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极低频电磁探测方法(WEM)是一种新型人工源低频电磁探测技术,目前尚未见极低频电磁探测方法的海区研究,缺少相关经验.为测试WEM在海洋环境中的电磁响应特征,本文将"地-电离层"全空间电磁波传播理论应用到含海水介质的"地-电离层"全空间模型,由地表处数值格林函数出发,利用空气层与海水层界面谢昆诺夫势函数满足的边界条件,推...  相似文献   
The vegetational history of the penultimate glacial period, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 (c. 185–135 ka), has remained relatively unexplored. Here we present a new record from the Ioannina basin, north‐west Greece, which constitutes the highest‐resolution terrestrial pollen record for this interval produced to date. It shows that the vegetation history of MIS 6 in this region can be divided into two parts: an early period (185–155 ka) with pronounced oscillations in tree population extent, and a later period (155–135 ka) with much smaller tree populations and subdued oscillations. This pattern is analogous to the MIS 3/MIS 2 division during the last glacial in the same sequence, although the early part of MIS 6 had larger Pinus populations and fewer temperate trees relative to the equivalent interval in MIS 3. This implies cooler and wetter conditions, which is somewhat counterintuitive given the high summer insolation during MIS 6e, but is in line with other palaeoclimatic evidence from the Mediterranean. Comparison with North Atlantic records suggests that despite the absence of pronounced iceberg discharges during MIS 6, North Atlantic millennial‐scale variability had a significant downstream impact on tree populations in north‐west Greece. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
正20141900Lan Xianhong(Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environmental Geology,Ministry of Land and Resources,Qingdao 266071,China);Zhang Zhixun Geochemical Characteristics of Trace Elements of Sediments from Drillhole SFK-1  相似文献   
正20142093Chen Daohua(Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey,Guangzhou 510075,China);Diao Shaobo The Latest Progress of Geological Marine Testing Technology in China(Rock and Mineral Analysis,ISSN0254-5357,CN11-2131/TD,32(6),2013,p.850-859,105refs.)Key words:chemical analysis,China  相似文献   
The Basic Ocean Law (BOL) and Basic Ocean Plan (BLP) are important guarantee for the maritime strategy of Japan, which has established a complete policy system for the development of marine science and technology. On the other hand, the Japanese Government has started some major marine strategies and plans to promote the BLP. In this paper, the marine science and technology plans launched by the Japanese Government and its participation in the international cooperative research projects were introduced. The research of Japan Marine Science and Technology Center and the University of Tokyo Institute of Oceanography in the long-term planning and focus on the layout features, deep sea research technology layout, contents and advanced equipment were analyzed. At last, some recommendations for China’s development on marine science and technology were proposed, such as strengthening the legislation work and process, carrying out research and development of marine infrastructure with independent intellectual property rights, actively participating in international large-scale ocean plan, improving the discourse right and enhancing national maritime awareness and suggestions and so on.  相似文献   
