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Various studies have revealed high concentrations of contaminants such as organochlorines (OCs) and heavy metals in Mediterranean cetaceans. A geographical trend of contamination (PCBs and DDTs) has been found for striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). In this study we used a non-lethal approach (skin biopsy) to investigate bioaccumulation of OCs, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb) and CYP1A activity (BPMO) in nine striped dolphins sampled in the Aeolian area (Sicily – Italy) in summer 2002. The arithmetic mean value of BPMO activity in this group was 43.46 AUF/g tissue/h. This value is approximately 3 times and 5 times lower, respectively, than the value found in the Ionian and in the Ligurian groups. Skin biopsies of striped dolphins emerged as a suitable material for assessing the toxicological status of the various Mediterranean groups.  相似文献   
Abstract. The estuarine ecosystem of the Amvrakikos Gulf, a semi-enclosed embayment of the Ionian Sea, was surveyed at 9 stations in June, 1980. Quantitative and qualitative relationships among the phytoplanktonic, zooplanktonic and benthic populations were examined and related to environmental parameters. It was found that quantitative maxima of each of the three components occurred at different stations. When stations were grouped according to a similarity index of each community, it could be shown that the stations were very similar with regard to phytoplankton and slightly less similar with regard to zooplankton. The stations differed considerably as far as the benthos is concerned. The phytoplankton also exhibited a lower species diversity (0.08-0.82 bits-indiv.-1) than the zooplankton (1.08-2.10 bits indiv.-1) and the benthos (0.85-5.06 bits indiv.-1). Differences in salinity among stations showed no significant correlation with the abundance or species diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton or benthos.  相似文献   
The impact of fish farming facilities on Posidonia oceanica meadows was assessed from studies of intensive facilities carried out over the last few years. The disturbances caused by these fish farms were measured by means of both abiotic (light, sediment, interstitial water) and biotic variables (meadow density, leaf biometry, lepidochronology, primary production, epiphytes, reserve carbohydrates in the rhizomes), in function of increasing distance from cages and/or inside a geographically close reference site. The results showed significant degradation of these seagrass meadows in all the sectors investigated. When fish farming cages were placed above a P. oceanica bed, the meadow was severely degraded or disappeared and the sediment showed a strong increase in organic matter that could lead to anoxia phenomena. The irreversible impact of fish farming projects on P. oceanica meadows requires the application of the precautionary principle. Several recommendations (site selection, preliminary studies and monitoring over time) are suggested in order to enable piscicultural activities to be incorporated in a global process of Integrated Coastal Zone Management.  相似文献   
In time, the circulation of the Atlantic Water (AW) in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea has been described differently, according to two major representations. The historical one, which began with the scheme from Nielsen in 1912 and has been refined up to the 1980s, favours a counterclockwise circulation in the whole basin, with AW flowing in its southern part as a broad flow off Libya and Egypt (from the Ionian to the Levantine subbasins), then continuing along Middle-East and Turkey before flowing back westwards. The more recent one, issued in the 1990s, favours a clockwise circulation in the northern part of the Ionian continuing offshore across the basin from the Cretan to the central part of the Levantine as the so-called “Mid-Mediterranean Jet”. This jet is depicted then as splitting both clockwise in the southeastern part of the basin and counterclockwise off Turkey (where this representation agrees with the former). Because the recent representation cannot be considered as a refinement of the historical ones, we have been interested in understanding why a given data set available to everybody is interpreted in such different ways.In the Algerian subbasin, the combined use of satellite infrared images and a significant amount of in situ data sets (hydrology and both Eulerian and Lagrangian current measurements) allowed us to solve a similar controversy. Therefore, we examined the circulation features in the eastern basin, undertaking the detailed analysis of 1000 daily and weekly composite images spanning the period 1996–2000, and of monthly composite images available since 1985. Whenever in situ observations were available, we have confronted them with the satellite thermal signatures and have shown that both are consistent. This paper focuses on the overall (basin scale) results while the detailed ones are published in an other paper. The new scheme we propose is basically a refined version of the historical ones: the circulation of AW is counterclockwise in the whole eastern basin but it is more constrained alongslope than previously thought, and the broadening historically schematised appears to be due to intense mesoscale eddies mainly generated by the instability of this circulation.  相似文献   
