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在对养殖中国对虾和海捕中国对虾的类淋巴 器官进行组织培养时,发现迁出的细胞空泡化、细胞内颗粒较多。培养一周后由养殖中国对 虾类淋巴组织迁出的细胞开始大量脱落,而由海捕中国对虾类淋巴组织培养出的细胞可生长 30d左右。对未经培养的类淋巴组织及培养的类淋巴组织进行透射电镜观察,发现在养殖中 国对虾类淋巴组织的细胞中除了有球形病毒及球状和多面体状病毒包涵体外,在细胞质中还 含有大量类立克次氏体样原核生物,而且每个细胞中的类立克次氏体均由一单层膜包在一起 ;在海捕中国对虾类淋巴组织的细胞中也发现有球形病毒及球状病毒包涵体,另外还在少量 细胞中发现有类立克次氏体样原核生物存在。感染病毒的组织细胞呈现空泡化、核膜肿胀破 裂、核质固缩、高尔基体肿胀、线粒体嵴消失等病理变化。感染有类立克次氏体样原核生物 的细胞不同程度地呈现出细胞器消失、核染色质固缩等病理结构。  相似文献   
移动式测绘系统(MMS)已在交通管理、城市规划、地图更新、工程勘测、精准农业、战场测绘等领域广泛应用。本文在简要叙述MMS基本概念和主要功能的基础上,探讨了MMS的发展现状和应用方向,进而提出了当前发展MMS需要解决的关键技术,仅供参考。  相似文献   
阳江核电厂附近海域生物辐射影响评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着辐射防护理念的发展,环境中生物所受到的辐射影响日益引起人们的关注。本文使用ERICA项目中推荐的辐射影响评价方法,对阳江核电厂运行后对附近海域中海洋生物的辐射影响进行预测和评价。剂量率估算结果显示,阳江核电厂的液态放射性流出物对附近海域海洋生物造成的辐射剂量率不会超过7.47×10–3µGy.h–1,远低于国际上推荐的保护生物的辐射剂量率控制值,也低于本底辐射剂量率,因此,阳江核电厂正常运行后对附近海域中的海洋生物不会造成不利的辐射影响。  相似文献   
The effect of test panel submersion season on the colonization of biofouling communities in a tropical coast revealed that the effects of panel submersion time should be taken into consideration for modelling fouling community recruitment dynamics in coastal systems or during the field trials of antifouling coatings. Wooden test panels fitted onto a raft were submerged during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons for the development of the biofouling community. Results showed considerable variation in the colonization of fouling communities on test panels submerged during different seasons. Barnacles, tubeworms, ascidians and seaweeds were the major fouling communities that colonized the test panels. The total biomass of the fouling communities that settled on the post-monsoon season panels varied from the initial value of 2.72 g dm−2 to a maximum of 44.5 g dm−2. On the panels submerged during monsoon season, the total biomass of fouling communities varied between 0.78 g dm−2 and 69.9 g dm−2. The total fouling biomass on the pre-monsoon season panels varied between 2.95 and 33.5 g dm−2. Barnacles were the initial colonizers on the panels submerged during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Soft-bodied organisms such as ascidians dominated the monsoon season-initiated panel series during the initial period.  相似文献   
该文以提高车载激光扫描数据高程精度为出发点,分析了扫描数据的误差来源。该文提出多种控制点布设方案,以京沪高速部分路段激光扫描数据为例,统计并分析各个控制点布设方案改正结果,为以后车载激光数据外业控制点布设提供参考。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONClusters,definedasgeographicallyproximategroupsofinterconnectedcompaniesandassociatedinstitutionsinparticularfields,linkedbycommonalitiesandcomple-mentarities(PORTER,2000),havearousedanintenseinterestofurbanandregionalplanningresearchersandpolicymakersoverthepastdecades.Itiswidelyrecog-nizedthatclusterscanpromoteproductivityandinno-vation,developlocalcompetitiveadvantages.Popular-izedbyMichaelPORTERinhisbook“TheCompetitiveAdvantageofNationsin1990,theclusterisnotanewcon…  相似文献   
