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基于30省区CGE模型,模拟分析了碳排放许可的强度分配标准对我国区域协调发展的影响。结果表明:按行业属性设定强度分配标准会加剧区域经济发展不平衡状况;按区域经济发展水平设定强度分配标准,对区域协调发展的影响较小,但会对高排放行业造成较大的冲击。中央政府基于强度分配标准,参考区域经济发展水平,将碳排放许可分配到各个省份,然后各个省份再参考行业特点将碳排放许可分配给机制覆盖行业的实体或排放源,这样的两阶段分配结构是较为现实的、具有可操作性的政策选择。  相似文献   
撞击地层学及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张华 《地球科学进展》2005,20(9):961-969
地质历史中的地外物体撞击地球事件可在撞击点、近源区和远源区分别形成撞击坑熔融岩体、近源溅射岩席及海啸沉积和远源溅射层等一系列撞击地层层序。撞击地层有其独特的物理学和化学特征,与正常沉积作用、火山喷发和板块碰撞等成因的地层显然有别。通过对撞击地层层序的时空变化、所包含的撞击成因矿物、撞击微球粒和微玻璃陨石以及古生物和地球化学异常等的研究,可以了解撞击事件的发生频率、幅度和撞击天体的性质等,也为探索生物和地球环境的灾难性变化及其起因提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
A system to record digitised echo information from echo sounders has been developed as part of a project to improve methods of estimating the abundance of fish stocks around New Zealand. The depth of echoes appearing at the echo‐sounder receiver is determined, followed by a sequence of samples of the echo envelope defining its shape. All data are digitised and recorded on a seven‐track digital magnetic tape recorder. The system is designed to preserve as much information about the echoes as possible. In contrast to other published systems designed to either “count” or “integrate” fish echoes, this system allows free choice of methods of analysis.  相似文献   
基于能量平衡的原理,采用冻土弯曲断裂试验模型,根据不同深度的冻胀量、冻深与时间变化规律,严格控制试样制作及试验时的温度,对原状冻土进行了断裂韧度测试试验。得出Ⅰ型直裂纹试样的 和 值,从而为原状冻土的非线性断裂破坏问题的研究进行了有意义的尝试,拓宽了思路。  相似文献   
Prominent longitudinal features are often reported on the surfaces of mass movement deposits. However, the genesis and implications of these have not hitherto been considered, and herein we present preliminary observations of their occurrence both in the field and in the laboratory. Elongated ridges are often oriented (sub-) parallel to the flow direction and aligned radially from the source due to debris spreading. They are particularly prominent in large (> 106m3) rock avalanches emplaced onto deformable substrates and are also found in the proximal reaches of volcanic debris avalanches. Flowbands, which are longer and thinner expressions of longitudinal ridges, are continuous along the entire flow length and are observed in rock avalanches emplaced onto glaciers, in snow and some ice avalanches, in pyroclastic flows and some block-and-ash flows, in ejecta sheets, in extraterrestrial landslides, and in some volcanic debris avalanches. Other volcanic debris avalanches and the distal areas of rock avalanches often display hummocks that are aligned radially from the source; we propose that these aligned hummocks are remnants of longitudinal ridges. The formation of elongate ridges (and their expressions as flowbands, aligned hummocks, or distal lobes and digits) in qualitatively-similar fashion in both laboratory and field environments suggests they represent an intrinsic tendency of granular flows in a wide range of situations.  相似文献   
研究城市主导功能影响下区域碳平衡时空分异,有助于理解城市功能格局与碳循环过程之间的作用机制。本研究以厦门市6个区为例,采用各区历史统计数据以及卫星影像处理的土地利用数据,通过构建简化的区域碳收支计算模型,核算各行政区不同历史时期的碳平衡,结果表明:厦门市整体上呈现碳收支失衡逐渐加剧的趋势,2003年CO2排放量是吸收量的1.91倍,2013年增长至7.44倍;各区碳代谢以及碳平衡表现出不同的时空分异特征。结合厦门市城市建设总体规划中制订的主导功能分类,阐明主导功能影响下时空分异的社会经济、自然景观等驱动因素对城市碳平衡时空变化的影响机制与过程。在此基础上针对各区不同的碳平衡状况,制订适应各自主导功能的减排以及碳补偿政策。研究有助于直接服务城市的规划和建设实践,从城市生态服务角度指导建设规划,合理城市功能分区。  相似文献   
Tectonics and climate are usually seen as the main controlling factors of denudation rates, which seem to rise with the tectonic activity and to decrease when the climate becomes drier. However, the low denudation rates observed in semi‐arid to arid contexts are generally measured on orogenic plateaus where the respective influence of the flat relief and the dry climate cannot really be unravelled. The Chinese Tian Shan was chosen as a case study. In the northern piedmont of this mountain range, a series of well‐preserved Quaternary alluvial fans offer the opportunity to perform a mass balance study at the scale of several catchment areas and several hundreds of thousands of years. Based on a geometrical reconstruction of these fans, the volumes of sediments exported out of 10 drainage basins during the Middle–Late Pleistocene (from ~300 to ~12 kyr) and the Holocene (from ~12 kyr to present) have been estimated. From these volumes, an average denudation rate of ~135 m/Myr was determined in the Tian Shan Range for the last 300 kyr. In agreement with other mass balances performed in the same area, the typical denudation intensity of the northern Tian Shan is thus of a few hundred meters per million years at most, regardless of the space and time scales considered. From a comparison with denudation rates in other mountain ranges throughout the world, we suggest that a dry climate can dramatically limit the denudation intensity even in active orogenic systems with a high topographic gradient like the Tian Shan. As a result, the time required to reach equilibrium between denudation and rock uplift in these systems could be extremely long (i.e. of more than several million years). Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
