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安徽淮河流域全新世环境演变对新石器遗址分布的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
黄润  朱诚  郑朝贵 《地理学报》2005,60(5):742-750
安徽淮河流域是我国自然条件多重过渡地带和古代文化交汇地区,新石器时代演绎了多期古文化,石山子文化时期以渔猎为主,大汶口文化时期渔猎与农耕并重,而龙山文化时期以农耕为主,渔猎为辅。利用野外考古资料和已有考古研究成果,系统地梳理本区新石器文化发展进程,利用钻孔孢粉、年代数据等恢复本区全新世自然环境演变过程,并将考古资料和环境演变研究有机地结合起来,探讨该地区全新世环境演变和古文化发展的关系。研究表明,随着全新世大暖期的开始,新石器早期出现石山子文化,地方特征明显。6.5 kaBP~ 5.5 kaBP气候暖湿,受高海面和洪涝灾害等的影响,地表环境恶劣,导致文化发展中断、考古遗址缺失,5.5 kaBP~4.0 kaBP气候趋干,自然条件有利于人类生存,大汶口、龙山文化逐渐繁荣。与中原、山东地区相比,本区在新石器文化发展阶段、遗址数量和分布变化等方面存在较明显差异。  相似文献   
The adoption of cereal cultivation is a key benchmark in the transition from Mesolithic hunter–gatherer foraging to Neolithic farming economies, but the nature, timing and ecological–cultural context of the earliest cereal use in the British Isles and northwest Europe is still uncertain. We present AMS radiocarbon dating and fine‐resolution pollen evidence from the Isle of Man for cereal growing in the latter stages of a distinct episode of forest disturbance at almost 6000 yr BP (uncalibrated). The coherent ecological structure of this phase at the fine resolution level suggests that it records cereal cultivation well before the Ulmus decline, rather than wild grass pollen grains. This example is one of a cluster of early dates for cereal‐type pollen near the start of the sixth millenium BP, including several around the Irish Sea, which indicate that the introduction of cereal agriculture probably occurred as early in the central British Isles as in the northern European plain. This early cereal phase is followed later by a probable phase of pre‐Ulmus decline pastoral activity. We also report Mesolithic age woodland disturbance around 7000 yr BP (uncalibrated) and the first radiocarbon dates for mid‐Holocene forest history of the Isle of Man. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on the temporal-spatial distribution features of ancient settlement sites from the middle and late Neolithic Age to the Han dynasty in the Chaohu Lake Basin of Anhui Province, East China, using the methods of GIS combined with the reconstructed paleoenvironment by the records of lake sediment since Holocene, the transmutation of ancient settlements with response to environmental changes in this area has been discussed. Studies show that the main feature of transmutation of ancient settlements from the middle and late Neolithic Age to the Han Dynasty was that the distribution of settlements in this area changed from high altitudes to low ones and kept approaching the Chaohu Lake with the passage of time. These could be the response to the climate change from warm-moist to a relatively warm-dry condition during the middle Holocene, leading to the lake level fluctuations. The large area of exposed land provided enough space for human activities. These indicate that the above changes in geomorphologic evolution and hydrology influenced by climate conditions affected the transmutation of ancient settlements greatly. The distribution pattern of settlement sites was that the number of sites in the west was more than in the east. This pattern may be related to the geomorphologic conditions such as frequent channel shifting of the Yangtze River as well as flood disasters during the Holocene optimum. Therefore, climate change was the inducement of the transmutation of ancient settlements in the Chaohu Lake Basin, which exerted great influence on the distribution, expansion and development of the ancient settlements.  相似文献   
王永  王军  纪占胜  翟庆国  肖序常 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1330-1334
藏北羌塘盆地腹地戈木错周围发现大量石制品,主要为细石核、细石叶、石片和石器,未发现大型打制石器和磨制石器。通过对石制品表面特征的观察,没有发现流水磨损的痕迹,认为这些石制品未经过后期搬运,为原地堆积。对石制品的初步研究表明,戈木错遗址的石制品主要为细小石器,使用的原料主要有硅质岩、玛瑙和燧石。将戈木错的细石器与藏北其他地点的细石器进行对比分析,发现其文化特征与藏北双湖、申扎等地具有一定的相似性,这说明藏北细石器基本属于相同的文化背景,有相同的起源,属于中国北方细石器文化的一部分。此外,从石制品的组合、加工技术特征及对环境的适应过程来看,其时代可能属于新石器时代早期。  相似文献   
为探讨地貌变迁与史前聚落的分布关系,分析了禹州浅井剖面的Rb/Sr比值、磁化率和粒度等环境代用指标。结果表明颍河上游地区在仰韶文化时期(磁化率均值87.7×10−8 m3/kg,Rb/Sr均值0.83)为暖湿的风化环境,在龙山文化时期气候变干(瓦店剖面的磁化率72.5×10−8 m3/kg,Rb/Sr均值0.66)。禹州马沟洞石笋δ18O序列识别了本区在11.2、9.1、5.0 kaBP存在3次气候波动,借助地貌-气候驱动理论,认为颍河上游地区新石器聚落所在阶地形成于11.2~10.6 kaBP前后。龙山文化时期(约4.6~4.0 kaBP)的干旱气候导致禹州段颍河河床不断抬升进而形成高河面时期,使得颍河上中游两岸稻作农业得以快速发展。本区的聚落分布从仰韶文化时期的地貌封闭型转变为龙山期的开放型,并形成多处大型城邑聚落,然而4 kaBP的降温和洪水过程摧毁了颍河上游平原地区多数史前聚落,本区的城邦文化逐渐衰落。  相似文献   
