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焉耆盆地侏罗纪煤系源岩显微组分组合与生油潜力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
焉耆盆地为我国西部含煤、含油气盆地, 侏罗系含煤地层是最重要的潜在源岩.对侏罗纪煤系中的暗色泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤层分别进行了有机岩石学、Rock-Eval热解分析和核磁共振分析.泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤层具有不同的有机岩石学和有机地球化学特征, 其中煤层具有3种有机显微组分组合类型, 不同显微组分组合类型的煤层具有不同的生油、生气潜力或倾油、倾气性.基质镜质体、角质体、孢子体等显微组分是煤中的主要生烃组分.侏罗系泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤层具有不同的生物标志物分布特征, 生物标志物组合分析表明焉耆盆地已发现原油是泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤层生成原油的混合产物.含煤地层的地球化学生烃潜力分析和已发现原油的油源对比均表明, 含煤地层不仅是重要的气源岩, 而且可成为有效的油源岩.   相似文献   
碳酸盐岩潜山储层垂向分带及油气藏流体分布规律   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
从古岩溶形成的基本条件出发,提出可溶性岩石和具溶蚀性的流动水是岩溶发育的基本条件,古岩溶与古风化壳常共生.受储层结构的非均质性、构造圈闭分割性、流体分布不完善性及高地温场等因素影响,流体在古潜山奥陶系储层的分布很复杂,孔、洞、缝发育程度及搭配好坏是决定油气产量的核心,圈闭条件与流体分布也密切相关.  相似文献   
油气化探中甲烷碳同位素应用、存在问题与对策研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
阐述了在地表油气化探实践当中甲烷碳同位素对地表土壤烃气成因判别的有效性,但有时也会遇到判断错误的情况。通过对应用实例的分析,指出因忽略了土壤中异常甲烷是一种混合成因甲烷,从而导致判断失误。为全面解决这一问题,提出了同时选送数量相当的背景土壤样品和异常样品进行甲烷同位素测定,然后通过教学方法计算出真实反映来源于油气藏中的甲烷的碳同位素值的对策方案。  相似文献   
地球油气资源潜力是自然科学的基本问题   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
层序地层学自1987年问世以来,在国外如火如荼地发展起来,石油地质界对它的发展尤为关注。然而,在我国却显得举步维艰,进展缓慢。本文讨论了出现这种状况的起因:①不认识地震反射界面基本上是等时面;②认为地震/层序地层学是研究被动大陆边缘海相地层产生的,不适于非海相地层;③常规剖面中的地震反射频率和分辨率太低,不足以进行层序地层学研究;④层序地层学属纯理论科学,脱离油气勘探实际,采纳它的概念可能打气生产秩序。最后文章从正面阐述了开展层序地层学研究的必要性。  相似文献   
生物降解作用对烷基萘异构体分布的影响及其控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在受到溢油污染的海滩上采集不同时间序列的石油样品,对芳烃组分烷基萘中的三甲基萘和四甲基萘各异构体的生物降解过程响应进行了详细分析。研究揭示,三甲基萘比四甲基萘更易被生物降解,其中1,2,7-三甲基萘、2,3,6-三甲基萘、2,3,6,7-四甲基萘、1,2,3,7-四甲基萘和1,3,5,7-四甲基萘等异构体具有相对较高的生物降解效率,与最近 Ostojié等利用理论模型计算所给出的降解序列十分一致,进一步证实了烷基萘在表生环境中的降解主要受控于异构体萘环上取代基的数量和位置。研究结果对于表生环境中萘系物类多环芳烃污染的生物修复评价具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
钻井液技术展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
何远信 《探矿工程》1999,(1):24-25,31
介绍了水基钻井液,油基钻井液和合成基钻井液的特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   
The uplift is a positive structural unit of the crust. It is an important window for continental dynamics owing to its abundant structural phenomena, such as fault, fold, unconformity and denudation of strata. Meanwhile, it is the very place to store important minerals like oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Giant and large-scale oil and gas fields in China, such as the Daqing Oilfield, Lunnan-Tahe Oilfield, Penglai 19-3 Oilfield, Puguang Gas Field and Jingbian Gas Field, are developed mainly on uplifts. Therefore, it is the main target both for oil and gas exploration and for geological study. The uplift can be either a basement uplift, or one developed only in the sedimentary cover. Extension, compression and wrench or their combined forces may give rise to uplifts. The development process of uplifting, such as formation, development, dwindling and destruction, can be taken as the uplifting cycle. The uplifts on the giant Precambrian cratons are large in scale with less extensive structural deformation. The uplifts on the medium- and small-sized cratons or neo-cratons are formed in various shapes with strong structural deformation and complicated geological structure. Owing to changes in the geodynamic environment, uplift experiences a multi-stage or multi-cycle development process. Its geological structure is characterized in superposition of multi-structural layers. Based on the basement properties, mechanical stratigraphy and development sequence, uplifts can be divided into three basic types ? the succession, superposition and destruction ones. The succession type is subdivided into the maintaining type and the lasting type. The superposition type can be subdivided into the composite anticlinal type, the buried-hill draped type, the