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鲁继通 《地理科学》2018,38(1):78-86
从科技引领、产业支撑、经济带动3个维度构建京津冀国家级经开区地位作用的指标评估系统,运用全排列多边形综合图示法,测度2011~2014年京津冀13个国家级经开区的地位作用及演化趋势。研究表明,京津冀各经开区发展不断优化,逐步进入“深度调整、转型升级”的新阶段;各经开区发展各有千秋、各有短板,初步形成“差异化、非均衡化”的发展格局;各经开区发展差距逐渐缩小,初步呈现“全面崛起、协同并进”发展趋势;各经开区发展指数和位序将会不断调整,但总体发展格局不会太大改变。研究发现,京津冀经开区也面临一些突出问题,如资源集约利用不高,产业转型升级缓慢,企业创新动能不足,区域发展差距悬殊。为此,应激活企业创新活力,增强科技引领能力;促进产业集群集约发展,加快经开区转型升级;培育经济增长新动力,发挥区域带动作用。  相似文献   
栖霞市是烟台地区唯一的内陆县级市,独特的地理优势造就了丰富的地质遗迹资源,包括典型的花岗岩地貌、岱崮地貌、丰富的地热资源、更新世化石遗址、矿冶遗址、地质灾害遗迹、地质构造形迹等。通过对该地区地质遗迹资源保护工作中存在问题的分析,提出了正确处理地质遗迹资源区旅游与保护的关系。  相似文献   
海南省具有得天独厚的发展优势,“数字地球”是实现整体可持续发展的重要保障,将有力推进全省信息化的进程,促进经济发展。  相似文献   
Luxury Tourism and Regional Economic Development in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article argues that little attention has been paid to the territorial and socioeconomic impact of consumer–service globalization on Third World countries. It specifically examines the economic role of tourism in Mexico and its limited effect on the country's regional development. Despite governmental support in order to enhance economic growth, currency receipts, and employment, tourism contributes less than 5 percent to the gross domestic product, and the majority of tourism–related jobs are precarious and low–skilled. The promotion of luxury resorts in coastal areas has led to highly concentrated and fast–growing enclaves of mainly foreign investment. However, this strategy has failed to stimulate productive links between tourist centers and their hinterlands and has led to large–scale urbanization characterized by a considerable lack of basic services for the resident population.  相似文献   
The enigma of the origin and development of plains-type folds, as they were christened in the early 20th Century, essentially has been solved. The folds, a considerable distance from the tectonic disturbance, were formed by draping of sediments over differentially displaced Precambrian basement fault blocks. These Precambrian basement fault blocks controlled the location, size, and shape of the folds. Forces were transmitted through the rigid basement causing readjustment along the indigenous fracture/fault pattern formed much earlier. In the U.S. Midcontinent, the crystalline basement is overlain by a thin veneer of sediments, and once the structures were formed, they continued to develop as evidenced by features in the overlying sediments. As the stress was transmitted through the basement and then relaxed, the fault blocks moved differentially in concert to these outside forces. Sediment compaction and nondeposition over structural topographic highs reacted accordingly to form the features as seen today. To determine the structural history, structural closure on different horizons on the anticline is plotted in their appropriate stratigraphic position at depth. This gives a compaction line for each tectonically coherent segment. Similar segments show a relatively straightline with offsets at major unconformities indicating breaks in the continuum. It is at these breaks that the section can be stretched until the compaction line matches as a continuum with the resulting gap giving the approximate amount of missing section for that part of the rock column. Conversely, the amount of closure on a structure at depth for each line segment can be estimated by extrapolating downward in that segment. This technique to determine depth of burial and thus the amount of missing stratigraphic section from well data at numerous locations has been compared with estimates made by other methods and the results are similar. Where no other data are available or for quick estimates, then, it is proposed that this approach will give reasonable results and that the values can be used as a constraint in basin modeling.  相似文献   
湖南省桂东县处于边远山区,经济发展水平低,为国家级贫困县。但其自然资源丰富,生态环境质量良好,旅游资源独具特色。通过对边远山区县资源环境特点和经济发展现状的分析,提出了促进地区可持续发展的建议:调整产业结构,在发展超级稻和优质稻基础上,发展具有地方特色的药、菜、茶、果、烟,外加楠竹和园艺的种植业,发展以牛、羊等草食性牲畜为主的养殖业;发展小水电和以电力为基础的电化工业及农产品加工业;发展红色旅游和休闲度假相结合的生态旅游业;加强生态环境保护力度,以促进桂东区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
济南市土地可持续利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在具体分析济南市土地利用特点的基础之上,建立了土地可持续利用模型。此模型充分考虑了影响土地可持续利用的几类主要因素,体现了公平性与合理性,且具有较强的可操作性。针对济南市土地利用的状况进行了案例研究,取得了良好的效果,进一步对比分析规划期内新增城区和全部城区的可持续利用模式之后,提出了较为合理的土地可持续利用分配方案,为政府规划部门提供决策依据。  相似文献   
钟逢干  陈跃 《热带地理》1994,14(1):19-26
广东省改革开放的前沿,在第3、第4两次普查间人口城镇化的特征是:发展速度快,人口流动性增强,呈强的面上扩展态势,地区差异明显。这些特征的形成与广东省的社会经济发展特点和格局密切相关。未来20年内广东省人口城镇化将大致保持现在的特点并持续地较快发展。  相似文献   
中心地理论创新与发展的基本视角和框架   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中心地理论是城市地理学揭示规律、解决问题的重要方法之一。面对时代发展、社会转型、技术进步及其带来的城市与区域巨变, 中心地理论需要创新发展。首先, 突破中心地理论的严苛假设、忽视系统动态性和自然-人文要素综合性的固有缺陷, 拓宽其普适性。其次, 以动态的和联系的眼光审视中心地系统外部条件、内部要素和组织形式与机制变化, 从中发现理论创新的视角。包括人口再分布, 城市体系重组, 全球产业网络兴起等宏观背景变化的视角;现代交通条件、信息技术发展、技术革新、体制变革等影响要素和机制变化的视角;全球城市网络形成, 城市带、群、链迅速聚合, 底层中心地重构等中心地系统组织形式新变革的视角;RS、GIS和现代统计手段应用的视角。再次, 中心地理论创新与发展有必要从“肢解”阶段进入到整体完善过程, 构建创新与发展的基本框架:①以指导实际应用, 形成理论和研究范式为创新和发展的目标;②以中心性测度新模型、严苛条件缓和、动态中心地系统、中心地系统畸变模式、中心地扩散域的空间嵌套等为创新和发展的核心内容;③突破自然-人文耦合要素对中心地系统影响机理及模型化表达, 现代中心地系统空间图景, 动态开放的现代中心地系统建设等重点问题。  相似文献   
刘洋  王雨飞  刘勇  王光辉 《地理科学》2016,36(9):1301-1309
以“政府干预强度”和“市场化水平”为研究对象,通过对其生态系统的剖析,构建相应的评价指标体系及其生态位模型,并选取东北三省地级市为评价对象,对其“强政府弱市场”格局和演变趋势进行分析。定量分析的主要结论为:东北三省普遍存在“强政府弱市场”现状,其中黑龙江省最为突出,其次为吉林省、辽宁省;东北三省“强政府弱市场”格局出现多次波动,仅2003~2005年降幅较高,说明2003年“东北振兴战略”影响效果的持续性较短;东北各地市“强政府弱市场”格局具有明显的区域溢出效应,格局较明显的区域主要集中在离中心城市或沿海口岸较远的黑龙江省北部以及辽宁省、吉林省的部分内陆城市。  相似文献   
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