This paper uses spatial, temporal, and use-intensity data for 27 major marine uses in Washington waters to feature a method for assessing potential use conflicts in a variety of scenarios. The study represents a first step towards quantifying potential conflicts within Washington’s Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) study area by using a cumulative analysis to highlight high- and low-use intensity areas and the novel Marine Potential Conflict Index (MPCI), which incorporates space, time, and intensity of use, to quantify pairwise potential conflicts between uses. About 10% of pairs of uses do not overlap spatially and are likely compatible with one another. Temporally, the number of uses peaks in July and August and falls during January and February. Additionally, the MPCI identified three important use types with a substantial degree of potential conflict: commercial fishing, tribal fishing, and shipping. External data were used in three cases to ground-truth the analysis, as a limited test of its utility in managing any potential conflict. This article assesses the extent of Washington’s existing marine uses along spatial, temporal, and intensity axes, and more broadly provides a straightforward way to examine potential conflicts between marine uses.  相似文献   
以渤海湾沿海低地的QX02孔为研究对象,进行了沉积岩石学分析和底栖有孔虫统计,结合加速器质谱~(14)C测年和光释光(optically stimulated luminescence,OSL)测年,探讨了该孔记录的第Ⅱ海相层埋深和形成时代。第Ⅱ海相层厚度11.4m,记录相对海面高度-26.83~-15.43m。AMS~(14)C年龄表明,Ⅱ海形成于MIS 3早期、甚至更早。OSL年代学研究显示,Ⅱ海样品等效剂量离散度较高,并且主要集中在2个区间,计算得到新、老2个年龄阶段。基于OSL测年原理的常规判断,认为较老的83.5~62.6ka阶段系受曝光不充分组分的影响,通常采用较年轻的51.9~39.9ka阶段为QX02孔的Ⅱ海沉积年龄。但是,较老的一组年龄从新的视角,暗示了可能的原始沉积过程及相应的海侵发生时间,因而具有重要的年代学和沉积学意义。  相似文献   
Across the UK, sandy beaches and dunes protect coastal infrastructure from waves and extreme water levels during large-scale storms, while providing important habitats and recreational opportunities. Understanding their long-term evolution is vital in managing their condition in a changing climate. Recently, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) methods have grown in popularity in geomorphological applications, yielding centimetre-scale resolution images of near-surface stratigraphy and structure, thus allowing landscape evolution to be reconstructed. Additionally, abrupt changes in palaeo-environments can be visualized in three dimensions. Although often complemented by core data, GPR allows interpretations to be extended into areas with minimal ground-truth control. Nonetheless, GPR data interpretation can be non-intuitive and ambiguous, and radargrams may not initially resemble the expected subsurface geometry. Interpretation can be made yet more onerous when handling the large 3D data volumes that are facilitated with modern GPR technology. Here we describe the development of novel semi-automated GPR feature-extraction tools, based on ‘edge detection’ and ‘thresholding’ methods, which detect regions of increased GPR reflectivity which can be applied to aid in the reconstruction of a range Quaternary landscapes. Since reflectivity can be related to lithological and/or pore fluid changes, the 3D architecture of the palaeo-landscape can be reconstructed from the features extracted from a geophysical dataset. We present 500 MHz GPR data collected over a buried Holocene coastal dune system in North Wales, UK, now reclaimed for use as an airfield. Core data from the site, reaching a maximum depth 2 m, suggest rapid vertical changes from sand to silty-organic units, and GPR profiles suggest similar lateral complexity. By applying thresholding methods to GPR depth slices, these lateral complexities are effectively and automatically mapped. Furthermore, automatic extraction of the local reflection power yields a strong correlation with the depth variation of organic content, suggesting it is a cause of reflectivity contrast. GPR-interpolated analyses away from core control thus offer a powerful proxy for parameters derived from invasive core logging. The GPR data collected at Llanbedr airfield highlight a complex dune system to a depth of 2.8 m, probably deposited in several phases over ~700 years, similar to elsewhere in North Wales.  相似文献   
