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Land use change has a significant effect on water balance, especially in arid region, such as Northwest China. In this paper, we analyze the effect of land use change on water balance in terms of the amount of water supply and demand from economic perspective. It's the first time to extend the basic 48 sectors input-output table to include water and land accounts that involved into multiple production processes for Zhangye city. We then perform the improved ORANI-G model, a single region Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, to analyze the effect of land use change on water balance under three scenarios. Subsequently, scenario-based simulation results are interpreted through selected sectors from agricultural, industrial, and service sectors respectively. Finally, the effect of land use change on water balance is analyzed through the difference between business-as-usual and land use unchanged scenarios. The results show that the extent of effect on water balance is different among sectors. Specifically, from the perspective of absolute value, service sectors are the largest, followed by industrial sectors, and the agricultural sectors are the least. Conversely, in terms of percentage change of land use, the largest extent of effect occurs in agricultural sectors. Additionally, with the rapid urbanization and the development of social economy, water balance in industrial sectors and service sectors will be stricken and reconstructed to a new high level. Simulation results also show that agricultural land shrinking will mitigate water scarcity distinctly, which indicates that balance the relationship among different stakeholders is imperative to guarantee water transformation from agricultural sectors to industrial and service sectors.  相似文献   
Water scarcity is one of the main factors limiting agricultural development in arid or semi-arid areas. Accurate Evapotranspiration (ET) observations and estimations are crucial in water cycle studies to estimate water losses from the terrestrial surfaces to the atmosphere to close the regional water budget. The eddy covariance (EC) method is an important technique measure ET and other land surface energy fluxes. However, the underestimation of energy fluxes and the problem of EC energy balance non-closure are far from solved. In this study, a new method is proposed to account for advection in order to correct EC data under advective environments. This advection based method was applied to data from Bushland, TX, which is subject to dry air and strong winds. Observations from two identical EC systems as well as two precision monolithic weighing lysimeters were used in this analysis. Both EC sites showed significant underestimates of evapotranspiration (ET) compared with lysimeter measurements. The daily energy balance closure for NE01 and SE02 sites were 0.78 and 0.74 respectively. The advection correction method provided improved performance in daytime, and it is more suitable for ET estimate than forcing closure under the advective environment. For nighttime, two methods (NCM1 and NCM2) were proposed to correct EC underestimates. Finally, all the corrected ET values were compared with the lysimeter measurements. For NE01 site, the MAD (mean absolute deviation) and the RMSD (root mean square deviation) were 47.72 W/m2 and 67.66 W/m2, respectively; and the r2 (coefficient of determination) was 0.85. For SE02 site, the MAD and RMSD were 30.59 W/m2 and 44.43 W/m2; and the r2 was 0.93. The statistical measures illustrated that the proposed methods are functional and appropriate under an advective environment. The accurate estimate of actual evapotranspiration will benefit both the strategic planning of optimal water uses and the improved understanding the environmental and hydrological processes.  相似文献   
格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨康 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):101-109