Elkhorn Slough is a small estuary in Central California, where nutrient inputs are dominated by runoff from agricultural row crops, a golf course, and residential development. We examined the variability in nutrient concentrations from decadal to hourly time scales in Elkhorn Slough to compare forcing by physical and biological factors. Hourly data were collected using in situ nitrate analyzers and water quality data sondes, and two decades of monthly monitoring data were analyzed. Nutrient concentrations increased from the mid 1970s to 1990s as pastures and woodlands were converted to row crops and population increased in the watershed. Climatic variability was also a significant factor controlling interannual nutrient variability, with higher nutrient concentrations during wet than drought years. Elkhorn Slough has a Mediterranean climate with dry and rainy seasons. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations were relatively low (10–70 μmol L−1) during the dry season and high (20–160 μmol L−1) during the rainy season. Dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations showed the inverse pattern, with higher concentrations during the dry season. Pulsed runoff events were a consistent feature controlling nitrate concentrations during the rainy season. Peak nitrate concentrations lagged runoff events by 1 to 6 days. Tidal exchange with Monterey Bay was also an important process controlling nutrient concentrations, particularly near the mouth of the Slough. Biological processes had the greatest effect on nitrate concentrations during the dry season and were less important during the rainy season. While primary production was enhanced by nutrient pulses, chlorophyll a concentrations were not. We believe that the generally weak biological response compared to the strong physical forcing in Elkhorn Slough occurred because the short residence time and tidal mixing rapidly diluted nutrient pulses.  相似文献   
The present study is a mesoscale analysis of latitude and depth related trends in abundance, biomass and body size of the four grenadier species Caelorinchus caelorhincus, Hymenocephalus italicus, Nezumia aequalis and Trachyrinchus scabrus inhabiting the deep western Mediterranean. We have analysed data from seven annual bottom trawl surveys, carried out down to 800 m depth along the Iberian Mediterranean coast covering a distance of approximately 1200 km. The objectives were to establish general patterns in the mesoscale distribution of abundance, biomass and body size of deep-water grenadier fishes and also analyse the consistency of the bathymetric distribution of these parameters along a large latitudinal gradient. Five complementary series of analyses have been completed. The first focussed on describing the general patterns of abundance and size by correspondence canonical analysis, CCA, in the area. The second and third series focussed on the existence of temporal, geographical and bathymetric trends of abundance, weight and mean size by analysis of covariance, ANCOVA and multiple regression analysis. The fourth series compared the frequency distributions of body length. Finally, the last series focussed on the patterns of abundance versus size. The total number of individuals of all four grenadier species captured in 260 bottom trawls amounted to 27,435 and their weight was 1404 kg. No general trends for the four species have been observed between years. All four species showed a general pattern of increasing size with depth, which, except in the case of C. caelorhincus, was consistent along a large latitudinal gradient. Nezumia aequalis was unique in showing the same noticeable trend of increasing abundance with depth along the entire latitudinal range, but with clear differences in the intercepts. The abundance of N. aequalis and C. caelorhincus decreased significantly northwards. Hymenocephalus italicus was the least abundant species and had a homogeneous distribution without any specific trend along the entire latitudinal range analysed. The distribution of T. scabrus in the Mediterranean seemed to be more localised. Higher abundances were found to the north and south of the latitudinal gradient with lower values between. The grenadiers studied also showed a general trend of decreasing mean size northwards, except in the case of the smallest species, H. italicus. The relation between abundance and body size differed between sectors for the whole grenadier population and species-specific variations were also observed. The relationship between individual body mass and population density fit well to a second-order polynomial function rather than to a linear regression, showing a significant trend for density to increase with increasing size until some mid-point, then to decline with increasing size thereafter. The observed latitudinal gradient in the distribution patterns of grenadiers along the upper slope of the western Mediterranean can be discussed in relation to direct and indirect factors of biogeographic, environmental and anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) concentration in the atmospheric aerosol was measured at a northwestern Mediterranean coastal site. Airborne P ranged between 25 and 85 ng m(-3) (geometric mean: 51 ng m(-3)). Due to a significant contribution (about 90%) of anthropogenic land-based source emissions, dry deposition velocities of 0.1-0.5 cm s(-1) were used to estimate a dry flux of 0.15-0.7 micromol P m(-2) day(-1). The theoretical impact of the dry flux on primary production (0.1-0.4 mg C m(-2) day(-1)) is 50-200-fold lower than that of a single significant wet event. The incineration plant of the Nice district is identified as a possible major source of airborne anthropogenic P. As the implementation of waste plants is currently expanding along the western European shores, the importance of the P atmospheric source to the western Mediterranean is likely to increase with time.  相似文献   
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