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伊通地堑上地幔剪切带   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过研究糜棱岩型幔源包体的变形显微构造、位错亚构造及组构特征,确定它是上地幔剪切带的代表物质。该带形成温度为729~828℃、压力为1.10~1.38GPa、差异应力为97~150MPa、应变速率为IO ̄(-14)~1O ̄(-12)s ̄(-1)、等效粘滞度为10~1000EPa·s和深度为37~45km。这是一种与地幔底辟作用有关的规模较小的缓倾斜剪切带,也是应变集中带,能导致上地幔地震波速各向异性,并与地震活动有关  相似文献   
安徽董岭花岗岩类的构造特征及侵位机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
安徽怀宁董岭花岗岩类底辟滑覆构造体系是长江中下游地域独特的构造形式。花岗岩底辟构造是在中生代华北地块与扬子地块碰撞背景下通过气球膨胀机制侵位至盖层内(燕山期),形成了围绕董岭几何中心的环状或半环状接触变质和韧性变形岩块。该花岗岩类其内部变形明显,岩相分带、分期清晰,围岩顶盖保存完好,围岩变质均匀,变形强烈,滑覆断层发育,糜棱岩典型等为特征,是一个罕见的盖层中花岗岩类底辟构造。后期在其北侧和东侧被月山—白子山冲断岩块所超覆。  相似文献   

An important generation of recumbent folds can be recognized in the Nevado-Filabride nappe complex in the Sierra de los Filabres in SE Spain.

Folding post-dates an initial phase of flattening and is prior to the main phase of non-coaxial deformation and thrusting in the upper part of the complex, involved in a large-scale movement zone with dominant sense of shear to the northwest.

Axial planes and axes of these folds are aligned sub-parallel to the plastic flow plane in quartz and the shear direction respectively. Relict quartz fabrics can be found however, which strongly suggest that some fold axes originated in this position and did not rotate towards parallelism with the shear direction. This apparently contradicts the generally accepted model of development of folds in mylonite zones.

