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The premise of hydraulic fracturing is to have an accurate and detailed understanding of the rock mechanical properties and fracture propagation law of shale reservoirs. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation of the mechanical properties of the shale oil reservoir in the south of Songliao Basin is carried out. Based on the experiments and the in-situ stress analysis, the fracture propagation law of three types of shale reservoirs is obtained, and the suggestions for fracturing are put forward. The results have shown that the fracture propagation of pure shale and low mature reservoir is easy to open along the bedding plane under compression loading, which is greatly influenced by the bedding. Sand-bearing shale is slightly better, the fractures of which are not easy to open along the bedding plane. The mechanical experimental results show that all the samples have the characteristics of low compressive strength, low Young''s modulus and strong anisotropy, indicating that the shale oil reservoir is certain plastic, which is related to its high clay mineral content and controlled by the bedding development. Compared with pure shale and low mature shale, the sand-bearing shale has less clay content and less developed bedding, which maybe the main reason for its slightly better brittleness. Overall, the expansion of hydraulic fracture is controlled by in-situ stress and bedding. Because of the development of bedding, it is easy to form horizontal fractures. Thus it is not suitable for horizontal well fracturing. Because of the high content of clay minerals, the applicability of conventional slick hydraulic fracturing fluid is poor. It is suggested to use vertical well or directional well to carry out volume fracturing. In this way, the effect of bedding can be effectively used to open and connect the bedding and form a larger fracture network.  相似文献   
To investigate the evolution of any processes on planetary surfaces in the outer Solar System, the rheological properties of non-water ices were studied by means of a sound velocity measurement system and a uniaxial deformation apparatus. A pulse transmission method was used to obtain longitudinal (Vp) and transverse (Vs) wave velocities through solid nitrogen and methane at temperatures ranging from 5 to 64 K and from 5 to 90 K, respectively. The measured velocities confirmed that the solid methane and solid nitrogen samples were non-porous polycrystalline samples without any cracks and bubbles inside. Compression tests at constant strain-rate were performed for solid nitrogen and methane at temperatures of 5-56 K and 5-77 K, respectively, at strain-rates of 10−4-10−2 s−1. Both brittle and ductile behavior was observed for solid nitrogen and methane under these conditions. The maximum strength of solid nitrogen was observed to be 9 MPa in the brittle failure mode, and that of solid methane was 10 MPa. These low strengths cannot support cantaloupe structures with the topographic undulation larger than several kilometers found on Triton’s surface, suggesting that other materials such as H2O ice could underlay solid methane and nitrogen and support these structures.  相似文献   
