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The processes that result in arc magmas are critical to understanding element recycling in subduction zones, yet little is known about how these systems evolve with time. Nicaragua provides an opportunity to reconstruct the history of a volcanic arc since the Cretaceous. Here we present the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous–Eocene volcanic units in Nicaragua and their relationship to the different tectonic units where the arc developed. We discovered an evolution from an arc‐dominated by calc‐alkaline compositions in the Cretaceous–Eocene, to transitional compositions in the Oligocene–Miocene, to finally tholeiitic magmas common in the modern volcanic front. Our petrographic studies confirm that in the Cretaceous–Eocene the olivine + clinopyroxene cotectic was followed by clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± amphibole. Given the abundance of amphibole and the lack of this mineral in the modern volcanic front, the Cretaceous–Eocene Arc melts were likely more water‐rich than modern Nicaragua, suppressing the crystallization of plagioclase after olivine. We also found temporal changes in element ratios that are sensitive to variations in sediment input. The Cretaceous–Eocene Arc is characterized by a lower Ba/Th compared to the Oligocene–Miocene and modern volcanic front samples, suggesting that the sediment input was lower in Ba, possibly analogous to old deep siliceous sediment subducting in the western Pacific. Both U/Th and U/La are higher in the modern volcanics, reflecting higher U/Th in the subducting sediments following the 'Carbonate Crash'. Finally, we found that the orientation of the arc axis also changed, from northeast‐southwest in the Cretaceous–Eocene to northwest‐southeast after the Oligocene. This change probably records variations in the location of the subduction zone as this region shaped into its current geographic configuration.  相似文献   
Statistical analyses of landslide deposits from similar areas provide information on dynamics and rheology, and are the basis for empirical relationships for the prediction of future events. In Central America landslides represent an important threat in both volcanic and non-volcanic areas. Data, mainly from 348 landslides in Nicaragua, and 19 in other Central American countries have been analyzed to describe landslide characteristics and to search for possible correlations and empirical relationships. The mobility of a landslide, expressed as the ratio between height of fall (H) and run-out distance (L) as a function of the volume and height of fall; and the relationship between the height of fall and run-out distance were studied for rock falls, slides, debris flows and debris avalanches. The data show differences in run-out distance and landslide mobility among different types of landslides and between debris flows in volcanic and non-volcanic areas. The new Central American data add to and seem consistent with data published from other regions. Studies combining field observations and empirical relationships with laboratory studies and numerical simulations will help in the development of more reliable empirical equations for the prediction of landslide run-out, with applications to hazard zonation and design of optimal risk mitigation measures.  相似文献   
When characterizing geologic natural hazards, specifically granular flows including pyroclastic flows, debris avalanches and debris flows, perhaps the most important factor to consider is the area of inundation. One of the key parameters demarcating the leading edge of inundation is the run-out distance. To define the run-out distance, it is necessary to know when the flow stops. Numerical experiments are presented for determining a stopping criterion and exploring the suitability of the Savage-Hutter theory for computing inundation areas of granular flows. The stopping criterion is a function of dimensionless average velocity, pile aspect ratio and internal and bed friction angle and can be implemented on either a global (entire flow) or local (small areas of the flow) level. Slumping piles on a horizontal surface, and geophysical flows over complex topography were simulated. Mountainous areas, such as Colima volcano, Mexico; Casita, Nicaragua; Little Tahoma Peak, USA, and the San Bernardino Mountains, USA, were used as test regions. These areas have combinations of steep, open slopes and sinuous channels. Because of differences in topography and physical scaling, slumping piles in the laboratory and geophysical flows in natural terrain must be scaled differently to determine a reasonable dimensionless relationship for the stopping criterion.  相似文献   
The Serranilla Basin is a flat-floored, semi-circular bathymetric depression (100×100 km; 1100–1200 m deep) at the western end of the northern Nicaragua Rise (NNR) in the Caribbean Sea. It is bound to the north by the Cayman Trough, an area of active sea floor spreading, and is part of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone (NCPBZ). Single-channel, high-resolution seismic data were calibrated to rock dredges and ODP Site 1000 to define the geologic evolution and attempt to tie sequence formation within the basin to tectonic developments in this part of the Caribbean. Five seismic sequences were identified within the basin. The two lower sequences (A and B) are interpreted as neritic and shallow periplatform deposits which infill three distinct basins that make up the early to late Miocene Serranilla Basin. The three upper sequences (C through E) are interpreted as periplatform and pelagic deposits interspersed with turbidites, and in some areas, megabreccias. Faulting is prevalent in sequences A through C in the central basin, and becomes progressively younger toward the south, disrupting the seafloor in places and perhaps indicating renewed activity along the Pedro Fracture Zone. The timing of sequence boundary formation has been correlated to tectonic activity along the NCPBZ and closure of the Central American Seaway. Possible mechanisms of sequence boundary formation include tectonic tilting within the basin in conjunction with increased turbidite deposition, carbonate platform drowning and subsequent back-stepping associated with circulation changes resulting from tectonic ‘gateway' closure, and megabreccia deposition associated with bank demise. Although a direct genetic relationship is not proven, regional tectonic changes are considered more important than eustatic sea-level changes in controlling depositional sequence formation in the Serranilla Basin.  相似文献   