China's Loess Plateau is located at the edge of the Asian summer monsoon in a transition zone of climate and ecology. In the Loess Plateau, climate and environments change along with space, which has an obvious impact on the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes. Because of scarce land-surface observation sites and short observation time in this area, previous studies have failed to fully understand the land-surface energy balance characteristics over the entire the Loess Plateau and their effect mechanisms. In this paper, we first test the simulation ability of the Community Land Model(CLM) model by comparing its simulated data with observed data. Based on the simulation data for the Loess Plateau over the past thirty years, we then analyze the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes and compare the pattern differences between the area averages for the driest year and wettest year. Furthermore, we analyze the relationship between the spatial distribution of the components of the surface energy balance with longitude, latitude, altitude, precipitation and temperature. The main results are as follows: the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes are significantly different, with the surface net radiation and sensible heat flux increasing from south to north and latent heat flux and soil heat flux decreasing from southeast to northwest. The sensible heat flux at the driest point is nearly twice as high as that at the wettest point, whereas the latent heat flux and soil heat flux at the driest point are half as much as that at the wettest point. The impact of variations of annual precipitation on the components of the surface energy balance is also obvious, and the maximum magnitude of the changes to the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux is nearly 30%. To a certain extent, geographical factors(including longitude, latitude, and altitude) and climate factors(including temperature and precipitation) affect the surface energy fluxes. However, the surface net radiation is more closely related to latitude and altitude, sensible heat flux is more closely related to the monsoon rainfall and latitude, and latent heat flux and soil heat flux are more closely related to the monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   
Simulations of the Regional Climate Model Version 3 (RegCM3) under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario were employed to investigate possible decadal changes and long-term trends of annual mean atmospheric water balance components over China in the 21st century with reference to the period of 1981-2000. An evaluation showed that RegCM3 can reasonably reproduce annual evapotranspiration, precipitation, and water vapor transport over China, with a better performance for March-June. It was found that the water vapor exchange between the land surface and atmosphere would be significantly intensified in Northwest China by the mid-to late-21st century and that the region would possibly shift to a wetter or drought-mitigated state under global warming. Conversely, the water vapor exchange evidently weakened over the Tibetan Plateau and South-west China by the mid-to late-21st century. In addition, there appears to be a drier state for Northeast China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley by the mid-to late-21st century, with slight mitigation by the end compared with the mid-21st century. The westerly and southwesterly water vapor transport over China generally presents an increasing trend, with increasing diver-gence over the Tibetan Plateau and Northeast China, corresponding to a loss of atmospheric water vapor by water vapor transport.  相似文献   
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