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Pyroclastic cones along the southwest coast of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawai'i, have a common structure: (a) an early formed circular outer rim 200–400 m in diameter composed mostly of scoria and lapilli, and (b) one or more later-formed inner rims composed almost exclusively of dense spatter. The spatter activity locally fed short lava flows that ponded within the outer rims. Based on various lines of evidence, these cones are littoral in origin: relationships between the cones and associated flows; the degassed nature of the pyroclasts; and (although not unequivocal) the position of the cones relative to known eruptive vent locations on Mauna Loa. Additional support for the littoral interpretation comes from their similarity to (smaller) littoral cones that have been observed forming during the ongoing Kilauea eruption. The structure of these Mauna Loa cones, however, contrasts with that of standard Hawaiian littoral cones in that there is (or once was) a complete circle of pyroclastic deposits. Furthermore, they are large even though associated with tubefed phoehoe flows instead of 'a'. The following origin is proposed: An initial flow of tube-fed phoehoe into the ocean built a lava delta with a base of hyaloclastite. Collapse of an inland portion of the active tube into the underlying wet hyaloclastites or a water-filled void allowed sufficient mixing of water and liquid lava to generate strong explosions. These explosions broke through the top of the flow and built up the outer scoria/lapilli rims on the solid carapace of the lava delta. Eventually, the supply of water diminished, the explosions declined in intensity to spattering, and the initial rim was filled with spatter and lava.  相似文献   
The scour and burial of conical frustums placed on a sandy bed under waves alone (WA) and combined flows (CF) conditions was investigated. The observations indicate that equilibrium burial depth is smaller than burial of other objects such as short cylinders laying on a sand bed under equivalent hydrodynamic conditions. Truncated cone offers less resistance to the flow field due to its more round shape when compared to a horizontally placed short cylinder characterized by sharp edges. A smaller disruption to the flow field translates to less turbulent intensity and to smaller sediment transport capacity of the flow around the object and less burial. The equilibrium burial depth shows a significantly weaker dependency on the Shields parameter than on the Keulegan-Carpenter number, contrary to the case of finite short cylinders. A new empirical predictor based on the relative strength of the wave to the wave plus current velocity, the Keulegan-Carpenter number, and the Shields parameter is proposed for estimating the equilibrium burial of truncated cones under combined flows. Both the Keulegan-Carpenter number and the Shields parameter determine the width of the scour hole around the cone. The former however, is the most dominant parameter influencing the length of the scour hole.  相似文献   
The northwest portion of the Tekonsha Moraine has traditionally been considered to be a product of, and composed of sediments from, the Lake Michigan Lobe. A recent study has also correlated till from the moraine with an exposure (Ganges till) along the shore of Lake Michigan. The results of this paper contradict those interpretations. Multiple lines of evidence—till fabrics, 7-Å/10-Å peak height ratios of clay minerals, indicator stones, morphology, and elevation relationships—indicate a Saginaw Lobe origin for the till and glaciofluvial sediments. Moreover, aerial photographs reveal the presence of ice-stagnation topography. The moraine is herein reinterpreted as a hummocky and pitted (collapsed) outwash plain/kame moraine. Given that this feature has long been considered a moraine, similar landforms in Michigan and elsewhere may be more common than heretofore recognized. [Key words: glacial geomorphology, Michigan, Quaternary, Tekonsha Moraine.]  相似文献   
Goat Paddock in northern Western Australia is a ~5 km-diameter impact crater of Eocene age excavated in gently dipping Proterozoic sandstones. Roughly radial gorges formed by post-impact erosion provide cross-sectional views of the wall and rim zone. The predominant structural theme is one of synclinal rim folding with broad zones in which bedrock strata were deformed by impact to steep, vertical and overturned attitudes. Impact breccia is found craterward of deformed bedrock, on top of it, and downdropped into fault troughs roughly concentric to the crater. The bedrock?