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Woodlark Island (Muyuw) is located in a tectonically complex region, one of the few places on Earth where continental breakup is occurring ahead of seafloor spreading. Rifting commenced in the late Miocene (8.8–6 Ma) and is associated with the westward-propagating Woodlark Basin Spreading Centre. The island comprises approximately 850 km2 of raised Pleistocene coral reef and associated sediments with a central, moderately elevated range underlain by the middle Miocene calc-alkaline to shoshonitic Okiduse Volcanic Group (new name). It provides an exposure of upper Cenozoic geology in close proximity to the spreading centre. The Okiduse Volcanic Group is host to most of the island's historical gold and silver production and recently defined mineral resources totalling 1.75 Moz gold. This study uses facies analysis of pyroclastic deposits to develop a detailed geological map of the Okiduse Volcanic Group, with a revision and reinterpretation of the unit. Facies associations suggest that two major volcanic centres erupted synchronously during the middle Miocene (14–12 Ma), referred to as the Watou Mountain Eruptive Centre (new name) and the Uvarakoi Caldera (new name). The mafic–intermediate Watou Mountain Eruptive Centre formed during frequent small eruptions of widely varying style. Strombolian, subplinian, vulcanian and dome-related explosive eruptions occurred, alternating with extrusion of block and ash flow deposits and lava domes. Pyroclastic deposits were rapidly reworked from the steep cone, and were redeposited in a series of coalescing aprons surrounding the volcano. The felsic Uvarakoi Caldera formed during a series of violent explosive eruptions by rapid removal of magma from the underlying chamber, followed by collapse. Plinian and possibly phreatoplinian eruptions, as a result of magma–water mixing in the surface environment, resulted in widely dispersed, highly fragmented tuff deposits. The caldera was modified by widespread erosion following eruptions, resulting in fluvial, laharic and slope-wash deposits. This study highlights lithological controls (porosity and permeability) by various units within the Okiduse Volcanic Group on ore deposition.  相似文献   
拉萨地块西部呈断块状沿狮泉河-申扎-嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带附近分布的念青唐古拉岩群被认为是前寒武纪变质基底。本文对念青唐古拉岩群进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、同位素年代学及构造地质学研究。研究结果表明片岩-片麻岩-变粒岩含十字石、石榴子石等特征变质矿物,遵循粒度分异规律,其原岩可能为来自冈瓦纳古陆核北缘中新元古代弧盆体系的活动大陆边缘浊积岩。斜长角闪岩具低硅、高铁镁、富钙的基性岩特征,其原岩为岛弧型基性火山岩。念青唐古拉岩群中的花岗伟晶岩锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为1150±13Ma,具过铝质S型花岗岩地球化学特征,可能为中元古代(1150±13 Ma)以前就开始沉积的念青唐古拉岩群基底岩石通过部分熔融形成。与花岗伟晶岩渐变过渡接触的二云斜长片麻岩第一组变质重结晶锆石U-Pb年龄为701±15 Ma,结合十字石特征变质矿物,暗示了该地区中温高压变质作用的峰期变质,变质程度达角闪岩相;第二组热液流体锆石UPb年龄为301±8.4 Ma,可能与冈瓦纳大陆北缘古特提斯洋演化过程中的岩浆热液作用有关。  相似文献   
The Carrancas Formation outcrops in east-central Brazil on the southern margin of the São Francisco craton where it comprises the base of the late Neoproterozoic Bambuí Group. It is overlain by the basal Ediacaran cap carbonate Sete Lagoas Formation and was for a long time considered to be glacially influenced and correlative with the glaciogenic Jequitaí Formation. New stratigraphic, isotopic and geochronologic data imply that the Carrancas Formation was instead formed by the shedding of debris from basement highs uplifted during an episode of minor continental rifting. Reddish dolostones in the upper Carrancas Formation have δ13C values ranging from +7.1 to +9.6‰, which is a unique C isotopic composition for the lowermost Bambuí Group but similar to values found in the Tijucuçu sequence, a pre-glacial unit in the Araçuaí fold belt on the eastern margin of the São Francisco craton. The stratigraphic position below basal Ediacaran cap carbonates and the highly positive δ13C values together indicate a Cryogenian interglacial age for the Carrancas Formation, with the high δ13C values representing the so-called Keele peak, which precedes the pre-Marinoan Trezona negative δ13C excursion in other well characterized Cryogenian sequences. Hence, The Carrancas Formation pre-dates de Marinoan Jequitaí Formation and represents an interval of Cryogenian stratigraphy not previously known to occur on the southern margin of São Francicso craton. Documentation of Cryogenian interglacial strata on the São Francisco craton reinforces recent revisions to the age of Bambuí Group strata and has implications for the development of the Bambuí basin.  相似文献   
