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李歆 《四川测绘》2009,32(4):159-164
本文提出了基于SOA开发电力地理信息系统的思路和方法,在分析用户需求的基础上设计了电力地理信息系统框架,构建了一个电力地理信息系统原型。  相似文献   
社区是城市细胞和基层单位,其防灾减灾能力建设对构建城市安全体系有着极其重要的作用。本文借助于熵权-灰靶模型和GIS叠置分析技术进行社区减灾能力综合评价方法研究,首先从灾害风险评估能力、救援与保障能力等6个方面构建起包含30个二级指标的社区减灾能力评价指标体系。经过指标序列的影响空间和标准模式的构建、灰靶变换和靶心度分级,进行社区减灾能力分级评价。以苏州新区作为案例分析研究区,借助于ArcMap10.2软件得到该区域的社区减灾能力空间分布特征图。分析结果表明,研究区社区减灾能力总体上呈现东区较好,西区较弱,区域内社区减灾能力建设不平衡特征。研究区各街道和社区的灾害风险评估能力和灾害管理能力较好,工程防御能力总体分布不均衡,经济基础支撑能力、救援与保障能力、公众认知能力较差,说明社区综合减灾能力不足,今后应从单纯依赖减灾示范社区建设转变为加强社区综合减灾能力的内涵建设。  相似文献   
张峰  李四海  刘金 《海洋测绘》2008,28(3):68-71
在船舶监控系统中应用3S技术,实现了船只航迹线的动态绘制,系统能够根据船只航行方向动态显示航行轨迹,程序开发过程中涉及到偏转角度算法和距离插值两个核心算法。实践表明,这两个算法的合理应用,在航迹线可视化表现方面取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
Remote sensing technology has been widely recognized for contributing to emergency response efforts after the World Trade Center attack on September 11th, 2001. The need to coordinate activities in the midst of a dense, yet relatively small area, made the combination of imagery and mapped data strategically useful. This paper reviews the role played by aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LIDAR data at Ground Zero. It examines how emergency managers utilized these datasets, and identifies significant problems that were encountered. It goes on to explore additional ways in which imagery could have been used, while presenting recommendations for more effective use in future disasters and Homeland Security applications. To plan adequately for future events, it was important to capture knowledge from individuals who responded to the World Trade Center attack. In recognition, interviews with key emergency management and geographic information system (GIS) personnel provide the basis of this paper. Successful techniques should not be forgotten, or serious problems dismissed. Although widely used after September 11th, it is important to recognize that with better planning, remote sensing and GIS could have played an even greater role. Together with a data acquisition timeline, an expanded discussion of these issues is available in the MCEER/NSF report “Emergency Response in the Wake of the World Trade Center Attack; The Remote Sensing Perspective” (Huyck and Adams, 2002)  相似文献   
通过对实时地震仪的数据采集,和新开发的地面运动参数和期望的震动烈度值之间的关系,美国已经实现了仪器地面运动和震动烈度图的快速(3~5min)产出。整个南加州震动值的估计是通过空间测量的地面运动的插值来完成的;插值是基于频率和依赖于振幅的台站修正的。震动图的产出是自动的;通过在南加州的重大地震来触发。通过因特网,公众和科学用途的震动图可以在几分钟内得到;对于紧急响应机构和应急用户,通过数据通信专线可以快速得到这些图。  相似文献   
Maps of soil response for the city of Barcelona have been for the first time obtained through a GIS environment that integrates the different procedures for soil response estimation within a single tool. These maps constitute part of the results of the local scale application of the computer prototype for seismic risk assessment that was developed within the European project SERGISAI. The approach involves: collection of available data relevant to local geology, implementation of geotechnical models, estimation of the reference seismic action, generation of synthetic strong-motion time histories, and soil response calculation through 1D analytical method. The resulting predictive hazard maps of predominant period and amplification ratio delineate potential variations on ground shaking and constitute a first approximation towards an integrated approach to Barcelona urban area microzonation. Analysis of the observed differences, when comparing the analytical results in this study with previous empirical studies, provides a useful feedback to establish site dependence suitability and reliability of methods, to extract information on at-present inaccessible parameters needed for the characterisation of physical properties of soil, and also to delimit those areas where further in-depth survey research is needed for a proper seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   
通过对苍梧县各个镇低温冷害的分析,找出影响苍梧县砂糖桔生产的4个气候关键因子,通过归一化方法和加权综合评价法分析,利用地理信息系统(GIS)绘制出苍梧县砂糖桔低温冷害风险区划专题图.区划图明确分出苍梧县低温冷害的低风险区、次低风险区、中等风险区、次高风险区和高风险区.在此基础上,针对各风险区域进行了分析与评述,特别指出了防御低温冷害的措施,为苍梧县砂糖桔生产趋利避害和优化布局提供科学决策依据.  相似文献   
加速9202工程建设促进我国地理信息产业的发展张清浦,张家庆(中国测绘科学研究院)一、9202工程的预期目标“国务院综合国情地理信息系统”(简称92021程)是由国家测绘局和国务院办公厅秘书局联合研建的用于国务院领导进行宏观分析决策的多要素、多层次、...  相似文献   
简述GIS在港口、航道疏浚工程中的应用及其功能设计,介绍疏浚过程的土层剖面形成及基于水深测量数据的断面叠加功能.  相似文献   
以地理信息系统为技术支持,结合在线监测技术,在VB环境下利用MapObjects控件进行二次开发建立了污水管网信息系统。该系统能对污染源排污状况及污水管网运行状况进行实时监控,是城市污水管网运行管理强有力的工具。  相似文献   
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