Porosity is one of the most important physical properties in the rheology of small icy satellites composed of ice–silicate mixtures. Deformation experiments involving ice and 1 μm silica bead mixtures were conducted to clarify the effect of porosity on the flow law of ice–silica mixtures. Mixtures with silica mass contents of 0, 30, and 50 wt.% were used for the experiments, and the porosity was changed from 0% to 25% in each mixture. The temperature ranged from −10 to −20 °C, and the strain rate was changed from 1.2 × 10−6 to 4.2 × 10−4 s−1. As a result, it was found that the ice–silica mixtures deformed plastically, and that the relationship between the maximum stress, σmax, on the stress–strain curve and the applied strain rate, , could be described by the following flow law: . The mixture became softer as the porosity or silica mass content increased, and the stress exponent n and activation energy Q were independent of porosity, depending only on the silica mass content. Furthermore, the parameter A0 could be written as A0 = B(1 − ?)α, where ? is the porosity. The constants B and α also depended only on the silica mass content, and they increased with the increase in this content. The Maxwell relaxation time was calculated in order to estimate the conditions for topographic relaxation of icy satellites, and it was found that topographic relaxation occurred at temperatures higher than 160 K in the case of icy satellites with mean radii of 200 km.  相似文献   
工程开挖卸荷后岩体参数研究一直是工程界关注的焦点,是稳定性评价的基础性工作。本文以锦屏地下厂房开挖工程为背景,通过对上下游边墙不同桩号段开挖揭露的岩体进行工程地质岩组划分,进行了开挖后岩体质量评价并对其进行分类,通过在GSI(Geological Strength Index)评价体系中引入Jv(节理数/m3),使评价体系相对合理化,经回归分析,对不同风化程度的岩体进行了力学参数求解,发现内聚力及内摩擦角的计算值与建议值吻合较好。  相似文献   
杨建军 《岩石学报》2015,31(9):2465-2476
近六十多年来,关于造山带高压变质作用发生的原因一直存在争议。当前的主流观点认为高压变质岩形成于俯冲带深部以后折返到地壳。虽然早就认识到蓝片岩相变质作用总是与逆冲断裂相伴并且变质压力朝着冲断面增高,而标志地震的榴辉岩相假玄武玻璃也已经发现了二十多年,但是一般认为断裂或剪切带的作用只是引进流体促进深部岩石的变质反应。几年前,苏文辉等人(Su et al., 2006)通过实验演示了石英经过非晶化可以在柯石英稳定的压力下迅速转变为柯石英,提出无需深俯冲,浅源地震即可形成柯石英。本文介绍笔者等人对中国苏鲁超高压变质带仰口榴辉岩的部分工作结果,从地质观察角度为这一论点提供证据。例如,粒间柯石英仅出现在榴辉岩相角砾岩的角砾而非胶结物中,它必须在相当于地震的时间尺度快速降压冷却才能得以保存。变辉长岩中的榴辉岩相碎裂岩脉也记录了应力导致的瞬时高压和高温。角砾岩和碎裂岩中包含大量高压矿物的石榴石和针状蓝晶石以及局部出现的"显微花岗岩"都是类似地震熔体淬火的结果。它们指示震后高压矿物没有再生长。而如果地震发生在深部,流体浸入后矿物应当在高压下持续结晶,从而消除淬火结构。碎裂岩脉中星散的铬铁矿微粒极可能是附近超镁铁岩通过断裂迸溅进入基性岩的,是地震中不同岩石机械混合的证据;环绕它们的富铬榴辉岩矿物记录着一次无可争议的瞬时高压结晶事件。碎裂岩脉相对围岩更缺乏流体的事实反映应力而非流体在高压相变中的关键作用。榴辉岩相角砾岩和碎裂岩脉形成的时间尺度太小,来不及完成俯冲和折返过程。它们更可能是辉长岩在地壳原地因地震波引起的高压发生了榴辉岩化作用。目前的地震力学模型不能导出高压相变所需要的压力,只是因为建立模型时没有考虑涉及高压相变的地震。需要强调的是,假说或理论需要观察事实的检验而不是相反。已有资料显示,瞬时熔融和非晶化可能是震击高压相变的路径。  相似文献   
常成  罗纲 《地球物理学报》2022,65(8):3006-3024

在斑岩成矿系统中, 岩浆侵入体顶部广泛发育了破裂系统.这些破裂既是导矿流体通道, 也是多种矿体赋存的重要空间, 即成矿空间或容矿空间.然而, 该破裂系统形成的力学机制与原因还缺乏细致、深入的研究.本文开发了一个概念性的热-孔隙流体-应力应变耦合(thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled)的二维平面应变有限元模型, 并模拟了斑岩成矿系统的温度、应力、应变、孔隙流体压力的演化及岩浆侵入体周围的破裂形成过程.模型结果显示柱状高温岩浆侵入围岩的热作用导致了围岩中三个有效主应力的变化, 但它们增加或减小的幅度不同, 从而导致了差应力或偏应力在侵入岩体顶部及其与围岩接触带的集中.对于具有较高渗透率顶层的斑岩成矿系统, 这种在侵入岩体周边的差应力或偏应力集中, 最终导致了侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的发育以及岩体与围岩接触带中破裂的发育; 而孔隙流体压力对侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的形成与演化也具有一定的辅助作用.最后, 本文将这个概念性模型应用到青藏甲玛斑岩铜多金属成矿系统, 模拟了甲玛斑岩矿床顶部破裂系统的形成与发育, 模型结果与甲玛矿床的斑岩及角岩矿体的容矿破裂分布一致.本研究为斑岩成矿系统中破裂的产生及其导矿构造、容矿空间的形成和发育提供了力学解释, 也对矿产的勘探与开发有着科学指导意义.