冰盖表面消融是格陵兰冰盖物质平衡的重要组成部分, 已成为近年来格陵兰冰盖研究的热点. 格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究的关键在于理解冰盖融水的产生、 运移和释放等水文过程, 需要解决如下关键科学问题: 1) 冰盖表面产生了多少融水;2)冰盖表面水文系统具有什么特征; 3)冰盖表面融水如何影响冰盖运动; 围绕这些科学问题, 总结了格陵兰冰盖表面消融的研究进展. 冰盖表面消融建模、 冰盖表面湖的信息提取与面积特征变化、 深度反演与体积量算等是目前研究冰盖表面融水量的主要途径, 冰盖表面湖、 冰盖表面径流、 锅穴与冰裂隙等表面水文要素的空间分布规律研究则可用于揭示冰盖表面水文系统特征, 冰盖表面融水与冰盖运动速率的关系、 表面融水进入冰盖内部与底部的水文过程是目前揭示表面融水如何影响冰盖运动的主要手段.  相似文献   
冰川物质平衡线的估算方法   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
崔航  王杰 《冰川冻土》2013,35(2):345-354
冰川物质平衡线高度(ELA)与气候变化, 特别是与气温和降水的变化关系密切, 是重建古气候和反映冰川积累和消融变化的重要代用指标.直接观测方法可以获得较为精准的ELA, 但不能大范围展开.因此, ELA的间接估算方法, 如赫斯法(Hess)、 积累区面积比率法(AAR)、 面积–高程平衡率法(AABR)、 末端至冰斗后壁比率法(THAR)、 终碛到最高峰高差比率法(TSAM)、 侧碛最大高度法(MELM)、 冰斗底部高程法(CF)、 冰川作用阈值法(GT)等, 得到了广泛的发展与应用.然而, 由于受到雪崩或风吹雪补给、 表碛覆盖、 冰川类型和形态等因素的影响, 单一使用某种方法易受到算法本身的限制, 误差较大, 需综合考虑各种算法的适用性和选取参数的差异, 以提高计算的精度, 同时也要考虑到后期构造抬升等的影响.  相似文献   
了解土壤盐分平衡情势对于预警土壤盐渍化和指导农业生态环境调控具有实际意义。从地下水、气候、土壤理化性质和土壤初始盐源状况四方面考虑,构建了半干旱半湿润地区土壤盐分平衡情势的评价指标体系;采用综合指数法,以环渤海低平原区为典型区进行了评价应用。评价结果表明:环渤海低平原区土壤盐分平衡情势“良”级区分布面积占总面积的0.8%,“中”级区26.8%,“差”级区58.9%,“劣”级区13.5%,总体维持土壤盐分平衡的能力较弱。通过效验,评级结果与实际情况基本吻合,证明了评价方法的适用性。  相似文献   
Nutrient and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations were investigated monthly along three transects extending from a mariculture area to open waters around the Zhangzi Island area from July to December 2009. The objective of this study is to illustrate food availability to the bottom-sowed scallop Patinopecten yessoensis under the influences of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM), freshwater input and feedbacks of cultivated scallops. Significant thermal stratification was present in open waters from July to October, and salinity decreased in July and August in surface layers in the mariculture area. Nutrient concentrations increased with depth in both areas in summer, but were similar through water column in November and December. On average, nutrient increased from summer to autumn in all components except ammonia. Nutrient concentrations lower than the minimum thresholds for phytoplankton growth were present only in upper layers in summer, but stoichiometric nitrogen limitation existed in the entire investigation period. Column-averaged Chl-a concentration was lower in open waters than in mariculture area in all months. It increased significantly in mariculture area in August and October, and was less variable in open waters. Our results show that nutrients limitation to phytoplankton growth is present mainly in upper layer in association with stratification caused by YSCWM in summer. Freshwater input and upwelling of nutrients accumulated in YSCWM can stimulate phytoplankton production in mariculture area. Farming activities may change stoichiometric nutrient ratios but have less influence on Chl-a concentration.  相似文献   
夏秋季绿洲荒漠过渡带芨芨草地蒸散及能量平衡特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫人华  熊黑钢  张芳 《中国沙漠》2013,33(1):133-140
以实测气象资料为基础,运用波文比能量平衡法计算绿洲-荒漠过渡带芨芨草的蒸散量,并分析了其蒸散日变化规律及地表能量平衡特征。结果表明:①不同天气条件下的蒸散日变化曲线特征差异显著。晴天因辐射强、蒸散量大,蒸散曲线显示为“高耸”型;由于受云量和降水的影响,阴天曲线呈“平缓”型;雨天曲线则表现为“偏态”型,而平均蒸散曲线变化与晴天较为相似。②随着气候由夏季向秋季转变,早晨蒸散发生和夜间蒸散结束的时间点分别表现出1.73 min·d-1的滞后性和2.02 min·d-1的前移性;同时,蒸散峰值以0.0036 mm·d-1的速度递减。与一些相对叶宽的植被覆盖地相比,芨芨草地蒸散量日际波动幅度较小。③净辐射通量(Rn)、 潜热通量(LE)、感热通量 (H)及 土壤热通量(G)的平均值都表现出较为一致的日循环变化趋势。G/Rn、H/Rn、LE/Rn曲线白天平滑,夜间波动,日出和日落前后波动最为剧烈。潜热占净辐射的58.8%,远大于沙漠、戈壁,而低于绿洲。④晴天波文比(β)日内变化曲线呈明显的下降趋势,平均变化率接近-2%,但日间变化曲线略呈上升趋势,变化率为4.8‰。前者反映了晴天的潜热活动在日内随时间变化而愈来愈强,后者则表明感热活动在夏秋季中随日期的推移而逐渐增强。  相似文献   
草地生态系统具有植被多样性和较大的气候变异性,研究草地的能量平衡特征对认识草地的生态效应具有重要意义。利用开路涡度相关系统和常规气象观测系统的观测结果,运用最小二乘法、线性回归等方法对科尔沁草甸草地2010年生长季能量平衡特征进行了分析。结果表明:科尔沁草甸草地生长季能量闭合比率为80.4%,说明该地存在不闭合现象,且闭合度居于同类观测的中上水平,涡度相关观测数据较为可靠。反射率日变化呈先降后升趋势,中午达到最低值,生长季(5-9月)内在0.040-0.120之间波动,整体也呈先降后升趋势,平均值为0.061。净辐射与太阳辐射的比值为0.386,二者呈线性正相关关系。潜热通量是科尔沁草甸草地最主要的能量支出项,其次是感热通量。各分量日变化与净辐射基本相同,呈单峰型变化,日出后开始增加,中午达到最大值,之后开始减小,峰值及其出现的时间稍有不同。两种典型天气下,各分量占净辐射比例次序与生长季平均情况相同。晴天时各分量与净辐射相同,呈单峰型,而阴天时变化规律均不明显。  相似文献   
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