地学断面是指地壳的垂直剖面,主要通过对地质和地球物理资料的综合分析来揭示构造带的性质及其空间关系。横断面的研究所采用的数据基本包括100 km宽区域地质图、上地壳的地质剖面图、重磁图(沿横断面的重磁剖面图)以及地壳的地震波速度、密度和其他地球物理属性的剖面图。这些数据被用于构建综合的数据剖面图(结果图),以展示各种地球动力学条件下(裂谷、海洋、碰撞带、造山盆地、大陆地台和岩浆弧,包括安第斯岛弧、活动大陆边缘、海沟、弧前和弧后盆地)的特定的岩石组构。本项目的研究目标是根据研究区现存的地质和地球物理数据的综合解释,统一图例,建立研究区深部剖面,以确定地体的空间关系及其在板块构造方面的地球动力学性质。 前人已分别对东西伯利亚南部和蒙古境内的多个地体进行了构造划分,并对它们的地球动力学性质和时空关系进行了分析。研究结果显示该系列地体为早古生代、中晚古生代和晚古生代—早中生代的岛弧和微大陆。此外,研究还识别出了中—晚古生代和晚古生代—早中生代安第斯型活动大陆边缘、晚古生代—早中生代被动大陆边缘和早白垩世裂谷。与岛弧和安第斯型活动大陆边缘相关的岩体被推覆至相邻大陆和微陆块上,部分推覆宽度可达150 km。目前已开展泥盆纪到晚侏罗世时期蒙古-鄂霍次克海地区的古地球动力学重建。 “非地槽”型花岗岩类岩浆作用在板块构造方面找到了直接且合理的解释,其中泥盆纪—石炭纪和二叠纪—三叠纪岩浆作用区域对应于安第斯型活动大陆边缘,中—晚侏罗世岩浆作用则与西伯利亚/蒙古-中国大陆板块碰撞有关。碰撞岩浆作用中亚碱性(地幔)元素的存在及其所在的构造区域在很大程度可以说明蒙古-鄂霍次克海闭合后,巨厚大陆岩石圈下曾经发生过持续的大洋裂谷活动(地幔热点)。在早白垩世时期,大陆裂谷活动影响到了同一时期正在发生的大陆汇聚作用。 西伯利亚南部边界大部分具有安第斯型活动大陆边缘性质,这也是蒙古—鄂霍次克缝合线沿线蛇绿岩数量较少的原因。因为当汇聚大陆一个具有安第斯类型的活动边缘,而另一个具有被动边缘时,前者的大陆地壳会最终逆冲到后者之上,并因此破坏掉先前出露的蛇绿杂岩体。部分被破坏的蛇绿岩块是俯冲带保留下来的海山残余,其可能成为增生-俯冲楔体的混沌复合体的一部分。然而,由于快速俯冲作用,这种楔形体在晚二叠世—早侏罗世的积累并不是西伯利亚活动边缘的典型特征。 沿地学断面综合的地质和地球物理资料分析表明,亚洲大陆是在显生宙时期由部分前寒武纪微陆块构造拼贴而成的。前寒武纪地块间存在不同宽度的已变形且剥蚀强烈的显生宙火山弧,它们也被归类为特定地体。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):541-552
The intersection of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) and the Central Basin Rift (CBR) of the West Philippine Basin (WPB) is a relic of a trench-trench-rift (TTR) type triple-junction, which preserves some pivotal information on the cessation of the seafloor spreading of the WPB, the emplacement and disintegration of the proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc, and the transition from initial rifting to steady-state spreading of the Parece Vela Basin (PVB). However, the structural characteristics of this triple-junction have not been thoroughly understood. In this paper, using the newly acquired multi-beam bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic data obtained by the Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, the authors depict the topographic, gravity, and magnetic characteristics of the triple-junction and adjacent region. Calculations including the upward continuations and total horizontal derivatives of gravity anomaly are also performed to highlight the major structural features and discontinuities. Based on these works, the morphological and structural features and their formation mechanisms are analyzed. The results show that the last episode amagmatic extension along the CBR led to the formation of a deep rift valley, which extends eastward and incised the KPR. The morphological and structural fabrics of the KPR near and to the south of the triple-junction are consistent with those of the western PVB, manifesting as a series of NNE-SSW- and N-S-trending ridges and troughs, which were produced by the extensional faults associated with the initial rifting of the PVB. The superposition of the above two reasons induced the prominent discontinuity of the KPR in deep and shallow crustal structures between 15°N–15°30′N and 13°30′N–14°N. Combined with previous authors’ results, we propose that the stress produced by the early spreading of the PVB transmitted westward and promoted the final stage amagmatic extension of the CBR. The eastward propagation of the CBR destroyed the KPR, of which the magmatism had decayed or ceased at that time. The destruction mechanism of the KPR associated with the rifting of the PVB varies along strike the KPR. Adjacent to the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed mainly due to the oblique intersection of the PVB rifting center. Whereas south of the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed by the E-W-directional extensional faulting on its whole width.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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