–?breccia contact is sharp in some places and gradational in others. In at least one section, the entire mass of upturned bedrock and breccia was displaced radially over essentially undisturbed bedrock, as indicated by slickensides on the horizontal contact. Talus deposits are similar to breccia, but show rough size sorting and clast orientation that dips steeply craterward, indicating that the talus formed as slides down the oversteepened crater wall immediately after crater formation. Shatter cones in some clasts indicate that allogenic material is incorporated in these deposits. Suevite, characterised by ropy flow textures, and by microclasts of quartz with planar deformation features, planar fractures, and of vesiculated silica glass, was found overlying deformed bedrock at a point where the surface of the bedrock forms a nearly horizontal bench midway up the crater wall. The crater was at least partially filled by later sediments, represented by bedded conglomerate close to the crater wall grading inward to sand, silt and mudstone recovered by drillholes on the crater floor. Some of the talus and conglomerate occupy re-entrants in the crater walls, suggesting an original scalloped outline to the crater. Two drillholes, one central and one halfway to the wall, both reached brecciated sandstone after penetrating 210 m of lake sediments. Goat Paddock has a flat floor with no indication of a central uplift and a depth/diameter ratio of ~0.073. This crater form, coupled with the modification of the crater walls by slumping and the scalloped outline of the crater rim suggests that Goat Paddock bridges the two traditional classes of impact crater: simple and complex.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans and debris cones link two zones of the fluvial system (e.g. hillslope gully systems to stream channels; mountain catchment sediment source areas to main river systems or to sedimentary basins) and therefore have important coupling or buffering roles. These roles may be both functional and preservational. The functional role includes debris‐cone coupling, which controls sediment supply from hillslope gully systems to stream channels, influencing channel morphology. Coupling through larger alluvial fans, expressed by fanhead trenching, causes a distal shift in sedimentation zones, or when expressed by through‐fan trenching, causes complete sediment by‐pass. The preservational role stems from the fact that fans and cones are temporary sediment storage zones, and may preserve a record of source–area environmental change more sensitively than would sediments preserved further downsystem. Fan coupling mechanisms include distally‐induced coupling (basal scour, ‘toe cutting’, marginal incision) and proximally‐induced coupling (fanhead and midfan trenching). These mechanisms lead initially to partial coupling, either extending the immediate sediment source area to the stream system or shifting the focus of sedimentation distally. Complete coupling involves transmission of sediment from the feeder catchment through the fan environment into the downstream drainage or a sedimentary basin. The implications of coupling relate to downstream channel response, fan morphology, sedimentation patterns and vertical sedimentary sequences. Temporal and spatial scales of coupling are related, and with increasing scales the dominant controls shift from storm events to land cover to climatic and base‐level change and ultimately to the relationships between tectonics and accommodation space. Finally, future research challenges are identified. Modern dating techniques and sophisticated analysis of remotely sensed data can greatly improve our understanding of fan dynamics, and should lead to better cross‐scale integration between short‐term process‐based approaches and long‐term sedimentological applications, while maintaining high quality field‐based observations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Henry C. Halls   《Tectonophysics》2009,474(3-4):493-506
The 1850 Ma Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), considered to be a composite melt sheet of a major meteorite impact, has been deformed into an oval-shaped basin known as the Sudbury Structure. This paper explores to what extent this deformation has been communicated to the surrounding Archean basement around the northern margin of the SIC.Paleomagnetism of 2450 Ma Matachewan dykes and 1850 Ma impact breccia along a traverse, about 100 km-long and normal to strike of the contact between the SIC and the basement, suggests that the basement beneath the NW corner of the Sudbury Structure has been tilted to the SE within about 10 km of the contact. At this distance a possible fault separates the tilted region from one that shows no evidence of tilting. Petrographically the dykes out to a distance of about 50 km distant from the SIC are altered to upper greenschist facies of metamorphism with a fibrous amphibole replacing pyroxene and with loss of primary texture that characterizes less altered Matachewan dykes at distances greater than 50 km. The direction of magnetization found in the altered Matachewan dykes is an overprint which is probably associated with regional metamorphism related to orogenesis, or possibly with thermo-chemical alteration associated with SIC emplacement. The direction of the component is compatible with an age of about 1.8 to 1.9 Ga suggesting that the Penokean orogen is the most likely cause, if not the impact event. The paleomagnetism of the breccias, together with shatter cone orientation data, suggests that within 10 km of the SIC/basement contact, basement tilting to the southeast increases towards the SIC.  相似文献   
