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A first-order solution is obtained with a mild-slope parameter within the framework of the linear wave theory using the classical multiple scale method. This solution satisfies (1) the governing equations and free surface condition; (2) the coastal bottom condition in terms of multiple scale with its form analytical. As to two-dimensional wave propagating towards a slope, its solution reduces to the famous Biesel [1952. Study of wave progression in water of gradually varying depth. Gravity Waves, vol. 521. US National Bureau of Standards Circular, pp. 243–253] solution.  相似文献   
Using a more realistic model of multi-layered viscoelastic media, and considering the effects of the coseismic dislocation and the postseismic viscoelastic relaxation caused by the 34 great earthquakes occurring along the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block since 1480 and the interseismic stress accumulation caused by the tectonic loading generated by plate motions which were modeled by introducing "virtual negative displacements" along the major fault segment in the region under study, we calculated the evolution of the Coulomb stress change in each fault plane of 18 major fault segments along the eastern boundary caused by the coseismic, postseismic and interseismic effects. We studied the interactions of the Xianshuihe, Anninghe, Zemuhe and Xiaojiang fault zones on the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block. By evaluating if the previous earthquake could bring another earthquake closer to or farther from failure, we analyzed the interactions of the earthquakes which occurred in the different segments in the same fault zone, or in the different fault zones respectively. And further based on the calculation results of the Coulomb stress change on the fault planes, we analyzed the seismic hazard of each fault segment.The results show that the previous earthquake may trigger another earthquake which can occur in the same fault zone or in the different fault zone. And the calculation results on the evolution of the cumulative Coulomb stress change in the each fault segment show that, the Coulomb stress increases significantly in the middle section and the Moxi segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone, the Mianning-Xichang segment of the Anninghe fault zone, the Qiaojia-dongchuan segment and the Jianshui segment of the Xiaojiang fault zone, and the seismic hazard in these fault segments is worthy paying attention to.  相似文献   
基于中国东北和俄罗斯远东东南部2012—2017年的GPS观测数据, 利用包含年周期、 半年周期、 线性项和阶跃项的函数模型拟合GPS站坐标时间序列, 得到ITRF2014下的速度场, 并进一步转换到欧亚参考框架下得到相对欧亚板块的速度场。 基于多尺度球面小波方法解算应变率场, 并分析了其空间分布特征, 同时研究了各GPS站对2011年日本东北MW9.0大地震的震后松弛响应特征和背景形变场特征。 结果表明: ① 若不扣除日本东北大地震的松弛效应, 相对欧亚板块中国东北主体上表现为东南方向运动, 在依兰—伊通断裂和嫩江断裂带之间, 地壳表现为逆时针旋转, 其他区域向东南方向运动, 方向一致性较好, 在敦化—密山断裂东侧速度大小明显增加。 敦化—密山断裂和依兰—伊通断裂两侧拉张量分别为3.96±0.04 mm/a和0.71±0.05 mm/a, 两条断裂的剪切运动不明显。 总体上, 面应变率显示出NW—SE向的拉张和NE—SW向的挤压, 面应变率显示出依兰—伊通断裂南端、 嫩江断裂带北端和俄罗斯远东东南部呈挤压状态。 在依兰—伊通断裂、 敦化—密山断裂南侧以及俄罗斯远东东南部最大剪应变率相对较大。 ② 各GPS测站对2011年日本东北MW9.0大地震震后松弛的响应整体上表现为东南向运动, 松弛形变量随震中距增加而减小。 松弛效应的面应变率总体上表现为NW—SE向的拉张和NE—SW向的挤压, 面应变率显示出依兰—伊通、 敦化—密山断裂南端、 嫩江断裂带北端以及俄罗斯远东地区具有挤压特征, 其他地区表现为拉张特征。 中国与俄罗斯远东边界南端存在一个明显的最大剪应变率高值区。 ③ 扣除日本东北MW9.0大地震引起的松弛变形后, 总体上面应变率仍然表现为NW—SE向的拉张和NE—SW向的挤压, 面应变率最大值仍然位于依兰—伊通断裂和敦化—密山断裂南端、 第二松花江断裂带以及俄罗斯远东和中国边界最南段。 在依兰—伊通断裂、 敦化—密山断裂南端, 中国与俄罗斯远东边界南端的最大剪应变率高值区仍然存在, 表明这些地区应变积累较快, 并且一直在持续。  相似文献   