The redistribution of linear structures of the older flattening fase over the folds, confirms that the original orientation of fold axes was close to the present and indicates that an important component of flexural slip was involved in fold formation.  相似文献   
白银小铁山矿区含矿岩系,前人定为细碧角斑岩系。其中含矿的直接围岩为石英角斑质凝灰岩(π3),经我们研究,该含矿围岩应是分布在韧性剪切带中的一套糜棱岩类,具有明显的变形特征,其原岩为早中寒武世酸性火山岩类。  相似文献   
 40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄测定,获得南天山蛇绿混杂岩基质黑云母石英片岩单矿物黑云母的两个坪年龄分别为(370.0±4.8)Ma和(259.0±3.3)Ma;中天山南缘长英质糜棱岩单矿物黑云母的坪年龄为(250.5±7.9)Ma,二云母花岗岩单矿物白云母的坪年龄为(348.9±0.3)Ma。结合南天山古生代沉积特征和塔里木及伊犁-哈萨克斯坦板块古地磁数据的综合分析,提出南天山晚泥盆世至石炭纪早期完成向伊犁-哈萨克斯坦板块的B型俯冲,中-晚二叠世进行陆内A型俯冲造山的板块碰撞演化模式。  相似文献   
岩石的应变组构型式与岩石成分、变形环境和应变过程有着密切关系。北瓦沟地区低角闪岩相条作下的长英质岩石,表现脆性、韧性和韧脆性过渡,因而在剪切作用过程中形成了相应的应变组构型式,即脆性应变组构、韧性应变组构和脆-韧性应变组构。而且随着应变过程的发展,应变组构也表现出一定的演化规律。  相似文献   
The Hetai goldfield, located in the southern segment of the Qinzhou Bay-Hangzhou Bay Juncture Orogenic Belt (QHJB), is the largest concentration of gold deposits in Guangdong Province, South China. The gold mineralization is hosted within the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic Yunkai Group and strictly confined to mylonite (ductile shear) zones. The nature of the structural control of mineralization, in particular the role of ductile versus brittle deformation and their ages, which remain unclear despite numerous previous studies, are examined in this paper through an integrated study of geochronology and mineralogy.Lamellar and filament structures shown by pyrite and pyrrhotite in the ores suggest that sulfidation took place during ductile deformation and syntectonic metamorphism, but the majority of the ores are associated with brittle deformation features. In combination with macroscopic and microscopy observations on shear fabrics, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating on zircons of hydrothermal origin from mylonites suggests that the Hetai goldfield was subjected to two shearing events: an early sinistral ductile shearing at ca. 240 Ma, and a late dextral ductile-brittle shearing at ca. 204 Ma (Indosinian). These ages are ca. 90–30 Ma older than the previously published gold mineralizing ages of ca. 175–152 Ma (Yanshanian), suggesting that the main gold mineralization and related brittle deformation significantly postdate the ductile deformation. This inference is supported by the mineralization temperatures estimated from geothermometers of arsenopyrite (ca. 350–290 °C), chlorite (ca. 260–230 °C), and sphalerite (ca. 230–170 °C) intergrown with native gold, which are considerably lower than that for the ductile deformation (500–300 °C or higher). Based on these data, we propose that the gold mineralization in the Hetai goldfield predominantly occurred during the Yanshanian event, and only minor gold mineralization and associated sulfidation took place during the earlier Indosinian ductile deformation.  相似文献   
The western Dabie orogen (also known as the Hong'an block) forms the western part of the Dabie–Sulu HP–UHP belt, central China. Rocks of this orogen have been subjected to pervasive ductile deformation, and include numerous quartz schists and felsic mylonites cropping out in ductile shear zones. Quartz textures in these mylonites contain important clues for understanding the movement sense of late-collisional extrusion and exhumation of high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) rocks from the lower crustal level to the upper crustal level during Middle Triassic and Early Jurassic. The orientation and distribution of quartz crystallographic axes were used to confirm the regional shear sense across the orogen. The asymmetry of c-axis patterns consistently indicates top-to-the-southeast thrusting across the orogen in early structural stages. Later stages of deformation show different senses of movement in northern and southern parts of the orogen, with top-to-the-northwest sinistral shearing recorded in rocks north of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies belt, and top-to-the-southeast dextral shearing south of the same unit.Based on our study on quartz c-axis fabrics and marco- to micro-scale structures, simultaneous southeastward shearing within a large part of the orogen and normal faulting north of the Xinxian HP–UHP unit is explained by upward extrusion in early stages of deformation. The extrusion process has been attributed to syn- and late-collisional processes, accounting for some earlier deformation in the western Dabie orogen such as metamorphic sequences around the core of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit. Much higher pressure of deformation is also indicated in the aligned glaucophane and omphacite from blueschist and eclogite in the field. An orogen-parallel eastward extrusion of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit, however, occurred diachronously in later stages of deformation. Therefore, a tectonic model combining an early upward extrusion with a later eastward extrusion is presented. Two different stages and types of extrusion for exhumation of HP–UHP rocks are suitable to all of east central China. Geochronological data shows that the first, upward extrusion occurred during Middle Triassic, the second, eastward extrusion occurred during Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. These two extrusions are correlative with two stages of rapid exhumation of the Dabie HP–UHP rocks, respectively. These two-stage late-collisional (Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic) extrusion events bridge the gap between syn-collisional (Early to Middle Triassic) vertical extrusion and post-collisional (Cretaceous) eastward-directed lateral escape and provide vital clues to understanding the more detailed processes of exhumation of HP–UHP rocks.  相似文献   
We test the hypothesis that small ductile shear zones are developed from initial rheologically weak domains. We regard weak domains as ellipsoidal inhomogeneities and apply Eshelby's formalism extended for power-law viscous materials to investigate the kinematics and finite strain evolution of the partitioned flow fields in weak domains. We show that, under an imposed bulk flow field, weak domains, regardless of their initial shapes and orientations, deform into zone-like features at relatively small bulk strains and the deformation paths inside weak domains have all characteristics expected in ductile shear zones. We apply our model to the Cap de Creus area Spain, where abundant small ductile shear zones exist. To relate the fabrics inside these shear zones with the regional deformation, we take a multi-scale approach. We assume that the area contained many weak domains which were randomly shaped and oriented initially and were deformed into shear zones eventually in response to the regional flow. We constrain the regional flow field by the fabric patterns across the area and compute numerically the partitioned flow fields in individual weak domains. The latter are related to fabrics inside shear zones. Our model reproduces first-order features of field-observed fabrics. Although the deformation path of each shear zone was close to simple shearing, the deformation of the whole belt was not. Our approach also resolves the strain compatibility problem for a finite-sized shear zone embedded in a far less deformed country rock.  相似文献   
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