 An unspiked K–Ar dating method using a mass-fractionation correction procedure was applied to a Quaternary independent group of monogenetic volcanoes, Ojikajima Volcano Group, located in northwestern Kyushu in Southwest Japan, in order to clarify in detail secular variations in eruptive volume, locations of eruptive vents, and magma compositions in a single monogenetic volcano group. The major results were as follows: (a) K–Ar ages of monogenetic volcanoes distribute from 1.08 to 0.30 Ma, with voluminous peaks at approximately 1.0 and 0.6 Ma. (b) The volcanic activity commenced in the central part of the field, expanded to the whole field at approximately 0.6 Ma, and then shrank to the central area. (3) Concentrations of incompatible elements, such as Ba, K, and Nb, increase with decreasing age, whereas P, Y, and Zr concentrations remain constant. These concentrations suggest gradual decrease in the degree of partial melting from an identical mantle source with residual garnet. Received: 15 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 May 1998  相似文献   
The Croscat pyroclastic succession has been analysed to investigate the transition between different eruptive styles in basaltic monogenetic volcanoes, with particular emphasis on the role of phreatomagmatism in triggering Violent Strombolian eruptions. Croscat volcano, an 11 ka basaltic complex scoria cone in the Quaternary Garrotxa Volcanic Field (GVF) shows pyroclastic deposits related both to magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions.Lithofacies analysis, grain size distribution, chemical composition, glass shard morphologies, vesicularity, bubble-number density and crystallinity of the Croscat pyroclastic succession have been used to characterize the different eruptive styles. Eruptions at Croscat began with fissural Hawaiian-type fountaining that rapidly changed to eruption types transitional between Hawaiian and Strombolian from a central vent. A first phreatomagmatic phase occurred by the interaction between magma and water from a shallow aquifer system at the waning of the Hawaiian- and Strombolian-types stage. A Violent Strombolian explosion then occurred, producing a widespread (8 km2), voluminous tephra blanket. The related deposits are characterized by the presence of wood-shaped, highly vesicular scoriae. Glass-bearing xenoliths (buchites) are also present within the deposit. At the waning of the Violent Strombolian phase a second phreatomagmatic phase occurred, producing a second voluminous deposit dispersed over 8.4 km2. The eruption ended with a lava flow emission and consequent breaching of the western-side of the volcano. Our data suggest that the Croscat Violent Strombolian phase was related to the ascent of deeper, crystal-poor, highly vesicular magma under fast decompression rate. Particles and vesicles elongation and brittle failure observed in the wood-shaped clasts indicate that fragmentation during Violent Strombolian phase was enhanced by high strain-rate of the magma within the conduit.  相似文献   
Phreatomagmatic activity results from the interaction of magma and external water during a volcanic eruption and is a frequent eruptive phenomenon worldwide. Such ‘fuel-coolant’ reactions change the eruptive dynamics, thus generating particles that reflect the degree of explosivity. Different eruptive phases may thus be identified from deposits, allowing us to reconstruct conditions that prevailed in the past and use these to predict the level of explosivity in a given geological setting in the future.A detailed study of the deposits from Montaña Los Erales, a 70 m-high Quaternary cinder cone belonging to a rift-related chain of vents in the Bandas del Sur region, in Southeast Tenerife, was undertaken. Field observations on excavated sections and SEM analysis of tephra suggest that the eruption style changed progressively from an initial phreatomagmatic phase, through a transitional stage, to one that was entirely Strombolian. To investigate the causes and the nature of these changes in eruptive style, products from each major unit were analysed for their morphology using hand specimen observations, secondary electron microscopy, backscatter electron microscopy, and reflected light microscopy to examine fragment size variation, fragment morphologies, vesicularity, and the level of secondary hydrous alteration (e.g. palagonitisation and zeolitisation). Study results demonstrate that the initial phase of activity was largely driven by magma–water interaction, where magma may have interacted with a lens of fresh ground- or surface water. With proceeding eruptive activity the water became exhausted, giving rise to an entirely Strombolian eruptive style.Examples of phreatomagmatic activity that occur on typical rift-related basaltic vent alignments are not infrequent in the Canary Islands. These vent systems usually erupt in Strombolian fashion, producing scoria and lava flows that do not generally extend far beyond the vent area. However, aligned feeders may intersect different strata, structural features, and different hydrological situations, thus giving rise to activity that is less predictable in setting, intensity, and duration. The occurrence of phreatomagmatism in an otherwise low-explosivity basaltic eruptive environment increases the need for awareness of the geo-hydrological situation in volcanically active areas. Studying the past eruptive history is therefore essential to derive realistic scenarios for future vulnerability evaluation and risk assessment, especially in densely populated areas like the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
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