Based on the lateral segmentation and vertical stratification characteristics of the crustal medium in Sichuan-Yunnan region,and the asymmetry of the static dislocations on the coseismic fault plane of the Wenchuan M_S8. 0 earthquake,we built a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model of the crust in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. The postseismic impact of the Wenchuan M_S8. 0 earthquake on the Sichuan-Yunnan region was studied.The results show that:① The far-field horizontal deformation caused by the viscoelastic relaxation of the medium in the 10 years after the earthquake is about 0-20 mm within the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block,which has a greater influence on north side and smaller on south side.② In the 10 years after the earthquake,the far-field vertical deformation caused by the viscoelastic relaxation effect of the medium is small,and it shows an increase of about 0-4 mm in most areas of the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block.③ The Xianshuihe fault and the eastern segment of the East Kunlun fault,which are close to the seismogenic fault,show a high gradient on deformation fields after the earthquake.④ In order to compare with the strong earthquake activity in the SichuanYunnan region after the Wenchuan earthquake, the horizontal stress state and the Coulomb failure stress change of the active block boundary are also calculated. From the spatial distribution of the coseismic and postseismic displacement field,the fault activity characteristics reflected by the stress state and the stress loading of the fault layer reflected by the Coulomb failure stress change,there is a certain correlation with the spatial distribution of strong earthquake activity in this region.  相似文献   
Originally developed to classify multispectral and hyperspectral images, spectral mapping methods were used to classify Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data to estimate the vertical structure of vegetation for Fuel Type (FT) mapping. Three spectral mapping methods generated spatially comprehensive FT maps for Cabañeros National Park (Spain): (1) Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA), (2) Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), and (3) Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA). The Vegetation Vertical Profiles (VVPs) describe the vertical distribution of the vegetation and are used to define each FT endmember in a LiDAR signature library. Two different approaches were used to define the endmembers, one based on the field data collected in 1998 and 1999 (Approach 1) and the other on exploring spatial patterns of the singular FT discriminating factors (Approach 2). The overall accuracy is higher for Approach 2 and with best results when considering a five-FT model rather than a seven-FT model. The agreement with field data of 44% for MESMA and SMA and 40% for SAM is higher than the 38% of the official Cabañeros National Park FTs map. The principal spatial patterns for the different FTs were well captured, demonstrating the value of this novel approach using spectral mapping methods applied to LiDAR data. The error sources included the time gap between field data and LiDAR acquisition, the steep topography in parts of the study site, and the low LiDAR point density among others.  相似文献   
综合多特征的极化SAR图像随机森林分类算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为抑制相干斑噪声对极化SAR图像分类结果的干扰,本文提出一种综合多特征的极化SAR图像随机森林分类方法。该方法首先利用简单线性迭代聚类(SLIC)算法生成超像素作为分类单元;然后,基于高维极化特征图像,利用训练好的随机森林模型,统计决策树的分类投票数,计算各超像素的类别概率;最后,利用超像素间的空间邻域特征,采用概率松弛算法(PLR)迭代修正超像素的类别后验概率,并依据最大后验概率(MAP)准则得到分类结果;实现综合利用超像素和空间邻域特征,降低相干斑噪声干扰的极化SAR图像分类方法。实验对比结果表明:本文方法能得有效抑制极化SAR图像中相干斑噪声的干扰,得到高精度且光滑连续的分类结果。  相似文献   
A new method for data relaxation based on weak imposition of external data is introduced. The technique is simple, easy to implement, and the resulting numerical scheme is unconditionally stable. Numerical experiments show that the error growth naturally present in long term simulations can be prevented by using the new technique.  相似文献   

