strength of association between the six influencing factors and soil erosion was notably different in diverse geomorphological types. Land use type and slope were the dominant factors of soil erosion in the Sancha River Basin, especially for land use type whose power of determinant(q value) for soil erosion was much higher than other factors. The q value of slope declined with the increase of relief in mountainous areas, namely it was ranked as follows: middle elevation hill> small relief mountain> middle relief mountain. Multi-factors interactions were proven to significantly strengthen soil erosion, particularly for the combination of land use type with slope, which can explain 70% of soil erosion distribution. It can be found that soil erosion in the same land use type with different slopes(such as dry land with slopes of 5° and above 25°) or in the diverse land use types with the same slope(such as dry land and forest with a slope of 5°), varied much. These indicate that prohibiting steep slope cultivation and Grain for Green Project are reasonable measures to control soil erosion in karst areas. Based on statistics of soil erosion difference between diverse stratifications of each influencing factor, results of risk detector suggest that the amount of stratification combinations with significant difference accounted for 55% at least in small relief mountain and middle relief mountainous areas. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity of soil erosion and its influencing factors in different geomorphological types should be investigated to control karst soil loss more effectively.  相似文献   
在分析博尔塔拉河水文特征的基础上,对水化学进行了系统的分析,研究结果表明:博尔塔拉河的矿化度和总硬度等主要离子含量沿程均有不同程度的增加,上游到中游增幅不大,中游到下游开始呈直线上升,下游矿化度和总硬度分别超过1000mg/L和250mg/L,主要离子含量也增加明显,其变化特征与矿化度基本一致。上中游河段阴离子中以HCO3-占优势,阳离子中以Ca2 为主;下游河段阴离子中以SO42-占优势,阳离子中以Na 为主。水化学类型由上游向下游过渡变化的分带特征:从上游、中游到下游河水水化学特征依次主要表现为HCO3-型、HCO3-—SO42-型和SO42-型。  相似文献   
下扬子区下古生界油气有利勘探区带探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下扬子区下古生界具有良好的油气地质条件,具备形成大型油气藏的物质基础,但一直未获得油气勘探的突破。本文通过地质、地球物理综合解释,结合部分地质露头、钻井资料及上扬子勘探成果,重点对下扬子区下古生界构造地质特征与油气地质条件等开展了综合分析研究。从构造沉积充填角度将下扬子区分为4个二级构造单元,中部地区的无锡-黄山断隆带构造相对稳定,分析认为其西北部的无锡-黄桥低褶带为油气勘探的有利区带,具有形成下古生界弱改造型油气藏的勘探前景。  相似文献   
运城盆地11 kaBP以来气候环境变迁与湖面波动   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过黄土区湖泊沉积研究来恢复古气候、古环境,是对黄土区古气候、古环境研究的补充和检验。通过山西运城盆地硝地湖泊沉积物的多环境代用指标分析,结合史料记载,探讨了该地区11kaBP以来古气候演化和湖面波动的历史。结果表明,该地区存在YD(Younger Dryas)事件,进入全新世后气候有显著的趋势,最高湿润度发生在7.88-5.15和5kaBP后,气候逐渐变干,湖面波动与气候波动相关,全新世早期湖面开始上升,湖泊扩张,5kaBP后湖泊萎缩,盐类结晶析出。  相似文献   
金翅岭金矿是胶东招远北部的一个典型石英脉型金矿,构造是金矿最为重要的控矿因素。在前人资料的基础上,综合分析了矿区构造控矿特征,总结了构造控矿规律:矿脉分支复合,表现为NE向矿脉产生SN,NNE向次级矿脉,NNE向矿脉产生NE向次级矿脉;矿体厚度与金品位呈负相关,深部次级矿脉群在P4脉下盘出现;矿脉侧伏角和倾伏向变化处矿体富集,表现为SW向侧伏的P4矿脉,矿体富集于-240 m,侧伏角变大,同时倾伏向由SW向转变为NW向的部位。最后建立了平面和剖面P4矿脉的波形函数,并对深部进行了预测。  