This study carried out comprehensive analysis on sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility(χlf) and color data of the continental sediments of the Liupanshan Group in Central China so as to obtain climatic change information during the 129.14–122.98 Ma interval. Based on the results of the ?lf and of the redness(a*), the section can be divided into two segments:(1) 129.14–126.3 Ma, with the lowest ?lf values and strongly variable relatively high values of redness and(2) 126.3–122.98 Ma, with high ?lf values and relatively low redness. Analysis of the lithology and facies as well as the magnetic minerals and their contents points to a detrital origin of the magnetic minerals and this allow us to interpret the relationship between magnetic susceptibility variations and climate changes. Our study shows that the climate was significantly dry and hot during the whole studied interval although the interval between 126.3 Ma and 122.98 was a little bit cooler with increased humidity.  相似文献   
北祁连永登县石灰沟作为奥陶纪中堡群命名地,历来是研究北祁连奥陶纪构造演化的理想场所。依据实测地层剖面,石灰沟奥陶纪中堡群可以划分为上、下两段:下段以中基性火山岩、火山碎屑岩为主;上段以出现大量碳酸盐岩、硅质岩、粉砂岩,夹中基性火山碎屑岩为特征。野外调查过程中发现,中堡群上段发育多层硅质岩,其层内发育强烈的构造变形。经岩石组合、地层序列、沉积相、火山喷发相、变形特征及空间组合关系研究,认为该套特殊的沉积层系为典型的滑塌堆积。根据滑塌堆积的内部结构特征及火山-沉积相序等分析,初步判断其形成于靠近岛弧的深水盆地环境,具多岛洋构造背景。这将为恢复和建立北祁连造山带奥陶纪沉积环境和古地理演化提供可靠依据,也为进一步研究北祁连奥陶纪沟-弧-盆体系空间格局提供了重要沉积学佐证。  相似文献   
内蒙古西部狼山地区的构造归属争议较大,一直以来没有直接证据证明狼山地区属于华北陆块。本文对内蒙古狼山巴音前达门地区(含石榴子石)黑云斜长片麻岩进行了年代学研究,利用LA- ICP- MS方法进行U- Pb同位素测年,所测试锆石均为岩浆锆石,锆石年龄为1946±9 Ma和1940±12 Ma,代表其原岩的形成年龄,说明狼山地区存在古元古代晚期岩浆作用。从锆石Hf同位素来看,εHf(t) 从-1.3~6.4,其Hf同位素源区既有当时华北克拉通基底物质,又有地幔的贡献,2442Ma的模式年龄指示源岩来源于早元古代地壳增生事件,可能与华北克拉通基底的形成有关。这进一步表明狼山地区同华北陆块中部地区一样,该地区存在有早元古代岩体。对宝音图群碎屑锆石的研究同样说明了狼山地区宝音图群与华北克拉通更具亲缘性,狼山地区在构造属性上可能属于华北陆块一部分。  相似文献   
近年来在下扬子西缘地区厘定的一系列新元古代火成岩,为认识该区扬子板块新元古代岩浆活动历史与规律提供了窗口。结合本次与前人锆石U-Pb年代学数据,指示下扬子地区张八岭群、肥东杂岩与董岭杂岩内变火成岩的原岩时限分别为767~748 Ma、812~745 Ma和829~754 Ma。这些新元古代火成岩分别是峰期为750 Ma、800 Ma和825 Ma岩浆活动的产物。下扬子地区峰期为825 Ma的岩浆活动只出现在靠近江南造山带的南部。锆石年代学信息显示,下扬子地区还发生过峰期为840 Ma、2010 Ma和2454 Ma岩浆活动,但缺失1000~860 Ma的岩浆活动。通过区域对比表明,攀西—汉南弧没有延入下扬子地区。下扬子地区南部受到峰期为840 Ma的弧岩浆活动的影响。扬子板块上峰期为825 Ma的岩浆活动及早阶段的南华裂谷应是江南造山带后造山伸展的产物;而峰期为800 Ma和750 Ma的岩浆活动与相应的南华裂谷扩展,代表了Rodinia超大陆裂解的全面影响。  相似文献   
笔者等对周潭群沉积变质岩及其中脉体的微量元素、氧同位素地球化学进行了研究,结果表明,变质石英脉继承了其围岩的稀土元素及氧同位素地球化学特征,表明形成石英脉的流体来源于围岩;脉体的微量元素对Zr-Hf、U-Th、Nb-Ta和Y-Ho与变质岩有一定的差异,且有一定的分异,指示脉体是流体作用的产物。变质流体通过侧向扩散作用形成了周潭群变沉积岩中的变质脉体。  相似文献   
地理信息公共服务平台的用户分类及服务分类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地理信息技术的发展经历了集中式、模块化、组件化的过程,目前正向地理信息的Web服务方向发展。传统的集中式地理信息系统中,功能的分类决定了用户的分类;而在地理信息服务的架构中,用户的分类导致服务的分类及其与用户分类的映射。本文从地理信息服务的架构出发,分析并提出了面向服务的地理信息公共服务的用户群分类与对应的服务分类,为地理信息公共服务平台的构建和地理信息服务资源的有效组织和整合提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The lower part of the Old Red Sandstone in the Dingle Penisula has been previously assigned to one lithostratigraphic group (Dingle Group) despite marked variations in sedimentary facies. However the apparently oldest non-marine sequence in the northwest of the peninsula has sedimentary and lithological attributes that contrast strongly with those of the late Silurian-early Devonian Dingle Group to the south. This northern sequence, here renamed the Smerwick Group, evolved independently of the Dingle Group in a separate basin of deposition. Field relationships between the two groups in the north of the peninsula are interpreted as indicating that the Smerwick Group overlies, with angular unconformity, a normal Dingle Group succession. Similarly, it is argued that the Smerwick Group overlies, with angular unconformity, the Dingle Group in the northwest of the peninsula, but there the Dingle Group is attenuated, represented only by a conglomerate unit some 10 m thick. In the absence of biostratigraphic evidence the age of the Smerwick Group is poorly constrained. Nevertheless, we propose a tectonic model that suggests that the Smerwick Group evolved within a small extensional half-graben on the northern margin of the Munster Basin. This model accounts for the stratigraphic and structural relationships observed, and implies that the Smerwick Group is of Late Devonian age.  相似文献   
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