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The field of astronomy dealing with comets is an important component of modern space investigations. This applies both to the study of physical, chemical, and evolutionary parameters and to the determination of connections between meteor showers and their parental bodies. This paper considers the isodensity analysis of Arend‐Roland, 45P/Honda, and Bennett comets using the measurements of photographic plates performed at Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory. On the basis of a software aimed at analyzing the brightness of digital images, structural models for three comets were developed. The isophotes of their nuclei, comas, and tails were determined as well. As the cometary nuclei are the elements of dynamical evolution and processes in the Solar Nebula, the study of a digital database on comets will allow refining the theory of their formation and evolution.  相似文献   
To assess the potential of small telescopes for high temporal resolution astrophysics, we observed the field of FRB 121102 repeating source of fast radio bursts (FRBs) on a 50‐cm D50 telescope of Ondřejov observatory, equipped with a fast frame rate electron‐multiplying charge coupling device (EMCCD) detector. In three nights of observations, we did not detect any optical flares from the source, which allows us to place an upper limit of 10 mJy for brightness of possible fast optical events on a time scale of 10 ms. We also characterize the apparent brightness stability of field stars on the same time scale in order to investigate the potential of such telescopes for detecting faint optical variability on a subsecond time scale.  相似文献   
遥感技术在腾冲西南地区地热资源研究预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用TM数据,对滇西腾冲西南地区进行地质构造解译,阐明了该区多地热活动的原因.通过对TM6波段热红外异常信息的提取,经构造解译与地热异常分布区的叠加分析,发现了该区地热富集的规律性,提出了地热田的遥感影像模式.据此,预测出腾冲西南地区62处水热活动Ⅰ级异常区.  相似文献   
氢原子钟具有较高的短期稳定度,将其作为主钟可在短期内产生高精度的本地时间信号.但氢钟存在频率漂移现象,导致其长期稳定度较差,从而影响本地时间的准确性.毫秒脉冲星自转高度稳定,借助于其长期稳定度高的特性,可定期实现对氢原子钟的频率驾驭,并对实时信号加以控制.首先分析了国际脉冲星计时阵(International Pulsar Timing Array,IPTA)第二批发布数据中四颗毫秒脉冲星的稳定度随时间的变化,同时采用哈达玛方差分析了中国科学院国家授时中心(National Time Service Center,NTSC)一台氢钟的频率稳定性能,最终给出了利用脉冲星驾驭氢原子钟频率的方法.  相似文献   
为解决常规射电望远镜归心测量工作耗时耗力的问题,引入GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)同步监测技术实现了一种针对射电望远镜参考点的无人值守监测方法.设计了针对GNSS靶标点观测数据的归算方法,包括数据匹配、数据检核以及后续精度评估等步骤,并对2018年佘山25-m射电VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)望远镜的GNSS靶标点实测数据开展了数据预处理、解析与归心解算等,证明了该方法的可行性.结果表明基于该方法,采用单日内部分(5%)数据(约7600个靶标点),所测定的VLBI望远镜参考点的点位形式精度可达3 mm.总结了针对射电望远镜采用GNSS开展无人值守归心测量先行试验中的一些经验教训,明确了利用该方法测量过程中应该注意的问题,为今后更高精度射电望远镜参考点无人值守归心监测提供重要参考.  相似文献   
为满足国内对应用大型通用光学望远镜在光学红外波段进行天文观测的需求, 中国计划建设一架12 m大口径光学红外望远镜(12-meter large aperture optical-infrared telescope, LOT). LOT对于中国天文界具有极其重要的意义, 将会在近红外波段实现共相. LOT的主镜将采用子镜拼接的方案, 由72块扇形子镜拼接而成, 并且中央部分有一块直径4.5m的圆形镜. 分析了采用扇形子镜拼接方案下LOT的共相误差, 提供了详细的共相误差理论推导过程, 并对包括3种子镜面外误差在内的误差源进行深入的单独模拟和综合模拟. 在共相波长为1μm的条件下, 当服从正态分布的倾斜误差的均方根值小于0.016primeprime或服从正态分布的活塞误差的均方根值小于42.5nm时, LOT的斯特列尔比大于0.8. 仿真结果对于采用共相拼接镜面主动光学的主镜在LOT中的应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   
社会的飞速发展对测绘工作提出了新的要求,数据的现势性、数据采集的快速性矛盾逐渐突出,传统的数据更新方法生产成本高,更新周期长,已不能满足社会高速发展的需要。探索一条快速、高效的数据更新方法迫在眉睫。该文全面介绍了利用全数字摄影测量方法对已有1:1万3D数字产品进行更新的方法和技巧,在很大程度上缩短了数据更新周期,降低了数据更新的成本,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
张鲁渝  张建民 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1902-1908
对Abdallah I.Husein等人提出的Monte Carlo搜索技术进行了改进;(1)增加了若干条几何合理性条件;(2)增加了防止节点重合的机制;(3)通过确定滑面段旋转角的上、下限,使其能够适用于上凸型滑面;(4)增加了节点数调整机制,以使搜索到的临界滑面更光滑。算例分析表明,改进后的算法不但保持了原方法的优点,而且更实用,临界滑面的自动搜索变得更为可靠与稳定,并将此算法纳入到自主研发的ZSlope边坡稳定分析软件中。  相似文献   
This paper describes a Monte Carlo simulation of type Ia supernova data. It was shown earlier that the data of SNe Ia might contain a possible correlation between the estimated luminosity distances and internal extinctions. This correlation was shown by different statistical investigations of the data. In order to remove observational biases (for example the effect of the detection limit of the observing instrument) and to test the reality of the effect found earlier we developed a simple routine which simulates extinction values, redshifts and absolute magnitudes for Ia supernovae. We pointed out that the correlation found earlier in the real data between the internal extinction and luminosity distance does not occur in the simulated sample. Furthermore, it became obvious that the detection limit of the observing devices used in supernova projects does not affect the far end of the redshift‐luminosity distance relationship of Ia supernovae. This result strengthens the earlier conclusions of the authors that SN Ia supernovae alone do not support the existence of dark energy. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Stellar radiation zones are the seat of meridional currents. This circulation has a strong impact on the transport of angular momentum and the mixing of chemicals that modify the evolution of stars. First, we recall in details the dynamical processes that are taking place in differentially rotating stellar radiation zones and the assumptions which are adopted for their modelling in stellar evolution. Then, we present our new results of numerical simulations which allow us to follow in 2D the secular hydrodynamics of rotating stars, assuming that anisotropic turbulence enforces a shellular rotation law and taking into account the transport of angular momentum by internal gravity waves. The different behaviors of the meridional circulation in function of the type of stars which is studied are discussed with their physical origin and their consequences on the transport of angular momentum and of chemicals. Finally, we show how this work is leading to a dynamical vision of the evolution of rotating stars from their birth to their death. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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