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The intertidal drainage channels on a macrotidal bar–trough (ridge‐and‐runnel) beach were monitored during a 17‐day survey. Type 1 channels were persistent, dominantly longshore systems essentially limited to the wide intertidal zone between mean high and low water neap tidal levels. The cumulative length of this channel type fluctuated as a function of topographically controlled through‐flow or flow impedance in troughs, and showed no correlation with the semi‐lunar tidal cycle. Smaller, ephemeral type 2 channels appeared as dominantly cross‐shore systems incising bars on the narrower upper and lower beach zones during spring tides. They disappeared during neap tides through infill by waves and aeolian activity. The only significant phase of type 1 channel mobility occurred during a brief moderate‐energy storm at the start of the survey. The effect of this mobility on beach morphology was inextricably linked to that of waves and currents. Meander bend migration, forced by wave‐ and longshore‐current‐induced migration of a bar during the storm, resulted in important but highly localized morphological change that was only a minor part of an irregular saw‐tooth pattern of change that affected the entire beach profile, and that was largely controlled by wave processes and longshore currents. The flow velocities in channels on this beach are too weak to generate the formation and longshore migration of high‐energy bedforms. Channel mobility and impact on beach morphology are expected to increase under storm conditions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The horizontal exchange of momentum due to the organized motion in combined waves and current has been analyzed. The combination of the vertical orbital wave motion and the mean current gives a periodic variation in the horizontal velocity in addition to the wave orbital motion. This periodic variation, combined with the wave orbital motion, gives a significant contribution to the momentum exchange. Two examples are considered, the interaction of a pure wave motion and a current normal to the direction of wave propagation, and a wave driven longshore current with an undertow velocity profile. It is demonstrated that the new contribution changes the resulting momentum exchange considerably.  相似文献   
对9根带约束拉杆的方形薄壁型钢管/胶合竹板复合空芯柱(SBCCB)试件进行低周反复拟静力测试,考察SBCCB的破坏过程和形态,分析试件的长细比、胶合竹净横截面面积、截面组合方式对其受力和抗震性能影响。结果表明:SBCCB破坏形态主要为柱脚胶合面的开裂破坏和胶合竹板断裂破坏,截面组合方式对其破坏模式有显著影响。SBCCB试件有较好的弹性变形能力和抗震耗能性能,增大复合柱截面尺寸和长细比能改善抗震性能;约束拉杆有效保证了试件的整体性,抑制基体开胶破坏,间接提高了抗震性能。  相似文献   
Alpine gravel-bed rivers are dynamic systems that have been subjected to many anthropic alterations in the past centuries. Riparian vegetation development on previously bare sediment bedforms has been a common adjustment, raising important management issues in terms of flood risks and biodiversity. Many of these rivers are also channelized, and as a result present a pattern of alternate bars. Considering recent advances in numerical biomorphodynamic modeling, this study aims at exploring numerically the morphodynamics of alternate bars in the presence of riparian vegetation. To this end, a dynamic vegetation module has been implemented on top of an existing morphodynamic model, accounting for ecological processes of seed dispersal, seedling recruitment, growth, and mortality. Numerical simulations have been performed on a simplified reach of a gravel-bed river with free migrating alternate bars at initial state. In this work 96 scenarios have been simulated, each representing 50 years of channel evolution, with different flood regimes characterized by various peak discharges and flood durations. Yearly peak discharge variability is explicitly modeled in 48 scenarios. Model outcomes present two possible equilibrium biomorphodynamic behaviors: stationary vegetated bars, or free migrating bars in the case of frequent vegetation removal during floods. This binary behavior holds true when the stochasticity of annual peak discharges is represented, and for a wide range of parameter values included in vegetation dynamic modeling. Transient mobility of vegetated bars is observed in specific configurations where large sediment deposits deflect the flow field, eroding bar heads. Modeled bar wavelengths are in the range of values predicted for free bars by linear bar theory, and remain far from the theoretical values of hybrid, steady bars. The shift from unvegetated migrating bars to steady vegetated bars seems to show that in these simulations vegetation constitutes a hydraulic forcing, leading to a shift from free bars to forced bars, with a final configuration largely inherited from the initial state. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在近岸波浪相关研究中,辐射应力是波动在水体中引起的剩余动量流,是波浪运动的重要物理量.在波浪从深水逐渐传向浅水的过程中,波浪的非线性逐渐增强,甚至会发生破碎等剧烈变形,引起辐射应力的强烈变化,对次重力波生成等有重要贡献.应用OpenFOAM精细模拟波浪在潜堤上的传播,得出波浪运动的详细流场信息,计算了有波浪破碎情况下潜...  相似文献   