对应用荧光分光光度法测定海洋生物中还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量的方法进行了研究,并测定了分属于鱼、虾、贝、藻的10种海洋生物中谷胱甘肽的含量。利用邻苯二甲醛与GSH反应构成的荧光体系,在激发波长为365nm,发射波长为425nm的条件下,方法的回收率为99.22%~99.69%,变异系数为2.16%。应用此方法测得10种海洋生物中谷胱甘肽的含量为:红笛鲷(Lutjanussanguineus)0.399mg/g,银鲳(Pampusargenteus)0.352mg/g,大海鲢(Megalopscyrinoides)0.561mg/g,尖紫蛤(Sanguinolariaacuta)0.289mg/g,菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapesphilippinarun)0.287mg/g,墨吉对虾(Penaeusmerguiensis)0.892mg/g,凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeusvannamei)1.434mg/g,囊藻(Colpomeniasinu-ose)0.221mg/g,石莼(Ulvalactucal)0.727mg/g,马尾藻(Sargassummuticum)0.137mg/g。  相似文献   
分别于2000年4月、2001年4月和2002年8月对珠江河口水域海洋经济动物体内Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd四种重金属元素的含量进行了调查分析,结果表明,14种经济动物体肌肉Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn各元素的平均含量分别是0.08、2.67、0.05、5.69mg·kg~(-1),其变化范围为nd~0.46mg·kg~(-1)、0.24~11.85mg·kg~(-1)、nd~0.26mg·kg~(-1)、1.55~18.36mg·kg~(-1)。甲壳类与头足类生物体内铜铅锌镉含量比较接近,远远高于鱼类的含量。所检测的14种经济类海洋动物中,虾姑、乌贼Cu的含量高于其余三种元素的含量,其余12种生物Zn的含量比另三种元素含量高。三次调查该水域经济类海洋动物体铜铅锌镉的含量基本一致。与水产品中有毒有害物质限量标准比较,14种被测样品铜、铅和镉的含量全部符合该标准的要求。  相似文献   
研究了壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚及其降解产物 4 壬基酚对水生生物的毒理效应。结果表明 ,壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚和 4 壬基酚对水生生态系统中的各级生物都有一定的急性毒性 ,水生生物对这 2种化合物的敏感性顺序为 :枝角类 >鱼类 >藻类 >微生物 ,且 4 壬基酚的毒性程度较壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚更强。Ames试验同时表明 4 壬基酚具有致突变性 ,而壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚则不显致突变活性。建议这 2种物质在水环境中的允许浓度为 :ρ(4 壬基酚 )≤ 0 .0 14mg/L ;ρ(壬基酚聚氧乙烯 (10 )醚 )≤ 0 .6 0mg/L。  相似文献   
Study on the coagulation of four species of red tide organisms(Nitzschia pungens,Skeletonema costatum,Prorocentrum minimum and Noctiluca scintillans)with montmorillonite,and the effect ofmontmorillonite pretreatment on the coagulation shows that the capability for montmorillonite to coagu-late with them is in the order:N.pungens>S.costatum>P.minimum>N.scintillans.Thecoagulation is discussed from the aspects of the structure,shape,size,movement,habit,etc.of differ-ent species and the results are explained theoretically.The experimental results also indicate that the treat-ment of montmorillonite with acid can enhance its coagulating capability.This is due to the fact that Al(OH_2)_6~(+3),exchanged from the clay lattice by hydrogen ion H~+,forms hydroxy-aluminum polymers on thesurface of the montmorillonite.The hydroxy-aluminum polymers positively charge and increase the positivecharacteristic of the clay surface,and also serves as a bridge between adjacent surfaces of particles.Thesetwo functions enhance  相似文献   
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