植物固土护坡效应的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来由于自然环境变化和人类工程实践活动的影响,水土流失、滑坡等地质灾害发生的概率逐年提高,这些灾害的发生为当地人们的生产、生活带来了一定程度的危害。利用植物固土护坡方法可有效防治上述地质灾害的发生。植物固土护坡效应主要表现在水文效应和力学效应两方面。水文效应包括植物茎叶的降雨截留作用,植物茎叶削弱雨滴溅蚀作用,植物茎叶及其腐殖质抑制地表径流作用; 力学效应包括须状根系的加筋作用、主直根系的锚固作用和水平根系的牵拉作用等。本文着重探讨了植物护坡表现在水文效应和力学效应两方面的研究现状及其发展趋势。其中,在水文效应方面,对植物茎叶降雨截留及削弱溅蚀等进行了着重探讨; 对于力学效应着重探讨了根系增强土体抗剪强度理论模型、根-土相互作用、植物固土护坡力学效应数值模拟等。在上述基础上,指出了植物固土护坡效应发展趋势,即体现在水文效应方面,需开展大气-土体-植物水分迁移对边坡稳定性影响研究; 根-土复合体强度理论模型方面,进一步探讨Wu-Waldron-Model模型和Fiber-Bundle-Model模型所适用的工况条件; 数值模拟方面,需进一步探讨在建立计算模型时应系统考虑植物根型特征、根系强度等诸因素以及这些因素对计算结果的影响; 在工程实践方面,进一步开展植物护坡方法在边坡工程中的应用,探索植物护坡在不同地质、气候和区域环境条件下的应用与维护,使植物固土护坡效应体现出水文效应、力学效应、景观效应的有机结合。  相似文献   
皖江地区广泛分布着深厚河流相软土,对区域工程建设造成一定的影响。本文以皖江芜湖平原区软土为研究对象,包括长江冲积软土以及青弋江冲积软土,探索不同沉积环境对软土力学性能影响。通过对区域深厚软土钻探取样进行土工试验,结合现场原位试验,统计其力学性能差异;对区内深厚软土取样进行第四系沉积环境分析,主要通过粒度试验,建立沉积环境与力学性能物理联系。研究结果表明青弋江冲积软土较长江冲积软土有较高的强度、较低的压缩性。长江冲积平原区水动力较强,局部存在粉细砂夹层,沉积环境较动荡;而青弋江冲积平原区水动力较稳定,沉积环境平稳。本文结合工程地质学与第四纪地质学分析,提出河流相沉积环境对软土力学性能影响,建立力学性能与沉积环境之间物理联系。为皖江软土地区工程建设提供依据。  相似文献   
宋成辉  李晓 《工程地质学报》2007,15(S2):242-245
根据某高速公路隧道岩体地质结构模型,利用3DEC分析了该隧道岩体的尺寸效应以及外部荷载作用方向效应,在考虑了岩体的尺寸效应以及外部荷载作用方向效应的基础上,模拟岩体的单轴和三轴抗压试验,计算该隧道岩体的力学参数,体现了岩体力学参数是岩石、结构及环境3个因素的综合。该方法为利用3DEC分析岩体力学参数提供了范例。  相似文献   
为研究大断面矩形管廊顶进反力对后背墙体系的影响,以北京市通州区畅和西路综合管廊项目为工程背景,采用ABAQUS软件建立顶管始发井后背墙体系的仿真模型,结合管廊顶进全过程中顶力监测数据对后背墙反向施加千斤顶顶推力,对不同顶进阶段中后背体系及周围土层的受力和变形情况进行了分析。数值模拟结果表明:在反力作用下,加载区后背土体水平位移随深度的增加,先增大后减小,前壁土体水平位移随深度的增加,逐渐减小;井周地表土体随距井周距离的增大,水平位移逐渐减小,且在加固区范围内,土体位移下降显著,而竖向位移无明显变化;加载区后背土压力增大,整体小于被动土压力,大于静止土压力,前壁土压力减小,整体小于静止土压力,大于主动土压力;加载中心处土体反力和位移随着顶力的增加呈线性变化趋势;始发井不同位置混凝土支撑受反力作用影响显著。  相似文献   
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