faulted uplift type and the migration type according to the different scales and superimposed styles of uplifts in different cycles. The destruction type is subdivided into the tilting type and the negative inverted type. The development history of uplifts and their controlling effects on sedimentation and fluids are quite different from one another, although the uplifts with different structural types store important minerals. Uplifts and their slopes are the main areas for oil and gas accumulation. They usually become the composite oil and gas accumulation zones (belts) with multiple productive formations and various types of oil and gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
Crude oils produced in the North West shelf of Western Australia are highly volatile, a characteristic not shared by most of the Northern Hemisphere crude oils on which internationally accepted toxicity test protocols were developed. Because of this volatility and some other factors, the LC50 and EC50 values obtained from acute toxicity tests will be significantly affected by the changes of toxicant concentration in test solutions during the period of exposure. To address these issues all steps of a standard protocol for crude oil toxicity testing have been revised. A systematic study has been performed on factors which affect petroleum hydrocarbon solubilisation in aqueous systems during test solution preparations. The influence of mixing time, agitation energy and volume/interface ratio on a hydrocarbon concentration in a water-soluble fraction (WSF) was studied for heavy, medium and light crude oils. A study of the sensitivity of marine unicellular algae to WSF of crude oils was conducted with Isochrysis sp., Nannochloropsis-like sp. and Nitzchia closterium. Total concentrations of hydrocarbons dissolved in test solutions were estimated by UV-spectrometry and GC/FID chemical analyses. When the toxicant concentration decreased during the exposure period, the EC50 values derived from initial or final concentrations either underestimate or overestimate toxicity, respectively. Therefore, weighted average concentrations (WAC) calculated for the whole test period were recommended for expressing hydrocarbon concentrations in test solutions of crude oils. Toxicity indices calculated from WAC of total hydrocarbons for different crude oils can be compared regardless of the rates of hydrocarbon loss.  相似文献   
试论火山岩储层的类型及其成因特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在总结前人研究的基础上,结合胜利及辽河油田最新资料,提出了一种火山岩油气藏储层分类方案,共分为火山熔岩型、火山碎屑岩型和潜火山岩型3种类型。其中火山碎屑岩型又可分为正常火山碎屑岩型和火山碎屑沉积岩型两种亚类型;潜火山岩型分为隐爆角砾岩型和蚀变岩型两种亚类型。文中结合实例对各种类型储层的成因机制、空间展布特点以及储集性的变化特征进行了阐述和讨论。  相似文献   
非洲Muglad盆地经历多旋回陆内被动裂谷发育与叠合演化历史,具有不同于主动裂谷盆地、单旋回被动裂谷盆地以及跨越多个变革期的叠合盆地的演化特征。本文采用叠合盆地研究思路与方法,通过盆地演化过程中关键构造事件识别、盆地演化阶段划分,恢复和重建了各阶段原型盆地;基于不同期次裂谷作用发育程度、叠加过程及叠加方式的时空差异性,划分了不同凹陷的叠合类型,建立了不同叠合类型凹陷油气成藏模式。研究结果表明,受冈瓦纳大陆裂解、非洲大陆周缘大西洋、印度洋、红海张裂等构造事件的影响,该盆地经历了早白垩世Abu Gabra组(简称AG组,下同)沉积期、晚白垩世Darfur群沉积期以及新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积期三大同裂谷作用阶段。早白垩世盆地原型为多个地堑及半地堑分隔式分布,为与大西洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;晚白垩世Darfur群沉积时期盆地原型为地堑及半地堑继承发育,但沉积中心东移,为与印度洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积时期原型盆地主要为发育在Kaikang坳陷的地堑、半地堑,为与红海张开有关的伸展应力场作用所致。依据三期裂谷作用在各凹陷的发育程度差异及构造沉降和沉积充填过程的不同,将各凹陷裂谷叠合方式划分为早断型、继承型与活动型三种类型。其中,早断型以Sufyan凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-弱-更弱"特征;继承型以Fula凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-较强-弱"特征,而活动型以Kaikang坳陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-强-较强"的特征。三期裂谷作用在各凹陷内时空叠合差异控制了各凹陷油气成藏条件及富集规律的不同,早断型凹陷成藏组合以下部成藏组合为主,继承型则以中部成藏组合为主,而活动型凹陷则以上部成藏组合为主。这些多期叠加型被动裂谷盆地研究成果丰富了全球裂谷盆地构造特征与演化及其控油气作用的认识,深化了该类裂谷盆地油气分布规律研究,对于指导下一步勘探部署有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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