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing. Terrain Analysis and Remote Sensing . JOHN R. G. TOWNSHEND , ed. Environmental Data Use in Computer-assisted Data Handling Systems: The Results of a Survey of Applications in the Pacific Northwest States . KENNETH E. GORDON . Applied Land Use: A Spatial Approach . JOHN F. LOUNSBURY , LAWRENCE M. SOMMERS , AND EDWARD A. FERNALD , eds. The Second Battle of New Orleans: A History of the Vieux Carre Riverfront-Expressway Controversy . RICHARD O. BAUMBACH , JR. AND WILLIAM E. BORAH . Cultural Environmental Archaeology . MYRA SHACKLEY . The Immoral landscape: Female Prostitution in Western Societies . RICHARD SYMANSKI . life Among the Poor in Cairo . UNNI WIKAN , translated by Ann Henning. Women, Work and Property in Northwest India . URSULA SHARMA . The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies . BARBARA ROGERS Economic Optimization in Locational and Transport Analysis . A. G. WILSON , J. D. COELHO , S. M. MACGILL , H. C. W. L. WILLIAMS . New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone, Development Bank, and RFC . GEORGE STERNLIEB AND DAVID LISTOKIN , eds. Regional Wage Inflation . R. L. MARTIN , ed. Finding A Place For Energy-Siting Coal Conversion Facilities . FRANK J. CALZONETTI WITH MARK S. ECKERT . Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Environmentalism. Second Edition . T. O'RIORDAN . Countryside Conservation . BRYN GREEN . Medical Spatial Diffusion: An Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community . A. D. CLIFF , P. HAGGETT , J. K. ORD , AND G. R. VERSEY . Philosophy and Geographic Thought Order and Skepticism: Human Geography and the Dialectic of Science . RICHARD SZYMANSKI AND JOHN A. AGNEW . Measurement of Subjective Phenomena . D. F. JOHNSTON , ed. Conceptions of Space in Social Thought: A Geographic Perspective . ROBERT DAVID SACK . The Association of American Geographers: The First Seventy-five Years: 1904-1979 . PRESTON E. JAMES AND GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . The Life and Thought of Isaiah Bowman . GEOFFREY J. MARTIN . Physical River Basin Planning: Theory and Practice . SURANJIT K. SAHA AND CHRISTOPHER J. BARROW , eds. Soils and landforms: An Integration of Ceomorphology and Pedology . A. I. GERRARD Climatic Change and Society. Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide . WILLIAM W. KELLOGG AND ROBERT SCHWARE . Political Political Redistrictings and Geographic Theory . RICHARD L. MORRILL . Population Studies in Spanish American Population History: Dell Plain Latin American Studies NO. 8 . DAVID J. ROBINSON , ed. Population Redistribution in the Midwest . CURTIS C. ROSEMAN , ANDREW J. SOFRANKO , AND JAMES D. WILLIAMS , eds. Geographical Perspectives on the Elderly . A. M. WARNES , ed. Regional Perspective On the American South . MERLE BLACK AND JOHN SHELTON REED , eds. The Prairies and Plains: Prospects for the 80s . JOHN R. ROGGE , ed. Rural Rural Settlement in an Urban World . MICHAEL BUNCE . Social Accident at Three Mile Island: The Human Dimensions . DAVID L. SILLS , C. P. WOLF , AND VIVIEN B. SHELANSKI , eds. The American Small Town: Twentieth-Century Place Images . JOHN JAKLE . Urban A House of My Own . SUSAN LOBO . The City: Patterns and Processes in the Urban Ecosystem . CHRISTOPHER H. EXLINE , GARY L. PETERS , AND ROBERT P. LARKIN . Movement in Cities . P. W. DANIELS AND A. M. WARNES . Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society . MICHAEL DEAR AND ALLEN J. SCOT , eds.  相似文献   
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