目的 针对现有的基于图像处理的棒材计数方法不准确且不能适应不同直径和不同切断工艺的问题,提出一种利用迭代霍夫圆变换和多阈值连通区域面积法统计实现成捆棒材的可靠计数。该方法先提取成捆棒材在图像中的位置即感兴趣区域(ROI)并规格化,再对规格化后的 ROI进行迭代霍夫圆变换提取棒材进行计数,最后进行多阈值连通区域面积法统计遗漏棒材,并与迭代霍夫圆变换计数结果求和得到最终计数结果。实验表明,该方法计数准确率高,能适应不同棒材直径和不同的切断工艺。  相似文献   
为了对混凝土框架结构的地震破坏机制和抗震性能进行控制,在框架柱中配置高强钢筋,并将纤维增强混凝土(FRC)用于框架结构的预期损伤部位。结构柱中的高强钢筋用来减小结构的残余变形,FRC材料用来增加结构的耗能能力和损伤容限。设计了三个框架,采用动力弹塑性时程分析方法进行分析。研究结果表明,采用高强钢筋提高了结构的整体承载能力,在层间侧移角达到3%之前避免了柱铰的出现(包括底层柱底),并且减小了结构的残余变形;预期损伤部位采用FRC材料能够提高结构的塑性耗能。  相似文献   
This work aims to demonstrate an advancement towards the integrated modelling of surf zone hydrodynamics by means of a VOF-type numerical model (COBRAS-UC) based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations. In this paper, the numerical model is adapted and validated for the study of nearshore processes on a mildly-sloping beach. The model prediction of wave energy transformation and higher order statistics (skewness and asymmetry) are in good agreement with detailed laboratory observations from a barred beach [Boers, M. (1996). “Simulation of a surf zone with a barred beach; Report 1: Wave heights and wave breaking”. Tech. Rep.96-5, Comm. on Hydrol. and Geol. Eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology]. Moreover, the numerical model allows us to study the low-frequency motions inside the surf zone. It is found that in order to achieve a satisfactory simulation of both short- and long-wave transformation, the numerical model must achieve: (i) the simultaneous second-order wave generation and absorption, (ii) the energy transfer between triad of components, (iii) the short- and long-wave energy dissipation inside the surf zone, and (iv) the wave reflection at the shoreline. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results demonstrate the model capability to satisfactorily simulate all the aforementioned processes.  相似文献   
Hung-Jie Tang  Chai-Cheng Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(17-18):1800-1810
We investigated the phenomenon of Bragg reflection of submerged structures in a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT) based on the boundary integral equation method (BIEM). This model was validated by comparing not only the free surface elevations with that of the analytic solution of Stokes’ second-order wave theory, but also the reflection coefficients of submerged bars with that from other sources. The results of the present model show that the free surface nonlinear effect on the reflection coefficient of the primary resonance reduces significantly for all of the submerged bars considered. Finally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the reflecting capacity and overall performance of various submerged bars. Results indicate that sinusoidal bar has the maximum reflection capacity at the primary resonance, but the trapezoidal submerged bar is suggested as the better option for the practical convenience of coastal underwater construction.  相似文献   
Entrance morphologies and sediment characteristics were studied at Westport Harbour, a river mouth port located on the Buller River, New Zealand. The most frequent morphology found was that in which two submarine bars were present off the river mouth. When present, these bars were separated by a transverse channel running east from Carters Beach and terminating in the principal inlet channel. Sediment samples were collected and analysed for grain size, reliability (grain shape), and, in a few instances, mineralogy. The data collected suggested that longshore sediment transport is predominantly west to east and that river derived sediment is deflected to the east. The inner bar is predominantly a littoral drift related event whereas the outer bar, which is composed mainly of littoral drifted sediment, forms as a submarine extension of Carters Beach. Both bars can be modified by floods in the river, although modification of the outer bar is much less frequent because of the very high river flows required. Sediment can bypass directly across the river mouth only when the inner bar is present. On other occasions bypassing can only occur by transport through the transverse channel or over the outer bar, into the river channel and then onshore.  相似文献   
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