A variational approximation to the dispersion relation for trapped waves on a flat shelf of depth h 1, bounded internally by a vertical coast and externally by a semi-infinite ocean of depth h 2>h 1, is obtained through an integral-equation formulation that accounts for all of the non-propagated modes that are excited at the discontinuity in depth (the conventional formulation of the edge-wave problem allows only for the propagated mode on the shelf and the dominant, non-propagated mode in the deep water). Coriolis effects are neglected. The exact result in the limit ω2 h 2/g↓0 (ω = angular frequency) is obtained by conformal mapping and compared with the variational approximation, which proves to be quite accurate over the entire range 1>h 2/h 1>x. The effects of the higher-order, non-propagated modes are found to be small for the long waves observed over the Southern California shelf by Snodgrass, Munk and Miller (1962).  相似文献   
如何合理地描述超固结地层静止侧压力系数K0分布规律对岩土工程有重要的理论意义和应用价值。通过超固结地层形成过程的应力发展分析,开展了侧应力松弛试验,研究了超固结粉质黏土水平应力释放规律,建立了残余超固结水平应力σ’hef与超固结比OCR的联系,提出了基于水平应力释放的超固结土K0计算方法,并用原位土体水平应力KSB试验和室内试验进行了验证。提出的超固结土K0计算方法物理意义清晰,并在中高OCR条件下实现了与前人归纳经验公式的统一。结果表明:超固结水平应力σ’hef经历回弹与松弛2个释放阶段后稳定于残余值σ’hef,粉质黏土σ’he释放主要发生在回弹阶段;超固结水平应力残余值与初始值之比σ’hef/σ’he0随OCR增大而增大,但在OCR达到一定值OCRr后趋于稳定。研究成果可供超固结地层中的挡土结构物土压力计算和数值分析提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Greenstone belts contain several clues about the evolutionary history of primitive Earth. Here, we describe the volcano-sedimentary rock association exposed along the eastern margin of the Gavião Block, named the Northern Mundo Novo Greenstone Belt (N-MNGB), and present data collected with different techniques, including U–Pb–Hf–O isotopes of zircon and multiple sulfur isotopes (32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S) of pyrite from this supracrustal sequence. A pillowed metabasalt situated in the upper section of the N-MNGB is 3337 ± 25 Ma old and has zircon with εHf(t) =  ?2.47 to ?1.40, Hf model ages between 3.75 Ga and 3.82 Ga, and δ18O = +3.6‰ to +7.3‰. These isotopic data, together with compiled whole-rock trace element data, suggest that the mafic metavolcanic rocks formed in a subduction-related setting, likely a back-arc basin juxtaposed to a continental arc. In this context, the magma interacted with older Eoarchean crustal components from the Gavião Block. Detrital zircons from the overlying quartzites of the Jacobina Group are sourced from Paleoarchean rocks, in accordance with previous studies, yielding a maximum depositional age of 3353 ± 22 Ma. These detrital zircons have εHf(t) =  ?5.40 to ?0.84, Hf model ages between 3.66 Ga and 4.30 Ga, and δ18O = +4.8‰ to +6.4‰. The pyrite multiple sulfur isotope investigation of the 3.3 Ga supracrustal rocks from the N-MNGB enabled a further understanding of Paleoarchean sulfur cycling. The samples have diverse isotopic compositions that indicate sulfur sourced from distinct reservoirs. Significantly, they preserve the signal of the anoxic Archean atmosphere, expressed by MIF-S signatures (Δ33S between ?1.3‰ to +1.4‰) and a Δ36S/Δ33S slope of ?0.81 that is indistinguishable from the so-called Archean array. A BIF sample has a magmatic origin of sulfur, as indicated by the limited δ34S range (0 to +2‰), Δ33S ~ 0‰, and Δ36S ~ 0‰. A carbonaceous schist shows positive δ34S (2.1‰–3.5‰) and elevated Δ33S (1.2‰–1.4‰) values, with corresponding negative Δ36S between ?1.2‰ to ?0.2‰, which resemble the isotopic composition of Archean black shales and suggest a source from the photolytic reduction of elemental sulfur. The pillowed metabasalt displays heterogeneous δ34S, Δ33S, and Δ36S signatures that reflect assimilation of both magmatic sulfur and photolytic sulfate during hydrothermal seafloor alteration. Lastly, pyrite in a massive sulfide lens is isotopically similar to barite of several Paleoarchean deposits worldwide, which might indicate mass dependent sulfur processing from a global and well-mixed sulfate reservoir at this time.  相似文献   
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