During the Mitch Hurricane event (October 1998), severe floods occurred in the village of La Trinidad (Departamento de Estelí, NW Nicaragua), which spreads at the margin of La Trinidad river. As a consequence, the need for hazard assessment and land use planning to reduce the effects of these natural processes arose. Nicaragua is a developing country, which means that there is a scarcity of good quality data on which to base these hazard assessments (i.e., lack of detailed topographic maps, lack of meteorological and discharge data series). Therefore, the main objective of the present work was to generate a flood hazard map of La Trinidad by means of a simple method, with a resulting map easy to understand and to use by the municipality for land use planning. There is no topographic map of the area at a more detailed scale than 1:50,000. So the main document that supports all the data and on which the final hazard map was based is the orthophotograph at 1:5,000 scale (generated from vertical aerial photographs taken in 2000). The method used was based on classical interpretation of vertical aerial photographs (pre Mitch and a post Mitch event), detailed field work, inquiries among the population and analysis of the main pattern of storms occurring in the area. All these data allowed the reconstruction of different extensions and water levels corresponding to events of different frequency and magnitude, and the qualitative association of them to three hazard levels by means of energy and frequency. The use of orthophotographs of 1:5,000 proved to be very useful both for the development of the work and for the presentation of the final map, because they are very easily understandable for people not trained in the interpretation of topographic maps.  相似文献   
This paper explores the following general question: Why are Fair Trade coffee farmers in Nicaragua burdened by debt? Nearly five years from “the end” of the coffee crisis, peasant farming households committed to Fair Trade standards continue to struggle with a legacy of indebtedness caused by years of low farm-gate prices and declining productivity between 2000 and 2004. Through ethnographic observation and interviews with peasant farmers in Nicaragua, I explore how farmers experience a simple reproduction squeeze that hinders them from “bootstrapping” their own economic development. I argue that the effort to raise the Fair Trade minimum price and premium for coffee through Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) in 2008 demonstrated a good first step toward improving farm-gate prices, however, these gains must be understood in the context of long-term indebtedness as well as rising production costs and household consumption costs.  相似文献   

The water balance dynamics and runoff components of a tropical forested catchment (46?km2) on the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua were studied combining hydrometry, geological characterization and hydrochemical and isotopic tracers (three-component hydrograph separation). The climatic water balance was estimated for 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 with net values of 811?mm year-1, 782?mm year-1 and –447?mm year-1, respectively. Runoff components were studied at different spatial and temporal scales, demonstrating that different sources and temporal contributions are controlled by dominant landscape elements and antecedent rainfall. In forested sub-catchments, permeable soils, stratigraphy and steep slopes favour subsurface stormflow generation contributing 50% and 53% to total discharge. At catchment scale, landscape elements such as smooth slopes, wide valleys, deeper soils and water table allow groundwater recharge during rainfall events. Groundwater dominates the hydrograph (50% of total discharge) under dry prior conditions. However, low soil infiltration capacity generates a larger surface runoff component (42%) under wet prior conditions which dominates total discharge. Our results show that forested areas are important to reduce surface runoff and thus soil degradation, which is relevant for the design of water management plans.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   
During Hurricane Mitch in 1998, a debris avalanche occurred at Casita volcano, Nicaragua, resulting in a lahar that killed approximately 2500 people. The failure that initiated the avalanche developed at a pre-existing cliff, part of the headwall of a gravitational slide of approximately 1.8 km2 in plan view that cuts the southern flank of the volcano. Structural analysis, primarily based on a high-resolution DEM, has shown that this slide is caused by edifice deformation. Casita's eastern side is spreading radially outwards, forming a convex–concave profile and steepening original slopes. This deformation is possibly facilitated by millennia of persistent hydrothermal alteration of the volcano's core. The gravity slide has some typical features of smaller slumps, such as steep headwalls, an inner flatter area and a pronounced basal bulge fronted by thrusts. The headwall is the source of the 1998 avalanche, as well as several previous mass movements. Edifice deformation has led to extensive fracturing of the hydrothermally altered andesitic source rock, increasing instability further. Field evidence indicates that the gravity slide is still actively deforming, and with steep headscarps remaining, the hazard of future avalanches is increasing. The analysis presented here shows how small but highly damaging landslides can occur during the deformation of a volcanic edifice. We show that identification of instability is possible with remote sensing data and minimal reconnaissance work, implying the possibility of similar efficient and cost-effective analysis at other volcanoes known to host extensive hydrothermal systems. We demonstrate this with a simple structural analysis of two similar stratovolcanoes, Orosí (Costa Rica) and Maderas (Nicaragua).  相似文献   
In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch triggered a large number of landslides (mainly debris flows) in Honduras and Nicaragua, resulting in a high death toll and in considerable damage to property. In recent years, a number of risk assessment methodologies have been devised to mitigate natural disasters. However, due to scarcity of funds and lack of specialised personnel few of these methodologies are accessible to developing countries. To explore the potential application of relatively simple and affordable landslide susceptibility methodologies in such countries, we focused on a region in NW Nicaragua which was among the most severely hit during the Mitch event. Our study included (1) detailed field work to produce a high-resolution inventory landslide map at 1 : 10,000 scale, and (2) a selection of the relevant instability factors from a Terrain Units Map which had previously been generated in a project for rural development. Based on the combination of these two datasets and using GIS tools we developed a comparative analysis of failure-zones and terrain factors in an attempt to classify the land into zones according to the propensity to landslides triggered by heavy rainfalls. The resulting susceptibility map was validated by using a training and a test zone, providing results comparable to those reached in studies based in more sophisticated methodologies. Thus, we provide an example of a methodology which is simple enough to be fully comprehended by non-specialised technicians and which could be of help in landslide risk mitigation through implementation of non-structural measures, such as land planning or emergency measures.  相似文献   
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