嫩江流域孕育的昂昂溪文化是新石器时代中国北方"渔猎文化"的代表文化。文章对昂昂溪文化的典型代表遗址——洪河遗址附近3 m的自然沉积物剖面进行植硅体分析、粒度分析和烧失量测定,探讨了新石器时代以来嫩江流域人类活动的环境背景及昂昂溪"渔猎文化"走向衰亡的原因。结果表明,洪河剖面植硅体主要来自于禾本科植物,并以早熟禾亚科(C3植物)为主,剖面沉积物主要由嫩江冲积砂经风力吹扬、搬运、堆积而成。嫩江流域文化的空间分布和时间演替,在受到人类活动影响的同时,也与自然环境有密切的关系。在7024~3820 cal. a B.P.期间,嫩江流域气候温暖湿润,适宜人类生存繁衍,孕育了典型的昂昂溪"渔猎文化";在4000 cal. a B.P.左右,气候呈现逐渐变冷干的趋势,同时昂昂溪文化也逐渐衰落;3820~1000 cal. a B.P.期间,气候持续冷干,导致部分居民离开昂昂溪地区沿嫩江逐渐向更加温暖的下游迁移以寻找更为适宜的栖息地,昂昂溪文化逐渐被取代;1000 cal. a B.P.以来,人类活动频繁,土地沙漠化日趋严重。  相似文献   
An extensive rescue excavation has been conducted in the ancient harbor of ?stanbul (Yenikap?) by the Sea of Marmara, revealing a depositional sequence displaying clear evidence of transgression and coastal progradation during the Holocene. The basal layer of this sequence lies at 6 m below the present sea level and contains remains of a Neolithic settlement known to have been present in the area, indicating that the sea level at ~ 8-9 cal ka BP was lower than 6 m below present. Sea level advanced to its maximum at ~ 6.8-7 cal ka BP, drowning Lykos Stream and forming an inlet at its mouth. After ~ 3 cal ka BP, coastal progradation became evident. Subsequent construction of the Byzantine Harbor (Theodosius; 4th century AD) created a restricted small basin and accumulation of fine-grained sediments. The sedimentation rate was increased due to coastal progradation and anthropogenic factors during the deposition of coarse-grained sediments at the upper parts of the sequence (7th-9th centuries AD). The harbor was probably abandoned after the 11th century AD by filling up with Lykos Stream detritus and continued seaward migration of the coastline.  相似文献   
作者在鉴定了上海几乎全部的新石器时代的脊椎动物化石的基础上,详细对比了浙江、江苏和山东同时代的动物群,重建了当时的野生生态自然景观,并讨论了一系列相关的学术问题。  相似文献   
The lower reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas were among the most active prehistoric archaeological areas in Fujian Province. The accumulation types of Neolithic archaeological strata are roughly divided into dune sites and dune/shell mound sites. The sites can also be roughly divided into estuarine, coastal, and sea-island sites based on their geomorphic features. The cultural development of these prehistoric sites is of great significance for understanding the migration and spread of Austronesian civilization. Based on luminescence dating of typical Neolithic sites on Haitan Island, their quartz-OSL (optically stimulated luminecesence) burial ages were determined. Synthesizing previously published results, the temporospatial distribution characteristics of the sea-island sites on Haitan Island are discussed, and the relationship between Neolithic human activities and regional geomorphic processes is analyzed. The results show that: (1) the spatial and temporal distribution of the Haitan Island Neolithic sites are closely related to small-scale geomorphic features and are controlled by mesoscale geomorphic processes. The sites were mainly distributed in the foothills of two high hills along an NNE-SSW trend. With an increase in altitude, the features were distributed as “single site (I) - superimposed site - single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared at low sea level, whereas single type sites (II) mainly appeared at high sea level. Superimposed sites were not subject to sea level changes. The relative elevation of the superimposed sites in the study area indicates the optimal residential area for human activities in the region. The single site with an elevation lower than the optimal residential area was mainly restricted by the lowest residential area, whereas the single site at a higher elevation than the optimal residential area was mainly affected by livelihood patterns. (2) High sea level caused by the “backwater effect” in low latitude areas in the southern hemisphere, and coastal aeolian sand activity influenced by sea level fluctuations in the middle Holocene correspond well with human activities recorded in the cultural stratigraphy of sea-island type sites. The altitude of coastal aeolian sand accumulation can be used as an indirect index to estimate the age of coastal dunes.  相似文献   
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